Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1951 )

  •                     ~%~ATTOMNEY     GENE-I.
    ov TEXAS
    AunTrN    11. TExas
    December 19, 1951
    Hon. Jim W. Weatherby        Opinion No. v-1381
    District Attorney
    Kerrville, Texas             Re:   Le,gality of using the
    proceeds of a county
    tax levied for airport
    maintenance when the
    county has relinquished
    to a municipality its
    interest in the airport
    Dear Sir:                          in question.
    Your request for an opinion of this office
    reads in part as follows:
    "In 1941 the City of Kerrville and
    Kerr County, Texas acquired land and con-
    structed an airport; thereafter, the op-
    eration of the airport was under the City
    of Kerrville.
    "In 1943 Kerr County paid one-half
    of the expense of additional hangars on
    such airport.
    "In September of1945, Kerr County
    relinquished to the City of Kerrville all
    right to participate in the upkeep, opera-
    tion and control, with the understanding
    that the City of Kerrville would be re-
    sponsible thereafter for all expenses ln-
    curred in the operation, upkeep, manage-
    ment and control thereof, without any de-
    mand against Kerr County.
    "In 1950 the tax was levied For alr-
    port maintenance.
    "All taxes were paid without protest
    and no claim, demand or protest was made
    as to the payment of such five cent levy
    for airport maintenance.
    "The City of Kerrvllle requested
    the County to contribute money for up-
    keep expenses.  The tax collected is 1x2
    Han. Jim W. Weatherbg, page 2                (v-1.381)
    a spealal fun4 set aside for al??port
    uaintenance       .
    %      view of &e      rellnquismnt       by
    Kerr County of its Fights, and lacept;
    anee by the City of Kerrville, it 1s
    requested that you advise:
    ll. Whether br not this money
    could be used by Smr County as a eon-
    trrtbmtlon tovard the upkeep maintenance
    el rath airport,
    w2, If the above question Is
    answered in the negative, then whether
    OF net such money could be rxpendsd by
    SeFr county,
    *3*     If srteh money can be orpended
    grEe”         County, what may it be expended
    “4.     It such money can be eXpended
    by Sum        WWg,    may it be used In fts
    (iawml        Fund.
    3% pel?tUunt part of Seetie 9, Article
    VT11 of the Texar Constltutisn la a8 followsr
    a             and no c@untT, city or town
    shall &~*EOCO             than twenty-five      (25)
    cente       itw city
    ‘or -county    po808, and
    not exceeding fiSteon (15 p” oentr ir
    roads and bridges, and not exceeding
    fifteen (15) cents to par urora, On
    the one hxmdrad dollars ra i!
    uation, Ox-
    cept fop the payment of debts 1nerzrreQ
    prior tb the ad tlon of the Amendment
    September 25, 1%;    and for the erection
    of publio bu%ldiage, streets, sewers,
    waterworks and other permanent 1 rove-
    ments, not to exceed twenty-five “p 25)
    cents on the one hundred dollars valua-
    tion, in any one year, and except as
    1s in t&&s Conetitatl.on otherwise pro-
    vided 0 D *’
    Sectien 4 of Article 1269h, V,C.S,, pro-
    Hon. Jim W. Weatherby, page 3   (V-1.381)
    "That in addition to and exclusive
    Of any taxes which may be levied for the
    interest and sinking fund of any bonds
    issued under the authority of this Act,
    the governing body of any city or the
    Commissioners' Court of any,county, fall-
    ing within the terms hereof, may and 16
    hereby empowered to levy and collect a
    special tax not to exceed for any one
    year five  Cents on each One Hundred DOl-
    lars for the purpose of improving, oper-
    ating, maintaining and conducting any
    Air Port which such city or county may
    acquire under the provision of this Act,
    and to provide all suitable structures,
    and facilities therein. Providsd that
    nothing in this Act shall be construed as
    authorizing any city or county to exceed
    the limita of indebtedness placed upon it
    under the Constitution."
    The order of th,e Commfesionersf Court of
    Kerr County reflects that the tax was levied for *air-
    port maintenzincen, which is ordinarily an expense pay-
    able out of the county general fund. IiOWever, the
    County Judge has advised that it was levied for the
    specific purpose of improving the runways of the air-
    port. ,In this event, the tax becomes a part of the
    permanent improvement fund. In Attorney General's
    Opinion O-6762  (1945) it is stated:
    "From the information given in your
    letter, we understand that a part of the
    contemplated expenses in connection with
    the airport is for the improvement of the
    runways.   It Is apparent that the runways
    and the improvements thereto are in the
    nature of permanent improvements.   v8 think,
    therefore, that the expenses for the im-
    provement of the runways should be allocated
    as a part of the total levy authorized by
    the Constitution for permanent improvements,
    but in no event should such allocation have
    the effect of increasing the total county
    levy for permanent Improvements beyond the
    conatitutlonal limit for such purposes."
    In view of the foregoing, and assuming the
