Hon. Homer Garrison, Jr., Director Texas Department of Public Safety Austin, Texas ' Opinion No, V-1546. Re: Action under Section 17 of Article 6701h, V.C.S.. when a driver's license Is suspended under Sec- tfon 22 of Article 6687b, Dear Colonel Garrison: v,c.s, In your recent request for an opinion of thFs office, you ask the following question: "When the Department of Public Safety, pursuant to the authority granted in Sec. 22 of Article 6687b, suspends a license after recefvfng a report from the court of an affirmative finding by the court on behalf of the Department, Is thfs such a suspension or revocation of a lfcense of any person 'upon receiving record of a conviction or a for- feiture of balls as to require the Department of Public Safety to suspend the registration for all motor vehicles regfsterjedin the name of such person as requfred by Set, 17(a) of Article 6701h, V.C.S;?" Subdivisfon (a] of Se,ction17, Article 6701h, V,C.S., reads; "Whenever the Department, under any law of this State9 suspends or revokes the license of any person upon recefvfng record of a con- vi:ctionor a forfeiture of bail, the Department shall alao suspend the registration for all motor vehfcles registered in the name of such person, except that the Department shall not suspend such regfetration, unless otherwise requfred by law, if such person has previously g%ven or shall immetliatelggive and thereafter lion;Homer Garrison, Jr., page 2 (Opinion go. V- 1546). . maintain proof:of financial responsibility with respect to all motor vehicles registered by such person." Subdivision (a) of Section 22, Article 6687b, V.C.S., reads: $ '(a) When under Section 10 of this Act the Director believes the licensee to be incapable of safely operating a motor vehicle, the Director may notify said liceneee‘of such fact and summons him to appear f,orhearing as provided hereinafter. Such hearing shall be had not less than ten (10) days after notification to the licensee or operator under any of the provlsions of this Section, and upon charges in writing a copy of which shall be given to said operator or licensee not less than ten (10) days before said hearing. For the pur- pose of hearing such cases jurlsdictlon Is vested In the mayor of the city, or judge of the police court, or a justice of the peace in the countg or subdivision thereof where the operator or licensee resides, Such dourt may admlhister oaths and may Issue subpoenas for the attendanCe of witnesses and the ljroductlonof relative books and papers. It shall be the duty of the cqurt to set the matter for hearing upon ten (10) days written notice to the Department. Upon such hear- ing, in the event of an affirmative finding by the court, the officer who presides at such hear- ing shall report the same to the Department which shall have authority to suspend said lloense for a period not greater than one (1) year;provided, however, that in the event of such affirmative finding the llcensee~may appeal to thencounty court of the counti wherein the hearing was held, said appeal to be tried de novo. Notice by registered mail to address shown on the license of licensee shall constitute service for the pur- pose of this Section.” The word “conviction” Is the key tb the answBp to the question you present concerning ArtLcle 670213. By Hon. Hager.Garrison, Jr., page 3 (Opinion No. V-15466), the wording of Section 17, the Department is authorFBed to suspend the registration of motor vehloles of a licensee,if it has first suspended or revoked the license of the llaensee upon receipt of a record of conviction or a forf'eltureof bail of the llcezisee. The term "conviction" ordinarily refers to the determination of the nuilt of a parts in a erlmiaal..DSPo- ceeding before a judicial tribunal. -SnoBgrass v. St&&,
150 S.W. 162(Tex.Crlm. 1912); Hill v. Si%&, 41-53 (1874). In Snodgress v, State, the Court uoted,the definition for conviction given In 9 Cgq: 865, as f'ollaara: I# e In 9 Cyc, 865, the general ?ee,i"li$on of the word 'conviction'.is given as: finding of a person guilty,by a verdict of a jury; that legal prqceeding of record which as- certains the gullt,of the party, and upon which the sentence of judgment is founded.'" Conviction in its most extensive sense signifies given against a cfitilnal. A search of Texas ca;%c,elot~erpretib,g the wol?d "convlctionn BhoWS that the word has been defined as the finding of a person guilty In a crimitialjudicial hearing, the judgment entered in a criminal judicial proeesdinq,,and the pronouncement of sentiencein a crimloal dudiceal proceeding, It is our opinion that the word convictfon" Is used in Article 6701h in tha! ordinary sense of a conviction In a e&-fmfnalproceeding. Ro Texas case Indicates that the term Includes-fact findings '&$oF* aq admitifstratfveoffieelr- It should be noted that in Section 22 of Article 6687b, the officer or court condustfng the hearing act,8in an adminiU&?a%ive~ eapaelty iq,making the "afffrmat,ivefinding" upon whleh the Dewartment of Public S&e%Y ~usw``ndIs the liaeaae. carpSaon, 248 S.W.26-241 (TexOClv.App. 1952). Pr$.nce'v~> wage shows that the LsgUGatuFe did n& cot%d&-"ea:h ac$fon under SeoiXoa 2s of Ar)i~l:@ 66%~ Thus It is evident utier subdlvigion (a) of Section 17, Article 6701h, that the DepasWent is M suspend registration only where the lloeneee has b&en found gulliq in 6 criminal judlalal proceeaing an4 the Deparfment hare received reoozff therear. The a&Ion of awpenstorr abi& f&e Dspw@mmt is autho*ized to perf’orm under SactZon 22 0. &&lcle 6687b is based upon the outcome of an BrttiQiatrative proaeedipg, not a criminal fudba-ial prooeebl This sect$oa of AzWoLcle2. 687P-fwou d ie%pWion under subdivision 1~1.
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1546
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017