Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                  The Attorney           General            of Texas
    HB:V 28.   1985
    Ccd       Building        hr. Robert C. Laniw                              OpinionNo. m-321
    P. 0. Box 1254S                 Chairman
    Auslln. TX. 76711~2543          StateDepartmento!lHighways                       Re: Whether interest on coustitu-
    51214752501                        and Public Transportation                     tionallydedicated funds may be
    Telex 9101874.1367
    Telecopier 512I475-0266
    Dewitt C. Greer Eigbway Bldg.                    diverted to general revenue by
    11th & Brazes                                    statuteor by appropriationsact
    Austin,Texas 7awi                                rider
    714 Jackson. Suite 7W
    Dallas, TX. 752024506           Dear hr. Lanier:
    You ask two questionsregardingthe appropriationof interestou
    4824 Alberta Ave.. Suite 160    funds dedicatedby the conatitutiouto highway purposes. You do not
    El Paso, TX. 79935.2793         Inquire about other:aourcea of tavanue for the atate highway fund.
    OlY533as4                       You first ask:
    1001 Texas. Suite 700
    1. C;viintereston dedicatedfundsbe divert.ed
    Houston. TX. 77002.3111                   to gener,sl
    revenueby appropriations
    act rider7
    Article 2543d. V.T.C.S.. governsthe dispositionof intereston
    time depositsof etate funds. Section1 of this statute provides as
    806 Broadway. Suite 312
    Lubbock, TX. 79401-3479
    Section 1. Interest received on account of
    time deposits of moneys in funds and accounts in
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite B
    the charne'of the State Treasurershall be allo-
    HcAllen. TX. 78501-1685
    cated al; follows: To each constitutionalfund
    there aball be credited the pro rata portion of
    the int&eat received due to such fund. The re-
    2130Main Plaza, Suite 400                mainder DE the interestreceived.vith the exceu-
    San Antonio, TX. 782052797               tion of that portion requiredby other statutes to
    be credited on a pro rata basis to protested tax
    payments,shall be creditedto the GeneralRevenue
    An Equal OpPCWtUnitYl                   Fund. Th,sinterestreceivedshallbe allocatedon
    Afflrmstlva Action EmPlOYer             a aonthlg basis. (Rupbasisadded).
    This provision relpliresthat intereston constitutionallydedicated
    funds be allocated to the principal,and uot to the general revenue
    fund. Attorney Gmeral Opinion h-466 (1969) consideredthe applica-
    tion of article2543d, V.T.C.S.. to a numberof funds in charge of the
    state treasurer. Three of the funds derivedfrom former articleVII,
    section 17 of thf:Texas Constitution,vhich levied a tax to fund
    constructionat designatedinstitutionsof higher education. See Ten.
    S.J. Res. 4, 50th Leg., 1947 Tex. Gen. Laws 1184; Tex. ST       Res.
    p.   1469
    *       _- .
    .       t
    Pk. Robert C. Lanier - Page i! (.I&321)
    24. 59th Leg., 1965 Tex. Gel. Laws 2197. Tbe opinion concludedthat
    those three funds were constitutionalfunds vithiu the meaning of
    article 2543d, V.T.C.S., awl interest received on account of time
    depositsthereonvas to be creditedto the fund.
    It is well establishedthat the legielature may not enact, amend,
    or reoeal a nenerallaw by rmorooriationact rider. Tex. Const. art.
    III, 935; Moore v. Sheppard;,' 192 S.U.2d 559 (Tex. 1946); Linden v.
    49 s.w. 578 (Tex.-'ta99);  Attorney General Opinions J?i-167
    .~.~ . . m-104  (1979): n-1:.41 (1972): V-1254, V-1253 (1951); G-552
    (1939). A ride; which attempted tom-appropriate    to general revenue
    interest received on account of time deposits of constitutionally
    dedicated funds would be isvalid as an attempt to amend or repeal
    article 2543d,V.T.C.S. Iu:ereston constitutionally     dedicatedfunds
    may not be divertedto general revenueby appropriationact rider in
    contraventionof article2543d,V.T.C.S.
    YOU next ask:
    2. Is it perrlsaible to divert intereat by
    atatute on highway department constitutionally
    dedicatedfunds to generalrevenue?
    Article VIII, section l-a of the Texas Constitutiondedicates
    revenuesreceivedfrom motor vehicle registrationfees and motor fuel
    taxes to the provision,maintenance,and policingof public roadways.
