Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1951 )

  •                             Auguet 20, 1951
    ffon. Robert bl. Allen           Opinion No, V-1245
    Oount Attorney
    Rusk i ounty                     Be;   DoUS 8 preolnot b
    Henderson, Texas                       tit from taxes 00
    ~leoted rop farm-t
    mexket roads in p
    gortfon to the TQ
    of the county in
    prixinct; is b t6i
    payer whoee anly
    able property is
    from, the tax qua1
    to vote at the ta
    Dear Sir:                              election?
    Your requeert for an opinion,relates    to 6 poa~
    pored eleotion   in Rusk OoWty to le+y, (assess, and.e&
    lest ad vslorem taxes not to exceed thirty cents 02)
    each One ffunilrsd Dollars valuation for farm-to-market
    and lateral   roads pursuant to Article    7048a of Vernenls
    Givll Statutes end prerents ‘for determination     two qum-
    &ions rvhloh may be paraphrased as follows:
    I.  Under Seation 6, of Artiole    7046a
    would, Ooftuniasionsral Pfecinot No. 1 ox? Rusk
    C.ounty; ,wh,ioh has approximately 80 per cent
    of the county valuation,     get the benefit  of
    80 plr sent of the taxes collected     if this
    *Laetion carries?
    21 Under Seotioa 7 ot Artic3.e 704ga,
    would a property owner whose only taxable
    property is a residential  homestead valued
    lt less than $3,000 be qualified   to vote in
    suoh election   eince his property would be
    exem#t from th tax levied under Article
    iirticle   704&t, V. 0. S.,   provides   la part:
    “SW. 2. From an4 after i?8nuary 1, 1951,
    the soreral uountieb et Wa Strtc be and they
    am here8g m0mMnad     to lay   ~rf~ne and aol-
    le0t d valorsin tax*8 upon 8 f proparty with-
    Ron. Robert M, Allen,     pa&e 2 (V-la0)
    in their    respsative  bowldariss r0r oouaty
    except the firat Three Thoummd
    S~“~.$~        000) velue of rerib0ntlal   holae-
    staads, not ‘to exceed thirty cent8 (3Og 1 on
    oooh One Hun&red Dollars ($100) valuation,
    in addition     to all other ad valorem taxer
    auttlorizrd   by the Constitution   of the $t&o
    provided the revenue therefrom ah&U b% use 6,
    as provided in this bet for the conetrutltio8
    and malntenrnce of Farm-to-Karl:et ucd Latanil,
    lwldr .or for Flood Control and for theaI Wo
    (2) purposes only.
    *Sea. 6, Both the ?srmto-&rket             aab.
    Lateal     Road Fund Find the Flood Owtrol FurQ
    ah&l1 be exrmnded so as to equitably          PintaiSr
    ute a% nearly as possible        th% benefits     do-
    rived from such expenditurss        to the varloua
    Commissionsre~ precinots       in accrordance ulth
    the taxable values      therein.
    “Sec. 7. Before any county sh%ll levy,
    atas      and oolleo t the tax provided for h%r%ia
    the quo&ion      shall by t&r Comiesionere          Court
    oi the oountp be submitted to a Vote of the
    qualified    property tupaying      voters of suoh
    oounty at an election      called for that purpors,~
    either on said Commissioners Courts’ owh mo-
    tion,   or upon p’stition    of ten per oent (logl} of
    the qualified     property taxpaying voters of IBWI
    oounty BI ehovm by the returns of th% laet g%n=
    era1 elvmtion     .' . . . .n
    Article   6740, V. 0. 8.,     la   a8 folLow%r
    wTh%aommiesiansre oourt #h*ll %e% that
    the road, and bridge fund of ttdP        oounty is
    ju&loiously   and equitably expelNed on the
    roads and bridges of their oounty, and, aa
    nearly as ths condition      and neoesrity    or the
    roads will per&t,      it shall, be ergend      Zn
    %%oh county commissioner% pracin%t in pro-
    port&a to the amount colleoted         in suoh pro-
    rino t . Money uasd in building permanent
    ma68    shall first    8 used only oa t%rra! ef
    880086-alaw     roads, %nd on thoscs, Wh$o& rha%x
    h8vs the right or : ay tumirhed       ,i?@e ot 00i3t.
