The Attorney General of Texas JIM MAl-TOX Oc:t,ober 18, 1985 Attorney General suprrnw court sulidlwJ Ur. Robert 0. Vitcrma Opinion NO. JM-360 P. 0. Box1254s Executive Director , Austin.TX. 78711-2542 Texas Comieaion on Jail Stsodards UC: Detention of pcrsoos in 512/47w5o1 P. 0. I)or 12985 county jail under articles 5115 1u.x 91011)1*1s7 1ekwpler SI21475ae8 Austin. Texae 78711 and X47-26, V.T.C.S. Dear Mr. Viterna: 714Jackam.Sulta700 0811*1,Tx. 752024506 You request an opinion construing aevcrel ltetutee vith respect ZIu142am44 to vbao a ~lptally Hl person may be detained in the county jail. YOU first aak whether article 5115. V.T.C.S., conflicta with lrticle 4lt24Albwt4*w.suit*Iw 5547-26, V.T.C.S. Article 5115 provides in part: Elkso,lx.7wos27w SIY53344M The ~Cc~missiooers Court shall provide safe and suitable jails for their respective 1aJ11*rrr,Sul14700 countlea. . . . Houuon. TX. 77002-5111 712l2295Ba6 . . . . SUITABLESISGREGATION es5 Bm4ow4y,sun``I2 Luotack,lx. 7Mo1-2472 208l747-5238 The ten1 ‘ufe cod suitable jails.' as uwl in thie Act, 11hel1be constroed to mu jells which : ~.. provide c.r’deqaate ugreytion facilitiee . 1 . U00N.TWth.SUtUB 8epar8tS.q; ritoeeum from all ela~sificatiow of wcAltm.lx. 78sol-lam s12m2-4547 .. prim&i; :and.ulem from feaaleo. . 1 . ' L: (:.;:~?,``. . . . a 200 MSh Plaza,Suit*400 &nAntonlo,TX -2727 S1;e~l~;``:suapectcd of insenitr. or ubo has 51?J2254191 m k dB&W itmner @hall be houred or ~bold in:~>~ailv except that e&h a person vbo :~. ~t~al~i.bafc'i&l~t~cllcieo.~a~ who awt be r~rtrdnetl from comittiug act8 -of violence againet oILbar parmona. uy be held in a iail for a period of ,tlme mt to exceed l ~total of tventy- ,.i . four.~24)~llhoura,:,duf~g vhici; period be o&l1 be kept unde:~'obscrvetioa continuoumly. At the end of the twenty-four (24) hour period. much Denon Shli be ri:lused or teken to a hornpita or uotal hospital. Furthetmre. for ouch temporary holding p. 1645 . . Mr. Robert 0. Viteras - Psge i! (J?l-360) of each person swpected of inssnity. or who has been legslly sdjl*lged insane, there ehsll be provided [e padded cell]. (Emphseis sdded). The last parsgrsph quoted does not relate to the ordinsry county jell prisoner who hns been mrested for violating s criminnl law. IO our opinion it mesns thet s jell shall not be used to house persons solely on the ground that ,theysppeer to be insane or have been adjudged insana. An axcq~tiw is ude for soy such person who “deuonstrates hoaicidel teodmcies” en4 has to be rertreinad from acts of violence sgainst others,, The requirements of article 5115 are npproprinte for dealing vitll insure persons who are iocercernted for the purpose of restraining th,smfrom cowittiog acts of violence; they aeke little aeose vhen sp?:Lied to priroaers lrrested on criminal cherges. since iocarceretiom asp last no wre thso 24 hours end aust be follwed by the iodividusl’s release or hospits1ization. IO our opioioo. the qwted paragraph de~lr vith insane persons placed io jail to reotraio (them~fraa acta of violeoca and oot with persons jailed for criainal charges. Only the formar cetegory of persons are required by art:Lcla 5115 to be held in a padded cell. LOZNO V. With. 718 P.2d ‘756,..759 o. 6 (5th Cir. 1983) (diets) (article 5115 d-6 not reqwlte release or transfer of persons held on cricainal charges who are c:oiocideqtally insane); contrs Wright v. Wagner,