    This constitutionalprovisionstates in part:
    Sec. 7-a.   Sub.ject    to legislativeappropria-
    on county and wad district bonds or varrants
    voted or issued prior to January 2. 1939, and
    declared eligibleprior to January 2, 1945, for
    payment out of the County and Road District
    Righway Fund uniier existing lav; provided, bow-
    ever, that one-f'curth (l/4) of such net revenue
    from the motor f,nrltax shall be allocated to the
    Avaflable School Fund. . . . (Emphasis added).
    p. 1470
    Hr. Robert C. Lanler - Page 1’ (JIG321)
    The term “couatructing”
    in al:ticle
    VIII,     section7-a. does not Include
    merely the clearlq;and gradingof the roadbedand
    the pouring of the concrete,but includes ‘every-
    thing appropriate1.y connected with, and ueces-
    sarily incidental!:oithe completeaccomzplishment’
    of the generalpurposefor vhich the fund exists.
    State v. City of Austin, 331 S.W.td 737, 746 (Tex. 1960) (cost of
    utility relocationnecessitatedby improvementof federally-funded
    Article VIII, section7. of the Texas Constitutionprohibitsthe
    legislature from borrowing, or In any manner diverting from its
    purpose, any specialfund. %nstitutional funds can be transferredto
    the general revenuefund only by constitutionalamendment. CarrollV.
    Williams,202 S.U. 504 (Tex. ‘1918)(countyfunds).
    In Lawson v. Baker, 221)S.W. 260 (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin 1920.
    writ ref‘d), the Austin Cclurtof Civil Appeals determlned that
    interest earned on a special fund created or recognized by the
    conatitutloubecame part of tihatfund. A taxpayerbrought the suit to
    test the constitutionality of the State Depository Law enacted in
    1919. Acts 1919, 36th Leg.,,ch. 145, at 266. The law provided that
    the interest on all funds depositedwould become part of the general
    Id. at 269
    (formerarticle 2427 R.C.S.). The court stated
    as follows?
    We think it is cle.arthat the interest earned by
    deposit of speci;l:lfunds is an increment that
    accrues to such special fund, and any attempt of
    the Legislatureto make such interest a part of
    the general rwenr;:is futile. in the face of the
    constitutionalpn%isions creating or dedicating
    these funds to sprzialpurposes. The broad langu-
    age of the act would seem to make the interest
    upon all funds,wt.ethergeneralor special,become
    part of the general revenue,and this portion of
    the law, if so construed,would authorizea diver-
    sion of the special funds from their constitu-
    tionalpurpose,wcluldspeciallyviolate section7,
    article8. and would be unconstitutionaland void.
    Lawson v. 
    Baker, supra, at 272
    . The court found that the statute
    could be upheld by a constructionallocatingto constitutionalfunds
    the interest earned thereon or by severing the unconstitutional
    According to the opinion in Lawson V. Baker, the legislature
    lacks paver to enact a statutedivertinginterestOD constitutionally
    p. 1471
    Mr. Robert C. Lanier - Page 4    (JR-3211
    dedicated funds to general rftvenue.The supreme courts of Missouri
    the questionyou ask: whetherinterest
    and Oregon have each considerc!il
    earned on a constitutionally  d.adicatedhighway fund must be credited
    to that fund. State Eiuhwa< Cowlsdon v, Sr&nhove~, 504 S.W.Zd 121
    (Ho. 1973); State v. Straub. 
    630 P.2d 229
    (Or. 1965) (en bane). Each
    court relied on Lavson v. BakM: to hold that the legislaturecould not
    enact a statute divertinn to the neneral fund the interest    on the
    constitutional highway fugd.
    We conclude that the legislaturelacks authority to enact a
    statute divertingto the general rwenue fund Intereston the motor
    vehicle fees and motor fuel taxes dedicated to highuay purposes by
    articleVIII, section7-a of the Texas Constitution.
    Interest on constitutionallydedicated funds
    may not be diverted to general revenue by appro-
    priation act ride>:in contraventionof article
    The legislature lacks authority to enact a
    statute diverting ,to the general revenue fund
    intereston the motor vehicle fees and motor fuel
    taxes dedicated to highway purposes by article
    VIII. section7-a c~fthe Texas Constitution.
    .IIn   MATTOX
    AttorneyGeneralof Texas
    First AssistantAttorneyGen,r:cal
    SpecialAssistantAttorney   General
    Preparedby Susan L. Garrison
    p. 1472
    .        *
    .’       .
    T                Wt. Robert C. Lanier - Page 5    (J?I-321)
    Rick Gilpin,Chairman
    Jon Bible
    Colio Carl
    Susan Garrison
    Tony Guillory
    Jim noellinger
    Nancy Sutton
    Bruce Youngblood
    p. 1473

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-321

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017