PRICE DANIEL .uT”RNEY GENERAL Hon. C. E. Patterson Opinion Ho. V-15052 County Attorney Brewster County Re : Offlclal statue of a Alpine, Texas county oommlssioner fol- lowing hle convlctlon In tedcral court for unlaw- fully lmortlng oattle Into the United States;! wbre exeoution or ren- DMr Slrl teme Is sumpended. Your request ror our opl~lo~ reads in pnrt as follower “On the 7th day,of July, 1952, one of *ho oaunty oomlrsloner6 0r .Br6wster Corulty was oonvlated In the United States Dlstrlot Court or Western District of Texes for lm- porting oattle into United State0 unlawrullg. It was ordered in the dudgment in said Court,’ same being upon a plea of guilty, and without a juq, at9follows: 'It Is the order and oen- tence of the Court that the defendant, . . . , for the offense by him committed, be imprisoned for the period of ONE “1” YBAR and OHI (1) DAY In en Institution to be derlgnated by the At- torney Oeneral of the United States.’ Said ,judgment further provided: ‘And It appearing to the Court th@ ~trheends of justloe and the .best interests of the public, 86 well ae the defendant, will be eubrerved thereby, It Is further ordered th8t the*exeoutlon Of the ,eentenoe herein imposed be, and it is hereby SUSPENDED and eald derendant released upon .probatloa rOr a period or TWO (2) YEAR8 and oommlttod to the oustody, oontrol amd ruper- vision of Jerse J. Saxon, United Staten Pro- bation Offlaer ror the Western DIE&riot of Texao, upm, conditions provided in the orde? M&his CouTt tradeand ,eAtered on Maroh P6th, f . . . ‘. Hon. C. E. Patterson, page 2 (V-1505) u~UgSTION: Does this conviction In Federal Court, whiah was suspended, bar and suspend this County Commlsuloner rrom ,or?ice? “Thla Commlarloner wa6 oonvloted under Seatlon 545 or Title 18, USCA ror Illegal lm- portatlon. This carries with It a msxinwp pmalty or $5,000 and/or rive years." Section 5 0r the Texas Election Code (V.A.T.~. Election Code,.Art. ,1.05,) prescriber the conditions on which a perBOA shall be eligible to hold the office of county c~lssloner. This statute reads, In part: “No peruon shall be eligible to any State, county, preolnct or munlclpal orrioe in this State unless he shall be eligible to hold of- floe under the Comstltutlon.of th1.r.State,...” Section 2 or Article XV& C~omstltutlonor Texas, provides : “Laws shall be made to exclude from office, aenlng on juries, and rrom the right of sur- frage, those who may have been or ehall here- arter be oonvloted of brlbary, perjury, forgery, or other high orlmer. i..” $%I8 constitutional provision contemplates that persons convicted of “high crlmea” shall be lnellglble to hold.orrlce In this State. Snodgrass v. State, 67 Tex. Grim. 615,
150 S.W. 162, 177m12). In regard to the, meaning ~of “other hi h crimes,” it was stated in Att’y Oen. Op. O-2698 (1948): “There would seem to’be no doubt that the expresslon ‘other high crlmen’ would include the erlme or burglary., Certainly any orlme of the’same grade as the enumerated one@, namely, felonler, Is comprehended by this provl6ioA of the Constitution.” The Legislature has Interpreted these words to Include all’felonies, In the enaotment of Article 5968, V.C.S., uhlch reads : Hon. C. E. Patterson, page 3 (V-1505) "All convictions by a petit jury of any county officers for any felony, or ror any misdemeanor Involving official m18oonduat, shall work an immediate removal from office or the officer so convicted. Naoh such judg- ment of,ooaviction shall emb$y wItlIlaIt 8n order remcxvlngsuch officer. While Article 5968 may have been directed only toward the Qrobedure to be followed In removing the ln- dlvidual from public office when he is convioted In a court of this State, It nevertheleee reflects the legls- latlve Interpretation of the oon8tltutlonal provision. A felony Is derlned ln Article 47, V.P.C.c': *An orrense whloh may - not m8t - be punishable by death or by aonflnmnt IA the penitentiary 18 a felony; every other Offense Is a misdemeanor." Section 2 of Article XVI does not axpresely confine the dl8quallfloatlon to otiviotionrrunder.the law8 or this State, and It Is our 091~1on that it wan not intended,to do 80. The same uonrrlderatlonsor Qub- 110 policy exist with respect to oonvlations obtained IA ot@er jurlsdlctlon8 a8 with respect to convictions under oursown laws. The fast that the Offen8e for Whleh the person wa8 convicted did not fall wlthln the jurls- diction or the courts or this State doe8 not leesen Its gravity or render the guilty Individual any more fit to uerve as a public orrioer. An analogy 1s round In dl8quallfleatlon ror Jury service and surfrage. Pursuant to the requirement of this constitutional provision, the Legislature ha8 enacted laws excluding from jury semloe all persons con- victed or a relony. Art. 213 v.c.s.