Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                   The Attorney General of Texas
    October 18, 1985
    Attorney General
    Supreme court 6UlldtflQ          Ronorable Mike Drlsmll                     Opinion No. JM-359
    P. 0. BOX 12548                  Harris     County Attonwy
    AusIln. TX. ?5711- 2548          1001 Preston. Suite 634                    Re: Whether a county clerk may
    51214752501                                       77002
    Rouston, Texas                             issue a marriage license without
    Telex QlOiS74.1387
    Telecopier  512I475.0286
    parental consent if either appli-
    cant is under 18 years of age and
    has previously been married
    714 Jackson, Sulle 700
    Dallas, TX. 75202-4508
    Dear Mr. Driscoll:
    You ask the fo:L!bwing   question regarding marriage licenses:
    4S24 Alberta   Ave.. Suite 160
    El Paso, TX. 799052793                            Way the county clerk issue a marriage license
    915/533-3484                                   without Fsrental consent, or a court order, if
    -                                              either app:licantis under age eighteen, has been
    ,er s Texas, Suite 700                         married, curdis no longer married?
    Houston. TX. 77W2-3111
    713,2295SSS                           The following provtsion sets            out   the   age   requirement   for
    applicants for a msxiege license:
    SW Broadway. Suite 312
    Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479
    Except with parental consent as prescribed by
    SW7476239                                      Section l,Ii2of this code or with a court order as
    prescribed by Section 1.53 of this code, the
    county clt!rkshall not Issue a marriage license if
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite B
    either apl)llicant
    is under 18 years of age.
    WAllen.  TX. 78501-1685
    Family Code 01.51. :By its terms section 1.51 is an absolute prohibl-
    tlon against issuance of a marriage license to someone under 18 who
    200 Maln Plaza. Suite 400        has not obtained e:Ltherparental consent or a court order. But the
    San Antonio. TX. 782052797
    Family Code also contains the following provision:
    Except ,a6 expressly provided by statute or by
    An Equal OpportunilYl                          the const:ltutlon, every person who has been
    Alflrmatlve Actlon Employer                    married il?accordance with the law of this state,
    regardlesliof age. has the power and capacity of
    an adult, including the capacity to contract.
    Wnphasis  added).
    Family Cod& 14.03. Because section 4.03 applies to someone who "has
    been married," thr: emancipating effect of marriage survives the
    marriage. The quesl:Lon.then, is whether section 4.03 exempts someone
    p. 1639
    Honorable Mike Driscoll - Page 2   (m-359)
    who has been married from the ,agerequirement of section 1.51. In our
    opinion it does not.
    Our conclusion Is based on the plain language of sections 1.51
    and 4.03. Section 4.03 expressly does not affect constitutional and
    statutory age requirements. This limitation on the emancipating
    effect of section 4.03 "take[s] into account the many statutes that
    impose specific age requlremtats as a condition to performing legally
    significant actions." E. L. Z#mith,5 Texas Tech Law Rev. 489. 492-93
    (1974). The quoted language is in reference to a statute that sets
    out the capacity of a minor whose disabilities have been removed by
    court order. Family Code 521.07. The language of section 31.07 Is
    essentially the same as the language of section 4.03:
    Except   for   rglecific constitutional     and
    statutory age requirements. a minor whose dis-
    abilities are removzd for general purposes has the
    power and capacit:r of ai adult; including the
    capacity to contract. (Emphasis added).
    Family Code 531. The predecessor to section 31.07 made emancipated
    minors "for all legal purposes, of full age, except as to the right to
    vote." Acts 1888, p. 61. A statute repealed in 1969 made married
    women "of full age." V.T.C.5,. art. 4625 (repealed). Both statutes
    gave rise to questions ,Aout        whether specific statutory age
    requirements applied to emancipated minors and married women under the
    age specified. See Attorney General Opinions O-2918 (1940); V-77
    (1947); V-849 (194m, S-20 (1953). Sections 31.07 and 1.51 eliminated
    the uncertainty that gave rise to those opinions. Thus, because
    section 1.51 contains a specific age requirement and not a reference
    to “min0r6” or "infants.'Isection 4.03 does not change the effect of
    section 1.51.
    A 1981 attorney genera!.'s opinion provides further support for
    our conclusion. Attorney Ger.eralOpinion IN-354 (1981). The question
    in that opinion was whether 8.married person under the age of 18 could
    receive benefits that were "Feyable until the child reaches eighteen."
