Auwrrnr 1,. TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTTORNEY GENERAL Mar& 7, 1952 Hon. Elmer Mcvey Opinion No. V-1420 County Attcmey Freestone~County Re: Le+ty of “Appreclatlon Falrf l&d, Texas a retail trade pro- motion enterprise,under Dear Sir: submitted'facts. You h&e requested the .oplnionof this office concerning the lega;lty,under the Texas anti-lbtteyy laws, of a retail sales promotloa'enterpi4aecalled "AppreciationDay." _- Acqo~ing to the lnfoimatloncodaIn@ la the ~descrlptlveolrculars submltt&d with your request, the.L plan operates through local nieehants vho contribute to a central;fund called the "ComMnltg Treasure Cheat.'!.' These merchants distribute "TreasureCheat Coupons," each of which la marked In denoml~ationsranging froiu5% to 56$.r The coupons We given to customers wlth.each pui?chase; and they are punched 80 aa to Indicate denomlnat1oti,'according to the amount of the purchase. W1th.a purohaee worth from 254 to gg#, a customer may receive a 5s coup&. The per- centage denomination Indicated on the coupon le Increased according to the value of the purchase, up to a maxi of 50$, which requires a purchase of $25.00 or more. The coupons are signed and placed ln a box In each store, and' i * these In turn are placed ln a ejeneralcontainer f5om vhlch the winner Is drawn on weekly Appreciation Days. The holder of the winning coupon 18 awarded the percentageOf the "TreasureC&eet" fund vhlch la indlca'ted on hla coupon. The\submlttedfacts reflect that although the coupons are distributed prlmaril``~uljon the basltiof spur- chase8 ,fromthe pfirtlclpatlngfirms, a number of'ooup6ne are alao made available to non-patrons. Section 47 of Article TII of the Constltutlon.of Texas reads aa followe.: ,, Hon. Elmer McVey, page 2 (V-1420) ;. ?he Leglalatimeshall pass laws pro- hlbltlng the eatabllshmentof lotteries and gift enterprise8 In thla State, a8 well as the sale of ticket8 In ~lotterles,gift enter- prlsea oti.otherevaelonf~lnv~lVlngthe lot- tery prlnolple, establishedor exletlng In ,... other S~tatee." ! Article 654, Vetion's Penal Code, the Texas anti-lotteryt&at&e, protides: "If/any person shall eatabllaha.lottery or dfiipoeeof any estate, real or per8ona1, by lottery, he shall be fined not lees than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars; . Or If any perscm shall'sell,.offerfor sale or keep for ale any tioket or pert ticket la any lottery, he shall be fined 'not' less than ten nor more than fifty dollers..? There is no .Texasstatute &l&h deflii~e~ a lot- tery, but the courts``haveconsistentlyadoptea the follow- .lng~defJnltlon:' A lottery.18'a.achem for the dl&trlbutlon .of prlad by lot or e&an00 amoag~pers~pr, vhohave -*-id,Tr vho-have%greed to pay, a valuable oonsideratlonfor the .opportunltyto win these avards. City of Wink v. Griffith AmuseisentCo., I.29Ta. 40 llO,S.W.2d695 (1936).;54 C.J.S. Lotteries; Sec.'1-j 26 Tex. Jur. 409, 410, Lotteries, Thus It Is-apparentthat every lottery oonelets Of 88enttil eleIUent8,88 fOllOW8: (1) pitie j (2) ChsWe; and (3) conelderatlon. The elements of prlae and &%I& are obviously present'Inthe fact situation whloh'youljresent. Cash prices atieawardqd gegkly oa.the basis of's simple drawing. The only question for our datermlnatlon,then, Is whether a considerationla to be paid for the .prlvllegeof &~OIIWt- lng for the prlses. There are many authorities,beth ln Texas and In other jurisdictions,whloh deal v&th.the queetlon of consideration.