: August 6,'1952 Eon. I)~. C. Greer State Highway Engineer @ate Eighwag'Department`` I~'. .Austin,*Texas .opinionNo. v-1493 Re:. m-rect 0r the aot.meating the era for Lease of High- .wqg,commis.sionlands upon the previous authpitg Or th&FIighwayCommissionre- ~ear.Sir: speotipg these lands. ,. You.have requested an opinion upon the follow- ing problem: .' "Iands~acquirea~ by the Highwajr~ommissio~,by~ pwchsse, o~naemnation or otherwiseto be useQ for rights of way for State Highways, and which are no longer needed for highwey~rightof way'purposesor by citizens as a road, because of the changing of the route or abendoment of suoh highway, have for many years been dizposed of by requestingthe Gov- ernor to execute'quitclaim deeds-to such lands after the proposea transfers have been,approve&by the At- torney General. This procedure seems to be in line with'the authority contained in Article .6673aof Ver- non's Civil Statutes end, possibly in some instances, by Article 6614s~9. Wince the 52nd Legislaturee&acted Senate Bill 354 creat'ingBoards'forthe leasing of 911 State owned lands for oil, gas and mineral development,~we are wondering if it repeals all or a pert 0r Article 6673a and 66749-9, or in.any manner limits the au- thority of the Highway Commission to dispose or such changed or abandoned right of way as it has,in the past." Article.6673a,.V.C.S.,provides as follows: "Whereverthe State Highway Comm$ssion has aoquired or shall hereafter acquire any land by purchase, condemnation,or otherwiseto be used as a right of way for any State Righway and there- after the route of such Highway was or shall be 622 Hon. D. C. Greer, page 2, v-1493 Ohanged or abandoned, and any such right of way be no longer needed for such Highway, or needed for use of oitizens as a road, the State Highway Commissionmay recommend to the Governor that such land be sold and that he execute a deed con- veying all the State's right, title, and interest in such land SO acquired. Upon the reoommenda- tion of the Commission;the Governor may execute a proper deed conveying and/or exchanging'such land for airrerent land belonging to the same"per- son or persons. It shall be the duty~of the Corn-~ mission to rix the fair and reasonablevalue of all such land and advise the Go'drnor thereor. Provided that where such land is given to the State, the Governor may return the same by proper deed to the person or persons from whom the same is received. fall money der'iveafrom the,sale of such land shall be depositedwith the funds from which it was orig- inally taken. The Attorney General shall approvd, all transfers under this Act." The portions of Article 5382d, V.C.S; '(Acts'52na Leg,, R.S. 1951, ch. ,325,p. 556) which are.materialto the' c&atioh of bgards to lease Sta$e-ownedlands are as follow. %%ction~l.. There is hereby created Boards for,lea;se,of~ lands owned by any Department;Board or,Agenoy'ofthe State of Texas : :. We0tion 2. All.lands-orany parael of same 'now owned by; or,that may-hereafterbe owned by,or held-1I.L trust for the usa and benefit t5r',a,Depart- meet, Agency or'Board ,magbe leased by the appro- priate Boera~forLease to any person or persons, firms, or corporationssubject to ana as providea fur in this Aot, for the-purposeof-prospectingor exploring for and mining, producing,storing,car- ing'for, ttianiporting,preserving,selling ana ais- posing of,the 011,~.gasor other minerals. Wection 4. Whenever in the opiliidnof .the appro$riate'Boarafor l.+a~sethere shall be such a demand for the purchase of oil,gas OT mineral leas- es on any lot OT tract of land subject to the con- trol of the Board-as will reasonably insure~an advantageoussale, the Board for Lease shall place such oil, gas or mineral leases on the,msrket in such tract or tracts as the BOera for Lease may designate. . . . . . Hon. D. C. Greer, page 3, V-1493 $23 Section 15 provides that *all laws and parts of laws ificonflict herewithYarehereby expresslyrepealed' with several exceptions nbt material to this opinion. It is clear that Article 6673a is not~,re- pugnant to Article 53828.' Article 6673a authorizes the aonveyance of an abandoned right-of-way,but it does not grant the power to lease such Tight-of-weg for oil and,gas purposes. Att'y Gen. Op. O-2481 (1940). Article 5382a provides a procekre whereby lands owned.by any state departmentmay be leased for mineral development. No part of this article provides for the sale of lands owned by a'bepartment. There being no repugnance between the two statutes, they should be allowed to stand together. This rule of statutory ~construct$on~wss.expressed~by the Su$reme Court in Winterman'v.McDonald,
129 Tex. 275, 283, 102 s.w.2a 167, 171 (19371, as follows: "Repeal of laws by implicationis not ravorecik.39 Tex. Jur.;Seation 75, p0 140: Sectlop 510, p. 905. ..Inthisabsence 59 C-J.,;- of an express repeal by statute, where there is no positive pepugnanoe between the proviso ions of the old and new statutes, the old and new statutes will each be construed so 8s to $r; ;ffect, if possible, tonboth statutes. i . *, Section 75, p. 140. _L If Article 5382d should.be construed as re- pealing Article 6673a, the result would be that there would be no method of selling an abandoned right-of-way. It is extremely doubtful that the Legislatureintended to leave the State without a method for selling land which is no longer of any use to the State or to the public. You are therefore advised that Article 5382d, which you refer to as Senate Bill 354, does not require you to change your methods of selling abandonedrights- of-way as authorized by Article 6673a. It merely loper- ates to subject the land to the possibilityof being leased for oil..andgas developmentby the Board for Lease. Artiole 5382a, V.C.S. (Acts 52nd L%g.,R;S: 1951, oh. 325, pa 5561, relating to the leasing 624~ Hon. D. C. Greer, page 4, v-1493 0r State owned lands for.oil, gas/a@3 mineral development,does not repeal the power of the State EUghway Departmentto sell abandoned rights-of-weyaccordingto the methods prescribed in Article 6673a, V.C.S. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICEDANIEL AttOTneYGeneral Jesse P. Luton,Jr. LanaDiv-ision E. Jacobson Reviewing Assistant Thomas Black Assistant Charles D. Mathews First Assistant TB:bt:jrb
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1493
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017