~ Art@. 616, 619, V.G.C.P. In Amaya v. State, iY7 Tex. Crlm. 160,
220 S.W. 98(1920), the oourt rejeoted the contention that the conviction murt have been obtalmed In a oourt of this State, In the followlng language: " The reason' whloh umderllea 8uae or tM;e'&es la that Tie t jUdglwAt la a orlm- lnal ca8e oanaot br enforced 18 sllotherjurlr- diction. This prlmclple eeemn AOt ooatrolllng In thir state, In that the object of the Legls- lature appears to be not the Qunlahment of the Hon. C. E. Patterson, page 4 (V-1505) oonvloted Juror, but the protection of sooletp against the pollution of the jury system by oommlttlng Its execution to persona whose moral status has been judicially ertabll8hed as orim- lnal. . . .* The dlsquallrlchtlon results even though the uraagful act would not have aonst1tuted.a felomy,under the laws 0r Texas. Hu es v. State, 105 Tex. Crlm. 57,
284 S.W. 952(1926).A+ so see eer v. State
109 S.W.2d 1150, 1154 (Tex.Clv.App. 193 , error dl8n.j; CisAeros v..State, 147 Tex. Crlm. 123,
179 S.W.2d 31(194~1 Slmll-lY* In Rarwell v. Norris, 143 S.W.2d ilOg (Tax: Clv. APQ. 194bl It h ld chat a person oonvloted or am orrense whlch*waq 2.L "Brelony by federal statute was dl8qUfIll- fled to vote. The federal statute under which the county com- &sslone~ was convicted (18 U.S.C.A. 0 545) provider In. ,,part: “Whoever lrnowlnglyand willfully, with IA- tent to derraud the United States, smuggles, or clandestinely Introduces Into the United States any merchandlee which should have been lnvoloed, or makes Out or passes, or attempts tO.Qa88, through the ourtomhouse any ralse, rorged, or fraudulent invoice, or ‘other dooument or Paper; or "Whoever fraudulently or knowingly imports or brings Into the United States, any merchandise aontrary to law, or receives, conceals, buys, sells; or in any manner facllltates the trans- portation, concealment, or sale of rruchmerchan- dise after wortatlon, knowing the s8me to have been Imported or brought Into the Unlted States contrary to law - "Shall,be rined not more than $5,000 or Ins- prl8oAed AOt more than two years, or both.” It 18 provided IA 18 'U.S.C.A.@lthat "any o?- renae punishable by death or pprloonment for a term ex- ceeding one year’Is & felony. Clearly the orrense aom- mltted was a felony as detlned by both.the state 8aad the rederal statute@. Hon. C. E. Pattereon, page 5 (v-1505) Passing next to the question of the effect or the stipensloa or the exeoutlon of rentenoe, in Att’p Oen. Og. O-2698 (1940) It was held that the word “con- victed In Seation 2 of Article XVI *eabra.oesthe status resulting from the application of the suspended.sentenoe law of Texas to a verdict aecertalning and Qubll8hlng the ilt or 8 person charged with a orlmlaal orrense.m Under the Texas law a convletlon Is not a final one where the sentenoe is SuSpended. Art. 778, V.C.C.P.; Blerman v. State, 73 Tex. Crln. 284,
164 S.W. 840(1914). yet this ovlnlon held that the defendant nevertheless has been "~onrloted" and le thereby rendered Ineligible to hold orrice. However, It Is not necessary to rest our answer on the reasoning of that opinion. Under fed- eral law, a m&ment of convlotlon Is final where -sen- tence 18.lmp&e&, even though th8 exeoutlon of the sen- tence Is suspended. Berman v. Unflbed States,