%mlott6rieei~Ho unifoirarule is bollowed by the co&s Qf other states, an&their'~declslou8~a+eIn Hon. Ehner’NoVey,page 3 (V-1420) confl1at.l Siuce the holding iu eaah 0868 depends to a large extent upon the facta of the pimticular SitUatiOn before the oourt, witShould briefly ermine the facts of 8one of the leading Texas dealielonsr motion plau knovn 81) "Aoah'bArk.” -%mre the merchante~paid license fees to a promoter for the jwkillege of pfwtlolpat- 1143In the program. The promter dlstrlbu$ed cards to the merchants, who In turn gave thoa to their ouetomers in ex- change fo? box tops aad other evidences of pU??ChaSeSmade at their reapeatlvs stores, Provisionva8 aleo made for the diStrlbut&m of Card8 to thOsQ who did not make purchases at t&e pBrtisi~titlg establislmmltr. There OardS entitled their holders to ohaacee for 6 prise. The Court held this plan to be a lothwy. The license foes paid b the merchants con- stituted aonelderationmoving lndlrmt 3y frpm the contestants to the promotor,thecourt reaeomed, ar&dthe merchant8 re- oelved their oousldrrrtlcm in the foma of aUvertlalng and InareaseUpatronago, In F rrrton Ass+lon, Zi?% 2d S&'{T%!%?!~e``,si!a;~:p of 6em oe rktloa &&or8 dirtributodohences on an automo- bile among their onsthrs. A nrmbrrtOS tlokets were also given to peraonn rho msde no puro~aea. ,Xt was held that the pureha!me ooastltutedthe oona&der&tionfurnished by the ourtommr+ for the ohance of seeuriag tha prize, therefore the plan was a lottery. The fact that 8ome of the chances i?ere given to non-ptmhasere ~88 held not to change the le- gal effect of the sohome a8 8 whole4 In this oonnectlon, the Court, at p l27, said: . Hon. hr l(cVey,. psge 4 (V-1420) II . While de&lerS, uneer the ne* plan, . . distributed tickets to noncustomers88 veil 86 to customers, It aeenm that the aoheme w&8 to distribute tickets, ln the a6it~ to aWtomer8, -as the evidence ~dlecloeesth8t oaly 8 fev,,neg- liglble In number, t?eregiven to pOrSOaS.Ot&r tttsll'eost~mers. That the giving Of tiOket8, .-audae dr8Ylxigt3 8M ~diEtributIQa or prises, were lndwements to patron&go and uuque#tiOna- . bPy lured owtomers, IS shorn iron the very ee;tlefao',orybusiness result8 tb8t followed. PeeQ,luge thus indwed we8 the oonsider8tion that peased from the tloket holder for.-the oh8noe reoeivod, In that the grioe .psid, rheterer it 08~. the 8wunt belag amuterisl, ooostitutedthe ~8ggrugoteprloe for thu muruhe@Ise 'orsumloe &md.the tloket th8t represeated8,eh8EQe tQ Win the prlse; 3.nother word@, for Qae undiv1de.d~ . prioe both rerepureh8wd, the mero~ndl8e, or 8ervlae, and tloket, thu tio,ket bolq 88 mmh lmq#lt~8e~thoughprlouu uop8rately. . . . ." Varlotui“‘Bank Alto" ~o~te8tt hold by.mtlon pit- turethuaters #8ve.beeo ooneider&dby the $e%es Qoorte end elmtautoIthQut'uxceptloathera p3.e~ h8v~beea held'to be ~lot````.d``;ta``t``~t-tbst--lrothgctro~'&U&~.~OU``t`` o? the the&tea% were 8lloved t6``p8rtIoIgsk. The dlstribu-~ tioa~f "frdd?~oliauaus~ w&o ocmeldarudbat 8~8ubbteFme which. In 0 J OM 08ser'~lifIth f g8S.U.Zd 844 Clv.~Aop. 19 1 lu@. -This dealslou, however, ,%a areatlrely different tram tho#o y@u PMront and 08anot be ~eda~8tr~llInghere. T h a rit islrld~at thdir 'kh the purewe or WI80 oonetifoter the.oorrrldmtiol vhloh la neoe8- a8ryl8 8 1Qttory where the pur~h884seatltlm the garQhaser to r OhMoo .et tbe~grI$0. The uloruot.of aoru~iuqr8tion is n~trrr~cr~b'Berely bea&UW the m&zWh8& hiriwli doerrnot a the 808rd8, but tog#hur r;tth thO.OthWO mkO6 8 CQQ- tHMtIOnto600latre1f!md iror,vhg+tho prIsor8re . . Hon. El~e;ri%cVeg,pELge5 \V-1423) distributed. And If the ohances are distributed upon th.e the fact that "free" chance& are also baSi8 of puroha(lee)~, given avay do68 not change the legal affect of the SClleUe. These principle8have not bean overturned by the recent decision In Brlce v. S~ta r tr 242 S.W.2d-433 (Tex. Srlm. 1951)~..There, nono o t l ohanoes for the awards were ~dlstrlbutedoa the be818 of pu&KLSeS from the donor. The gene~ralpub116 V&B Invited to Peglater for the contest, end .