    to make ae,atraight      a road aa is prsatioable
    ,%md having ths greatert      bonue off%?& by the
    ‘oitizem% or wmoy, labor or otkw propwty.~
    t29 3’6%i56,  103 ‘8. I.
    held ,that
    then ir r&h*’
    8 the oommtrrio,aw8
    oourt 80, divide thq lload and, bridge ryul ao,o,ord$ngcta
    my fixed mtheemtioal’ itinntlla, .&?I&  .yippdi%Wi i&k@ in
    r(raaoe tor thopurposo    at: being rkpdsd     ‘In, ax& &tan
    gruoinot.*    The oourt rurther stated:
    ”    the aommiarioners oourt murk. glum
    erteot   ’t; &id artiols      6740 exoept when the
    necessities   of.the roads and bridger         require
    a departure from it.,     That article     requires
    that the road and bridge runds or all oountis6
    &al& be, judi,oiossly    and equitably e~xp,ended,
    ft f&thar     requires that ,suirh funds shall,
    as nearly as the condition        and necessity      of the
    roads will permit      be expended in each oommla-
    sionsrs preoinot in proportion         to the amount
    eolleoted    in auoh preoinot.      The dominant pum
    pose oi this statute      seema to be to require that
    the road cuad bridge fund shall be expended in
    oaoh aommlrrfoners preoinat in proportion             to the
    amount oolleotsd     therein.     In this regard        the
    statute means that eaoh precinct         shell      r&m
    facie be entitle     to its own funds, and f n the
    absenoe of any reasons to the contrary they,
    should be so divided and expended.
    the duty to expend the funds inthe           ````$~on
    above meatj.oned is not an absolutely           inflexible
    one.     Thle is evident from the fact that th8
    dominant purpose or the statute is qualified               to
    the extent that the court by olear implication
    is    ivrn the right to expend the road and bridge
    Sun8 in a proportion      other than in the propor-
    tlon in which they are collected          when the ooadl*
    tion8 of the roads in the ,respeotive           preoinotn
    oreatee a ne6aclrity 50 to do. Ne think, however,
    c       that t&e requirement to expand the fund in the
    proportion     mentioned oannot be avoided exoept
    in oaaea’.or oanaitions      of neoessity.        Of course,
    tl)b 08tUai68IOnOr8 sourt      ha8 tb*.right      to axor-
    oi88 Ztti sound jaA&ment In dstsrmlning the ne-
    srrrsity; b,ut it banhot act arbitrarily           in raw
    gard to such m&Lt%~.~
    ALSO see Garland             , 114 S, W. 28 302
    d AtW’ Gen. 0~.
    ,,’   ”
    Hon.   Robert   M.   Allen,   page 4 (V-1245)
    Seotion 6 of Article    7048a directs that tlu
    taxes collected    for farmto-market     and lateral    road
    purposes ahall be expended so a6 to equitably          aietrl-
    but6 benefits     as nearly as possible    to.the vararious
    preolncts    in accordance with the taxable values there-
    Therefore     in anawer to your first     question
    ??our    opinion’that   Preoinot No. 3, would be entillLtto
    the amount of taxes collected      therein for rarm-to-
    market, and lateral    road purposes fP the comissionersf
    oourt in the exeroise      of its discretion    determinea that
    the need in Precinct No. 1 rquire?         that taxes so ool-
    leoted be expended in the precinct,
    Passing to your aeoond question,     Section ?
