Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1986 )

  • .
    The Attorney           General of Texas
    JIM MATTOX                                             June   25,   1986
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building         Mr. Robert c. Lanic!r                       Opinion No.   JM-507
    P. 0. BOX 12546                Chairman
    Austin, TX. 76711. 2546        State Department of Highways and            Re: Whether the Texas Highway
    5121475-2501                      Public Transportation                    Commission may temporarily close
    Telex 9101674-1367
    Telecopier   512/475-0266
    11th and Brazes Streets                     a portion of the Interstate 35E
    Austin, Texas   78X1                        frontage road in Dallas for the
    purpose of allowing an inter-
    714 Jackson. Sulie 700                                                     city "grand prix" race
    Dallas. TX. 752024506
    Dear Mr. Lanier:
    4624 Alberta Ave., Suite 160           You have requ,ested our opinion regarding the authority of the
    El Paso, TX. 79905.2793        Texas Highway Conmission to close temporarily a portion of the
    915a33-3464                    Interstate    35E frontage road in downtown Dallas for the purpose of
    allowing its use f0.can inter-city "grand prix" race on June 19, 20,
    31 Texas, suite 700          and 21, 1987.
    muston, TX. 77W2~3111
    713,2255886                         The Texas Righway Commission is authorized by article 6674w-1,
    V.T.C.S., to "lay cut, construct, maintain, and operate a modern State
    Highway System. .    ." (Emphasis added). In the absence of indica-
    606 Broadway. Suite 312
    Lubbock, TX. 79401-3479
    tion of contrary l&slative   intent, we believe it is clear that this
    606/747-5236                   provision empowers Ithe commission to adopt regulations governing the
    day-to-day operation of the state highway system,    and all portions
    thereof. As the Sr.premeCourt declared in Texas Highway Commission V.
    43M) N. Tenth, Suite S
    McAllen, TX. 76501-1665
    El Paso Building anjlConstruction Trades Council, 
    234 S.W.2d 857
    , 859
    512i@2-4547                    (Tex. 1950).
    [tlhe Stc.tehas created a Highway Commission, and
    2w Main Plaza. suite 400                has placc!dunder its direct and exclusive control
    San Antonio. TX. 76205-2797
    the manaf:ementof its highway system.
    Id. at 859.
       Furtkrmore.      the commission is specifically empowered,
    An Equal OppOtiunityl          inter alia,
    Affirmative Action Employer
    (a). To designate any existing or proposed
    State HighGay, of the Designated State Highway
    System,  or any part thereof. as a Controlled
    Access Mghway;
    (b) .   To deny access to or from any State
    Highway,      presently or hereafter designated as
    p. 2327
    Mr. Robert C. Lanier - Page 2    (JM-507)
    such . . . which may be hereafter duly designated
    as a Controlled Access Highway, from or to any
    lands, public or private. adjacent thereto, and
    from or to any streets, roads, alleys, highways or
    any other public or private ways intersecting any
    such Controlled Access Highway, except at specific
    points designated by the State Highway Commission;
    and to close any such public or private way at or
    near its point of intersection with any such
    Controlled Access Highway;
    Cc). To designate points upon any designated
    Controlled Access Highway, or any part of any such
    highway, at which access to or from such Con-
    trolled Access Highway shall be permitted, whether
    such Controlled Access Highway includes any
    existing State Highway or one hereafter con-
    structed and so designated;
    Cd). To control, restrict, and determine the
    type and extent '~!5access to be permitted at any
    such designated point of access. . . .
    V.T.C.S. art. 6674w-1, subtliv.2(a)-(d). Interstate 35E is clearly a
    "controlled access highway-" Accordingly, the commission is specifi-
    cally authorized "to close any such public . . . way," &,        the
    Interstate 35E frontage road, "at or near its point of intersection
    with" Interstate 35E.    Ii our opinion, the foregoing provisions
    furnish ample authority for the commission to close temporarily a
    portion of the Interstate ?5E frontage road.
    You express concern &about section     185(a) of   article 6701d,
    V.T.C.S., which provides:
    No person sha:.ldrive any vehicle in any race,
    speed competition or contest, drag race or
    acceleration contest. test of physical endurance,
    exhibition of speed or acceleration, or for the
    purpose of making a speed record, and no person
    shall in any manuer participate in any such race;
    competition, contest, test, or exhibition.
    We assume that this statute is limited in application to "highways."
    "Highway" is defined in section 13(a) of article 6701d. V.T.C.S., as
    [t]he entire wid:h between the boundary lines of
    every way publicly maintained when. any part
    thereof is open to the use of the public for
    purposes of vehicular travel.                                  ?
    p. 2328
    Mr. Robert C. Lanier - Page!3      (JM-507)
    If the commission validly ,::Loses a portion of a state highway between
    two specific points, so ~that it is not open to the public, that
    portion so closed ceases during the period of closing to be a
    "highway" for purposes of section 13(a). As a result, section 185(a)
    is not applicable thereto.
    In conclusion, it is our opinion that the Texas Highway
    Commission is authorized to close temporarily a portion of the
    Interstate 35E frontage road In'Dallas for the purpose of permitting
    its use in an inter-city "grand prix" race.
    The Texas Highway Commission is authorized to
    close temporaril:ra portion of the Interstate 35E
    frontage road in Dallas for the purpose of
    permitting its use in an inter-city "grand prix"
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee:
    Prepared by Erik Moebius
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 2329

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-507

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1986

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017