641 P.2d 239(5th c:!lr. 1981) (dicta) (article 5115 requires padded cell for prisoner legally adjudged insane or suspected of 1ns401ty). The standards prescribed in article 5115 “are minImum stsndsrds only.” The Taxes C&ssion on Jail Stsoderds is smpovered to establish %inimn stamdards for the construction, equipment, asiotenaoce, and oparntion of .county jails” and “for the cuntody. ~cara, aod treatment of -pri~ooars.* V.T.C.S. art. 5115.1. )9(s)(l), (2). The cowi~i+ ho -ratluirad that a jail have one or aore padded calls “foi.tamporary halding of rialaot persoos or parsuos suspected of 1nDNity.~ 37 T.A.C. --Wig.66 -:<19gO). The ccnnission has in addition required aach l htriff to davalop a plan for classifying imnates, vhicb must prwido for [t]ha .raparate b``iog of persc+ suopectad of iosa+ity or tio.ht~a be&o lagally Cdjudged insane, :. a@ .p+rsaor-%he . . ; krt be restrained from comittinJ l.;aCtm roof ViOlSUN againrt other parsons. .~... 37 T.A.C. :271.2(g) (1’jgO:s. Thus. aoy .violaot prisoner. iosene primmer,. or prironar .~auspBctod of insanity” .wBt be placed in e paddad cell. I. Article 5547-26; V.T.C.S.. was anactod as psrt of the 1983 revirioo to the Taxas Xaotrl Health Cads. Actr 1983. 68th Leg., ch. p. 1646 Mr. Robert 0. Viteroe - Page '3 (a-360) 47, at 211. It la awog th#: Haotal Raalth Code prwirioos easoded in 1985 by Rouse Bill No. 1256. Aeta 1985. 69th Lag., ch. 70. nt 281. Articles 5547-26 through 5547-30, V.T.C.S.. prwide for the emergency detention of a patron believed to be mentnlly ill. Article 5547-26(a) prwidas ls follolrs: Aoy peace offic:er. vhe has remon to believe aod does believe upon the reprasentntion of A credible persoo, or upeo the basis of the conduct of a pereoa, or the circumstnocer under uhich the person is found, l:bmt the person IO uentslly ill lnd'because of ruclr mot.1 illness represents A lubstnotial risk I,:[ sarieuo hera to hfmself or othere uolaes imwdiataly rertrsinad. vhicb hnru uy be deaooetrctad either by the person’8 behavior or by rvidenca of aavare eaetiooal distress aod deter:;aratioo in his uental condition to the extent that the perooo caooot reusio at liberty, sod who-believes there im not nufficieot time to obtain a vnrraot. ray, uithaut first obtnioiog a warrant, take Ncb person into custody aod imediately woosport the person to the oaua8t Spproprist~s in-pAtiNt mento health facility and &al:1 fmuedintely file lpplication vith the facility Eor the pertwn'~ detention. If facility shall be kept eaparata from those parroor chuged tith or convicted of ~a~.crime. (Raphesis added). V.T.C.S. lr t.5547-26(n). A '"aaotnl haalth authority" is the ngeocy desigoatad by the ccmiasiaoer of the Texn~ Departnot of Ueotnl Eenlth lnd Uaotnl Retardation to direct.oparate, fncilitate and/or coordinete sarviceo in the vrriour service nraas of the stnte. Article 5547-26(c),.V.T.C.S ., requires a physicisn to ammine the person vitbio 24 hour6 of lpprehNrieo. Uoless the physicleo asker, the nittN ltataaent raqufred by lrticla 5547-27 thnt emergency detNtioo IO oecassnty, the' person wet be rclensed. A perron nppreheodad under article 55M’-26 , asy be detnined PO longer than 24 hours nftar ha IO presantad to the facility unless he is takan into custody after noon eo Friday or 00 a Sbturdsy. Sun&y or legal Nr. Robert 0. Viterns - Pnge 4 (J&360) holiday. lo that came, the :I~Ihour detention period begins lt 9 0.0. on the firmtNccaading bu.1cul.s dny. V.T.C.S. lrt. 5547-26(f). The 1983 ravimioa of the Mental Eultb Code vam uodartakanportly in rasponaato a, fedora1 court ruling thmt existing prwioions for detention in protective custody violntad due proce... Dix, -1983 Revision of ihe Tub. Uentnl- Health Code, 16 St. Mary'. L.J. 41 (1984); mea Luna v. Van ZantF554 P. Suvu. 681 (S.D. Tu. 1982). Lun. V. VN 1, i%ii held thnt tbe.mtntaamy mot ho.pitmlire no iodivi~ plodlog a!n involuotnry civil. cdtment hamring for more than three &ym u&e.a a neutrnlfactf:Lnder ukam a probnble csuse deteraiontion at A hemring tire the potlent im present. Article 5547-26, V.T.C.S.. rats out in detnil circmstances thmt nuthorire the varrantlas. dotantion of a aentally ill or apparently maotnlly ill person; it 81~ indicntem