: _. Januaq 29, 1952 Hon. Sam W. Davis opinion RO. v-1398 Mstrict Attorney Civil Courts Bldg. Re: Maximum compensation OS Houston 2, Texas the County ~Trsasurerof Harris County from all sources,'including the Dear Sir: navigation distPl.ict. You have requestea,an opinion on the maxl- mum compensation of the coudy treasurer of Rarrls county. House Bill 265, Acts of the 52nd Leg., R.S. 1951, ch. 391 p. 675, pasied by the.Legi&lature on Hay 15, 1951 [Article 39438, V.C.S..);prescribes the salaries of tillcounty treasurers compensated on a salary basis. Section 5 provides: *In each county in the State of Texas having a population of at least three hundred thousanc?and one (300,001) inhabitants, or more, according to the last preceding Federal Census, the Commissioners Court shall fix the salary of the county treasurer at any reason- abLe sum, providing such salary is not less than Forty-eight Hundred Dollars {$4800).* House Bill 206, Acts of the 52nd'Leg., R.S. 1951, ch. April 19, salary to De pala 'tne county treasurer 1n counties nav- ing a population 61 six hudred thousand (600,000) in- habitants or more. Section 1 provides: "That the connnlsslonersoourt in each county 5.n the State of Texas having-a popu- lation of six huuaFeclthousand (600,000) in- habitants or more according to the last pre- ceding Federal Census, or any future Federal - Census, shall determine annually the salary to be paid to the oounty tlreasurerat a rea- sonable sum of not less than Five Thousand Hon. Sam W. Davis, page 2 (v-13981 Dollars ($5,000) nor more than Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) per annum, and the maximum salary and compensa- tion of said treasurer shall not exceed Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) in the aggregate~for any one calendar year. Said treasurer shall be allowed to ap- point such assistants as said commis- sioners court may deem necessary at reasonable salaries, tp be determined by sala commissioners court. Said as- sistants shall,h&e: the authority to do Iandperform in the'name of such county such acts, either clerical or mlnlster- la1 in character; as may be required of him by sala county~treasurer." Under - the .provisions of ._.. House Blll.206, the maximum saLary tnat may oe alo tne treasurer of Harris County is limited to % 8,000, while under the :provisions.of House Bill 255 the maximum salary that 'maybe paid.the c,ount,ytreasurer of Harris' County is unlimited. At.t'geen. .O,"+ V-1320 (~1951) and V-1327 (1951). Thus at the same session of the Legisla- ture there were :enacts,dtwo statutes dealing with the ~compensa'tiouof county treasurers.‘ The .first act passed is restricted in applltiatlbnto c'ounties b&ving.over 600,000 inhabitants,:and the second act $.sa,comprehenslve.one concerning the compensation for :all.countytreasurers paid on a salary basis. In 1 Sutherland Statutory Construction (3rd Ed. 1943) 475-77; the rule in thld'regard is stated as follows: "The intent to repeal all former laws .:&on ~the subject is made apparent by the enactment of:subsequent comprehensive leg- lslation establishing elaborate inclusions and exclusions of the persons, things and relationships ordlnarily'associated with the,subject. Legislation of this sort ,which operates to revise the entire subject ~to which it relates, by its very comprehen- .s'iQenessgives strong implication of a leg- ~,.:'isla'e.ive intent not only to repeal former statutory law'upon the subject, but also 'Z, -. . Hon. ~a.mW. Davis, page 3 (V-1398) to supersede the common law relatlng to the same subject." In passing upon a somewhat similar ques- tion, it was held in,Attorney General's Opinion V- 472 that House Bill 501, Acts of the 50th Leg., 1947; dealing with traveling expense of sheriffs generally, repealed the provisions of Section 19 of Art. 3912e, subdivision (1) provlaing for traveling expense of sheriffs In counties having in excess of 190,000 in- habitants, stating: "The Legislature is presumed to have had knowledge of all existing laws dealing with the same subject matter and could have excluded those counties having a~population in excess of 190,000 Inhabitants, If ',thad not Intended that such counties be Included wfthin the Act. This It did not do. Would it not be just as reasonable to say that the Act is not applicable to counties operating on a fee basis or to those counties operat- ing on a salary basis and having a popula- tion of not over 190,000 inhabitants as it would to say that it does not apply to those counties having a population in excess of 190,000 inhabitants? In that event the Act would not apply to any county in the State and would be meaningles~s. It would be at- tributing to the Legislature the Intention of having done a meaningless thing in passing such a bill." For like reasoning, it is our opinion that House Bill 255, being a later enactment prescribing the salaries to be paid all county treasurers who are compensated on a salary basis, repealed House Bill 206 dealing with the salaries to be paid the county treas- urers in counties having a population of 500,000 in- habitants or more. Therefore, the commissioners' court of Har- ris County may fix the salary of the county treasurer at any reasonable sum provided such salary shall not be less t%!: $4800.00 per annum. Att'y Gen. Op. V-1320 (1951). Section 51 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas provides that all county officers in counties Hon. Sam W. Davis, page 