GENEWAI; December 22, 1952 Hon. Joseph C. Ternur bpinion no. v-1562. County Attorney San Patrlclo County Re: Cont3tltutlonalltydf Slntoa, Texas SubbaectLonl(a), Section a;Article a27a, v.P.c., relating to vehicle speed limits when ‘specialhazards Dear Sir: exl8t. Pou have requested o? thlr office an o inion concernin& the conrtitutionalltyof Subsection 1Pa) o? Section a,Article 827a, Vernoa’8 Penal coqe, which relates to motor vehicle.apeed lliiltsunder cfrcum- stancerr~wherespecial harards exist. The provis,lon In Quecrtlonreads a0 fqllows: “Ho pereon shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a apeed greater than is reaeonable and prudent under the conditions then existing, having regard to the actual and potential hazards when ‘approaahlngand crossing an inter#ectioaor & railway grade crossing; rhen approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill orem!, when traveling upon any narrow or vlndlap roadway, or when special hazard exist8 with respe.ct’to pedestrians or other trafillcor by reaoon of weather or high- swayconditiona;;and in every event, speed shall be 80 controlled as may be necessary to av’old collldlng with any pereon, vehicle, or other conveyance on or entering the highway in com- pliance with legal requirenentrland the duty bf all persotisiibuse -due care.” Section 8 of Article &‘?a, V.P.C., was re-enacted and amended by the 52nndLegislature as H. B. 458, ch. 346, p. 589, and it appears to be the Leglslature~s,lnost reoent expreeslon respecting the,regulatlonof highway traffic. Apparently It ruperaedesSection 51 of Ar- ticle 670ld, V.C.S., the Uniform Traffic Code prohibition against reckless driving, a part of which was held un- conetitutionalon the gound of uncertainty in Rx parte . . Hon. Joseph C. Ternua, page 2, (v-1562). 153 Tex. Crlm. 52,
217 S.W.2d 673(1949). kik9-Fa the nature of the problem with which we are oonfrcgtedhere. Although a penal law will be declared void ii It la framed In such an obscure or Indefinitefashion that it cannot be readily understood (Tex. Conat. Art. I, Sec. 10; Art. 6, V.P.C.), the framera of the statute may employ general terslinologyIf It Is lntellIgIbleto peraona of ordinary Intelligence. Such a statute doea not have to spell out all of the ways In wkilchthe offense can be committed. Ex Da Tex. Crlm. 636, 218 S'.W.1042 (1 143 Tex. Crlm. 9, 156:S.li.2d531 rule was stated thus: I "A pe'naiatatkte is aufflklentlycertain, although,I$m&y use general terms, if the offenre la 80 'definedas to 'conveyto a person of ordlnaryIn~tellIgence an adequate deacriptlon of th$ 'evilor mlechlef Intended to be prohibited. . . . Statutes vhlch~attempt'``'deflne crltinal offenses in connectionwith the ~operatlonof motor vehicle8 might be said to'fall Into two general categolrlea.One type sets forth a aort of blanket prohlbltIon,dealgn'ed to cover numerous sltuatI?nsin which the exact nature of the culpable conduct cannot be precisely deacrlbed be- fore It occura, as, for example, "reckless driving." Several Texas wenal statutes of this type have been declared void ?or unceirtainty.Ruseeli-v. .State.88 Tex; cdm. 512, 228 s.w..566 (11)B): Ladd v. State, 115 Tex. Crlm. 355,:27 S.W.2d 1908 (l#Or % parte Chernoalq, LIuprB. Other euch regulatory measures attempt to describe the epeclflc acts which are Intended to be prohibited,and atatutee of thle type have been more favorably received by the courts than those described In the preceding paragraph. The,proviaIonunder consldera- tlon here appetia to.fall Into this latter category. A eimIlar statute prohlbltltig motorlats from driving In excess of 5 reasonable and proper:speed, "having regard to $he width, traffic a@ uae~of .thehighways and the Hon. Joseph C.