Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                The Attorney          General of Texas
    Dexmber   31, 1985
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building         Mrs. Betty J. Pope,                    Opinion No. .TM-418
    P. 0. BOX 12548                Executive Secretary
    Austin. TX. 78711. 2548        Texas Board of Lar.dSurveying          Re:   Whether plats required by
    51Z4752501                                                            Railroad Commission rule to accom-
    1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 21OW
    Telex 9101874-1367
    Telecopier  512/475-02SS
    Austin, Texas   7E723                  P=Y    applications for certain
    drilling permits must be prepared
    by registered public surveyor
    714 Jackson. Suite 700
    Dallas, TX. 752024506
    Dear Mrs. Pope:
    On behalf of the Texas Board of Land Surveying, you ask whether a
    4824 Alberta Ave.. Suite 160   "plat" which accompanies an application form filed with the Texas
    El Paso, TX. 793052793         Railroad Commission most be prepared by a public surveyor registered
    91515333484                    under article 5282c, V.T.C.S., the Land Surveying Practices Act of
    1979. Form W-l, about which you inquire, was developed by the
    1001 Texas. Suite 700          Railroad Commissicm.for operators of oil, gas, or geothermal resource
    Houston, TX. 77002.3111        wells to use in avljlyingfor permits to drill, deeper.,or plug back a
    713(223-5886                   well, or in apply::ngfor exceptions from the statewide spacing rules.
    See Railroad Commc:ssionRules.codified at 16 T.A.C. 53.5 (application
    ibdrill or deep~l or plug back); 16 T.A.C. 03.37 (statewide spacing
    606 Broadway, Suite 312
    Lubbock, TX. 79401.3479
    rule). The rule governing the application procedure states that the
    SOS,747-5238                   application shall be filed on a form approved by the commission. 16
    T.A.C. 93.5(a). This rule was promulgated pursuant to the commis-
    sion's authority to make rules to prevent the waste of oil and gas, to
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite S
    McAllen, TX. 78501.1695
    require dry or abandoned wells to be plugged, and to provide for the
    51219824547                    issuance of permit!3 necessary to enforce rules on the prevention of
    waste. Nat. Res. Code §§85.201, 85.202, 86.042.
    2W Main Plaza, Suite 4M)
    The instructions on Form W-l state that the form must be
    San Antonio, TX. 78205-2797
    accompanied by a r,eat,accurate plat of the lease or unit which shows,
    among   other items, the   drilling unit boundary for the proposed
    location; surfact! location of the proposed site; perpendicular
    An Equal OppOrtUnitYI          distance    to  the  nearest    intersecting lease/unit lines       and
    Affirmative Action Employer    survey/section lines; distance to the nearest applied for, permitted,
    or completed well ,or the lease or unit, and section, block, or lot.
    In particular cas~zs.much of this information will be available from
    surveys that have already been made. See generally Nat. Res. Code
    123.054 (right to inspect county surveyor's plats, maps, and other
    records); §§34.020, 35.017, 36.016 (surveys and other records of
    leases on state l.ends filed with General Land Office). Letters
    submitted in connection with your request state that the position of a
    new well can be dl?termlnedby measurement from ai existing marker and
    p. 1908
    Mrs. Betty 3. Pope - Page i ~(.JM-418)
    indicate that this location can be recorded on a map based on a prior
    The Railroad Commissit~nsubmitted the following information about
    Form W-l:
    Appended to the application is a plat or sketch of
    the well area. , . . Note the instructions for
    plats on the bad: of this form.
    These document:3 are not used in the chain of
    title, but enable:Cosuuissionstaff to determine if
    the proposed wc!l.llocation complies with the
    CommSssion's spacing rules. Once the application
    is approved, the Couanission's mapping section
    plots the proposssdwell on the county maps in the
    map room. . . .
    From time to time, the exact location of a well
    may become a ptirotal issue in a contested case.
    The parties usua:L:Ly
    resort to a certified plat to
    settle this fact j.ssue.
    In general p:actice. however, some operators
    submit certified plats, while others submit
    hand-drawn sketches which conform to the instruc-
    tions on the bacl:of Form W-l.
    Thus, the conm&ssion will xcept a hand drawn sketch as the "plat" it
    requires to be submitted w.t:hForm W-l.
    The request letter, however. expresses the opinion that the plats
    to be drawn on Form W-l arc!products of public surveying and therefore
    may be prepared only by it person registered, licensed, or exempted
    under the Land Surveying Practices Act of 1979. V.T.C.S. art. 5282c,
    93. This statute defines "public surveying" as
    the practice fez, compensation of determining the
    boundaries or the topography of real property or
    of delineating routes, spaces, or sites in real
    property for public or private use b    y
    relevant elements of law, research, measurement,
    analysis,   comphation,     mapping,   and    land
    description wrlt``.    Public surveying includes
    the practice for compensation of land, boundary,
    or   property    f,urveying or    other    similar
    professional practices. (Emphasis added).
