Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1952 )

  •     Chairman
    State Board of Control'    Re: Several questions relating
    Austin. Texas
    to the administration of
    the school bus purchasing
    law by the State Board of
    Dear Sir:                      Control.
    We refer tQ your request for an opinion of
    this office whlah, lti.&ubstance,s$atesthe following:
    Certain questions have arisen concern-
    ing the admlnlstratlon of the school bue
    purchasing program created.by Section 3 of
    Article V;Senate Bill 116, Acts 51st Leg.,
    R.S., 1949 ch. 334, at p. 638 (Art. 634
    and Senate BllS,'gO,Acts 52nd
    .    1951,~ch. 198, p. 325, Sec. 1,
    creating t%e School Bus Revolving Fund,
    (Art:2922-15, Sec. 2, V.C.S.).
    As presently operated, all school buses
    being purchased are bought F.O.B. School Bus
    Inspection Station, N&w Boston, Texas. This
    inspect,lonstation Is In reality the Bowle
    County~Educatlon Agency Garage. The County
    Superintendent and County Board of School
    Trustees of Bow$e County have made the lnspec-
    tlon and storage facilities of theiragency
    available to the State Board of Control on a
    no-charge basis.
    You ask the following questions:
    1. Under the statutes, may the State
    Board of Control designate as its agent with-
    out remuneration an employee of the,Bowie
    County Education Agency with WthQrlty to
    receive new butiesfrom'vendors and sign for
    them iro,thatthe State Board of,Control may.
    legally pay the vendbr -.the proposed agent
    being wllllng to serve In .auch capacity
    without pay?
    Hon. R. C. Lannlng, page 2 (V-1511)
    2. Should a bus become damaged while at
    the Inspection station and title thereto then
    being in the State Board of Control, Is the
    State Comptroller authorized to approve an
    Invoice for the repair of this unit from the
    same``fund(Item 71 of the general appropria-
    tions to the State Board of Control, H. B.
    426, Acts 52nd Leg., R.S. 1951, ch. 499, at
    p* 1327) from which regular Board of Control
    vehicles are repaired?
    3. If, after the State Board of Control
    has received a valid requisition for a school
    bus from a school district, and a purchase
    order has been executed following the receipt
    of competitive bids, may the school district
    refuse to accept the bus purchased providing
    It meets all specifications?
    Article 634 (B),Vernon's Civil Statutes lnso-
    far as same are pertinent to this opinion provides as
    "All motor vehicles used for trans-
    porting school children, Including buses,
    bus chaesls, and bus bodies, ."D . pur-
    chased for or by any school,dlstrlct partl-
    cipating in the Foundation School Program,
    shall be purchased by and through the Board
    of Control s . . and no school district nor
    Its officers or employees nor the'County
    School Board shall have the power to pur-
    chase for such school district any of such
    Items except In those Instances wherein an
    emergency requires an Immediate purchase
    thereof, to be reported to and approved by
    the Board of Control.
    "Such motOr??ehlcles D . . shall be
    purchased on competitive bids under such
    rules and regulations as may be made by the
    Board of Control. Such purchases shall be
    made on requisition of a County School Board
    or a school district. Requisitions, If for
    the purchase of motor vehicles, buses, bus
    bodies, orbas chaksls, must be preeented to
    and receive the.approval of the CoufitySchool
    Board and the State Commissioners of Educa-
    tion . . . If, due to climatic and/or road
    Hon. R. C. Lannlng, page 3 (V-1511)
    conditions, special equipment is required
    to guarantee adequate safety and comfort of
    school children, the school district shall
    state 'and'descrlbesuch requirements In Its
    requisition and the Board'of Control shall
    be required to purchase such equipmentthat
    said Board determines is adapted or designed
    for such conditions or requirements.
    II . . i
    "Compliance With this Section shall be
    a condition precedent to particlpatlen In
    the Foundation School Fund, and any school
    district falling or refusing to comply with
    the terms and conditions of this Section
    shall be ,lnellgibleto share in the Founda-
    tion School Fund for one year from thendate
    of such failure or refusal or such violation
    of the terms hereof.
    "This Section shall not require the
    purchase of buses, bodies, chassis, . . .
    through the Board of Control, where the
    funds therefore are provided by gifts, pro-
    fits from athletic contests or other such
    school enterprises In no sway supported by
    tax funds or grants or appropriations from
    any government agency, either State or
    'Any such school district making re-
    quisitions for purchase of any of the above
    named articles shall, when sending in the
    requisition therefor, include therewith a
    general description of the article desired
    and shall certify the funds that will be
    available to pay therefor.