    Hon. Jim W. Weatherby,       page 4       (v-1381)
    tax Vas, in fact, levied for rUnVay iq3rOvetZMJntS,
    it la our opinion that the money in question is a
    part of the permanent improvement f~&l of the county.
    In Capr,;ll v, Williama,        
    109 Tex. 155
    202 S.W. 504
    , 506, 50 (lqltr), it is stateds
    'Going to the real gist of the nin
    Issue bePore us, Section 9 of ArtMle 8 of
    OCR state Constitution, Bupra, inhibits any
    and all transfers of tax money from one to
    another of the several classes of funds
    therein authorized, and, aa a wqwnce,    the
    expen<Ure, Sor one purpose therein dsilned,
    of tax money raised ostensibly for another
    BUCh pIlrpose. The Immediate purpose in so
    prescribing a separate maximum tax rate for
    each of the classes of purposes there enu-
    lssrated is, no boubt, to limit, accordingly,
    the anount of taxes which may be raised from
    the people, by taxation, declaredly for thOB8
    several purposes or classes of puTposes, re-
    spectively.   But that Is not all. The ulti-
    mate and practical and obvious derign and
    purpose and legal effect is to Inhibit ex-
    cessive expenditures for any such purpose
    or clars of purposea.   By necessary impli-
    cation said provisione of section 9 of arti-
    cle 8 WUP~ eerigwe, not merely to limit
    the tax rate fa certain therein 4esignated
    purposes, but to require that any and all
    u8kej raised by taxatien for any such pur-
    peso shall be applied, faithfully, to that
    part&alar   purpose, as needed therefor, and
    not to any other purpose or Us0 vfhatroever.
    Those constitutional provisions central, not
    C&J the raising, but also the applioatlon,
    & a21 such funds; and such is the legal
    effect of articles 2242 and 
    7357, supra
    vhe~ p~operlj 00nam6a    and applied.
    'frue, ths     Constitution does not say,
    la so any   VOP~B, that mtme~ raised    bj a
    oemt~,  city, w tom,       kq taxatioa fa ow
    BUCh purpose ahsll never     be expended for any
    other purpoeo-not      even for Ulether       of the
    five general classes of purposes defined
    and approved in said     section     9--but   that, 've
    Hon. Jim W. Weatherby,' page   5   (v-1381)
    think, Is ita plain and certain mean-
    ing and legal effect. The very deflni-
    tlona of those several classes of pur-
    poses, and the declaration of authority
    to tax the people therefor, respectively,
    coupled, as they are, in each instance,
    with a limitation of the tax rate for
    that class, must have been predicated
    upon the expectation and intent that, a8
    a matter of common honesty and fair deal-
    ing, tax money taken from the people os-
    teneibly for one such specified purpose
    shall be expended, as needed, for that
    purpose alone, as well as that the tax
    rate for that particular claw, in any
    one year& shall not exceed the preaaribed
    Baaed upon the assumption that the tax
    wa6 levied Sor runway improvements, it la our opin-
    ion that the only purpose for which this money may
    be expended is for repairing and improving the air-
    The decisions of the Texas courts have re-
    peatedly held that the commissioners' court la a
    court of limited jurisdiction and has only such powers
    aa are conferred upon It, either by express terme or
    by necessary implication, by the Constitution and
    statutes of thi8 State, Childress County v. State,
    92 Z.W,2d ltm (1936) V on Rosenberg v.
    .W. 508 (Tex. Civ. Appi 1915, error ref.);
    D Rail; 280 s,W..289(Tex. Clv. App. 1925); Art.
    11 Tex, Jur. 632, Countled, Sec. 95.
    There is no law which authorizes a county
    to relinquia$I   the operation of an airport to a city.
    The only reiatsd,proviblan at the time of thili pur-
    ported'.raZlnqulshmant vaa that which authorized the
    coIIpIas$onere' Court to lease a county-owned airport
    to any city within the cs.         Art. 1269h, V.C.S.,
    There is no law authorizing a county to ContribUt8
    money to a city for the operation of an airport. How-
    ever, Article 46d-l&,.V.C.S,, authorizes the joint
    operation of an airport by a county and city. This
    act provides that a joint board shall be created and
    prescribes the method of operatlon by such board.
    There ie nothing in your request indicating that the
    -   .
    Hon. Jim W. weatherby,           page 6    (V-191)
    PrOCOdure outlined         in Article     464-14,    V.C;.S.,   hae
    been f olloved    D
    In view of the ioregolng,  It is our opinion
    that Article   46d-14 must be complied vlth before coun-
    ty money may be expenrled in the operation OS a joint
    Money collectc)(l by a county for air-
    mrt       maintenance cannot be contributed    to
    the mafxitenance of an
    Ueno~ rollected by a county through
    the levy a? tax08 for the purpom of ia-
    protins th* ruawa7r of tba couat7 @irport
    is a put of t&a permanent llprorrunt
    fUnd ati OIll b. r)eRt On1 fOP 6Uah WpeS..
    Att'f @on. Opq O-6762 (I&);   Carrel ! v.
    lrslliar,        log tot.   155,292     23.     504 /A``).
    Yours very tmalp,
    YEroE a!iAnEL
    Attsraw      Oweal

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1381

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1951

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017