Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1952 )

  •                                August   29, 1952
    Hon. Homer Garrison.   Jr., Director
    Texas Department  of Public Safety
    Austin, Texas                      Opinion No, V-1521
    Re:   Authority of Texas ,Depart-
    ment of Public Safety to use
    appropriated    funds for finish-
    ing north wing of new head-
    Dear    Sir:                                  quarters   building.
    You have requested an opinion of this office concerning
    the expenditure   of certain funds appropriated    fur placing in opera-
    tion The Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility       Act, House Bill 219.
    Acts 52nd Leg.. R.S. 1951. ch. 498, p- 1210. In order to properly
    understand the question presented,it     is necessary   to discuss the
    background    material  leading to the facts out of which your ques-
    tion arises.
    Senate Bill 439, Acts 51st Leg., R.S. 1949, ch, 439, p0 882,
    authorized   the Texas Department    of Public Safety to construct a
    new building to house the various divisions    of that department.   In
    letting the contracts for this new building.consideration    was given
    to the normal expansion of the divisions and sections of the De-
    partment. but you state:
    D 0 D No provision was made for the inclusion
    of finished space for additional sections or divisions
    of the Department,      except there were excavated areas
    in the unfinished parts of the north and south wings of
    the building on the basement level.       These areas were,
    of course, inclosed by walls and roof. but with dirt
    floors.    No provision was made for the installation     of
    electrical   lines, telephone lines, plumbing facilities,
    heating, ventilation,    or cooling. as it was apparentat
    the time that this section of the building would not be
    Subsequently,   in order to comply with House Bill 
    219, supra
    it became necessary      to establish a Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsi-
    : bility Division of the Texas Department      of Public Safety,and it is your
    desire that this division be provided space in the new building.       In
    order to provide this space,it will be necessary      to finish a part of the
    ,   :
    Hon. Homer    Garrison,    Jr., page 2      (V-1521)
    north wing of the building. which is now unfinished.   The division
    in question is now being housed in the Department    of Public Safety
    Headquarters    Building at Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas.     Your ques-
    tion arises  out of an attempt to secure funds with which to perform
    this necessary   finishing work.
    As originally  introduced.House     Bill 
    219, supra
    , provided
    that the act was to become effective       on September-l.         and
    $300,000 was appropriated       for defraying the expenses of opera-
    tion from the effective date to August 31. 1952. House Journal,
    52nd Leg.. R.S. 1951, pm 3133. Subsequently,the        Act was amended
    so that the effective date was changed to January 1, 1952. but the
    appropriation   for the first year of operation remained the same.
    Senate Journal, 52nd Leg.. R.S, 1951, p. 1364. The effect of this,’
    you state, is to provide $100,000 in excess of the actual operating
    expenses of the Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility          Divisionwhich
    could be used in providing quarters       for the division in the newbuifd-
    ing. Concerning     the use to be made of this money you state:
    0 0 D This money, of course, will not be used to
    construct a building to house this division but to finish
    the unfinished section referred    to in the north wing of
    ‘the building by providing lighting, plumbing, heating,
    cooling and by the construction   of a floor and the neces-
    sary partrtrons.”   (Emphases   ours.)
    The appropriating     portion   of House     Bill   
    219, supra
    ,   is Sec-
    tion 37, which provides:
    ‘There   is hereby appropriated       out of the Opera-
    tor% and Chauffeur’s       License   Fund such money as
    may be necessary       for the purpose of defraying       the
    expenses of this Act through the biennium ending
    August 31. 1953. not to exceed the sum of Three Hun-
    dred Thousand Dollars        ($300.000) for the fiscal year
    ending August 31, 1952 and not to exceed the sum of
    Two Hundred Thousand Dollars           ($200,000) for the
    fiscal year ending August 31, 1953. So much money
    as is necessary     to administer    this Act shall be used
    for the employment       of necessary    clerical   and admin-
    istrative  help and for defraying      the necessary     ex-
    penses incident to travel, rental and any judicial hear-
    ings relative to court review, and including the print-
    ing of all necessary     forms required      be this Act, and
    including the purchase through bids taken by the Erd
    of Control of all necessary      furmture.     fixtures and
    Hon. Homer     Garrison,      Jr., page 3        (V-1521)
    equipment of any,nature;       provided the number of
    employees     and the salaries    of each shall be con-
    sistent with the number of employees         and the sal-
    aries~ of each as ,fixed by the Legislature       in the
    Biennial Departmental      Appropriation     Bill ,for like
    service.   The Director     of the Department      shall
    prepare   a budget covering operations       through Au-
    gust 31, 1953, and submit the same for ~approval of
    the Legislative     Budget Board and no warrants         may
    be issued by the Comptroller        until the same shall
    have been approved.       Such budget~shall be itemized.”
