Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •  ,t-       .-
    The Attorney                  General            of Texas
    kay 14.   1985
    JIM    MAnOX
    Attorney        Generrl
    SupmIne court SUlldlng    Ronorablc Jerry Cobb                                 Opinion   Ro. a-317
    P. 0. sax 12545           Criminal Diotrlct   Attoroey
    Aurm lx 75711.2545        P. 0. Eox 2344                                       lb?: Whether a comissioners     court
    5cw752501                 Denton. Texas     762C 1                             my approve a plat      and accept     a
    le*x Dlom7C1247
    road for county maintenance     under
    lelecoplw   512J47s205
    certain conditiona
    714 Jwksm. Sull. 700      Dear     l4r.   Cobb:
    OallW, 7x. 752024505
    You have      rcqueeted   our    opinion    regarding    two questions.          First,
    ,ou      ask:
    1. Can a commissioners    court approve a plat
    and accept roade for county maintenance      if three
    landownercl have not signed tha plat dedicating   the
    1001 TWW. SIN* 700 .
    road to tlro public?
    Nausmn, lx 770023111
    71Y222-58m                It   is afaa indiutol           that  .thrrc are more than three landowners   of               the
    land      in the plat.       and that the three landovncr~,     refusing to sign                the
    plat,     ouu separate       :Lots within   the plat.
    _~ A comisrionar:``    court -uy.   aerclme     only ‘mch    povers   as the
    coostitution    or thwetatuter     lmve opcclficall~    conferred    upon them.
    Cuulu       v. ~Langhlzlu,-214  S.W.2d 451~. ,-453 (Tex.’ 1948).         Section
    ~& l(-
    )   %l87 5702-1 V.t.C.8:.
    r tic           ,     mth o r lsee                           l c o m h sio ner u     court
    of a m~,twa p p r ~rl:plar-of    re        ‘a eubdivirlon       dadkatiug’roads        to the
    put&+ by:th;yi.af              the ,land subdivIded       in the~.pUt;. ‘V.T.C.S.        ari.
    6702-li~.~112AOl(a),       (d).    If the .uurmr’oi wnera’df            the tract    of land
    a÷d     :.,in the .plat      follow     the    ~speclfied     statutory      procedure
    outlined    in seetim        2.401. of articlr.~:6702-1,         V.T.C.S.,      the comic-
    sionero    court ir rot .authorizad           to’-reject      the filing      of the plat.
    Cashnera’            Court v. ?rank’Jester Development Co., 
    199 S.W.2d 1004
    .~1007 (Tu.     civ. Am: - Dallas          19b7.;nit       ref’d n.r.e.1      (arkoval     of a
    pkt &perly         ill;4   ia a ninirter~l        duty of the co&k&ers                court).
    Sactfon 2.bOl(b) of article           6702-l.    V.T.C.S..     prwides:
    (b) The owner of any tract           of land . . . vho
    may hereafter    divide    the (I-    in tvo or mre parts
    for the Inmpose of laying          out any oubdiviaion   of
    any such tract        of land . . . or for laying       out
    suburban    lots     or building      lota,   and for   the
    purpom of laying        out rtreetr. rlley     or parb,  or
    p.   1450
    Uoaorable     Jerry   Cobb - ?alr      2    (JM-317)                                                         ‘!
    other portion8 intmded            for public uee . . . ahall
    cause a plat to ba_ude             thereof.  . . . (EmpE
    Thir prwfrion     requires  the %uner’ of the tract of land to be sub-
    divided   to cause a plat to \I(: made.   Although this  prwfslon  uses the
    teru “wrier” in the singular , it must be read in harmony vith          the
    entire   ntatute.    See Turnpike Authority    v. Shepperd.  279 S.W.Zd 302
    (Tu.    1955).      -
    Section 2.401(c)       of article      6702-l    provider    ae follows:
    (c)   Every such plat shall be duly acknouledged
    by ovnera or proprietor8     of the land, or by some
    duly authorized    egent of said ovoera or proprle-
    tore,   in the manner required    for acknovledgemcnt
    ofeeda     . Subject  to the provisions   contained   In
    this section,   suc’h plat shall be filed   for record
    and be recorded lo the office     of the county clerk
    of the county in *hich the land lien.         (Emphasie
    Bence, vben eectiorm        2&l(b)          -and:.(c)  are read together       It can be
    concluded    that the legislature            contemplated    that there might be more
    than one landomer       of the tract          of land to be subdivided.        Therefore,
    the comisaloners       court is not         authorlaed    to apprwe     a plat which has
    been filed     vithout   all -~of ,the       landovners’    rignatures.     V.T.C.S art.
    6702-l.   S2.bOlk).
