Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1952 )

  • Hon. Sam W. Davis           Opinion NO. v-1480
    District Attorney
    Harrle County              Re: Authority of the commls-
    Houston, Texas                 aloners a court to prevent
    the sale of lots fronting
    on a street leea than
    sixty feet wide in a sub-
    division   which has not
    Dear. Sir:                     been pl,atted Andyrecorded.
    You have requested    an opinion   on the follow;
    lng qu&tlon.
    “The Harris County Commlealoners I, Court
    hae requested this office  to obtain your
    oplnlon’on  the following problem:
    “A .land developer 18 selling    lots fiut-
    e’id,d   of the corporate  limits of cities      or
    towne7,by metes and bounds deacrlptions        in a
    geneii;al scheme or subdivision    which has not
    been platted and recorded as preecrlbed        by
    law; the roada or &r&eta on which the lots
    front are leas. than 60 feet In width.
    “Does the county commlasloner8” court
    have authority    to prevent the. eale of lots
    by metes and bounds deacrlpt~ioti, fronting
    on a street least than 60 feet wide, zon-
    trary to S.B..321,    52nd Legislature?    If’
    8o;what    procedure Is available    to the Corn-
    missioner8    ~court to prevent such sales,
    If any? II
    Senate Bill 321, A&e 52nd Leg., R. S., 1951,
    ch.   151~: p. 256 (Art. ~2372k, v;c.s.) provides:
    “Section, 1. (a) In all counties having
    a population    of not lees than one hun&.ed
    ninety thoueand (190,000) acdordlng to the
    last preceding or any future FederalCensus,
    the.X!ommlsai’oners Court8 of such counties
    shall~ have the authority   to require the
    _-       -
    Hon. gam W. Davie,   page i (v-1480)
    “(b) The Coinmisaioners Courts of,any
    such counties shall have the authority to
    tpromulgate reasonable     speclflcatlons~to     be
    fOliOWed in the c’onatruction.of       any such
    road8 or streets. within such aubdivlalons,
    whlah epeolfl.oatlons-may    include provieions
    for the oonatruotion     of adequakdrainage
    for suoh roads or atmeets.
    “Sei . :2. ‘The Comnilakoner~ Colirte oi
    any euoh oountlee~‘.ahall .have the authority
    m-u te   l Suoh bOntj shall be made payable to,
    the %olxnty JUdge, or-his mccemors.       In of-
    .                         floe,  of the oountg uhereinsuch      mabdivirrlon
    llefi, at&oond%tloaied that the owner or
    T,,Orman of’ uny rueh traot of land to be sub-.
    d1Oid.d will oon&mot       w   rohde. or streete.
    ~%thln euoh eubdlvislon       in ao.ooMance wlth
    ,thr rpeolfloutloh#    pFomulgeted   br the Corn-
    ~mirsionera 00&t of any map or plat of. any c *,.
    auoh rubdiplsion.     TMi’bond shall be in euoh
    amoimt a6 may be. detsmnlned by the aomia-
    aionem Court .but,ehall     not exoesd a mm
    .equal to Thred (43.00)~     Dol&&    for eaoh
    lineal foot oi road or etreet witI$n suoh
    eubdlvlblon.    ~.
    Hon. Sam W. Davis,      page 3 (v-1480)
    “Sec. 3. The Commissioners Courts of
    any such counties shall have the authority
    to’refuae   to approve and authorize any map
    or plat of any-&h     subdivision  unlesi such
    map or plat provides for AoC~.~l&ta&.lrllllthe                 _
    minimum right-of-way   for roads or streets
    as reaulred In Section l(a) hkreof; and
    there is Bubmltted with such map or Nat a
    bond as required by Section 2 hkeof;”
    In Gulf View Courts v. Galveston County 
    150 S.W.2d 872
    (Tex. Clv. App. 1941, error ref.),       the’court
    granted @lveston      County a mandatory InjunctIon   requir-
    ing the Gulf View Courts to remove certain buildings
    from an easement for aea-wall purposes whioh the county
    had, PreVipualy,. .obtalned.
    It, ls ‘well settled  tha.t a county will be en-
    titled to in.lunctive ~relief for the nurDoae of lceeDlnn
    eaaements for road purposea unobstrudteh
    215 s w 26 387 (Tex’ CiYiF         -
    &‘241 S.W.2d $44 (iexr)Pdiv.
    Senate Bill 321 grants to the County an
    easement. of sixty feet for roads or.etreets              Intended
    for public use.         It speclflcally     provides .that the corn-
    mlssion$rs.t courts ye authoplzed to require the owner
    ‘of a subdlvlsion         to Rrovide fbr ,a right-of-way         of not
    less than’ sixty feet.          Further,,the      commissioners8
    court may ‘promulgate reasonable           specifications     for the
    construction.     of euoh .roads.       The emergency clause
    stat&)a :? . I’.” Ik’.<.
    . . ::
    ‘. that ~maintalnlng tihoody roada ind
    ‘streets In n&w rubdi.vlslons’has    become a heavy
    Wain on county Road and Bridge Funds,,and .the
    fact that at present. .the County. Commlss$onere,
    Courts have no’ legal authority     to ‘require real
    estate developers    to oanstruot~substantlal     roads
    and. atreete in auoh new rubdlvialon,      creates an
    emergeno,+. . . ”
    Thus It is. proper ,for the Oommilasloners’ scout          to protect
    this property interest      by resort to the courts        ~for any
    ~’lnjunotlon  agaln8t.interfe;renoe.wlth    its use.
    The grant of an express power bg the.ieglsla-
    ture gives. with It .b;Y neoeasary impllcatlon every other
    ~power necessary and,proper to the execution. of.the    power
    Hon. Sam.W. Davis,              page 4 (v-1480)
    expreeely     anted.  Terre11 v. Sparks, 
    104 Tex. 191
    , 135.
    S. W. 519, r 1911); Moon v. Allred,    m S.W.   787 (Tex. Civ.
    APP. 1925, error &am.).      Therefore,  it is our opinion
    t,hat the oommlsaloners~ oourt may.bring an Injunction
    prooeedlng to enforce the provisions     of’Senate  Bill 321.
    The oom@ssioners~    courts ~of oountles
    having a population   of 190,000 or more in-
    habitants may bring an Injunction     proceed-
    ing ,to~ enforoe the provlalons   of Senate. Bill
    321;~ Acts g2nd Leg., R.S. 1951, oh.,l51,      p*
    256 (Art. 2372k. V.C.S.,), .pr vldlng that the
    oomm.tseionerel courts are aut horlsed to re-
    quire that owners of aubdlvlslona     situated
    outeide the.bounds of any Incorporated      town
    or olty provide for rights-of-way     of not
    less than sixty feet for any roads or streets
    within their subdivision.                                I
    Yours very truly,
    APPROVED:                                   PRICE ,IuLNm
    Attorney tinbra
    J. C. Davis, Jr. .’
    County Affairs ~Divislon
    E. Jaoobson.          .‘l
    RevlowIng Aaslatant-'                         John Reeves
    Charles D. M&hewn
    .First Assistant
    .          ,.’
    . .   ‘~

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1480

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1952

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017