Hon. Matthews Blanton Opinion Ro. V-1527 County Attorney Shackelford County Re: Maximum compensation Albany, Texas of county commission- ers and other county officials and their deputies of Shackel- Dear Sir: ford County. You have requeste,dan 0pFnlon concerning the maximutncompensationof the county domissioners and other c.ountyofficials of ShackelfordCounty and _ their deputies,*assistants,and clerks. ShackelfordCounty has a population of 5,001 InhabitantsaccordLng to:the-1950Federal'cen- SUB and a tax valuation of $10,879,560according to the 1950 tax rolls. Its 'count officialswere com- pensated on a fea.basis in 194iIand are now compen- sated on a salarybasis. The compensationof the countg'comls-~ sioners is governed by Articles 2350 and 5912 g, V.C.S. The compensationof.the county treasurer is governed by the provisions of Section 1 of House Bill 265, Acts 52nd Leg., R,S. 1951, ch. 391, p. 675'(Article 3943e, V.C.S.). The compensationof the remaining county offiaials is governed by the provisions of Section 3 of Article 3912g, V.C.S. Article 2350 provides in part: 'Section 1. In counties having the following assessed valuation, respectively, as shown by the total assessed valuat$ons of all properties certified by the $ounty assessor and approved by the Commissioners Court, for county purposes, for the pre- vious year, from time to time, the County Commissionersof such counties shall each receive annual salaries not to exceed the amounts herein specified, said salaries to be paid in equal monthly installments, . . Hon. Matthews Blanton, page 2 (V-1327) at least one half W?:?), and not exaeed- Lng three-fourths (3/4), out of the Road and Bridge Fund, and the remainder out of the General Fund of the county; said as- sessed valuations and salaries applicable thereto being as follows: II . . . '$6,000,001and less than g,OOO,OOO not 20 exceed $1,800,00. a~l~,~OO,OO1and less than 12,000,OOO ffottonexceed $2,200.00. . . . Since ShackelfordCounty ha&a taxi valuation of $10,879,560.00(1950 tax rolls);the maximum compeesatlonall.owedthe county commlsslon- era under Article 2350 is $2200.00, Seation 1 'of Article 3912g authorizes an Increase in compensa- tion "not to exceed twenty-five (25%) per cent of the $um allowed under the law for the~fi&a+'ye;arof Since ShackelfordCounty had a tax valua- %? in 1948 (1947 iax rolls) of $8 808 535.00 the maximum allowed under the law t; thi bonnt$,comr missioners in 1948 was $1800.00. Therefore, Aliticle 3912g authorizes an Increase in compensationnot to exceed $450.00 (25% of,$l800.00). In view of the foregoing, it is our oplnion!thatthe maximum salary that may be.~paid the county c.ommissionersof ShaakelfordCounty dur- ing 1951 is $2650.00 ( 2200.00 plus $450.00). Att'jTGen. Op. V-1004 t1950). Section 1 of House Bill
265, supra, pro- vides: nIn each county in the State of Texas having a opulation of less than twenty thouaapd 720,000) inhqbitantsaccording to the lest preceding Federal Census, where all the county officers are compensatedon a salary basis, the CommissionersCourt shall determine annually the salary to be paid the county treasurer, provided that the annual salary to be paid to the County treasurer shall not be set at any sum less than One Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars . . . Hon. Matthews Blanton, page 3. (V-1327) ($1,800) per annum.“ BY virtue of the above quoted provision, no maximum is prescribed for the county treasurer. Att'y Gen. Op . p-1216 (1951). Therefore, the corn- mleelonersl court may set the salary of the county treasurer at any reasonable amount not leas than $1800.00 per annum. Since the county officers of Shackelford County were on a fee basis in 1948 and are now'compen- sated on a salary basis, the salary of the remaining county bfficlala Is governed by the provlalons of Section 3, Article 3912g, V.C.S., rather thati.Arti- cle 3912e-12, V.G.S. Att'y Geq. Op, V-882 (1949). Section 3 of Article 391.2g provldee: "All of.auch offlaers who were pal&on a fee baele during the fiscal year ~of1948, and who ape .nouto be paid on a salary basis