    The opinion considered whether that language should be read to mean
    that benefits were payable to "minors." If that were the correct
    reading of the statute, bene:Eits would fiat be payable to a married
    person under 18 because a mal,riedperson Is not a minor, regardless of
    age. Probate Code 13(t) (exm::Ludes persons who have been married from
    the definition of minor); se's also Plttman V. Time Securities, 
    301 S.W.2d 521
    (Tex. Civ. APP. --San Antonio 1957, no writ) (holding that
    the section 3(t) definition of "minor" is not restricted to the
    Probate Code). Without evc:n mentioning section 1.51. this office
    rejected that reading of t'le statute and determined that the age
    requirement in the statute &ould be taken literally. In other words,
    even though 18 is now the ege of majority In Texas, a statute that
    p. 1640
    Aonorsble Mike Driscoll - Palle3   (M-359)
    distinguishes between person!,under 18 and persons 18 and older is not
    to be reed as a distinctiaa between minors and persons who have
    reached the age of majority.        pi
    Although the language of sections 1.51 and 4.03 admits of no
    other conclusion, a strlctjrtading $s somswhat dissatisfying because
    of the irony that a child who hai acquired certain capacities by
    getting msrried lacks the capacity to consent to a marriage.
    Therefore, we think it is important to buttress our conclusion by
    exsmlning the history of the law of infancy and the policy
    considerations behind section 4.03.
    The premise underlying the common law of infancy and various
    minimum age requirements is c:hatchildren lack the requisite faculties
    to participate in certain acltivitiesand to make certain decisions.
    See R.B. Tyler, Commentaries ‘on the Law of Infancy, Il. at 33 (1882).
    The intended effect of such laws is~"to prevent, as far as possible,
    the evils which would arise from the imbecility and inexperience to
    which every man is subject on his entrance into the world." P.
    Bingham. The Law of Infancy rntdCoverture. Il. at 1 (1849).
    At common law any persca~under the age of 21 was an infant and
    was legally incompetent for various purposes. Probably ths most
    significant disability of +nfancy, and certainly the most widely
    discussed, was an infant's general incompetence to make binding
    contracts. See Tyler, m,      chs. VII-VIII. Apparently the capacity
    to consent tomarriage    was xhought to ripen much earlier than the
    capacity to consent to other, contracts, however, because the minimum
    age at which a male could gj.vebinding consent to a marriage was 14.
    and the minimum age for females was 12. G. W. Field, The Legal
    Relations of Infants, Sll. 2, 21 (1888).
    A valid marriage by ir.fants at common law did not operate to
    relieve them of their disab:L:Llties.See Burr v. Wilson, 18 Tex. R.
    368. 371-77 (1856). In Burr the courtheld that even though certain
    statutes emancipated msrricd: Infant men’ for certain purposes, such
    statutes did not extinguish the disabilities of infancy generally.
    1. In this opinion we ahall use the word "child" to refer to
    someone under 18. We do ho in order to avoid terms with legal
    meanings such as "minor" and to avoid the cumbersome phrase "a person
    under 18."
    2. The Burr court poiut,edout that its decision did not apply to
    married womsn%auae    married women were, by statute, "of full age."
    Burr at 377. The release oE married women from the disabilities of
    infllncy was an emancipation in legal theory only, however, because
    marriage brought a woman into a state of coverture. which was a more
    disabling state than infancy. Tyler, s,     05207, 208.
    p. 1641
    Honorable Mike Driscoll - Page 4   (JM-359)
    Id. at 376.
    Coneequently. th#e court held that, except~'tothe extent
    that statutes provided specific exceptions to a married infant's
    Incapacity to contract, a ma:nriedInfant remained incompetent to make
    binding contracts.                                     !
    Although Burr describt,s a married infant's indompetence to
    contract as a"privilege"    ,:o disavow contracts, Burri at 377. the
    inability to contract would no doubt be an inconvenience to married
    infants living apart from their parents. For that reason the common
    law was not rigid in its trcetment of infants. It permitted infants
    to make valid contracts for necessaries.         Tyler. 8upTa. (56.
    Liability for necessaries:, however, depended on an Infant's
    The question of necessaries is governed by the
    real circumstances of the infant, and not by what
    his situation may cppear to be. An Infant when at
    home under the care of his father, and supported
    by him. cannot be rls.de
    liable for necessaries. If
    he could be made liable, the father would‘ be
    deprived of the right of exercising his discretion
    as to the manner and degree of his support.