    of ‘&+ticle 70486 .provides for a $3,000.00 exemption ‘&m
    rsaidsntlal   homaataade.   In Attorney General’s Oplniwr
    V-1144 (19511, it,waa stated that *the $3,000 residence
    homestead exemption provided in Seotion l-a, Article
    VIII, Constitution   of Texas, applies to such county
    taxes ss may be levied for farm-toGmarket roads or for
    rlood oontrol under eaid ,oonstitutional,proviaion,      but
    not to other county taxes.*1
    In other words, the exemption in Seotlcm l-a
    of Article  VIII applies only to a valuation      of $3,900
    whioh is ,oonfined to oounty taxes levied for farm&o-
    market and lateral  roads    all other taxes for oounty
    purposes not being affeotea     by the exemption.    The M-
    uiwmont oontalned in Seotion 7 of Artiole       70466 18
    ” all voters be qualitled    property taxpaying voters
    of such county*
    You ask whether a voter whose only taxable
    proparty is a,homestead valued at less than $3,000,00
    is a property taxpaying voter within the meaning’ of tha
    1, Artiole      7046a V. 0. 15. (IL B, 107, Acts 51at Leg.,
    R, $. X949, oh, 4&, p. 8491, is the enabling legiela-
    t&on vrhloh oarrisd into effect       the provisions of the
    eosirtitutional    amandlzient proposed by House Joint Rsao-
    lutlon   24, adopted id the 194g General Election,      the
    name being Sention l-a of Article        VIII of the Constitu-
    tiOA Or %3X68.      Both provide a .$3,000.00 exemption.
    Eoa. EIobert M. Allen,       page 5 (V-1245)
    There is no requlreumt        that the taxen mWt
    be no tually ' paid, but 14 is onlf required      that suah
    aw3 .itied electors     cwn taxabl;erc     erty whioh has beon             ,,,
    ,o; taxation.         e amt. Art. VT. Sea,
    xi&,&&, 95 S. W. ‘26 149 (Tex., Civ. Appgc
    *The point before us turna upon the quee-
    tion of’ whether or not property ha8 been ren-
    d8red for taxation,     when it haa been placed
    u II the roll8 by the a8seosor under the pro-
    ~     of law named, when the owner     has ror
    any,onuse failei     to make the list,   swear to it
    and furnish it to the assessor.        This is true
    because Art. 2955a above quoted, provides a8
    a ‘requisite   to toting in such eleotiona     as the
    one before us thrlt only q,ualified      voters who
    own property in the described distriot,        who
    have~duiy rendered the same for taxation,shall
    “If the assessnznt made by the assessor
    is a legal rendition           in point of law, then
    ,                                  the s$rit      of the statute hns been :;let and
    he should be allowed to vote, otherwise he
    should not . He believe             t.!lut since either t?eeno
    of forming a basis for the enforcer,ient of the
    collection     of the tax a,:air.rt the oT::ner ani his
    property ccoonpl~shed the ~-I,).‘:c.          rr:;sult, th.e per-
    mi~ssion by the owner for tbc :‘:::st:eaor to :,,a!ce
    the esaeasnent as provided b;: lew, is er;i:i.va-
    Lent to a rendition by him, by neons of the
    statutory      provisions      first     ;+ven.      ‘#e therefore
    hold that so much CM the s1,stutnry provisions
    which prescribe        ho.:; iroi,lerty shall. be renr!er%?d
    ,/-       for t.exea~ by the 0’QW, by listin:, , sr!rerjrin,?:
    to it and furni.shin$:, to tile assessor,                l.s i?ircc-
    tory; ,it; carrier with it no :?enulty for having
    faSl&       and provides another legal r:leans for
    %                                 o6116otinp: the tax, %:j.,enhr, does fail.                  Ir (+.e
    ..:                  ere cor&ect in these oonoluslona,                  the oymer ha8
    t,$uly .P&dered 1 his property for taxes when it is
    .,.           .!