uban detention in A jail is permitted. Article 5115 in oontrnst, priaerily establishes require- aeot. for phymical conditioutr of a county jnil, but it refers in on lmhiguoumand i~,oapleta vcby to the jailing of 4 mentblly ill or presuambly aentally ill pawm vho dancmmtrntambaicidal tendencies nnd aust be restraioad frolr hnraiog others. Article 5115 does not stnte who la nuthorizad to ~?:Lnce Nch A parson in jail, nor who must tnka hia to a hompital or raL.ame hia at the Nd of 24 hours. It does not stbte vhd ehall brraqge for the iodividual's ndmission to A hoepitnl or untal hospital. NAN thio prwision wm rddad to article 5115 in 1957. it permitted a 7-&y detantion,. Acts 1957, 55th Leg.. eh. 277, lt 637. A 1975 enmctmentcraatad the Comimmion on Jail Standard. lnd mmeodad lrticle 5115 to reduce the detenti& to 24 hoarm. Actm 1975, 64th Leg.. ch. 480, at 1278. Article 5115. in our opinion, reflects an early le8imlativa l ffort~:to dul with the urgency deter&ion of parmonm&c-had n&t comitttrd a criaa, but vhome mat81 illnams or appbraot laotal illnasm .utlo thea dan8erNs to others. The period betveen 1957 mad 1983 ~%av:;B'significaat incruse in concern for the lag81 interests of involuntc.ry mental pbtients. Dir, m at 43. Article 555736 :raprasm~tm tlu later nod lore datniled lagisln- rive lffott 20 prwida for the eaergancy detention of mentally ill permons or permonm.rumonab1.y balievad~to be uotnlly ill.. It nppurs in A coaprmhanmivocoda.dasLgnad to prw1da~icea.m to humane care and treataent for permonm muffarlng from severeaentbl illoems. V.T.C.S. art. -5547-2. Awq..othar purposu. the code mats out to safegumrd X!dxr i.vgS’+ aY&ts. - ~3.3.%:ir.~ aft. %t3VZiYz,. is our oplnlon, lrtl&e 5547-26 gwanii. the aarSency detanticm of parwns vhome amntal ill.namo reprueota l mariournthrut.of hmn to tbeamelves or others, and-itorevails wer 8rticLi 5115 to the utmot of aw conflict. See Stnta v: h&y. 404 8.U.2d :!96 (Tax. 1966); Pncific Pkoductm, Inc.7 Grant WesternPlywood. Ltd,!, 528 S.U.2d 286 (Tu. Civ. App. - Fort p. 1648 ?lr. Robert 0. Vitcrna - Page S (Jh-360) Worth 1975, no vrit); Robsrtmn v. State, 406 S.Y.Zd 90 (fex. Clv. APP. - Fort Worth 1966,-3,t ref’d n.r.c.). The requirements 10 article 5115 ao to a padded cell and other Jail cmditiono have not been impliadly repealed, but they are miaLur ltandards which have baen aupplamted by rule of the Comieaion on Jail Standerda. Article 5547-26(a), V.T.C.S.. otatea th a t l 1jail or similar detentlou facility shall ‘not be deemed suitable for emergency detention except in au extrew emergency. IOU ask vhat constitutes an “extreme emergency” under this statute. Article 5547-26 requiruo thst even s person uho “represents a substantial risk of meriom hara to himself or other6 unless imediately rxainad” ahou1.d be taken to a mental health facility rather than to jail if at al:1 possible. The 1985 amendmentto article 5547-26 provides that the pc’rson shall be traarportad to a facility deeaad suitable by the ment,r:Lhealth authority for the county if no appropriate in-patient manta1 haalth fscility is available. What constitutes an “extrame emergency” tbat would permit detention of the person la a :jail depends upon the facts of each case. Factors to be considered vou’ld include the tiinance of the risk of harm, the severity of the harm threatenad. and the availability of appropriate mental health facilities. * V.T.C.S. art. 5547-27(a) (l)-(4). Cases ,ihich discuss the standard for actual cosaoltmant provide tome guidance. For -la, in Taylor v. State, 671 S.W.id 535, 538 (Tax. App. - Eouston [lat Dist.] 1983. no urit). the court held that to comply with standards of due process required by the Texae and Federal Couotitution a person may not be deprived of hia liberty by a temporary involuntary