The Attorney General of Texas ?d~wry 21, 1986 Eonorablo Srcpha C. Bovrrd Oplnloa 80. Ju-439 Orange County Att,miq Courthowe h?: compllbnct vith etction 1A of Orange, tcxbr 771630 article 6701b. T.T.C.S.. and the diemissal of charges Dear Xr. Itoward: Pou have asked about the appllcat5on of etctlon 1A of articlt 670lh. P.T.C.S., the safety rtsponsibUity law, vhich provides thnr nc motor vehicle ms,, be operated In this state 4824 Albbm AW, sunt ldo El P*so, TX 799052793 unltst(I policy of automobile liabbilitg Insurance DlY53MW In st ltnrt minfmum amounts to provide the evidence of ffnancial responsibility under this 1001 Imar. suit* 700 Act III in effect to Insure bgbinst potential Nouslon.lx. 770023111 loests vhich asp arise out of the operation of 712l22NSm that v tIhicle. P.T.C.S. lrt. 6701h. llA(b). The statute further provides: Sec..1B. (a) On and after January 1, 1982, UQO N. TtnIh. Suilt B MCAIhn. 7x. 78501-1655 tvtq andlor gptcbtor in the Start of Ttxat cmntr 5r2iaws47 shall be required, as s condition of driving, to furnftrtr, upon rtqutst. evidence of financial rtsporwlbbllity to a lav tnforctmtnt off%car of the 200 Main Plaza. Suite ux) State of Tuar or tn]r subdivision thereof, or Sm htonlo. TX. 792052797 5m22E-419~ agent of the Departcent, or to another person involmtd in an sccidtut. An Epual Oppwtunityl (b) The follwing tvldtnct of f lnbncial Alllrmrtlrr Acllon Employs rcspoosib~lity SbCi8f Its cbt rtqu1remtnt of Subsection (a) of this ttcrion: (1) a liabllit~ iosurance policy in tht rainFoum limits required by this Act or a photocopy of ttat policy; . . . . . See. 1C. Tbilure to fineecitl msintbln rsspoo- libility &, dtffired in l(10) of this Act soCti00 ie b cl&SO C lisk8tsnor, punishable by s fine of not less than Smenty-fhe vllbts ($75). Sub- sequent offenses rho11 be Clb@S B misdtmtbnors. punishbble by t tint of not 1SSS thbn TV0 Eundrtd Dollars ($200). Sec.
ID. Ir toprosecution under 1,~ 8 dtftast this Act if the person charged products in court en tutomobile Mobility insurbuc8 policy or 8 ctrtificbtc of es:lf-insurtnce prt.ViOUdy issued co thst person thtc: V&S vslid tt the tint that the offtnrt is blltgtd to hbvt occurred bnd the charge. shell be dismisetd. V.T.C.S. art. 6701h. S(lB. lC, 1D. YOU 8uggtst 4 fact SituAtiOn vhtre 4 IsotOrjSt trrttttd for 4 violetion of crticle 6701h. section IA, vhile driving 8 borrowed cnr thbt vss not insured by Ithe ovner. produced b policy of liability insurance (thbt v&s in tfftct bt the time of the alleged viokition) covering himstlf. You tot: vhtthtt the motorist in such t situation vould be entitled to dismi,ssal of the thbrgt6 under section 10 of cht statute. bnd vhtthtr, in ‘mcdtr to use the dtftnae. the policy produced must “contnin lengunge Cxst he ib covered vhtn driving bu unlnsurtd vehicle.” In Attorney Gtntrrl Opinion I%‘-547 (19821, the “msniftst object” bnd purpose of the proviblon vbs raid to be “to bssurt the finnncinl rteponsibility of motorir,ts for the protection of those vhose livtc or property might be htrmed by the OperbtiOKI of vehicles." Section 18 requires thbt every “ountr and/or tptfbtorn furnish evidence of f intncial rtaponclb51ityJ bad= section ID it is 8 defense to prosecution if the “ptrr;a& &f&d produces” on butomobllt libbility insurance policy vhfch m!4:C8 cht rtquirtatntr of the bet. If the operbtor, vbtthtr or oot he owns the vehicle, productb n v&lid policy thbt adtqtrtrrcly protected tbt public at rht time be optrbttd the vehicle. he is tnfitltd to dismmibS&l of the charge against him under section 1D of brriclt 6701h. V.T.C.S. The polky aced not ntctssbri~y cont.&in specific ltngubgt expressly referring to vehicles “not insured by the ovut~ thereof.” so long 8s language in the policy hta the lt(;rl result of providing stbtutorlly adequate COVtrbgt for tht operator vhflt optrbring the vehicle bc the tiw of the alleged vlolbtion. Cf. ,- Attorney Gtntrbl Opinion m-315 (1985); IN-577 (1982). Roaorrblo Stepbro C. Rourr~d- ?rgo 3 (Jn439) It the operator charged with frllurr to uttaio flrwcial rempoarlblllty producer an automobile liability lnrurrnce policy vhicb met the requiremanta of the rrfcty rcspoarlbilicy law at tbo time be operated the vehicle, be ie entitled to ditrmisaal of the charge rgainrt him though the veHcle (if ovned by another) vae not insured by the Owner. Ro rpecific policy language is required SC’long aa it ir legally adequate to eatirfy the atstute. J-h Very truly your . JIM l4ATTOX Attorney General of Texas JACK RIGETOWER First Assistant Attorney General MARTRELLEB Executive Assistant Attorney General ROBERTGUY Special Assistant Attorney General RICR GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Comdttet Prepared by Bxuct Younf,blood Assistaot Attorney General
Document Info
Docket Number: JM-439
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1986
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017