Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1986 )

  •                                The Attorney       General of Texas
    JIM MATTOX                                   April 25, 1986
    Attorney General
    Suprame Court Building         HonorableG. Dwaync Pruitt         OpinionNo. m-486
    P. 0. Box 12548                Terry County Attarney
    Audi, TX. 70711.2548           Courthouse                        h3: Whether  a janitorial     service.
    Telex 9101074-1367
    Brownfield,Texae 79316            contract is exempt from the cm-
    Telecopier 512147S-0266                                          petltive bidding requirements          of
    article 2368a.5, V.T.C.S.
    714 JackSon, Suite 700         Denr Mr. Pruitt:
    Dallrs, TX. 752024506
    You ask whel:hrra contractfor janitorialservices is a contract
    for personal services     for purposes of article    2368a.5, V.T.C.S.
    4S24 Alberta Ave.. Suite 160   Before a county may purchase  items under a contract  that will require
    El Paso. TX. 799052793         an expenditure ,J:Emore than $5,000, the conmissioners court must
    91!x33.34S4                    comply with certain competitivebidding requirements. V.T.C.S. art.
    23688.5, 13(a). A contract for "a personal service," however, is
    1001 Taxer. Suite 700          exempt from,thewmpetitive bidding requirements. -Id. §4(4).
    Houston. TX. .F7002-3111
    7lY2235888                            In several Instances this office has determined ss a matter of
    law that a contl'act  was or was not a contract for personal services
    8W Broadway. Suite 312
    for purposes of county purchasing. See Attorney      General Opiuions
    Lubbock. TX. 79401-3479
    Mu-344   (1981);W&530 (1982). The question of whether a contractfor
    SW-7476238                     janitorialservicesIs a contractfor personal services,however, is a
    fact question that deuends on the nature of a aarticular contract.
    See &bin v. CoJlin County Commissioners'Court, 
    651 S.W.2d 55
    , 56
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite B
    HcAllsn. TX. 7BSWlSBS
    (Tex. App. - Dallas 1983, no writ). We cannot enswer fact questions
    512fSS24S47                    in the opinion process, but ve can set out guidelines for you to use
    in   determining whether the contract in question Is a contract for
    personal servlce:3*
    200 Main Piu*   suits 400
    San Antonlo. TX. 782052797
    In construingthe phrase "personalsewices" for the purposes of
    another statute, the Texas SupremeCourt concludedthat "services"and
    "personal serviceb" are not coextensive. Van Zandt v. Fort Worth
    An Equal Opportunity/          pscss. 
    359 S.W.2d 893
    (Tex. 1962). Someone who claims to have
    AffIrmalIve Actlon Employer    rendered"persoasl services"must have performed the serviceshimself.
    The claiment'sc:u~ployees,  in contrast,my have rendered "services."
    If the contract you ask about requires a specific person to perform
    janitorialservices. it is a contract for person61 services. If the
    contract   merely requires a person or a corporationto provide persons
    who will perform jsn%torlal services, It is net a concrsct for
    personal services.
    p. 2226
    Eonorabh   C. Dwayne Pruitt   - Paga 2    (JM-486)
    The question of whether  a contract for jani-
    torial services :Ls a contrnct for        personal
    services for    pwzposes of     article 2368n.5,
    V.T.C.S., Is a Esct question. If n specific
    person is required to perform the services,it is
    n contractfor pn,sor``l  services. If the contract
    merely requires that someone perform jsnitorial
    services,  it is not a contract for personal
    Very truly yours/ 1
    d/l    -l-t
    A;,     /kJm
    AttorneyGeneral of Texas
    First AssistantAttorneyGeneral
    ExecutiveAssistant    Attorue!f
    Special Assistant    AttorneyGt!ueral
    Chairman.Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Sarnh    Woelk
    AssistantAttorney     Genernl
    p. 2227

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-486

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1986

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017