comitment unless the ltate eatabliahes by clear and convincing evidanca that there exists a aubatantlal threat of harm to himsalf or othara. Moreover, the court stated tbat the “showing .auat be found[adI upon actual dangerous behavior manifested by aoae wert act or threat in the recent past.” Article 5547-26 “~alloua an l.ndividual to ba, placed in jail vithout a magiatrate’m determination tbat ‘detention is necessary; therefore. the risk of haa that invokes ltr procedures is graater and more Wdiate than that required under involuntary comitment procedures. -See V.T.C.S. arta. 5547~SO. 5541~,S1. You .aak whether a pe::son tsken into. protective custody under article 5547-36, V.T.C.S.. q ny be detained in jail. A Motion for an Order of Protective Custody suy be filed only in the court in which an Application for Court-Ordsrad Mental Eulth Services lo pending. V.T.C.S. art. 5547-36(a). The judge may ishue the order if he detarm.inas .. p. 1649 ttr. Robert 0. Vitarna - Page 6 (m-360) (1) that a phyr.ician haa etatad him opinion and the detaflad basis for his opinion that the paroon la sentally 01; and (2) the perron proeanta a lubetaotiel risk of lerioue haa to hfmself or othera if not immediately rartrain~ad pending the hearing; ruch harm may be demonlrtreted either by the peraou’a behavior or by widtnca of savere emtional diatrasm and deteria~ration in him mental condition to the extent that the parson cannot remain at liberty. V.T.C.8. art. 5547-36(c). k~ order of protective custody directa that the mentally ill person be cxken to “an appropriate in-patient mental bealth facility or other suitable place” and detained pending a probable cause hearing. V.T.C.S. art. 5547-36(d). Article 5547-39, V.T.C.8.. prwides for the place and term of dcteation in protective clmtody: (a) The head of a facility in vhich a person is detained pursuant to an Order for Protective Cuatody or his dedgnae shall detain the perruo pending an Order ,for Court-Ordered Pfental Easlth Services issued ‘7nrsuant to Section SO or 51 of this coda, exceptse provided in thir section. (b) The person detained in protective curtody lhall detainr~d in an appropriate in-petient be mental health fircility . If there is no appro- priate in-patiart mtal health facility avail- able, the perrot shall be detained in a facility deeacd mitabla 'bytha untal health authority for extrens Getthe; e&gencias daciarrd to Subwction (a) of .~Section 38 of this coda. Persona detained in a aonnedicdl facility ahall be k a pl aparate firom those peraono charged uith or t convicted of a crima. (c) Zf thtr parson is datainad during en emergency In a. oonudical facility, the county health officer shall tat that proper care and madical attentLon are made evailable to the pernon p. 1650 ?lr. Robert 0. Viterns - Page 1 (JH-360) held in protective custody. . . . (Pkpharls added). Thue, article 5547-39 apraooly provides tbat a parson detained in protectivecustodymay be placed in a jail only in case of an extreme emergency and for no wre than, the tims period described in subsection &I. As uith an "extreme emergency” under erticle 5547-26, m "extremeemergency” under 554,7-36 dependsupon the facts in escb case. Pou finallyask vhathar a.person chargedvith a crime may be bald in jail vhile a datarmiuatioli of his mantel capacity is msde pursuant to article 46.02 or articla M.03 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Article 46.02 of the l:oda provides for determining whether a dafendaot is competent to stand trial. “A defendant Is presumed competent to stand trial and aball be found competent to stand trial unless proved incompetent b7, a preponderance of the evideoca." Code Crlm. Proc. art. 46.02, 61 lb). The Issue of competencymay arise before or during the trial ou the merits.
