April 22, 1953 Bon. Robert s . Calvert Opinion IW. S-32 Comptroller of Public Accounts Capitol station Rer Applicability of the Austin, Texas -noa-communistoath required by H.B. 21, 53x4 Legi+?Ja~e, to services by doctors, 1avyers, e~agineers, architects, skilled services, labor, statutory vitness fees in criminal cases, payment of ex- pert vltnesses, pay- ment for assistance in lav enforcement, coo~rative projects administered by other agencies, constitu- tional salaries of State Officers and per diem of members Dear Sir: of the Legislature. We have your request for an opinion on the ap- plicability of the follovlng provision of Bouse Bill Hum- her 21, Acts of the 53rd Legislature, 1953: "plofunds of the State of Texas shall be paid to any person as salary or as other compenaatlon for personal services unless and until such person has filed vith the payroll clerk, or other person by vhom such salary or coxpensatioE Is certified for pay- ment, an oath or afflmation'stating: . . ." You asked specifically: "1. professional ,services,such was doctors, lavyers, engineers, architects, etc.? I. Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 2 (S-32) "2. Skilled services to build, to repair, or to service contracts which are for labor only? "3. Statutory servfce8, witness fees in criminal cases, expert vitnesses, pay- ment of services for law enforcement, under- covers-work,etc.? "4. Cooperative projects; varrants drawn to reimburse Federal and State agen- ties, or Its subdivisions or compact com- mlssions for salaries or personal services? "5. Constitution of sal,ariessuch as executive officers of the State government and per diem from members of the State Legis- lature?R The oath required by H. B. 21 Is In part as follows: "1. That the affiant is not, and has never been, a member of the,_CommunistParty. . . ; and "2. That the afflant is not, and dur- ing the preceding five year period, has not been, a membee of any organization, assocla- tion, movement, group or combination which the Attorney General of the United States, acting pursuant to Executive Order No. 9835, March 21, 1947, 12 Federal Register 1935, has designated as totalitarian, fascist, communist or subversive, . . . and "3. That the affiant is not, and, dur- ing the preceding five year period, has not been, a member of any 'Communist Political Organixation' or 'Communist Front Organlxa- tion' registered under the Federal Internal Securlt Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C.A., sec. 781, etseq..3 ...n In answer to your first and second questions, it is our opinion that the above provisions do apply to salary and compensation paid to doctors, lawyers, en- gineers and arhhitects, and to skilled craftsmen and laborers, If their services are rendered in the capacity Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 3 (S-32) of employees; and zot as fndependent-cuntraators. , There Is no exclusfve rule~,by,vhlch lnde- pendent contractors and employees~may be dlfferentl- ated. Qenerallg; .hoveveer;the relations are ~dls- tinguiahe&by-the qxtent'of.'thecontrol which the . +st~lossr~ex.ercises``over the,emolosee in the manner in-vhich he performs his vork.- C&uth v. Valley Ready-nix Concrete Co., 221 i3.W.a 564 (Tex. Civ. App. 1949, error ref.r "An independent contractor is any person vho, in the pursuit of an lnde- pendent business, undertakes to do a specific piece of vork for other persons, using his own mfans and methods, without submittlna himself to their control In respect to all Its details." Shannon v. Western Indemnity, 257 S.W. 522,324 (Comm. App. 1924). But each case mnst be based on its ovn facts. In ansver to your third question, It is our opinion that the above provlslon~ do not apply to statutory witness fees in crlmainalcases, nor to com- pensation paid by the State to expert vitnesses since these fees are clearly not for personal services, but are to reimburse the vltnesses for their expenses. It IS our opinion that the above provisions do apply to payment for special and undercover services in lav enforcement If the services are performed in the capacity of an employee. Your fourth question 1s too broad and general to be answered specifically. However, we vi11 be glad to ansver opinion requests based on any Individual agency or fact situation. In ansver to your fifth question, it is our opinion that the above provisions do not apply to con- stitutionally fixed salarles of State Officers, nor to the constitutionally fixed per diem of members of the State Legislature, since such constitutional provisions are self executing and exclusive. We are In no vay passing upon the constitutlon- ality of the above Act. -. .. Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 4 (S-32) Then "nOn-B@T?erd3W" oath,required b,yH.B; 21, Acts,of,the 53ra L+gislature, 1953, appliesto State ,funds paid for services by~doctors; lawyers, engineers, architects, skilledzcraftsmen and laborers, and for.speclal and undercover Service0 in law enforcement; if such~servlces are ren- dered ia the capacity of an employee and not asan lndependent~contrsctor. The 'non-subversive" oath doe6 not apply to statutory vitaes8 fees In crlm- lnal cases, nor to compensation paid by the State to expert witnesse~s,uor to the constitutionally fixed salaries of State Officers, nor the constitutionally fixed pxr3Wxro``~St* Mgtslators. Yours very truly, JOHN BEN SREPPERD APPROVBD: Attorney General
Document Info
Docket Number: S-32
Judges: John Ben Shepperd
Filed Date: 7/2/1953
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017