shall be paid an annual salary in twelve (121 equal Installmentsof not less than the total sum earned as aompensationbp him in hiti-of- flclal.capacity for the ,fiscalyear tif.1935, and not more than the maximum sum allowed such officer under the laws ,existiingon Au- gust 24, 1948, together with the twenty- five (25%) per cent increase allowed by this Act within the discretion of the Commiasi,oners court." The maximum sum allowed under the law to t the county officials of Shackelford County ln 1948 was $3,750.00. Articles 3883 and 3891, V.C.S; Therefore, the'maximum compensationthst may be paid the county ,offl.cials of ShaakelfordCoUnty by Section 3 of Article 3912g, Is $4687.50g&~8g?% Plus $937.50). In addition to the aompensatloh pro- vided for In Section 3 of Article 3912g, the tax- assessor-collectoria entitled to the additional compensationprovided for in Section 57 of Article 1436-1, V.P.C., as amended by Senate Bill 271, Acts of 52nd Leg., ah. 368, p. 620. :SeeAtt'y Gen. Op. V-1294 While Article 3912e-12 is not applicable to the compensationof the county offlciale of Hon. Matthews Blanton, page 4 (v-1327) Shaakelford County by virtue of the provisions of Section 3 of Article 3912g, it is noted that Sec- tion 3 of Article 3912g does not apply to the depu- ties, asslet&nts, and clerks, whose salaries are governed~by 3912e-12 and Section 2 of Article 3912g, since Shackelford County has a population of less than 20,000 and its county officers are compensated on salary basis. Article 3912e-12 authorizes a salary of $3600.00 for the deputies, assistants, and clerks. Section 2 of Article 39128 provides: :I "The CommissionersCourt in each county of this State is hereby authorized,when in their judgment the financial condLtlon of the county and the needs of the deputies, assis- tants and clerks of any district, county or precinct officer justify the increase, to enter an order Increasing the compensation of any such deputy~asslstant or clerk In an additlonal.amountnot to sxceed thirty-five (35s) per cent of the sumallowed under the law for the fiscal year of 1948." The sum allowed for the chief deputy, assistant or clerk in ShaakelfordCounty under the law in 1948 was $2250.00 and $1875.00 for the other deputies, assistants, and clerks. Article 3902. Section 2 of Article 3912 authorizes an increase not to exceed $787.50 (359 of $2250.00) to'the chief deputy, assistant, or clerk and an Increase not to exceed $656.25 (35% of $1875.00) to the other depu-~ ties, assistants, and clerks. Therefore, the maximum salary that may be id to the chief deput assistant or clerk Is 443g.50 ($3600.00 plus $&.50) and tie maximum salary that may be-paid to the other deputies, as- sistants, and clerks Is $4256.25 ($3600.00plus $656.25). SUMMARY The maximum compensationof the County Commlsslonersof ShackelfordCounty Is now $2650.00. Arts. 2350 and 3912g, V.C.S.; Att'y Gen. Op. V-l.004. The Comlssioners’ Court of Shackelford County may set the salary of the county treasurer at any reasonable sum not less Bon. Matthews Blanton, page 5 (V-1327) than $1800.00. H.B. 265, Acts 52nd Leg., R.S. 1951, ch. 391, p, 675; Att'y Gen. Op. V-1216. . The maximum compensationthat may be paid county officials of ShackelfordCounty is $4687.50,Art. 3912g, Sec. 3. In addi- tion to the compensationprovided for in Section 3 of Article 3912g, the tax assessor- collector is entitled to the additional compen- sation provided for In Section 57 of Article 1436&l, V.P.C., as amended by Senate Bill 271, Acts of 52nd Beg., R.S. 1951, ch. 368, p. 520. The maximum salary that may be paid to the ahief deputy, assistant, or clerk la $3383:;§9, and themaximum salary that may be paid to the other deputies, assistants, and clerks La $4256.25. Arts. 3883, 3891, 3912e-12, and 3912g, V.C.S. APPROVED: Yours very truly, 3. C..Davis, Jr. PRICE DARIEL County Affairs Mvislon Attorney General Jesse P. Luton, Jr. Reviewing Assistant Everett Hutchinson Executive Assistant JR:mb
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1327
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017