    .’             placed on the rolls by the assessor in a legal
    amao?,      with the implied per!nisr.ion of the owner,
    t, prcierence      to some other means provided.”
    s00tt0n    3a or    hti0aO    VI,   atw:twa               0r
    prorlder      ,:
    when till 6iboti0~       18 hda     bl w         aaPntl
    . . ..for       the purporr of isro%ng bond8 or,ottb*c
    wise lending em&it,      or rxpoadin~: money or
    assuming any debt, only qualfilied sf@Otoru
    who own taxable property in the . . . aouaQ?
    wh6re suob election   is hald and who
    iak’duly    ~randared the same for tdion,
    shall be quallfiad    to vets . , ra
    Ths Collstitution       Stsslt Wine,    the qw*31sio&
    the Legi?Laturs ir without
    thaw ~*q&wnenk.
    (‘Per. C&Y. APP. 1932,
    , 127 Te+ 159,   299 5. W. 221
    The question,  then is narrowed to a de%or-                               /”
    ndnationof   whsther SectIon $8 of Art1oY.s VT require@
    that the voter own property whioh would bo aubjmb #
    the~tu  irtpomd am a result of a faronbk     rote at tg,
    ,Seot&on 3~ af Artlole           VI preaorlbee         geneml
    qadiflaattonr              ror rottw       fn kn rlwvtllon     for    “*      Hrn,
    ma4pr         “pao applloability         of them    ooartitutiona T           qu&
    Wioattona           tr not     aeprndent     upoa a dlroot lirbllitf            of
    From these oases it is seen that the appli-
    cability   of these constitutioml     qualifica’tions     ir not
    restricted   to elections   at which the question voted cm
    is the levying of a t&x on pro rty.          Conversely      wx)
    think the ConetLtutim      dode no F rebtF’i6t   the  quailfled
    toters in an eleotion     at which the qu&etion voted on is
    th& levying of a tax to those takpayers who would Lnour
    a llclbility         for     paymentof the ta+          The owner of a
    nridential    h-stead   valued at lass than &,OOO, while
    uwpteb     rrom the paymeht or any tax @WW~ aa a msuZt
    l.                                                                                             .:
    Hon. Robert Ii. Allen,     pegs 7 (V-1245)
    of   thiselection   is liable for other county te~es.
    #Ye are of the opinion that he “owns taxable property
    in the cowaty” within the meaning of Seation 3e of
    Article  VI,
    The Constitution        does not reouirs that the
    tax08 bs actually   paid.       It  rsqalrcs  only that the
    sleator  own taxable nroperty which has been duly rsn-
    dared for taxation.    -CamDb6il v. ‘Jr&h
    Public Utilities   Car;,. v. Holland. snp~eendI%%
    voter owns property vrhich has been duly rcndcred for
    coUnty taxetian    hc t:itititS  the constitutional    recrulrs-
    rmnt and is entitled      to vote in an election      to detcr-
    mine if a tax for farm-to-market          and lateral  roads
    ehould be levied.
    A county precinct wogl&, be sn-
    titled  to the amount of taxes colleoted
    therein for farm-to-market    and lateral,
    roads if the ooMmissionersl     oourt, in tb,e
    exerolss   of its sound discretion,    deter-
    mines that the need for road improvor,ent
    in thrit ?er+.iciLLar precinct  requires the
    sxncnditure     of tha taxes collected    there-
    A property owner whose only
    taxable property is a residential        home-
    stead valued at less then $3,000.00
    would be qualified    to vote in an elec-
    tron to determine if a tax should be
    levied en-3 colltc ted i’or l'arm-to-marke t
    and letcrel   ruads,   ‘;‘oxas publio Utili-
    tics C~ry. v. Holland 123 S. ‘!!. 2d 102g
    vex.   Civ. Ap2.           error dism. ) ;
    Oaapbrll v. Wrisht, 95 9. 7!. 2d 149
    (‘hx. Clr. App. 5936).
    . .’

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1245

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1951

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017