Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1986 )

  •                                       The Attorney        General of Texas
    July 7, 1986    _
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building
    Mr. William R. Mil:.er            Opinion No. ``-511
    P. 0. BOX 12545
    Austin, TX. 7871% 2548
    Executive Director
    5121475.2501                   Texas School for the Blind        Ret Whether the Texas School for the
    Telex 910/874-1367             1100 West 45th Street             Blind may expend interest earned on
    Telecopier   512,475.0266      Austin, Texas   78;'5;6           proceeds received pursuant to chapter
    362 of the Sixty-ninth Legislature
    714 Jackson, Suite 700
    Dallas, TX. 75202.4506         Dear Mr. Miller:
    You ask whether the Texas School for the Blind may expend interest
    earned ou the proce'edsof a sale or lease which was authorized for a
    4824 Alberta Ave.. Suite 180
    El Paso, TX. 799052793
    certain tract of land and buildings in the city of Austin by chapter
    915/533-3464                   362, Sixty-ninth Legislature.     We conclude that the legislature
    appropriated the proceeds of a sale or lease of the property in
    question to the T:exas School for the Blind but that it did not
    -1        Texas, Suite 700          appropriate intereot earned on the proceeds to the school.
    uston, TX. 77002.3111
    Sections 1 and 3 of chapter 362, Sixty-ninth Legislature, which
    is not codified, provide, in part, that
    806 Broadway, Suite 312
    Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479
    board of directors of the Texas School for the
    Blind, or,behalf of the Texas School for the Blind,
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite S                  may sell .a11 of the state's interest in the real
    McAIIen, TX. 78501.1685                 property described in section 2 of this act for a
    considerc:tion the board considers appropriate or
    may negol:iateand enter into a lease of that.real
    200 Main Plan, Suite 400                property ~811
    the terms and for rental that the board
    San Antonlo. TX. 782052797              considerr:appropriate. . . .
    An Equal Opportunltyl
    to sums previously appropriated for this purpose,
    Afflrmatlve Action Employer              the proceeds from the sale or the rental income
    from the lease of real property authorized by
    section I of this act are appropriated to the Texas
    School for the Blind to be used for the construc-
    tion of a facility for severely handicapped
    The State Fuilds Reform Act formerly was codified as article
    4393c, V.T.C.S., at.dnow is chapter 4 of the Treasury Act, where it is
    codified as srtic,le 4393-1. V.T.C.S.     It requires that funds be
    p. 2347
    Mr.   William H. Miller - Pagl?2   (JM-511)
    deposited in the State Treasury.      Section 4.004 of that act provides,
    in part, that
    (a) Fees, fines, penalties, taxes, charges,
    gifts, grants, donatidns. and other funds collected
    or received by a :state agency under law shall be
    deposited in the treasury, credited to a special
    fund or funds, and subject to appropriation only
    for the purposes1 for which they are otherwise
    authorized to be tarpendedor disbursed. . . .
    (b) Money that is required by this chapter or
    by another law 1:o be deposited in the treasury
    shall be deposit~sd to the credit of the General
    Revenue Fund unless the money is expressly re-
    quired to be depo:r:ited
    to another fund, trust fund,
    or special accomt not in the General Revenue
    Fund. . . .
    In our opinion, the Tezas School for the Blind is a state agency
    within the broad definition provided by section 4.002 of the State
    Funds Reform Act. It also is our opinion that the proceeds of a sale
    or lease authorized by chapter 362 are not within the exemptions
    specified in section 4.00:). See Attorney General Opinions MW-590
    (1982) (discussing meaning of "state agency" and exceptions to State
    Funds Reform Act); MW-454 #:1.982)(discussing exceptions to the act).
    Article 8, section 6, of the Texas Constitution provides that money
    may not be drawn from the treasury unless it has been appropriated by
    the legislature. See Attorney General Opinion V-01 (1947) (proceeds
    from sale of land deposited in treasury and subject to appropriation).
    The legislature specificall:rhas appropriated the proceeds of the sale
    or lease for the construction of a facility by the Texas School for
    the Blind.
    Section 3.042(a) of the Treasury Act, f0rmerl.y article 2543d,
    V.T.C.S., provides that
    (a) Interest received 'from time deposits of
    money in funds and accounts in the charge of the
    treasurer shall be allocated as follows: to each
    constitutional find there shall be credited the
    pro rata portion of the interest received due the
    fund; the remaindrr of the interest received, with
    the exception of that portion required by other
    statutes to be credited on a pro rata basis to
    protested tax payments, shall be credited to the
    General Revenue Pmd.   The interest received shall
    be allocated on a monthly basis.
    p. 2348
    Mr. William H. Miller - Pal;e3   ,(JM-511)
    Since the enactment of article 2543d in 1969, numerous prior
    opinions of this office t.sve determined that interest on constitu-
    tional funds must be credited to the constitutional fund and interest