&pparentlyno favorlt188,rv8sshorn customers. The court &$d, In effect, that the element of consldera- tion was ndt added by mere prospect of increased patronage. i+eviou``oplnlon8of this offloe are In aocord with this result. ~See Attly ,&n. Op. V-l@/ (1947). See'alao Att'y Oen. op. 0-2309 (1940). In then-pastthis offI. haa.be& called-upon'tn 'zonsiderthe legalltjrof 8 amber of promotion plane based up+ thenlottery principle. In Attommy ffeneral'sOpinion 0-2ti3 (.1940)the plan Involved vaa~ldentlc8lvlth'tilatIn.- valvedwhere. The fact6 Involved in that opinlonrefl&t: "The miwchants of 'Cleburnewant offlclal rullng,regardlnga trades day plan called .~Appreclatlon Day.' The p&&n operates by.mer-. chants vho pay to a common fund called Appre- ciation Day. These merchants give couwna ..called%-easure Cheat' coupons,.vhlchompnn -ccM%ln marking@ from 5 to 5054. After puri chase``~&remade 1~ these participatingfirms the customer Is given a coupon which is punched from any~dehomlnatlonfrom -9 5 tb 5O$. The custom to be,gqmerally foi$ch?irgd, that a CustOmr who purclases from 256 to 9gQin a partldiwt- ing Store 18 given a 5% punched COup0nj.a pur- chase of l.OO to 1.99, a 10% COUpOIlj a chase OS 02.00 to f2.99, 8 20% coupon; a r3.00 to $3.99, 8 30% coupon, a 4400 to 4.90; a 40% coupon, and e~purchaee of %,5.00 to d10.00, a' 50% coupon. 'The ouetomer then algae his or her niune and address on the back of'the coupon, drop8 it In a box, On 'Drawing'day the tickets or oou- pane are placed in a general container from which is dP8lin8 vlnnlng ticket, The pereon whose name Is drawn la awarded the 5,,lo, 20, 30, 40, and 50% of the tr8deS day fund money dependins on the per- centage of the coupon which 18 drava. . . . - . eon. m.mer ~cvey; page 6 (V-1420)" In holding'thlsplan to'be S lottery in viola- tion of AzWcle 654, V.P.C., it was sal&:~ "This departmeat.haaon.aume;oueooca- slonti.plrssed.oathe questlixrdt'vh&her or not v&rtous nteroantlls advertl8ing schemes ,co&%tute B 3rotterg; -andvltfioutwxceptlon .has.so-brand~:them~wheo the elemetitsof ohwoe, prize aad oonslderatloahave,been found ko:be preseat: .&- II . . . %. “For the reamns~ sot .?ort&la Oplnidne bndxuiderthe &mi O-1174, 0-2t?teb``aaC~O-2563,~ ' aalor~uile8 them-o``tad,~lt1s oilroplaioa .a&-you 8~8 reepeutf'ully.advPee&thst the mer- ~atiZe~sdvertlelng -sohSny ~worIba& ‘in.your Uppreci-stloa -,letter, Day,' oanstltutes.a lottery as IS.eotieniae&byArtiblb~654of the. Pear&Code-oi'Texw.' I More reeetly, a baslee+Uy similar plea known - as. i'Bonanaan was held to be a lottery, ,Att'yQen. Op. V-238 (1947). We believe these ti&nlciasoontrol the problem.beforeus. ,_ In the "AppreoiatlonPeg" plan, 4s de&rLbed la jour request,,lt appears that o sub'stantial portion of.,thechanoea for averds me to be distributedupon the basis of piwchases from the merghsote~whopartloipate in the plan,.aad the slse of the aiff+rd ~a8to such ohanaes depends.upoathe value~ol,$hepurchase.,This constitutes a valuable consideration moving. Sropr the ooatesfantswho .mke parahases to the do,pii~of theiprlre &ad, uader the authorltip8olted above,~‘that eleneat is aot removed by the QLstributioaoi a number oi "free' ohsrrdeson request. It Is our oplaloa, therefore, that"the "Appreo&atlonDay" plan outline&la your request ooastitutesa lottery pro- hlbltdd by Arttile 654, Veraonfe Pea81 Code. Hdn. Elmer MoVey, page 7 (v-1420) SUMMARY A retail sales Fomotion plan, know as "AppreciationDay vharein prlses are distributed on the basis'of a drawing of coupons given to et&e patrons vlth pur- chases of merchandise and servioe, is 8 lottery and prohibitedby Article 654; V.P.C. APPROVED:'". Yours verg,truly, Ned McDanle& PRICE DANIEL State Affala~ Dlvlslon Attorney General E. Jaoobson~ Reviewing Asslstant Caivln B. t&wood, Jr. Charlea D, Mathevs Assistant First Asslstimt . :
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1420
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017