- NEY GENEKAL F 1’EXAnS Hon. M. B. McCoy, D.C., President Board of ChiropracticExamtnere Austin, Texas Opinion NO. v-1081 Rer The authority of the Texas Board of ChiropracticEx- amlners to Issue licenses by reciprocitywith States which require basic scfence examinationbut in which these applicants are ex- Dear Dr. McCoy: empt from such examination. Your request for an opinion Is as follows: “This Board haa received information from the Texas Basic Science Board to the effect that it has establisheda reciprocal arrangementwith the State of Tennessee, where the individualreceived his Tennessee Basic Science certificateby examination. "We have received Informationfrom the Secretary of the Tennessee State Board of ChiropracticExamlners to the effect that Chiropractorswho were licensed prior to 1947 by examination in Tennessee are exempt from the Tennessee Basic Science Law. “Dr. Carrick, Secretary of the Tennes- see ChiropracticBoard, advises that .*. (upon the advice of Legal Office of Regula- tory Boards) thoee lloensed prior to 1947, are exempt from it, and that in his opfnfon a photostatlccopy of license, or a certl- fied copy of the Law on the Basic Sciences of his State should be sufficientproof for the Texas Board to act on. The Board in the Basfc Sciences of Tennessee has ruled that the Tennessee ChiropracticBoard can certify that licenses prior to February, 1947, are exempt from the Basic Science Law.” (Parentheticalmaterial supplied) - Hon. M. B. ClcCoy,D.C., page 2 (v-1081) You desire to know whether a chiropractorof a._foreign _ state who was exempt from the provlslons of the basic science act in his state at the time of re- ceiving his license, may be granted a license by rec- iprocity In this State to practice chiropracticwithout first getting a certificateof proficiency In the basic sciences. Section 9 of Article 4512b, V.C.S. (Chlro- practlc Law), provides: "The Texas Board of 'ChiropracticEx- aminers shall .. grant license to practice chiropracticto licentlatesof other states or terrltorleahaving requirementsand prac- tices equal to those established.by the laws of this State.... Said applicationshall be accompaniedby a license, or a certified copy of license to practice chiropractic, lawfully Issued to the applicant,u on ex- amination, by some other state or ThEGy f th United States...."(Emphasissupplied :hrou:hout) Section 7 of H.B. 103, Acts 51st Leg., R.S., 1949, ch. 95& p. 170 commonly referred to as the "Basic Sciences Law (Art. 459Oc, V.C.S.), is as follows: "Ho certificateshall be issued by the Board unless the person applying for it submits evidence, satisfactoryto the Board, ... (6) that he has a comprehensiveknowl- edge of the basic sciences as passing the examinationgiven as by thl A t required. This shall not be construedstoCpreventthe issue of certlff- cates under the provisions of Section 8 of this Act." Section 8, above referred to, says: "The Board shall waive the examination required by Section 7s when proof satlsfac- tory to the Board is submitted, showing $;itEha;e;$ applicant has passed In another itory, or District of Columbia, an exknatlon in'the basic sciences before a board of examiners; (2) th t the requfrs- ments of that State, TerritoEy, or Dfstrlct Hon. M. B. McCoy, D.C., page 3 (v-1081) of Columbla are not less than those required by thls Act as a condition precedent to the lssne of a certlrlcate;(3) that the board of examiners in that State, Territory, or District of Columbia grants like exemption from examinationIn the basic sciences to persona holding certificatesfrom the State Board of Examlners In the Basic Sciences In Texas; ...* (H.B. 103 as amended by H.B. 915, Acts 51st Leg., R.S., 1949) Section 1 of Article 459Oc (Basic Sciences Law) requires that a person must obtain a certificate of proficiency In the basic sciences before being ex- amined for a license to practice the healing arts or to be granted a license to practice the healing arts. For the purposes of this opinion, an exception to this rule Is that the Board of Basic Science Examiners may waive the examlnatlonfor such certificateof proficiencywhen the provisions of Section 8 of the Act are met. In your particular factual situation,the Texas Board of ChiropracticExaminers could Issue a ll- tense by reciprocitywith those states having similar quallflcatlonsfor the practice of chiropractic. How- ever, the fact that an applicant Is exempt under the laws of his state would not obviate the necessity of his meet- ing the requirements of this state. In answer to the following question: "Questionlo. 5. "If you have answered Question no. 1 In the afflrmatlve, what ef- fect will this have on the applicantswhose applicationsfor license by reciprocal en- dorsementwere approved on June lVth? Ll- tense certificateswere signed on June 17th for approximately200 applicants,and are now ready to b.esent out, should the Board send out these license certificateswlthout having obtained a basic science certificate, even though there is no Board of Basic Scl- ence Examlners to Issue a basic science cer- tificate?'" the Attorney Qeneral, In Oplnlon Ro. V-867, dated 3uly 30, 1949, stated: 'Slnae recelvlng your request for opln- Ion, you have advised that this questfon Hon. M. B. NoCoy, D.C., page 4 (~-1081) should be limited to those applicantswho filed after the efieotive date of the Act, since action had already been taken on those which were filed before suah date. On applications,filed, and obviously to be aated upon after the effective date, April 28, 1949, House Bill 103 clearly re- quires certiiicatesof proilclenoy in the basic sdiences beiore the Issuance of ll- senses to practice. Since the Basic Soi- ence Law indicates that no license shall be issued before obtaining a certificateof profiolenoyand slnoe no examlnatlonSOP admission by reciproalty is required, It Is our opinion that the Board of Medical Examiners may hold In abeyance the appllca- tlons of those to be admltted to practice the healing arts by reciprocityuntil such time as the applicantsppayobtain from the Basic Sciences Board the certlilaatesof proficiencyrequired by law. Upon receipt of suah certificateaof proficiencyIn the basic sciences by the Board of Medical Ex- aminers euah Board would be authorized to Issue all lioenses which were signed bn June 11th by virtue of reciprocal agree- ments. In view of the foregoing, It 18 our opinion that the chlropraatorsIn question may not be granted a license to practice chiropraotlcin the State of Texas by reciproaity rlnce they do not have certificatesof proficiencyin the Basic Sciences. SUNNARY Chiropractorsof another state, who at the tfme of their receiving licenses,were exempt In such state from the provisions of the Basic SciencleAot, may not be granted a license by reciprocityto practice chlroprac- tic in this State without first procuring a certificateof proflcienayIn the basic eal- ences; I.e., without taking and passing an examination. APPROVED8 Yours very truly, J. C. Davis, Jr. PRICE DAHIEL County Affairs Divlalon Attorney Qeneral Joe R. (freenhlll First Aasletant BY- BW:bh:db Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1081
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1950
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017