    (Emphasis    ours,)
    Although not controlling.    we do think it significant to
    note that in accordance    with the provisions   of Section 
    37, supra
    the Department ~of,Public Safety presented to the Legislatimd-
    ‘get Board for its approval the proposed budget of the Department
    on November    1, 1951. The Legislative     Budget Board, composed of
    Lt. Governor   Ben Ramsey. Chairman.        Speaker Ruben Senterfitt,
    Vice-Chairman,     Senators Howard A. Carney. Jimmy Phillips,
    Gttis E. Lock. and Keith Kelly, and Representatives        Jim Lindsey,
    Albert  Jones, Ray Kirkpatrick,     and W. H. Rampy. approved the
    budget, one item of which provides      as follows:
    ‘“That adequate quarters    and facilities   may be
    provided for the Safety-Responsibility        Division in
    the new Headquarters     Building for the Department
    of Public Safety. now under construction,        as author-
    ized by Senate Bill 439. Regular Session. 51st Legis-
    lature. the Department     is authorized   to supplement
    the aforementioned    building fund in the amount of
    $100,000 from the funds appropriated        for the fiscal
    year ending August 31. 1952, by House Bill 219, passed
    by the Regular Session of the 52nd Legislature.’
    Thus, it is to be ,seen that the Legislative   Budget Board, composed
    of members    of the 52nd Legislature    which enacted House Bill 
    219, supra
    , undoubtedly construed the enactment as authorizing        the ex-
    penditure .of the $IOO.OOO.OO in question for the purpose of provid-
    ing adequate office space for the Safety-Responsibility     Division in
    the Headquarters    Building of the Department    of Public Safety.
    It being fundamental that money may be withdrawn from
    the State Treasury    only under a specific appropriation.1 the, sole
    l/   Article   VIII,   Section   6, Texas   Constitution.
    Hon. Homer      Garrison.   Jr.. page 4     (V-1521)
    question is whether Section 37 contains language which permits
    the use of the funds appropriated    for the purposes    stated in your
    opinion request.   It is well settled that no particular    form of
    wording is required    to make an appropriation,and      all that is
    necessary    i authority for the expenditure   and specification     of
    the purpose.
    A reading of the appropriating     section of the Motor
    Vehicle Safety-Responsibility   Act reveals     that the appropriated
    funds may be used to purchase     “fixtures ,and equipment of any
    nature.*    The term “fixture” has been often defined in the law.
    It is said to be a general ruIe with regard to fixtures that things
    personal   in their nature which are fitted and prepared      to be used
    with real estate, and ar’e essential   to its beneficial  enjoyment,
    become part of the soil and pass with it under a deed of convey-
    ance, provided they are once annexed to the land and continue to
    be so used.3
    In Hutchins V* Masterson.     
    46 Tex. 551
    (1877). the court
    defined   the term as follows:
    “The word ‘fixture’ if a legal term, which Lord
    Campbell   seems to doubt, it is universally conceded,
    is, as a substantive term, of modern origin.   . . .
    “It is said, the weight of modern authorities
    establish the doctrine that the true criterion   for
    determining     whether a chattel has become an im-
    movable fixture, consists in the united applica-
    tion of the following tests:
    “~1st. Has there been a real or constructive
    annexation of the article in question to the realty?
    “2d. Was there a fitness or adaptation of such
    article to the uses or purposes  of the realty with
    which it is connected ?
    “3d. Whether or not it was the intention of the
    party    making the annexation that the chattel should
    2/ National Biscuit Co. v. State, 
    134 Tex. 293
    135 S.W.2d 687
    @40);   Pickle V* Finley, 
    91 Tex. 484
    44 S.W. 480
    3/ Citizens’ Nat. Bank of Abilene v. Elk Mfg. Co., 
    29 S.W. 2d
    1062 (Tex. Comm. App. 1930).
    Hon. Homer    Garrison,   Jr., page 5    (V-1521)
    become a permanent accession      to the freehold?
    -7 this intention being inferable  from the nature
    of the article, the relation and situation of the
    parties interested,  the policy of the law in re-
    spect thereto, the mode of annexation, and the
    purpose or use for which the annexation is made.”