    . .
    "The Board of Control shall have the
    power to make rules or adopt regular;ionsto
    effectuate the purpose of this Act.
    Section 2 of Article 2922-15, V.C.S., as amended
    by Senate Bill 90, Acts 52nd 
    Leg., supra
    , provides in part
    as follows:
    Hon. R; C. Lanning, page 4 (V-1511)
    "Motor vehicles used for the purpose
    of transporting school children, IncJudlng
    school buses, chassis and/or bodies of scho,ol
    buses purchased through the State Board of
    Control as provided for'ln Section 3 of this
    Act fiodlfied as Art. 634 (B) In Vernon's
    Civil Statutes7 shall be paid for,by the
    State Board 07 Control and there is hereby
    appropriated out of any money in the State
    Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum
    Of e . . ($250,000.00) '. . . or so much there-
    Of as necessary, to the State Board of Control
    to be used for such purchases.
    "The . . . ($250,000.00) . . . hereby
    appropriated shall be known as the School
    ,Bus Revolving Fund and when the schobl buses
    provided for In thls.Act are delivered to
    the various schools coming within the pro-
    visions of this Act, the governing bodies
    of such schools shall reimburse,the State
    Board of Control for the money expended for
    such school,buses, motor vehicles, chassis
    and/or busbodies provided for herein and
    such money shall be deposited by the State
    W3dlsof Control to the School Bus Revolving
    Under the discretionary authority set out in
    Article 634 (B), if the Board, deems,lt necessary to have
    an agent to inspect and receive at a given location the
    new buses purchased'~lnaccordanoe with the act, It could
    designate any person as its agent to effectuate those
    necessary purposes, where the designationwould, not be In
    contravention of exist,ingstatutory or constltut,lonal
    According to 'the submitted facts, the person
    contemplated as such,agentis a paid employee of the Bowle
    'County School Board, In charge of the garages and school
    buses operated In the Bowle County school transportation
    system, He is.wllllng to act as agentsfor the State
    Board of Control wlthout compensation. Section 40 of
    Article XVI, ConstltQtWn of Texas, prohlbftlng the hold-
    ing by one personat the same time of two civil offices
    of emolument would have no application herei for the
    poaltlons of garage superintendent and 'agentof the State
    to Inspect and receive new school buses for the State
    Board of Control are nbt civil offices, Section 33 of
    XVI, supra
    , would have no application here because
    Hon. R. C. Lannlng, page 5 (V-1511)
    no compensation is contemplated for services as agent.
    Nor can we conceive of a sound basis upon which it may
    be said that the respective duties of the two positions
    would be incompatible.,
    ,, Att'y Gen. Op. v-63 (1947).
    Accordingly, It Isour opinion that the State
    Board of Control acting under its ,discretlonarypowers
    granted In Article 634 (B), may designate an employee of
    the Bowle County SchoolHQad as Its agent, without re-
    muneration, to Inspect and receipt for the State Board
    such school buses as it purchases under the statute.
    Concerning yoursecond questlon,you have
    further advised that under the Board's admlnistratlon of
    the bus purchasing statute @rt. 634 (Bly title to the
    bus is placed In the State of Texas when the vendor 1s
    paid with School Bus Revolving Funds, approprlated in
    Section 2 of Article 2922-15, Vernon's Clvll~Statutes.
    That revolving fund was created, of course, 'to facilitate
    payments for duly re ulsltloned buses purchased by the
    Board under Article 934'(B). School buses purchased by
    the Board under the law are purchased for particular
    school districts, and not for the State or any of Its
    departments. Though title to such a purchased bus
    temporarily Is In the State of Texas, the ,Stateholds
    such titlteIn trust for the partibular school dl~strict
    which requislt&oned it, until such time'as the'dlstrlct
    reimburses the3und for the purchase cost expended. II-i.
    no sense may the bus be regarded 'as having bgen purchased
    for the State of Texas or its Board of Control, because'
    the School Bus Revolving Fundsis not available for such
    The departmental appropriation In House Bill
    426, supra
    , which may'be available for maintenance and
    repair of the automotive equipment of the State Board
    of Control, having been specifically appropriated for
    that purpose, clearly 'maynot be,used for a purchase
    foreign to its intendment, such'as; the maintenance and
    repair of school busespurchased by the State Board of
    Control as statutory bus purchasing agent for school
    districts. It is observed thatyln'the law first estab-
    llsh&ig.the~State Board of Control as agent for the
    purchase of school busies (Ii.8. 295, 50th&eg., ,R.S.
