Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1952 )

  • .   .
    July 30,1952
    Hon. Robert 6. Calvcrt                 Opinion No. V-1487
    Comptroller of Public Accounk
    Auetin, Texam                          Ret   Authority of the Comptroller
    of Public Account6 to honor
    niotor fuel tax refund claim6
    which have been revised to
    exclude those based on ex-
    emption invoke6 falsified by
    Dear Sir;                                    claimant’0 boohheeper .
    Your request for an opinion of thk office ia based on the
    following fack:
    Your office hag received two refund claims in the amount6
    of $743.35 and $574.53, which were filed under the provkions of
    Article 7065b-l3, V. C. S. The fir& claim k for refund of tax on
    motor fuel ueed by the claimant in hi6 own farming operations, and
    the second ta for refund on motor fuel used by the estate of a de-
    ceaned perron, the farming operations of which are under the muper-
    vkion and management of the firrt claimant.
    Attached to and flied a8 a part of the firet claim were four
    duplicate invoicee of exemption which had been falrified by altera-
    tionm of the dakr of purchase and delivery, to bring them within the
    six montha’ limiktion fixed by law for the payment of tax refunds.
    Attached to and filed a8 a part of the second claim were sfx dupti-
    cate invoiceB of exemption falrified in the mame manner and for the
    Bame parpone. All ten of the alkred invoice& of exemption were
    precluded by law from tax refund becauee deliveries, as shown by
    the date8 on the original copies of Bach exemption6 mainkined by
    the refund dealer, were made more than six month8 prior to the
    date the ciaimr were executed and filed.
    You have been informed that both claim8 were prepared
    by an employee who keeps the books of ‘the two farming operations.
    Both claims were eubecribed and aworn to by another employee who
    ack as farm manager of the two operations.    Payment of both claims
    was denied under the provkione of mtbdivkion (f) of Article 706513-13.
    The attorney for these claimant* har e&ted in rubstance
    that the boohheeper, not realiuiug the seriousneBB of the offenne and
    in order to avoid censure for letting the exemptions become pant due,
    had changed the dates on the exemptioau of her own volition and
    Hon. Robert ~6. Culvert, Rage 2, (V-1487)
    i I: ;,, ,,: _
    without the authority, direction, or knowledge of ths individnal
    claimant or anyone else in the organination of either claimant, and
    that neither the individual claimant nor the executor of the estate
    would have condoned such act.
    On the basis of the above facts, you ask whether your
    department can legally permit the claims here involved to be re-
    vised to exclude the altered invoices of exemption and then pay
    them in the amounts computed from the unaltered exemption in-
    The pertinent parts of Article   7065b-13.   V.C.S.,   read as
    “(a) In all refund claims filed under this section the
    burden shall be on the claimant to fur&h sufficient and
    satisfactory proof to the Comptroller of the claimant’s
    compliance with all provisions of this Articlei otherwist,
    the refund claim shall be denied.
    s(b) Any person, (except as hereinafter provided)
    who shall use motor fuel for the purpose of operating or
    propelling any stationary gasoline engine, motor boat,
    aircraft, or tractor used for agricultural purposes, or
    any other purposes except in a motor vehicle operated
    or intended to be operated upon the public highway of this
    State, and who shall have paid the tax imposed upon said
    motor fuel by this Article, either directly or indirectly,
    shall, when such person has fully complied with all pro-
    visions of this Article and the rules and regulstions pro-
    mulgated by ,the Comptroller, be entitled to reimburse-
    ment of the tax paid by him less one pe.r cent (1%) allowed
    distributors for collecting and remitting the tax and com-
    plying with other provisions of the law. . . .
    . . .
    s(d) When motor fuel is ordered or pnrchased for
    refund purposes the purchaser or recipient thereof shall
    state the purposes for which such motor fuel will be used
    or is intended to be used, and shall request an invoice of
    exemption which shall be made out by the 6elling refund
    dealer at the time of such delivery, or, if the motor fuel
    is appropriated for use by a refund dealer it shall be
    made out at the time the motor fuel irr appropriated or set
    aside for refund purpose,s.   The invoice of exemption shall
    state: the refund dealer’s license numberi the date of pur-
    chase and the date of deliveryi the names and addresses of
    the purchaser and the selling dealer@ the purpose for which
    . ., .
    Hon. Robert S. Culvert, page ~3.(V-1487)
    such motor fuel wlll be used or is intended to be usedi the
    number of gaIlonr.delivered, or appropriated for use1 and
    any other information theComptroller~ may prescribe., No
    refund shall be allowed unless an invoke of exemption is
    made out at, the time of delivery, except as hereinafter pro-
    vided. . . .
    . . .
    s(f) Any person entitled to file claim for tax refund
    under the terms of this Article shall file such claim with
    the Comptroller on a form prescribed by the Comptroller
    within six (6) months from the date the motor fuel was de-
    livered to him, or from the date the.motor fuel was lost,
    exported or sold to the United States Government, and no
    refund of tax shall ever be made where it appears from the
    invoice of exemption, or from the affidavits or other evi-
    dence submitted, that the sale or delivery of motor fuel
    was made more than six (6) months Drier to the date the
    and closing dates of the periods covered in the r:fund
    claim filed. . . .
    . . .
    “It shall be the duty of every person claiming tax
    refund to ver         e contents 0    e claim filed and an
    sue: p”r’sF %othall      file cla:z   for i  refund on a110 P.2d
    (Colo. Sup.7941).
    The tax refund section of the act conkim      detailed reporting
    and recording provisions which were designed to prevent kz evasion,
    fraud, and the filing of stale claims and to aid in a uniform and ef-
    ficient administration of the law. The forfeiture pr.ovisions of sub-
    division (f) of Article 7065b-13, V.C.S., here involved, were only
    recently enacted by the Legislature (Section XXII of Chapter 402,
    Acts 52nd Leg., R.S. 1951, p. 695) in an obvious attempt to strengthen
    the act with regard to the filing of falsified or altered refund claims.
    In construing this statute, it is apparent to us that the clear
    intent of the Legislature was set forth in plain wording in the pro-
    vision that the claimant sshall forfeit his right to the entire amount
    of the refund claim fileds where the invoices, of sxempfionre      al-
    tered or falsified with regard to dates, figures, or other material
    information. Responsibility for the acts of the claimant’s agent or
    employee in falsifying or altering the invoices of exemption must
    be imputed to the claimant, otherwise the particular forfeiture pro-
    vision could, as a practical .matter, be circumvenkd with impunity.
    There is no statutory provision which would authorize the
    Comptroller to waive this forfeiture provision on equltable or other
    grounds and he, therefore, has no authority to do so. Att’y Gen.
    Op. V-835 (1948).
    Your request did not present any questions with regard to,
    and we are not passing upon, the possible applicability of various
    other statutory provisiozs for fines, penalties, or criminal prose-
    cution in this instance.
    It is our opinion that the person claiming the taz refunds
    in question,, which included certain altered or falsified invoices
    of szemption. forfeited his right to the entire claims which were
    /       -
    -..   .
    Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 5 (V-1487)
    The right of a claimant to the refund of motor fuel
    taxes which is based in whole or in part on’altered or
    falsified invoices of exemption must be forfeited in its
    entirety. Art. 7065b-13(f), V.C.S.
    APPROVED:                              Yours   very truly,
    W. V. Geppert                          PRICE DANIEL
    Taxation Division                      Attorney General
    Mary K. Wall
    Reviewing Assistant
    Charles D. Mathews                        Assistant
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1487

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1952

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017