AUSTIN m;Tizs~e _. ‘~ PRICE DANDZL .. .s-ro``IIN oEN-*L Juiy 16, 1952 .: Hon. Austin F...Anderson :'-'~ Criminal D'$strictAttorney Opinion NO...V-1478 Bexar County San Antonio 5, Te,Faa I. Re:".Aut&rity~dfthe Com- miss~loners’ Court of .Beliar County to erect traffio control devices Dear Sir: on cou&y.roads. We.refer.to your r@quest In which you ask:. : "D&s the Commlssloners Court of Bexar County, !l?exas have the authority to erect traffic control devices?i". .~ We kriowof no lati,.a&ho*lzlng the Commlssion- ers' Court of BexarCounty to erect traffic control devices q-icounty roads. ~. It Gas held In Attorney Qenerails.Oplnlon V-429 (1947) that the c~o~&sloners' court did not have authority to pass an prder regulatingtraffic In the county, II _- affixing a penalty for violation oi'such regula- The pertinent part OP House Sill 458, Acts 52nd'Leg.,R.S. 1951, ch.~346,. p...589(Sec.: 8 of.Art. 827a, V.P.C.),,Is as follows: .~, "Subsection2. ~Authorityof.State Iiigh- way Commissj.onto alter prima-facie'tipeed llmits.~(a) Whenever:the'Stat& Highway Com- mission shall determineupon the;basls~of an engineeringand traffic investigationthat' any prima-facie;.speedherelnbeforeset.forth is greater or lese than Is reasonab+or safe under thenconditionsfound ,toexistiat,any intersectionor other plaae or uponany part of a highway,~taklnglnto~consideratlonthe width and condition of the pavement and other circumstanceson.such portion of said high- way, as well as the uiiualtraffic thereon, Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 2 (V-1478) Said,StateHighway Commissionmay determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima- 1 facie speed limit ther.eator thereon by ',Y proper order of the Commissionentered on its Minutes,~wh,lchshall be effective at ! all times or during hours of~dayllghtor darkness, or at such other times a8 may be determinedwhen appropriatesigns giv- ving notice thereof are erected at such intersectionor other place or partof high- way, except,that said State Highway Commission shall not have the authority to modify or ..alter the baslc'rule set forth in subsect$on 1 '(a).nor'toauthorize by a.CommlsslonMin- ute'speeds for any alass of vehicle In ex- cess of'the maximum value8 herelnbeforeset forth for Said class of vehicle in subsec- tion 1 (!I, payagrai+s (2); (31, and,(4). "(6) e authority of 'theState High- way Comm5iF:~.slon to alter prima-faciespeed ll~tsshall be restricted to highways, roads; or-streets~offlcla~lydeslgnatedby the State Highway Commission as's part of the State Highway,Systemand which are not '&thin the l++te.of'e+ in6,orporated Flty Or town. "'~'"Subsectfon3;. Authority of 'County' ". ' Co``s'sfolier~.'Courts'~d governing bodies of,incorporatedcities and towns to alter prima-faciespeed llmlts. (a) !l?he.County Cominiss1oner.s Court of any county.wlthre- spect 'tocounty highways or roads outslde`` the limits of right-of-wayof any official- ly designatedhighway, road, orstreetof the State Highway System and outslde the limits ofan.ln$,orporatedcity or,town shall have the same authority by Order of the $out-i- ty CommJs,slo,ners Court entered upon its re- cords:to alterprlma~fac~lespeed llmd.ts~,upon the .bas$softanyengineeringand trafflo in- vestigatfon as that'delegated'tothe State Hlghjvay~Commisslon wlth,respeatto any of+ flcially:des$gnated ~Wghway; road,'Er streetof the:State.HlghwaySystem. _;. E&se &11'~458 is .a penal s,tatute.snd~penal State~'exrel. statutes must be 'strictly.'~,Cohritr.ued. Shobk vi all Texas RackingAsa'n.128 Tex.~384,
97 S.W. 2d669 (l936), 5. ” 533, . Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 3 (V-1478) .Underthis Bill the'commissi.oners'court Is authorized to regulate'thespeed on county roads out- side the corporate limits of cities and towns...In other words it has the same power in.the way of regulating speed on the county roads'outsidethe corporate limits of cities and townsas -theHighvtayCommissionhas In regulating speed on.state highways. However, the High- way Commissiondoes not derive~itspower from.House Bill 458 (Sec. 8 of Art. 827a V.p.C.) to erect control devices on state highways. That power isgiven the Highway Commissionunder the provisionsof Article 827e V.P.C. and Article 111 of the Uniform Traffic Code (Art: 6701d V.C.S.). We therefore agree with you that although House Bill 458 authorizes'theCommlssloners~ Court to regulate the speed on county road8 outside the corporate limits of cities and towns there is no author- ity for the Commissioners'court of Bexar County to erect control devices on County roads. We believe that the above result is supported \' by the fact that the same Legislaturein passing House Bill 207 Acts of the 52nd Leg. R. S. 1951 ch. 302 p: 483 (Art. 67Olg V.C.S.) in addition to giving the Com- missioners'Courts In countieshaving a population of 600,000 or more power to regulate speed on county roads, SpeCIfIcallyauthorized'themto erect traffic control devices on county roads under their jurlsdlatlon. This clearly.indicatesthat the Legislaturerehognized that the power to erect traffic control devices did not exist in the dommissioners'courts in such counties absent this provision. However since Bexar county has a popula- tion of only 500,460 according to the 1950 Federal census House Bill 207 has no applicationto It. House Bill 458 Acts of the 52nd Le R. S. 1951 ch. 346 p. 589 (Sec. 8 Art. 8'27a V.P.C.) authorizesthe commlssioners'court to regulate the speed on county roads out- side the corporate limits of citd.esand towns. However, the Legislaturehas not authorizedthe commissioners'court of a county having a populationof less than 600,000 inhabltantsto erect traffic con- .trol devices on county roads. Hon. Austin F. Anderson,page 4 (V-1478) 534 Yours very truly, APPROVED: .pRICEDANIEL Attorney General J. C. Davis; Jr1.y County'AffalrsDWlslon E..Jacobson '.~ Reviewing Assistant Charles'D..Mathews Fir&k Assistant : . BA:am
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1478
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017