August 8, 1952, Hbn. Coke R: Sfevenson~,,Jr.'.~ Administrator Texas Liquor Ooatrol Board Austin, Texas Opinion Ro. V-1503 Re: Legality of a C,lassB Wholesaler'stransport- ing ale in a motor ve- hicle which he holds as lessee under a year-to- Rear Mr. Stevenson: year lease. Inyour letter requesting an opinion of thla office youratate that you are concernedwith Paragraph (If,),Section 15, of the Texas Liquor Control Act (Art. 666-15, V.P.C.). Specifically,you ask whether a Class B Wholesaler can transport ale in trucks which he holds as leasee on a year-to-yearlease with an optton to pur- chase ,oran,agreementto purchase on demand of the les- sor, In view of the above mentioned paragraph of the Liquor Control Act. Paragraph (13) of Article 666-15, V.P.C., reads in part: "Private Carrier Permit. Brewers, dis- tillers, wineries, rectifiers,wholesalers, Class B Wholesalers,and'Wlne Bottlers Per- mittees shall be entitled to transport liquor from the place of sale or distributionto the purchaaer,,uponvehicles owned in nood faith by such permitteeswhen such tfansportation is for a lawful purpose; . . . (Emphas~ls ours throughout.) Paragraph (5) of Article 6663a, V.P.C., reads: "'Liquor',shallmean any alcoholic bev- erage containingalcohol in excess of ,four(4) per centum by weight, unless otherwise lndl- cated. Proof that an alcoholic beverage Is al- cohol, spirits of wine, ,whiskey,liquor, wine, brandy, gin, rum, ale, malt liquor, tequila, Hon. Coke R. Stevenson,Jr., page 2, (V-1503 1 mescal! habanero . - or barreteage, .. . .. shall be _. prima-I'acleevlaence tnat tne same 1s lx- quor as herein defined." It 18 contended by the lessor of the trucks in question that the ,definitionof eowner" as set out In Section 10, Subdivision (d), of Article 6701d, V.C.S., controls the question here involved. Section 10, Subdivision (d), Article 6701d, reads: "Owner. A person who hold8 the legal title of a vehicle or in the event a ve- hicle 18 the subject of an agreement for the conditionalsale or lease thereof with the right of purchase upon performanceof the COnditiOn8 stated in the agreement and with an Immediate right of possession vested in the conditionalvendee or lessee, or In the event a mortgagor 0f.a vehicle ia en- titled to posses8ion,then such conditional vendee or lessee or mortgagor shall be deem- ed the owneP for the purpose of this Act." lTNs Act" referred to above is clearly Article 6701d, V.C.S., entitled "Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways.' Rothing in the act indicatesa legislativein- tent to extend this definition to any statutes other than to Article 6701d. For an answer to your q;estion we must look not to the meaning of the word owner in Article 6701d but to the meanlng intended by the Legislaturein the particular statute under consideration,Article 666-15, V.P.O. Here the term *owner in good faith* 18 wed. The verb 'owned" has been used in the sense of a good legal title. Miller-LinkLumber Co. v. Stephenson,
265 S.W. 215, 220 (Tex. Civ. App. 1924 Aff'd, Tex. Comm. APP., 277 S.W. =‘39), wherein the court saidl " to own mean8 to hold as property, to have'a'ligalor rightful title to. 21 A. & E. Eveg. Law (26 Ed.) 1025. to have a good and legal title to. 29 Cyc 1548, 1549. An owner is defined: 'one who owns; a proprietor;one who has the legal or rightful tltler Webster, lone who has dominion of a thing, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal,which he haa the right : - ,Bon.Coke R. Stevenson,Jr., page 3, (V-1503) to enjoy,a,nddowithas h8 plea8es,, either. .,- to spoil or dastroy-,itaa.,faras the,.law, ; permits.,unlessihe-beipreventedby 808M ,a.gree- ment,or,covenan.t~wNchresf,rains M,s ,rlght.te, ,, ,; We recognize that the term eowner"'i.8often con- strued to include.oneholding property under lease. Atty. Gen. Op. V-1497 (1952). The constructiondepends upon the context and purpose:s: ,ofthe statute in which the~.te,rmls used. It is our belief the word8 *owned in~good faith by' were u8ed UiParagraph 13 of Article 666-15 of the Tex- as LSquor Control.'A&'inthe sense of an absoluteand un- qualified.legaltitle., In Paragraph (g) -ofArticle 667-231 of the Liquor C,ontrolAct, a section similar to~paragraph l..ez:,Artlcle666-i5 but appiylng to the trensportationof the word8 or leased immediatelyfollow the word owned,'whilethese words are consplciouslyomitted from Par- agraph 13 of Article 666-15. Paragraph 13 of Article 666-15 reads in part: * . . . upon vehicles owned In good faith by such permittees . . .* Paragraph (g) of Article 667-23t reads in part: * . . in vehicle8 owned or leased in good faith by him." The Legislaturehaving limited the transportation in Article 666-15 to "vehicles owned in good faith while expressly authorizingthe use of "leased veNcles In Arti- cle 667-23t clearly indicates a legislativeintent to re- quire permittees under the former section to have absolute legal title In vehicle8 used for transportingliquor. This is in accord with well establfahedrules of statutory con- struction. 2 Sutherland Statutory Construction (3rd Rd. 1943) 414. SUMMARY A Class B Wholesaler cannot transportale from the place of sale or distributionto the purchaser upon a motor vehicle which he holds as a lessee under a year-to-yearlease wlth an Hon. Coke R.. SteVen8On, Jr., page 4, (V-1503) option to purchase op agreement to purchase on dtimand of th@ leasop. To do 80 would violate Article 666-15,~ V.P.C., which re- stricts a’Class B Wholesaler transporting ale to ‘vehicles owned in good faith by such permittee?.” Yours very truly, APPROVBDr PRICl5 MlCIBL Attorney Qeneral Red McDaniel State Affairs Mvlsion E. Jacobson By2uk k-4Jkta Reviewing Assistant Milton Richardson A8818tant Charles s. Mathews First Assistant RR/et
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1503
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017