    Id. %2(l). The
    underlinei language, in our opinion, refers to those
    elements of law, measurement, computation, tipping, etc., which are
    p. 1909
    Mrs.   Betty J. Pope - Page :I &W-418)
    relevant to surveying. Those elements and the term "public surveying"
    receive fuller definition by reference to the history and purpose of
    regulating surveyors, statutes governing surveys, and custom and
    practice in the field.
    The first Texas stal:utes governing surveyors were enacted to
    ensure accurate measurement  of land grants and public recording of
    legal title to oatented land. Board of Examiners of State Licensed
    Laid Surveyors, 'Staff Repclrt to Sunset Advisory Commission (February
    20, 1978). In 1919 surveyzrs of unpatented land were made subject to
    licensing by the Board of Enaminers of State Land Surveyors, and they
    eventually were authorized to file field notes on all public lands.
    Id. at 3-4.
    By 1955 increased subdivision of land and skyrocketing
    land values made additional accuracy in surveying practices necessary
    to protect owners and purchasers of land. Texas State Board of
    Registration for Public Surveyors, Report to the Sunset Advisory
    Commission at I-l (Octobsrr 30, 1977). The Texas State Board of
    Registration for Public Surveyors was established to regulate
    surveying activities rehvant       to subdividing land tracts and
    relocating property lines, boundaries, rights-of-way, easements or
    elevations. Texas State BtJard of Registration for Public Surveyors,
    Staff Report to the Suns~st Advisory Commission at 5 (February 20,
    1978). The definition in I?:heRegistered Public Surveyor Act of 1955
    reflected these purposes:
    Public Surveying is the science or practice of
    land measuremen: according to established and
    recognized methods engaged in and practiced as a
    profession or tiervice available to the public
    generally for #:ompensstion, and comprises the
    determination by 'meansof survey, of the location
    or relocation of land boundaries and land boundary
    corners; the    calculation of     area and the
    preparation of field note description of surveyed
    land; the pre)sration of maps showing the
    boundaries and areas of the subdivision of tracts
    of land into smaller tracts; the preparation of
    official plats or maps of said land and
    subdivisions in compliance with the laws of the
    State of Texas and the political subdivisions
    thereof; and such other duties as sound surveying
    practice would di:rect.
    Acts 1955, 54th Leg., ch. 328, 92(b) (formerly codified at art. 5282a,
    52(b). The present defini;:Lonof "public surveying" was first adopted
    in 1977 to.provide a clearer definition of that term. Bill Analysis
    to S.B. No. 144, 65th Imeg., 1977, for Rouse Committee on State
    Affairs; Acts 1977, 65th Lq3.. ch. 37 at 72.
    p. 1910
    Mrs. Betty J. Pope - Page 4 (JM-418)
    Historically, Texas h,%:,regulated surveyors to eusure that land
    would be correctly measured and boundaries correctly determined where
    a high degree of accuracy is necessary to protect the public in laud
    transactions and to ensure the reliability of land titles. The
    definition of public surveying does not encompasti all measurements
    taken within defined boundaries or all graphic representations of
    those measurements. -Cf. --
    Reer v. Fee, 
    161 N.W. 545
    , 547 (Iowa 1917)
    (distinguishes between surveying land and computing area).
    The Railroad Commission developed Form W-l for its own use in
    implementing its rule. It apparently can make permit and spacing
    decisions based on measurenents that do not reach the high degree of
    accuracy achieved by surveying. The cornmission,in the exercise of
    seasonable determination, may decide that applicants can provide it
    sufficient information wli:hout surveying the well location or
    resurveying existing boundary lines. Although Form W-l refers to a
    "plat," this term does not refer to the precise and detailed plat used
    to record property lines :.n public records. See V.T.C.S. art. 974a
    (approval and recording of subdivision plats)."Plat"      also means a
    plan, map, or chart. See a'ebstersThird New International Dictionary
    (1961). The referenceto"plat"     in the instructions on Form W-l must
    be taken in the latter sd?nse. The "plat" filed with the Railroad
    Commission in connection w:.t:h
    Form W-l is not required to be prepared
    by a public surveyor regist,eredunder article 5282~. V.T.C.S. If in a
    given case, the required i:l:iormationcannot be provided without doing
    a survey, or if an app1icar.tchooses to have a survey done, these must
    be performed consistently with the requirements of article 5282c,
    The sketches or "plats" of proposed well
    locations requiremi to accompany applications to
    the Railroad C~xnmission for certain drilling
    permits need not be prepared by a public surveyor
    registered under article 5282c, V.T.C.S.
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney Gt!neral
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    p. 1911
    Mrs. Betty J. Pope - Page .j (JM-418)
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Susan L. Garrison
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 1912

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-418

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017