    The tests set out in the Hutchins case have been applied
    in Texas and other jurisdictions     many times.    As a result, there
    are decisions dealing with almost every type of property which
    can become fixed to the realty in such a manner as to become a
    part of the realty and hence a ‘“fixture.”     We,therefore,mustlook
    to these cases with particular    .regard to the items which you
    enumerate    in your letter to determine   if those items come with-
    in the legal definition of “fixture’ as that term is used by the
    Legislature    in Section 37 of House Bill 
    219. supra
    It has been held that wiring which is used to convey elec-
    tricity into a building is so attached to the realty as to become a
    part thereof.4    Based upon the reasoning    of the decisions with re-
    gard to those materials     necessary  to provide lighting for a build-
    ing, it becomes    obvious that wiring and other materials    which are
    placed in a building so as to provide proper lighting are fixtures
    within the le,gal definition of that term.   They are ordinarily   placed
    in the walls or attached to the real estate in such a manner as to
    necessitate    damage both to them as well as to the real property
    in any attempt to remove the lighting facilities     from a building.
    Plumbing,  when installed in a building. has been held to
    be a fixture and to become a part of the real estateo5 We think it
    is necessary   to apply this general holding to the fact situation pre-
    sented here and on the basis of the reasoning     of the decisions   hold-
    ing that plumbing is a fixture, reach the conclusion that the term
    as used in Section 37 includes the plumbing necessary       to finish the
    north wing of the new building for the Department      of Public Safety.
    4/ Keating Implement & Machine Co. v. Marshall         Electric
    Lighrand   Power Co., 
    74 Tex. 605
    . 12 SW. 489 (1889).
    5/ Johnson v0 Pacific Land Co., 84 Ore. 356, 
    164 P. 564
    (1917r In this case the court determined     that the pipes and other
    materials   necessary  to supply water to a building were fixtures
    based upon: first, an annexation to the realty; second. their adap-
    tation to use in the building; and third. the implied intention to
    make the annexation permanent,      See also. Annotation 
    81 A.L.R. 1440
    Hon. Homer     Garrison,   Jr., page 6       (V-1521)
    There are numerous decisions       to the effect that the an-
    nexation of heating apparatus    to the realty causes it to become a
    part of the realty.  Similarly,   a unified heating plant knstalled in
    a building is considered   to be a permanent     part of it.   It has al-
    so been held that the installation   of pipes and other equipment
    used to convey the gas from a utility company’s        line to the stoves,
    plates, and water heaters in a house makes those pipes and other
    equipment fixtures and a art of the realty in the absence of some
    contract to the contrary.
    Air conditioning equipment has been held to be a fixture
    which, when installed in a building, becomes a part of the realty.8
    Similarly,   it has been held in numerous cases that structures      and
    improvements,      in the nature of paving, platforms, and flooring,   are
    fixtures and become a part of the realty.9
    Based upon these authorities,    we find that property neces-
    sary to provide lighting, plumbing, heating, cooling. and to con-
    struct floors and necessary    partitions, are fixtures and when af-
    tached to the real property become a part thereof.       We.therefore.
    conclude that the items which you enumerate       in your request are
    within the term “fixtures and equipment of any nature” as con-
    tained in Section 37 of House Bill 
    219, supra
    . and consequently        the
    funds appropriated   in that section are appropriated    for the pur-
    poses for which you intend their use.
    The Department   of Public Safety may use the
    funds appropriated  in Section 37 of H.B. 219, Acts
    52nd Leg.. R.S. 1951, ch. 498, p. 1210, for the pur-
    pose of finishing an unfinished section in the north
    6/ Young v. Hatch, 
    99 Me. 465
    59 A. 950
    (1905); Capeheart
    V. Foster, 
    61 Minn. 132
    63 N.W. 257
    7/   Harris   V~ Harris,   
    174 S.W.2d 996
    (Tex.     Civ. App.   1943).
    ?;/ Nine Hundred Main, Inc. v. City of Houston,             
    150 S.W.2d 460
    vex.  Civ. App. 1941, error dism.).
    9/ City of Savannah v. Standard Fuel Supply Co.. 
    151 Ga. 145
    106 SaE. 178 (1921). See also. Annotation 
    13 A.L.R. 1454
    Hon. Homer   Garrison,   Jr., page   7   (V-1521)
    wing of the new Department       of Public Safety Build-
    ing by providing   lighting, plumbing. heating, cool-
    ing, and by the construction     of a floor and neces-
    sary partitions  since that construction     comes with-
    in the term “fixtures and equipment of any nature’*
    as used by the Legislature     in appropriating  the
    Yours     very truly,
    Attorney General
    Mary Kate Wall                            BY
    Reviewing Assistant
    Charles  D. Mathews
    First Assistant
    E J:wb:b

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1521

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1952

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017