    1949, ch..228, p. 401) that legislative appropriation
    was made to the Board to provide for maintenance, equip-
    ment and contingent expenses 'as'maybe needed to effec-
    tuate the purpose of the law. See Sec. 2 of Art. XIII
    and Art. XIV of H. B. 
    295, supra
    , at pp. 414 and ,416.
    We find no appropriation made by the 52nd Legislature
    Hon. R. C, Lanning, page 6 (V-1511)
    to the Board for the repair or maintenance of school
    buses damaged while in its care.
    Therefore, it is our opinion that the State
    Comptroller would be without authority to approve an
    invoice for the repair of a school bus purchased by the
    State Board of Control under the provisions of Article
    634 (B), damaged~while in the care of the Board or its
    agent, for the reason that no appropriation has been
    made available for such purposes.
    With respect to your third question, you have
    further adpised that school buses have been purchased
    by the State Board o,fControl which meet all of the
    specifications or general description expressed~in the
    requisition of the school district, except that the bus
    is not the product of a particular motor company named
    In the requisition. Further, that some school dfstricts
    are refusing to accept school buses purchased ontheir
    requisition merely because the bus is not an X-Company
    constructed bus for which they made request. Your ques-
    tion is whether the school districts can rightfully re-
    fuse,to accept,busea which meet ail other spe+if,ications.
    Article 63,4(R) expressly provides that new
    school buses purchased by the State Board of Control
    upon proper requision from school districts of this State
    "shall be purchased on competitive bids." The statute,
    also specifically authorizes school districts to describe
    in their requisition "special equipment required to ~uar-
    antee adequate safety and comfort of school children.
    where needed to'meet certain climatic and road conditions,
    and provides that the requisition"shal2 incl;deT{;;zeln
    a peneral description of the particle desired.
    express provisions authorize only a "general description"'
    of the bus specifications desired by the school distric,t.
    School districts are not empowered thereunder to insist
    that the bus be a product of a particular manufacturer.
    The act requires that the State Board purchase requisi-
    ttoned buses on "competitive bids", and therefore requires
    that the Board invite bids generally on buses that ~meet
    the general description of the bus desired. As stated in
    Attorney General's Opinion v-938 (1949), the spirit and
    purpose of Article 634 (B) as a whole Is to require that
    school districts purchase its buses through the one agency,
    the State Board of Control on a competitive bid basis to
    the end that such districts shall realize full value for
    the money they acquire through Foundation School Fund
    participation. The Legislature's primary concern was that
    costs of such school bus transportation be minimized by
    purchase of necessary bus equipment at the lowest cost.
    Hoh, R. C. Lanning, page 7 (V-1511)
    Accordingly, it is our opinion that a school
    district is not authorized to list In its requisition
    for the purchase of a school bus a binding specifiCation
    that the bus be the product of a particular manufacturer.
    Further, a school district may not legally refuse to
    accept the bus purchased by the State Board of Control
    for It on requisition, providing It meets all other speci-
    Under the administrative powers granted
    in ArticPe 634 (B),
    _. V.C.S., the State Board
    of Control'may aesignate an employee of BOwle
    County School Board a8 it8 agent, without
    remuneration, to inspect and receipt for school
    buses purchased under that law.
    The State Comptroller of Public Accounts
    may not approve for payment out of funds ap-
    propriated to the State Board of Control for
    repair of its vehicles, an invoice for the
    repair of a school bus purchased by the Board
    of Control under Article 634 (B).
    Article’634 (8) does not authorize a
    school district to list as a binding speai-
    fication in its requisition to the Board of
    Control.for the purchase of a school bus that
    the bus be the product of a particular manu-
    facturer. A school district may not refuse
    to accept for that reason a bus which meets
    all other specifications than one disignating
    that the bus be the product of a particular
    Yours very truly,
    APPROVED:                            PRICE DANIEL
    Attorney General
    '3. C. Davis, Jr,
    County Affairs Division
    E. Jacobson
    Reviewing Assistant                   Chester E. Ollison
    Charles D. Mathews
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1511

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1952

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017