Id. 52. Whenthis issue is raised, the court uy appoi.nt experta toxuine the defendant and testify about his competency to stand trial.
Id. 13(a). Ifthe court finds that there it evidence! to support a fiodiog of incompetency, a 5ury la impaneled to decide ,this question.
Id. 14(a). Untilthe jury finds him incompetent based on a prapooder= of the evidence. the defendantla presumed compatmt under section l(b) of article 46.02 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Sea Graham v. State,
566 S.W.2d 941(Tex. Grim. App. 1978); -- Cross v. State.
446 S.W.2d 314(Tex. Grim. App. 1969). While the question of defendant's cowpetancyIs being determined, ha remains in custody pursuant to criminal charges. Be has been detained because of theta charges, not because he appeared to be mentslly ill. l'be terma of energancy detention and protective custody prescribed by lrticlao 5115, 5547-26. and 5547-39. V.T.C.S., do not apply to custody for crimiwl charges. A criminal defendant free on ball may be ordered to submit to a mental examination under lectlon 3(b) of article 46.02 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. If he refuses to, the court may order him into custody for examination "f,xra reasonable period not to exceed 21 days." Code Grim. Proc. art:. 46.02, 13(b). Article 46.03 of the Code of Criminal Procedure governs the Insanity dafenre, an lffiru~t:iva defense which defeodant muat raise in the trial on the merits and lprwe by a prepond&rance of the evidence. Code Crlm. Proc. art. 46.03; tee Penal Code 512.04, 8.01. The defendant must also file notice This intent to raise this defense before the trial. Code Cria. Proc. art. 46.03. 12. The court ray order a defendant to sublsit to examination vith respect to the p. 1651 Hr. Robert 0. Vltarna - Page 8 (m-360) insanity dafenre. If he is free on ball and refuaas to eubmit to examination, the court uy ordlar him into custody for axaminatioo "for a reasonable period not to exceed 21 days." Coda Grim. Prof. art. 46.03, 13(b). Othenrisa, th#c defendant remalas in custody or free on bail, just as if ha had not rslaed the inaanity dafenae. The Insanity defense conceras defendant's rwntal status when he cllttad the crime and doas not necassarily in&ate present mental illnaaa. See Code Grim. Proc. art. 46.03, !Iri (procedures for determining whether defendant is mentally ill fo:L:Lou detarainationof not guilty by reason of iosanlty). The prwiaionr for detaining lomaonein jail because he appears mentally ill do not become applicable to a criminal defendant on trial merely because ha rs:Loed the Insanity defense. The provisions lo article 5115. V.T.C.S., on holding.an apparer~tly insane person lo jell, have been fmpliadly rapcaled to the extent of incon- sintancy by artt::Le 5547-26. V.T.C.S. Article 5547-39. V.T.C.S,, prwider the circumstancaa under which a person detained in protective custody pursuant ta article 5547-36, V.T.C.S., may be held in jail. A defendant in a criminal case remains a prisoner lo jail or free on bail while his competency ‘to stand trial is determined pursuant to artie:le 46.02 of the Coda of Criminal Procedure or xhile the insanity defense under article 46.03 of'the Code of Criminal Procedure is decided in the tr:tal on the merits. Very I truly yours JIU MATTOX Attorney General of Texas TOMGRXRN Pirat Assistant Attorney General DAVID It. BICBASDS gxacutive Assistant Attoraey General ' . ROBERTGRAY Special Asslstsnt Attorney.G~aneral p. 1652 ’ , - . nr. Robert 0. Vitarna - Past 9 (Jn-360) ” . Rx8 GILPIll Chairman. Opinion Cowittoe Preparad by Suaan L. Garrison Araiatant Attornay Ganaral APPBDVIZD: OPINIOII COMITTPZ Rick Gilpin, Chairman Colin Carl Susan Garrison Jim lloallingar Iaocy Sutto8 Sarah Uoalk p. 1653
Document Info
Docket Number: JM-360
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1985
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017