Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                     The Attorney General of Texas
    JIM MAlTOX                                            October 22. 1985
    Attorney General
    S~ppme    Own Bullding             Mr. Charles D. Trmia                  Opinion No. JM-366
    P. 0. Box 12548                    Executive Director
    Austin. TX. ?8711- 2540            Texas Parks and W!.l.dlife             Re: Whether the Parks and Wildlife
    Department                          Columisslon may delegate certain
    Telex 9101874.1367
    Telecopier   51214754266
    4200 Smith School Road                 permitting authority to the execu-
    Austin. Texas   711?44                 tive director of the department
    714 .hckson. Suite 7M)             Dear Mr. Travis:
    Dallas, TX. 75202-r506
    You ask us tixther the Parks and Wildlife Conmisslon [hereinafter
    the "Comission"] is authorized, through its rulemaking powers, to
    4824 Alberta     Ave.. Suite 160   delegate to the Ih:ecutiveDirector the authority to issue permits in
    El Paso. TX. 799052793             compliance with chapter 86 of the Parks and Wildlife Code. See Parks
    915/-                              & Wild. Code 586.001 et seq. You qlso Inform us that the C~ission
    has already delegated this permitting authority to the Executive
    lo0I   TBXPS. Suite 7W            Director through rules promulgated more than ten years ago. See 31
    Houston,     TX. 77002~3111       T.A.C.   157.45.
    Section   86.002(a) of the Parks and Wildlife Cod2 provides:
    808 Broadway. Suite 312
    Lubbock, TX. 7B401-3419
    (a) No person may disturb or take marl, sand,
    8081747-5238                                 gravel, shell, or mudshell under the management
    and protection of the eomission or operate in or
    disturt any oyster  bed or fishing water for any
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite B
    McAllen. TX. 78501~1685
    purpoac:other than that necessary or incidental to
    51218824547                                  navlgat:ion or dredging under state or federal
    authorj.tywithout first having acquired from the
    commisc~Joa a permit authorizing the activity.
    200 Mdn      Plaza. Suite 409
    San Antonio.     TX. 792052797
    Section 86.004 provides:
    A” Equal DOpo~unWl                             The mmmisslon may grant a permit to an appli-
    Alllrmtive Action Employer                  cant &I has complied with all requiramancs of the
    zsoion     if the commission finds that  the dis-
    taking, and carrying away of marl, sand.
    gravel, shell, or mudshell will not:
    (I) damage or    injurlously affect   any
    isl.md, reef, bar, channel, river. creek, or
    bays   used for navigation, or any oysters,
    p, 1677
    Mr. Charles D. Travis - Page 2    (JM-366)
    oyster beds, or fish in or near the water used
    in the oper#.tion;and
    (2) cbar.g,a or   injuriously   affect any
    current    t'aat would    affect    navigation.
    (Emphasis atided).
    Moreover, any person desj.ringa permit must make a written application
    to the Conmission. See I'arks& Wild. Code 186.003. If the Commission
    refuses to grant a=Lt       to an applicant. the body is required to
    make written findings of facts explaining the reason for the refusal.
    See Parks h Wild. Code IE6.008; see also V.T.C.S. art. 6252-13a, 5515,
    ma) . Therefore, the legislature has explicitly designated to the
    Comrtssion the pemittinl; authority under chapter 86 of the Parks and
    Wildlife Code.
    Through its rulemak~iag authority, the Commission has delegated
    its authority to issue permlts to the executive director. -See 31
    T.A.C.   557.45. The agemy roles provide in part:
    (a) The f&.owiag procedures will be followed
    for    the issuance of general permits:
    (1) All requests for shell dredging permits
    will be made,in writing to the director. . . ..
    (6) The +irector may consider the following
    criteria in determining vhether to grant or
    deny a permit. . . . (Emphasis added).
    See 31 T.A.C. s57.45. The rules also provide for the director or any
    Gloyee    authorized by 1:be director to hold a hearing to determine
    vbether a permit will bl! granted. See 31 T.A.C. 1557.45(a)(4)-(8).
    These rules make no provisions for the Conmission to make a final
    datermination of wbetber a permit will be granted. Accordingly, they
    are in conflict with sec,tion 15 of article 6252-13a. V.T.C.S. See
    Citizens Bank of Bryan 7'. First State Bank, Eearne. 
    580 S.W.2d 344
    347 (Tex. 1979); ---see t?iso V.T.C.S. art. 6252-13a. 422 (lam in
    conflict vith the Adminl``trativeProcedure and Texas Register Act are
    repealed). We also conclude that the rules In question are in direct
    conflict with the legis:.ativemandate that the Commission grant or
    deny permit applications.
    Despite the fact that these rules bave been In effect and have
    been followed by the agency for ten years, they are contrary to the
    plain meaning of the applicable statutes; and therefore, afford no
    basis for the continuation of this agency practice. --     See Brown
    Express, Inc. v, Railroad~Comission, 415 S.U.2d 394 (Tex. 1967).
    p. 1678
    Mr. Charles D. Travis - Page 3   (JM-366)
    We do not imply that the Commiaaion is totally precluded from
    promulgating rules delegatir,g,
    its authority to hold hearings on permit
    applications. The legislatwe has not prohibited the Coamissio~ from
    See Attorney
    delegating this function. me-            General Opinion JM-244 (1984).
    But the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act requires that
    the granting of an agency 'permitmust comply with the provision6 of
    the act concerning contested cases.       See V.T.C.S. art. 6252-13a.
    113(3), 18(a).   Although  section   15 ofrhe  act clearly allovs the
    appointment of a hearing examiner in such cases, see Grace v.
    Structural Pest Control Boa::dof Texas, 
    620 S.W.2d 157
    (K     Civ. App.
    - Waco 1981, vrit ref'd n.r``ommission           mst sake the ultimate
    decision and include findluns of fact and conclusions of law in
    compliance with sections 15 and 16. See Citizens Bank of Bryan v.
    First State Bank, Hearne, supra. at 347; Texas Health Facilities
    colmission v. Charter Medical-Dallas, Inc.. 
    665 S.W.2d 446
    1984); Consusars Water, In-. v. Public Utility Commission of Texas,
    651 S.W.2d 335
    (Tex. App. -Austin 1983. no writ).
    Section 57.45 of chapter 31 of the Texas
    Administrative Code is invalid because it is
    inconsistent with chapter 86 of the Parks and
    Wildlife Code an'3 article 6252-13a. the Adminis-
    trative Procedure and Texas Register Act. The
    Parks and Wildl:.fe Commission is not precluded
    from delegating :;tsauthority to hold hearings on
    permit applications so long as the practice is in
    compliance with article 6252-13a.
    JIM     HATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney G'sueral
    Executive Assistant AttoNqg   General
    Special Assistant Attorney   #General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    p. 1679
    Mr. Cherlee D. Travie - Pwgc 4 (JM-366)
    Prepared by Tony Cuillory
    AssistautAttonley  General
    Rick Gilpin. Chelrmm
    Colin Carl
    Sussn Garrison
    Tony Guillory
    Jim Mocllinger
    Jennifer Riggs
    Nancy Sutton
    Sarah Woelk
    p. 1680