    on trust funds must be credited to the trust fund. See Attorney
    General Opinions .I?-323 (1985); JM-321 (1985); JM-306 (lm);    JM-300
    (1985); MW-193 (1980); MW-82 (1979); E-1167 (1978); H-1040 (1977);
    M-468 (1969). See also Lawson v. Baker, 
    220 S.W. 260
    (Tex. Civ. App.
    - Austin 1920, writ ref';rj: We conclude, however, that the proceeds
    in question do not constitute trust funds and belong in the treasury
    to the credit of the genertrl.
    revenue fund in compliance with the State
    Fund Reform Act. While no particular words are necessary to create a
    trust, this office stated jr,Attorney General Opinion .JM-300that
    in order to be characterized as trust funds, the
    assets in question should reflect, among other
    things, (1) th2.t they are administered by a
    trustee or trustees, (2) that the assets are
    neither granted to the state in its sovereign
    capacity nor collected for the 'general operation
    of state government, and (3) that they are to be
    spent and invest'rdfor specific, limited purposes
    and for the benef'itof a specific group of indivi-
    The legislature created no special fund for the deposit of the
    proceeds of a sale or lease authorized by chapter 362. It is our
    opinion that the proceeds elfthe sale or lease do not meet the charac-
    teristics of a trust fund tad that interest earned on such proceeds is
    subject to the provisions c'fsection 3.042(a) of the Treasury Act that
    require interest to be crei.itedto the general revenue fund.
    Interest that becomeri a part of the general revenue fund is
    subject to legislative appropriation. Hence, the final issue is
    whether the legislature appropriated .such interest by section 3 of
    chapter 362. We conclude that the legislature did not intend the
    specific *ppropriation of "the proceeds from the sale or the rental
    income from the lesse of rt,slproperty authorized by section 1 of this
    act" to include interest tt.atmay be earned on the proceeds.
    Statutes are interpreted according to the popular meaning of
    the language employed, except where used in a technical sense or a
    contrary meaning is clearly apparent from     the context. In other
    words, the intention of the legislature is determined by the plain and
    ordinary meaning of the lan8usge used. Lawson v. Baker, 
    id., st 268.
    See also National Life Co. v. Stegall, 
    169 S.W.2d 155
    . 157 (Tex.
    Comm'n App. 1943, opinion adopted). Our courts have suggested that it
    may be proper and necessary to consult a dictionary to ascertain the
    meaning of words in statutes. See Board of Insurance Commissioners v.
    174 S.W.2d 326
    , 328 (G.     Civ. App. - Amarillo 1943, writ
    ref'd); Attorney General O]~!Lnion
    H-1277 (1978). While the meaning of
    p. 2349
    Mr. William H. Miller - Pagl?4    (JM-511)
    "proceeds" may depend on the context in which it is used, Black's Law
    Dictionary 1084 (5th ed. 1979) defines it ss money or articles or
    other thing of value arising or obtained by the sale of property and
    the sum. amount, or value of property sold or converted into money or
    into other property.
    The language of the appropriation in section 3 of chapter 362 is
    the same as the language u:sedby the legislature in several other
    recent statutes which authorize the sale of state-owned land. Chapter
    425 of the Sixty-ninth Legislature, 1985, provides
    from the sale of reel property authorized by section
    1 of this act are appropriated, for the fiscal
    biennium ending August 31, 1987, to the Texas Youth
    Commission for the purpose of constructing the Texas
    Youth Commission !;outh Texas Regional Facility in
    Hidalgo County, Teras and/or for repairs or renova-
    tions at the Corsicsna State Home in Navarro County.
    Chapter 561 of the Sixty-eigttthLegislature, 1983, provides
    from the sale of real property authorized by section
    1 of this act are appropriated to the Department of
    Public Safety, and the department may use the
    proceeds to perform the duties and responsibilities
    of the department.
    Chapter 687 of the Sixty-eighth Legislature. 1983, provides
    proceeds from a. conveyance under this Act are
    appropriated to ,:IreTexas Employment Commission
    for use in acquiring other land or for the
    construction or Improvement of the facilities of
    the Texas Employment Conrmission.
    We conclude that the legislature intended its appropriation to
    the Texas School for the Blind in chapter 362 to appropriate the sum
    of money derived from the s,aleor lease of the described property but
    did not intend chapter 362 to also appropriate interest income that
    may be earned on that money.
    Chapter    36'!
    (,     Sixty-ninth   Legislature,
    authorizes the     sale   or   lease of    certain
    state-owned land end appropriates the proceeds
    from the sale or :.easeto the Texas School for the
    p. 2350
    Mr. William H. Miller - Page 5    (JM-511)
    Blind for certain construction. The legislature
    has not appropriated interest in the treasury that
    may be earned cn the proceeds of the sale or
    Very Itruly your
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee,
    Prepared by Nancy Sutton
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 2351

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-511

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1986

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017