August 25; 1952 Hon. Cullen B. Vance Opinion No. V-1510 County Attorney Jackson County Re: Authority of Jackson Edna, Texas County to sell the pre- sent courthouse property under the suljmltted Dear Sir: facts. Your request for our opinion reads in part as follows: "I am enclosing copy of a Deed dated December 19, 1904, from the New York, Texas and Mexican Railway Company to Jackson County.conveying a plot of ground 240 feet by 400 feet for Cowthouse~purposee. Jack- son.County erected a Courthouse building on this plot of ground In 1905 at a cost ln~ex- cess of $2O,,OOOiO,O aiidconstructed of brick within the requirements of this Deed. This bui1ding.U approximately 52-l/6 feetby 85- 5/6 feet, outside dimensions. "According to Affidavits that I have procured from several individuals who have' been acquainted with this property for a great many years, the plot of ground on which the Courthouse ,butldlng,issituated has 'been used for the following other purposes:, "A public fountain is maintained In front of the Courthouse and rest rooms open 24 hours a day are provided in a separqte building for the~uae of,the public. The plot of ground has been landscaped, a rose garden and other shrubbery are maintained thereon, and some 30 years ago approximately 25 or 30 Hackberry and Pecan trees were planted that now provide considerable shade. Benches have been maintained on this ground for the use by members of the public and the ground has been used for holding political rallie$, church sales and bazaars, preaching services, Hon. Cullen B. Vance, page 2 (V-1510) club carnivals, public fairs and exhibitions, band concerts, chautauquas, public barbecues, and during more recent years athletic and pep rallles and an annual firemen's public Chrlst- mas tree have been held. There are two monu- ments on this gro,und,' one erected to the memory of~Irvln ,MooreLaughter, who was killed while in naval-service In 1916, the monument having been erected in about 1917, and the other a centennial marker or monument erected by the State of Texas in 1936. The entire plot of ground Is surrounded by public streets. Since the Courthouse was erected thereon, the plot of ground has been used by various organiza- tions and members of the public for public gatherings and as a public meeting place and has been the only place provided in the City of Edna during all of these years as a pub- lic meeting place for all members of the public without regard to race, creed or reli- gious affiliation. According to these affi- davits, this plot of ground has been referred to and mentioned as "The Courthouse Lawn" and also as "The Courthouse Square". It is lo- cated right In the heart of the business dls- trlct of the City of Edna. In addition to the above, the benches and lawn on this plot of ground have been used by the public gen- erally as a place of enjoyment and rest. 'Based on the foregoing fact situation, I should appreciate an opinion from your De- partment as to whether or not Jackson County could sell this property should the Court- house be located on another plot of ground some two blocks away." The deed of conveyance to Jackson County con- tained the following: "This entire conveyance, however, is based upon this express condition subsequent, to say: That if the said County of Jackson shall fall to cause to be erected and com- pleted upon sald.above conveyed property a courthouse for Jackson County to cost not less than Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dol- lars, and the .outer walls of which shall be brick or stone, within the space of three . .- _ Hon. Cullen B. Vance, page 3 (V-1510) years from~the date '0fthi.s~deed, then this conveyancesshall,become:nuU and void, and all the titlesconveyed~,by'thepresent deed shall at once'revert upon such default3 as aforesaid, to the New York Texas and;,Mexlcan Railway Company, and Its successors. However, sinc'ethe condition waspcomplied with there is no impediment against the sale of the property in this respect. We agree with you that the question concerning the sale of the property and the changing the location of the courthouse could be controlled by the holding in the case of City of Tyler v. Smith County
246 S.W.2d 601, 605 (Tex. Sup. 19521,where.lnIt Is stated: 'There was never:any-express ~dedica- tlon ,of the square in controversy asa ptibl&.c square, so our problem Is to determine wheth- er the record shows,a dedication by implica- tion, which is said'to be analo ous to the dpctrlne of estoppel In a. 28 C.J.S Dedication 8.2, p. 507 In or.derto esiibllsh' such a dedication there must have been a clear and unequivocal Intention on the part of Smith County to devote the square to public use and acceptance by the public. Oswald v.
Grenet, supra. We have concluded that such dedication Is shown In this case. II . . . "There can be no doubt that’the public accepted the dedication.' They ,usedit as,a market place, as a 'parkingplace, as'a:place for entertainment and rest, as aplaceefor preaching services and polltlcalmeetfngs, as a place to getwater for themselves and their stock, ,and according to undisputed testimony; they use It today as a 'place of enjoyment and rest', 'to enjoy the roses, shrubbery and various landscaping that has been put there.' According to the weight of authority, this establishes acceptance, and, we so hold. 16 Am.~Jur., Dedication, Sec. 35, P. -383. ,, _, .- . Hon. Cullen B. Vance,page 4 (V-1510) “Under these undisputed facts evidencing dedlcatinn and after more than a century of unquestioned general public use following sxid accepting such dedication, it cannot justly be said t&at Smith County can now convert the square to private use. Of course, the county may abandon the present square as a site for a courthouse and build a new courthouse wher- ever it chooses; but If It elects to do that, the entire square must remain Impressed with the right of the public to use it for general public purposes; it cannot be diverted to private uses. Lamar County v. Clements,
49 Tex. 347, supra.” In Attly Gen. Op. V-1474 (1952) It was held that land dedicated to the public for park purposes could not be diverted for any other use, stating that It must remain For the use of the public for park pur- poses and cannot therefore be sold or exchanged. In conneatlon with the above your attention is directed to the fact that the City of Tyler case was based upon facts which were unconkroverted. We do not feel justified In assuming that there are no other Facts which might be developed with regard to the intentions to dedicate. Therefore, the answer to your question Is dependent upon all the facts which might,later be de- veloped and the application of the law as stated In this ,oplnion. SUMMARY Where there is a dedication and ac- ceptance OF a courtho,usesite for public use. it cannot be diverted to vrlvate use. City of Tyler v. Smith County,-246 S.W.2d ijO1 (Tex. Sup. 1952) . Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIEL Attorney General J. C. Davis, Jr. County Affqlra Division E. Jacobson Reviewing Assistant Charles D. Mathews Assistant First As&&ant BA:am
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1510
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017