    In addi+oo.        you lk vhetber          the conisslonem       court uy accept
    the.toad# on,+he.pkt              -for txrun~ maintenance uhen ~the three landowners
    baye not rigned &be plat dtxlicatiog                 thexo+s    .tn.the. pablic.      Approval
    .of: a plat and&ecu           tance. of K plat dedicating           roada to the public       are
    .        ‘.. wparate      .@       lat net .,fmu:tima : of the mmhdner*~
    b-9---                                                     court.      Cow
    tirsiooers’       ,~Court mb Ramk. Jester             Develovment .Co.) .s            AttoG
    General OoLuionSJn-200~.r638 S.W.2d 643 
    APR. - Waco %62,              .a.it %f’d      -a.r.e.).      In order to effectuate          an
    lsprese dedication,          there must be an intent -to dedicate.;             a c-nica-
    tian of the intent            *cd ‘Ieiilcate;’ and an .acceptance~ of &he land being
    dedicatul.         See :Pord: V.I. 1Iorm, 
    592 S.W.2d 385
    (Tu.                  Civ.    App:’ -
    iexarkana       198xWmriixt..);                       see also Attorney General Opinion
    JM-2.00* The landovner or ovntrt of the tract of land must evidence                           an
    Intent     to appropriate           the land rbom .in the plat            for ecme proper
    public purpose.                 Adams v. Rowleo. 228 S.U.2d 849 (Tex. 1950).
    -See- --                                                           The
    filing   of a pllp or plat ill onl y an offer to dedicate               the-streets      shorn
    thereon to the public.              SW 30 Ta.        Jur. 3d Dedication     $20 (1983).        A
    comlssionar#        court is aG?Eorlred to accept propartp dedicated                   to the
    public.       -Cf. Cheeaer~ v. Grocsa,             302 ,S.W.2d 480 (Tex. Civ.          App. -
    p. 1451
    \-   -   -
    Eonorablc   Jerry     Cobb - rage :)     (Jlt47)
    Beaumont 1957,    no writ);  Commissioners’    Court v. Frank Jeerer            Develop-
    msnt Co., s.          Ufthou``c     thrae   landmmcro’    signatures.           there la
    no effective    offer  or intent   to dedicate     the land shown on            tha plat
    sven though these owners own separate          tracts  of land.      We        therefore
    conclude    thet the coliaaio``ers    court say not .eccept these              roads for
    public   mslntenance because ,cbere has beeu no dedicatiou            of       the roads
    to ths public.
    You also      ask:
    2. Can e commhsioner   pave a road if             the plst
    has not been approved if the landowners               who have
    not dedicated the road sign a waiver?
    Since the plat has not ‘been approved by the ccedssioners           court,
    there   can be uo statutory     dedication    of these    roads to tbe public
    under Texss 1s~.    See V.T.C.5. art. 6702-l.       52.401;    see also Attorney
    General Opinion Jkl-200.    The  only   methods  by  which   these  roads may he
    dedicated   to the public are through express or implied dedication.             A
    prior opinion of this officl? explains:
    Common-lav dedications    are of’ tvo classes        -
    express     and i@ied.     . . .     In    both,     it  is
    necessary    that there be an appropriation          of the
    land by the owner to public use, in the one case,
    by some express manifestation       of his purpose        to
    devote    the land to public   use; in the other.        by
    some act or cour1w of conduct from vhlch the lav
    vould imply such rr~ intent.     (Citation     mitted).
    Attorney General Opinion JM-200 (1984).                  Unless    the waivers executed
    by the landowners           widena:    an intent     to dedicate.        and the coepis-
    sioners     court    accepts    the express    or implied        dedlcstion    of land by
    these    landowners,       tha cordssloners       court may not pave thess roads
    vith    public     funds.     
    Id. A waiver
        is the voluntary           or intentional
    abandoment       or relinqu~hwnt         of a known right.         See Trlce v. Georgia
    liomes Insurance       Co., 81 S.U.2d 1055 (Tex. Civ. AK                 - Amarillo    1935,
    no writ).        Therefore,     a ctmlmlasioners     court is authorized         to pave a
    road if the landowners vha have not signed                  the plst execute a vsiver
    to dedicate      the roads to I:be public provided             that there has been an
    acceptance       by    the    cosmdrsloners      court.       A coedssioners          court
    expressly     accepts    a dedicat:Lon when it votes         and ootes the leceptance
    In the minutes.         Attorney (kneral Opinion m-200.
    Article      6702..!. , sections    2.401(b)   and Cc).
    V.T.C.S..       prohibit    a cownlssion~rs      court   from
    approving      a plal: dedicating      roads to the public
    vlthout     the signatures      of all    the landowners    of
    p.    1452
    Ronorable    Jerry Cobb - ?ase        4    W-317)
    the trsct     to be subdivided.         Ror uy   a cofmbis-
    sioners   c o ur ltecq~r: roads for public maintenance
    when there has not ‘been sn intent to dedicate             by
    all tha landovners      evidenced    by their signature    on
    the plat.       Eouevei: ,, the eoaisslonys        court   ia
    authorized     to accel?t the plat snd p&e the roads
    dedicated    to the public      if the landowners,      whose
    signature     does   net    appear     on the plat.      have
    executed     a waive:,     evidencing     their  intent     to
    dedicate   the roads to the public.
    JIX      HATTOX
    Attorney General of Texss
    First Assistant     Attorney    Genwal
    Executive Assistsnt      Attorney        Cineral
    Specks1 Assistant     Attorney       Gmeral
    Chairmen, Opinion      Collrnittee
    Prepsred    by Tony Guillory
    Assistant    Attorney General
    Rick Gilpin,   Chairman
    Jon Bible
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garriscm
    Tony Guilloq
    Jim Mellinger
    Jennifer   Riggs
    Nancy Sutton
    p.   1453

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-317

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017