302 U.S. 211(1937). IA OUT Oij binion, unquestionably there has been a convlctloa In the present cane within the meaning of Section 2, Article XVI or the Constitution. Slnoe It is our conolualon that a rlnal con- vlotlon of a relonqiin a tederal oourt renders a person InelIgIble for public orrloe under Section 2, Article XVI of the Cormtltutlon, you are advlsed that the county commlrsloner Is now dlsquallflad to hold that office. It remains for us to oonslder whether the con- viction resulted In an automatlo removal from orfloe. Here, the offloer was contilctedupon a plea of guilty without the Intervention of a jury. The an8wer to this question turn8 on the aQQliCabillty of Article 5968, V.C.S., quoted above. Thls,statute provide8 that "all convlations by a petit jury of any county offloers for any felony . . . shall work an immediate removal from office of the orficer so convlated.” It further pro- vides that the judgment ot aonvlctlon shall embody within It an order or removal. As, we have stated, this statute may have been lntended,to operate only In cases of oonvlotlon by a 06ul'tOr this State, SIAM it 18 ObviOuS that the COm- mand for lnoluslon In the judgment of 8m order removing the officer could not be Imposed on cOurt8 Of other $U'iSdiOti~S. Be that as it may, In Att'y Gen. Op. O- 2619 (1940) It was he~ld t&t a oonvlctlar In a 8tate court upon 8 plea 0r guilt7 where a Jury *a8 wtived did not autoratlcally remove the oriloer. IA 0oa0tru1ng Article 5968, this oplnlOn stated: Hon. C. E. Pattereon, page 6 (V-1505) “The above statute speaks only oi con- victions by pe$it juries, perhaps because when It beceme law there could be no oonvlatlon of a felony except upon a jury trial. Article lOa, C.C.Pi, glvlng’to the defendant the right to ,walve a jury In a felony case lesr than oapltal, upon a plea or guilty and with the aoaeent or the Dlstrlat Attorney and of the Court, was”not enaoted until 1931. We are more inclined to think, however, that in passing Article 5968, with lta requirement of a jury convlctlon, the Legislature had in mind Section 24, of Artlole Thw;r the State Constitution, reading au rol- : ” ‘County Judges, county attorneys, clerks or the Dletrlct and County Courts, juetlcee or the peace, constables, and other county orricers, >may be removed by the Judges or the District Couds for incompetency, official mieconduct, habitual drunkenness, or other causes defined iby: law, upon the.cause thereror being set forth IA writing and the finding or ite truth by a jury. I” While we think there Is argument for reach1 a conalu- slon that neither Article 5968 nor Seotlon “$ 2 , Article V, of the Constitution makes a jury verdict neoessary where the defendant has elected to waive a jury, we are not strongly enough convinced or the correctness of that view to warrant overruling this opinion. We therefore hold that the orrlcer wae not automatloally removed rrom drrlce by the conviction in federal court without a jury, but that he 18 subject to removal through f’urtherpro- ceedings in a dlatrlot court of this State, aa ret out In Section 24 or Article V or the Constitution. Article 6253, V.C.S., provide8 that a quo war- ranto proceeding may,be Instituted for ousting any public officer who unlawrully holds any orr’iaeor who “shall have done or surfered any act which by law works a for- feiture or hi6 orrice.” We are or the opinion that this procedure Is available in the prerent aane, We~,iwealeo 0r the opinlcn that a proaeetllngror removal c0usa likely be had under Article 5970 et rreq.,V.C.S. In this con- nection your attention Is directed to the fact that Artl- Cle 5970 enumerates certain apeclric oauser,ror removal, which a0 not inalude “other oauses aerinea by law," a8 HOA. c. E. PatterBOn, Page 7 (v-1505) rtat&$in~Art%cle V, Section 24 or the Constitution. However, we think It likely that a court would hold this proaulure available; by virtue of the oomtitu- tlonal provision, where the judepaent0r aoavlotlon ala not itseli remove the crricer. SUMMARY . iiCo&~ OOA8li88iOn& who 18 OOWiO$ed’ ” or a felony In rederal aourt ana.a88esseu.a sentence, the execution or which IS 8u8Pende4, la ui8qUaliried to 8erve a8 oounty commls8lanar ma i8,8UbjeCt to reroval from orriae by quo warrant0 proc&eUings under Article 6W, V.C.S. APPRCVRDr Your8 very truly, . B. Jacobson PRICB DAR= Reviewing Ji88~18iant Attormey General Char108 Q. Nathewr b&'Et A88i8tWit Aa8lUtaWt m:rrt : ..
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1505
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017