4 (V-1398) having a population of 20,000 inhabitants or more shall be compensated on a salary basis and that all fees earned by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury for the account of the proper fund; In Settegast v. Harris County 159 S.W.28 543 (Tex. Civ. App. 1942, error ref.) tie court was consider- ing whether the county treasurer, in view of the above-mentioned constitutional provision, had the right to retain the compensation provided for in Arti- cles 8148 and 8221, V.C.S. The court held that the compensation of the county treasurer was limited tom the amount provided for in Section 19 of Art. 3912e, V.C.S. (officers' salary law) and that the compensa- tion received pursuant to Articles 8148 and 8221 for handling funds of the Drainage and Navigation Districts could not be retained, stating at page 546: "Under said Article 8148 it was made the duty of the treasurer of Harris County to re- ceive and disburse the funds of said Drainage Districts, and under said Article 8221 It was made his duty to receive and disburse the Mavi- gation District funds. There is no provision in either of said articles that the treasurer shall or may retain either the compensation from the Navigation District or the commis- sions from said Drainage Districts, as his personal property and there is nothing in either article which indicates that the func- tions of the county treasurer in the service of these two agencies were imposed by virtue of an office separate and distinct from the office of the County Treasurer. They were, we think, additional duties required of the coun- ty treasurer of Harris County by the leglsla- ture under the rule that the legislature may q re uire u ice ona duties not inconsistent with the duties per- formed by them. *The question here presented has, we think, been decided by OUP Supreme Court in the case of Nichols vi Galveston County,
111 Tex. 50,
228 S.W. 547. In the Nichols case, the assessor relied upon a statute which spe- cifically authorized the payment to him of ex-officio compensation. The statute under which he claimed additional COmpenSation in . Hon. Sam W. Davis, page 5 (V-1398) the assessment of certain drainage taxes was a part of the statute under which ap- pellants herein claim commissions on Drain- age District funds paid to the treasurer. The court hel% that the assessor was re- quired to account for the 'compensation' pal% by the commissioners' court In connec- tion with the assessment of drainage taxes and the ~co~isslonst on the assessment of independent school %istrict taxes. "This holding is strengthened, in the instant case, by the fact that Subsection (s) of said Section 19 expressly exempts Notaries Public, public weighers and county surveyors from the provisions of said Sec- tion 19. It does not except therefrom the office of county treasurer. *Under above facts, we think that both the constitutional amendment and the legis- lative act under consideration definitely and specifically limited the amount of the salary which could be paid to the county treasurer and to his assistants . . ." While the Legislature has at various times raised the maximum that may be paid the county offl- cers (see Art. 3912g, V.C.S.), it has not change% the method of compensation and has not amended Articles 8148 and 8221.. Therefore, it is our opinion that the construction placed on Article 8221 in the Settegast case is not applicable to the compensation of the county treasurer of Harris County and he is limited to the compensation provide% for in House Bill
265, supra, and as fixed by the commissioners' court. You are therefore advise% that the county treasurer may not retain the compensation provide% for in Article 8221. We are supported in this conclusion by the fact that Article 3943c, V.C.S., applicable to county treasurers in counties having a population of not less than 145,000 inhabitants and not more than 300,000, was enacted in 1.947and provides: * . . . Where such Treasurer acts also as Treasurer of any Navigation an% Drainage Districts, he is to receive and be entitled Hon. Sam W. Davis, page 6 (v-1398) to retain such compensation from such Dis- tricts as is provided by Articles 8221 and 8148, Revise% Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925. . . ." We know of no similar statute applicable to Barris County which has been enacted subsequent to the Settegast case. SUMMARY The compensation of the county treas- urer of Barris County is governed~by the provisions of Section 5, H.B. -265, Acts 52nd R.S. 1951, ch. 391, p. 675 [Article ;;&;A V C S ) which repealed House Bill 206, Acti ;21;ukeg., R.S. 1951, ch. 122, p. 207 (Article 3943%, V.C.S.), and the commls- sioners' court is authorize% to set the salary at any reasonable sum provided such salary is not less than $4800.00 per annum. ,The salary of the county treasurer will be - limited to the amount fixed by the commis- sioners' court and he is not entitle% to re- tain compensation provided for in Article 8221, v.c.s., for receiving and %is;k;;;ng funds of the navigation district. gast v. HarrisCounty 159 S.W.2% 54Jix. Civ. App. 1942, error'ref.). Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIEL Attorney General J. C. Davis, Jr. County Affairs Division E. Jacobson Reviewing Assistant "&eV Assistant Charles D. Mathews First Assistant JR:mh
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1398
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017