Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                      The Attorney        General of Texas
    Cctober 25, 1985
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building             Honorable Wilhelmina Delco           Opinion No. JM-370
    P. 0. Box 12548                    ahainnan
    Austl”, TX. 78711.2545             Higher Education Cornittee           ue:   Interpretation of "teaching
    5121475-2501                       Texas House of Representatives       assistant" and "research assistant"
    Telex 910/874-1357
    Telecopier   51214750255
    P. 0. Box 2910                       in section 54.063 of the Education
    Austin, Texas   7876'9               Code
    714 Jackson, Suite 700         Dear Representative :Delco:
    Dallas, TX. 752024508
    You requested an interpretation of section 54.063 of the Texas
    Education Code as it was renumbered and amended by Eouse Bill No. 1147
    4824 Alberta Ave., Suite 160   of the Sixty-ninth Legislature. Section 54.063 waives the payment of
    El Paso, TX. 79905.2793        nonresident tuition for certain persons who are not residents of
    915/53534u                     Texas.
    ,1 Texas. Suite 700
    Prior to the Sixty-ninth Legislature, section 54.051(o) of the
    Houston, TX. 77002-3111        Texas Education Code waived nonresident tuition for a teaching assis-
    713/223-5888                   tant, research assl.stant,or other student employee of an institution
    of higher education, along with his spouse and children, if the
    student employee w,w employed at least one-half time in a position
    606 Broadway, Suite 312
    Lubbock, TX. 79401.3479
    that related to his degree program. House Bill No. 1147 restricted
    SW747-5238                     that waiver to resl?archassistants and teaching assistants, deleting
    from the waiver "'other student employees."      Section 54.063 now
    provides that:
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite B
    McAllen, TX. 78501-1885
    A teaching assistant or research assistant of any
    institutio:nof higher education and the spouse and
    children of such a teaching assistant or research
    200 Main Plaza, Suite 400               assistant are entitled to register in a state
    San Antonio, TX. 782052797
    institution of higher education by paying the
    tuition fees and other fees or charges required
    for Texas residents under Section 54.051 of this
    An Equal OpportunitYI                   code, without regard to the length of time the
    Affirmative Action Employer             assistant has resided in Texas, if the assistant
    is employed at least one-half time in a teaching
    or researc:h assistant position which relates to
    the assil;tant's degree program under rules and
    regulations    established   by    the    employer
    The issue befsxce us is the meaning of "teaching assistants or
    research assistants" and whether those terms, as used by the
    legislature in sect.ion54.063, include only students whose jobs have
    p. 1696
    Eonorable Wilhelmina Delco -'Page 2   (JM-370)
    the specific title of "teaching assistant" or "research assistant."
    We conclude that those terms are not intended to indicate titles of
    positions but are descriptive of the functions of certain university
    employees who are entitled 1:othe waiver.
    The dominant considel:ation in construing a statute is the
    legislative intent. Where t:he intent is apparent from the words of
    the statute, it is not necessary to analyze the extrinsic evidence of
    legislative intent. -See --
    M~.nton v. Frank, 
    545 S.W.2d 442
    , 445 (Tex.
    1976); Calvert v. British-A$rican Oil Producing Co., 
    397 S.W.2d 839
    842 (Tex. 1965). Where the language of the statute is ambiguous. the
    legislative intent may be cle;certainedby looking beyond the statute.
    See Huntsville Independent School District v. McAdams, 
    221 S.W.2d 546
    (Tex. 1949). Statutes shozld be construed in light of the circum-
    stances existing at the time of their enactment, the evil sought to be
    corrected, and the purpose ::obe accomplished. See Texas k N.O.R. Co.
    v. Railroad Comrmission,200 S.W.2d 626, 629 (Tz     1947); Wortham v.
    128 S.W.2d 1138
    , ll!iO(Tex. 1939). The Code Construction Act,
    V.T.C.S. art. 5429b-2, 93.03, provides that, in construing a statute,
    a court may consider, among other matters, the object sought to be
    attained, the circumstances under which the statute was enacted, and
    legislative history.
    House Bill No. 1147 II; a comprehensive bill relating to tuition
    and fees at institutions of higher education. It sets forth the
    state's policy on tuition and constitutes the first major revision of
    tuition for students in many years. The bill was amended on the house
    floor to limit several waivers of nonresident tuition which had been
    granted to persons who are ,notresidents of this state. Discussion on
    the floor amendment in quest:Lonindicates:
    (1) that the amendment dealt with three areas
    where waivers were being abused, one being that
    the mere fact that a person from out-of-state
    wants to work fo:ca university should not exempt
    the person from nonresident tuition;
    (2) that the amendment to Rouse Bill No. 1147
    eliminated only "other employees," leaving a
    waiver   for    teaching   assistants,    research
    assistants, and their spouses and children; and
    (3) that "by keeping the academics," out-of-
    state residents who bring something of benefit and
    value to our institutions would be protected.
    See House Floor Debate, March 19, 1985, Second Reading of Rouse Bill
    No. 1147, 69th Legislature.
    The institutions of hL8her education in this state use numerous
    and different names as joI1 titles for the positions held by student
    p. 1697
    Honorable Wilhelmina Delco -'Page 3     (JM-370)
    employees. Normally, in d~rterminingthe character or nature of an
    _-___, 1 -a conrt
    ----- -is guided by substance and not by a name.          See
    ~nver & 1.1.
    Widdleton v. Texas ______- .;    ht, 
    185 S.W. 556
    , 562 (Tex. 1916); Liz
    v. Emett, 
    526 S.W.2d 288
    , :!' !hTex.    Civ. App. - Tyler 1975, no writ)
    We find no indication that the legislature intended the waiver of
    nonresident tuition to apply to a student assistant only if the title
    of the student's job is "teaching assistant" or "research assistant."
    It is our opinion that the legislature used the terms teaching
    assistant and research assistant in section 54.063 as descriptive
    terms identifying the duties and responsibilities of the student jobs
    that entitle out-of-state fitudentsto register at Texas universities
    on the payment of resident I:uition.
    It also is our opinion that the legislature's purpose in granting
    such tuition incentives to nonresident students is the enhancement of
    the quality of the academic assistants who perform important scholarly
    roles in the academic progr,ams of institutions of higher education.
    We conclude that the waiver of nonresident tuition in section 54.063
    is intended to apply to stu(Lentassistants with academic duties in all
    academic programs of a unirersity. whether the programs are teaching
    or research, if the assistant is employed at least one-half time in a
    position that relates to the assistant's degree program under rules
    and regulations established,by the employer institution. The waiver
    in section 54.063 is not i,ntendedto apply to student employees who
    assist in auxiliary enterprLses or are employed in nonacademic activi-
    ties at a university.
    The terms "teaching assistant" and "research
    assistant," as used in section 54.063 of the Texas
    Education Code, are not intended as titles of
    positions that determine the entitlement of
    nonresident student employees to a waiver of
    nonresident tuition at institutions of higher
    education but are intended to describe the
    academic positions~ of the student employees who
    are entitled to such a waiver under that section.
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney General
    p. 1698
    Honorable Wilhelmina Delco -'Page 4 (JM-370)
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Nancy Sutton
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Gilpin, Chairman
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garrison
    Jennifer Riggs
    Nancy Sutton
    Sarah Woelk
    Bruce Youngblood
    p. 1699