    Id. 158 at
    100-101. Thus, a married infant living apart from his
    parents would be able to make some binding contracts. But anyone who
    contracted with an infant was bound to "inquire and ascertain the real
    circumstances of the infant" and to determine whether the infant could
    himself in contract. 'Id. at 101. Thus, the uncertainty of
    whether a contract was a c'zract for necessaries could make an
    infant's legal competency l:o enter into such contracts of little
    practical value.
    Under current Texas statutory law a person reaches his majority
    at age 18. earlier than at common law. V.T.C.S. art. 5923(b). The
    age of consent for marriage :Lenow also 18, considerably older than at
    common law. The current law reflects a legislative' judgment that
    persons under 18 do not have the wisdom necessary to make decisions
    about marriage,. just as thf,y do not have the wisdom to enter into
    other contracts. Nonetheless, the law permits exceptions to the rule
    that persons under 18 should not marry.        See Family Code 51.52
    (provides for parental conscit to marriage of underage applicant); 
    id. 51.53 (provides
    for court order to authorize marriage of under=
    applicant). These provisicns allow for the fact that particular
    circumstances In favor of marriage sometimes offset a child's
    As we noted earlier. the burdens of contractual incapacity
    frequently outweigh the benefits for married children. Although the
    coavnon lew rule regarding contracts  for necessaries relieved that
    p. 1642
    gouorable Mike Driecoll - Page 5.   (A-359 )
    burden somewhat, section 4.C3 eliminates the uncertainty created by
    that rule and gives a person who has been married the capacity of an
    adult, including the capacity to contract. Family Code 14.03.            I
    Although section 4.03 :ls a significant revision of the common
    law, it is not a rejection of the cosxnonlaw rule that marriage does     4
    not end infancy for all purpc,ses. Under section 4.03 married children   i
    are still subject to constitutional and statutory provisions that set     :
    specific age requirements.
    The limited emancipation provided for in section 4.03 is an
    attempt to make the best of t,ituationsthat depart from the ideal. As
    we said before, because commxi law incapacity was intended to benefit
    children, it makes sense to end the incapacity when it is more of a
    burden than a benefit to a chid.   That reasoning does not necessarily
    apply to other minimum age :equirements. For example, the minimum
    voting age and the minimum fIge for holding various public positions
    protect the rest of us fromthe "imbecility" of youth. Because the
    circumstances that lead pare ts or judges to authorize marriages are
    not necessarily indicative f premature wisdom, the marriage of a
    child does nothing to affe1t the considerations pertinent to the
    determination of the minimum voting age or the minimum age for holding
    certain positions.
    Similarly, the circums ,ances that lead parents or judges to
    a necessarily indicate that an underage
    authorize one marriage do no,:
    applicant is better preparei.!for marriage than other members of his
    age group. Indeed, consent 13an early marriage is often forthcoming
    despite an applicant's immatuity
    \     rather than because of it.
    Thus, in general, the j, istlficatlonfor removing the contractual
    incapacity and some other d i:sabilitiesof minority does not justify
    removing the minimum age foci consent to marriage. We can, nonethe-
    less, imagine circumstances .n which the second marriage of e child
    would be desirable. The 1s A must sssums that in such circumstances
    parents and judges will exercise their authority to consent to
    marriage with the interests of the child in mind.
    At common law marriags did not rsmove the disabilities of
    infancy, and Texas has not irejected this rule entirely. Although
    under Texas law marriage r aoves some disabilities of infancy, it
    expressly does not affect a(;: requirements fixed by the constitution
    or by statute. Texas law soa 1 the age of consent to marriage at 18.
    Family Code 11.51. Therefor& clerks may not issue a marriage license
    to any person under 18. whe lher or not that person has been married
    before, unless the person seering
    !      the license has parental consent or
    the consent of a judge. Fam:ql.y Code IP1.52, 1.53.
    up. 1643
    Ronorable Mike Driecoll - Pdge 6     ,(JM-359)
    Clerks may not ::ssuea marriage license to any
    person under 18, whether or not that person has
    been married before..unless the person seeking the
    Heease has parental consent or the consent of a
    judge. Family Code!111.52. 1.53.
    J h
    Very truly your
    .lxn    MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney   Gencwel
    Executive Assistant Attorney   General
    Special Assistant Attorney Gaineral
    Chairman, Oplnioa Comittee
    Prepared by Sarah Woelk
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Gilpin. Chairman
    Susan Garrison
    Tony Guillory
    Jim Moellinger
    Jennifer Riggs
    Nancy Sutton
    Sarah Woelk
    p. 1644

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-359

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017