~Te&aii:page 3~, (V-1562,). ' clalo~a"~wh~ch;:q``d~e`` the salldlty'of::AFt.``f~.aL27a, ~Sectlon8, V.p;C'.."ae 'it retids:‘$&fa~.. ‘Bowt,3&i '&$lcEJe 794; V*P';C.,~.Bbr6iwita.r&pa&l'Bj'``e.iprovuaian.rifrder,~ conslde$``$~n~h~ce;:bl+z!i$ng "al~.~otor,a~'ic2ee",ga~,a- lng each other"~.fo.'redi~e"thei+ speed-to,f9 %eg&'&les per hour, wallupheld over the objection that the quoted Taken as a whole, Article 8i7a,'&&iOn'8,' V.P.C.) Is an attempt to establish various maximum epeed limit8 for motor vehicles oper&tIng under all coricelvable driving conditions. Subaactlon l(a), with which we are speclflcallyconcerned here, '&ale with the operation of vehlclea under clrcumetanceewhere special hazards exist, and the speoI+,``ga~s vh$@thq framare of the Act had in mlnd,are,apel``&-opt:j& detail;‘ The speeg llmlts in thlb-partld````"``ba~ctlo~'``~,not I+$ forth in term of miles per 'ho& i&i rathek-'by 'the stUdard.'of'what la reasonable and prudent under the clrcninstaaeea. However, subsection l(b) prescribes deflnlte mll~e per hour speed llmlta for different types of vehIC&es opera- ting under normal conditions, "where no epeclal hazard exists that re uires lower speed for compliance with subsectionl(a7 of this section." In other words, aub- section l(b) authorizes a motorist to drive his automobile at the rate of sixty miles per hour on an open highway . . - Hon. Joseph C . Ternua, page., ~4,,(V;l2@).. under normal daylight,operating .oudltloqs,, but subsection l(a) requires that he reduce. ~hle ?$eed In ajreagonable and prudent manner.~when he approaches,a;hataid :nuchan a curve,,‘the crest of ‘a hill, qr;aii..Intereet&on,,. _:/-‘I ~’ xt is dirriqult to p~Bdict:‘ir~at.-:8~tl``‘thi appellate courts. :will~ take with .,r6@ecli' to any given penal statute which has ‘been~attached a@ vague,.and IndeflalteF~ Such lava are frequeri%ly &all,enged on” this ground, an\f.‘eachcase a&ems,to;,Y,&adl:‘on Its own merits. However, It lr Important’ to ‘note that’the nature of the offense created Is always of vita& lm- j=iai& sufficiently, defInlte:& ‘I&rlod of lf;e,,,. peraopr or average’lnteP1Igence of,++e‘Ii.,,$ible: aetq” it creates; If~:.jjrovIde .a.. somewhat ,J ., ~. ; ‘fIeqlb~i.,sfiazju$@~ but fin ‘the field’of’tr fig regulation,abgolute~’ and lnflexlble +?+aa``ds, are”not.alirayapq#aIble:and ecld pratitlcable anddealrabIe. -ft.‘ls th@@fi$*e our oplni that Article 827a. Section a, .SubaectIob’~l(a), v2.c: .~T,‘,‘. .-.: W.idi 827;; ‘seotioq.;J8;&&&&&. l(k), Y.P.C., ekitablIf+hlng:~ f.1ta;‘rbr epeebl..lI motor vehldleq ope~atlng.underi%@d ,tiona: ,, j_-, _A..,, .,! ,.~ : ” -, ..‘I.,~ / /. ,’ I:. ‘_ :’ ‘I ‘. ::’ i: AL Bon. Joseph C. Temua, page 5, (v-1562). where special hazards exist, describes with sufficient certainty'the,orfensethat It Is intended to prohibit and therefore 1,s constltutlonal. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DAHIEL Wllllam S. Lott 'AttorneyQeneral &ate Affairs Division Mary Kate Wall caL+ B&.4&3&. heviewing AsslQtant BY. Calvin ~B.Garwood, Jr. Charles Di Xathewa .’ Asslatant &rat Assistant ,~ cbg/mlh
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1562
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017