Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1986 )

  •                                The Attorney         General of Texas
    April 28. 1986
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court BulldIng         HonorableDale llama                     opinionNo. JM-487
    P. 0. BOX 12549
    Austln, TX. 78711-2548
    512,4752501                    1st Floor, Courthouse                   KS: Liabilityof a county for the
    Telex 9101874-1387             Cleburne,Texas 76031                    hospital expenses of county non-
    Telecopier 512t475-02S8                                                residentswho commit an offensein
    a differentcounty
    714 Jackqon, Suite 700
    Dallas. TX. 752G2-45oa         Dear Mr. Banns:
    You have requestedour'opiaionregardingthe liabilityof Johnson
    County for the medical expensesincurredby two indigentprisonerswho
    4824 Alberta Ave., Suite 180
    El Paso, TX. 79905-2793
    are not residentsof the county. The two prisonerswere injured by
    915/533.34a4                   law enforcementofficialsIn Hopkins County. You have also informed
    us that the two prisonerswere treatedat the FranklinCountyHospital
    in Mount Vernon and the Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. They
    1001 Texas. Suite 700          were transferred to the Johnson County Jail to await trial on
    Houston. TX. 77002.3111
    aggravated kidnapping charges   instituted by the Johnson County
    District Attorney. Cne of the prisoners is a resident of Dallas
    County and the Dallas County Hospital District and the other is a
    SW Broadway. Suite 312         residentof TarrentCounty and the TarrantCountyHospitalDistrict.
    Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479
    As a preliminaryconsideration , the liabilityof a county for the
    care of Its Indigent sick and prisoners is now governadby article
    4399 N. Tenth, Suite B         4430f, V.T.C.S., and article 104.002 of the Code of Criminal
    McAllen, TX. 785011885         Procedure. However,article443Sf. the IndigentHealth Care Treatment
    512N2.4547                     Act, provides that any health care assistance provided before
    September1, 1986. is governedby the law and practice "in effect at
    2W Main Plus, Sulto 400        the time that assistance[was] provided." See Acts 1985, 69th Leg.,
    Son Antonlo. TX. 78205-2797    1st C.S., ch. 1, S15, at 46, eff. Aug. 29.1985. Consequently,this
    512/225.4191                   act is inapplicableto your request. Article 104.002of the Code of
    CriminalProcedureis a recodification   of severalproceduralstatutes,
    An Equal Opportunltyl
    including articles 1037 and 1040 of the code, which governed the
    AfflrmNlve Action Employer     liability of a county for the care and treatment of indigent
    prisoners. =Code      Grim. Proc. arts. 1037, 1040, zealed by Acts
    1985. 69th leg., ch. 269, II. at 2324, eff. Sept. 1, 1985.
    This office has concludedin two prior opinionsthat the hospital
    districtof which the indigentprisonerIs a resident,rather than the
    county of incarceration, fs liable for the medical care and treatment
    of an indigentprisoner. See AttorneyGeneralOpinionsH-703 (1975);
    M-807 (1971). In.Attorney-cneralOpinionM-870 (1971).the Attorney
    p.   2228
    HonorableDale Hauna - Page 2     (JIG487)
    General consideredthe liabilityof a county for the medical expenses
    of an Indigent prisoner whose residencewas in a hospital district
    which included the county. Although the prisoner was provided'
    services in a hospital located in a second hospital district, the
    the district of the residenceof the indigent
    orisoner . . . is liable for the medical bills
    incurred in his treatment, notwithstandingthe
    fact that he was a prisonerin the custodyof the
    county sheriff, and further notwithstandingthe
    fact that he was treatedoutsidethe boundariesof
    that HospitalDistrict. (Emphasisadded).
    Id. at 5.
       The rationale for this conclusion was that repealed
    articles 1037 and 1040 of the Code of CriminalProceduremust yield to
    the express broad language in section 9 of article IX of the Texas
    Constitution. Sea Tex. Const. art. IX. 19; see also repealed Cede
    Grim. Proc. art8. 1037, 1040; Attorney General Opinion H-703 (1975).
    Thus, we can concludethat the hospitaldistrictsof the residecceof
    each of the two indigentprisonersare liable for the medicalbills.
    The liabilityof a county for the care of its
    indigent prisoners for medical bills incurred
    before September 1. 1985 is governed by fomsr
    articles 1037 and 1040 of the Code of Criminal
    Procedureand article IX, section 9 of the Texas
    Constitution. Ender those provisions, Dallas
    County Hospital District and the Tarrant County
    HospitalDistrict,rather than JohnsonCounty,are
    liable for the medical bills of 'their resident
    indigentprisonersincarceratedin JohnsonCounty.
    AttorneyGeneralof Texas
    First AssistantAttorneyGeneral
    ExecutiveAsslstaht.            General
    p. 2229
    HonorableDale Hanna - Page 3   (JM-487)
    SpecialAssistantAttorney    General
    Cheirman, OpinionCommittee
    Preparedby Tony Guillory
    AssistantAttorney Genaral
    p. 2230

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-487

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1986

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017