Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                  The Attorney              Geneyd of Texas
    JIM MATTOX                                            SepFember 3,'i985
    Attorney General                                                     !
    Supreme Cowl Bulldin
    Honorable Tim R. Ta:r:Lor                    Opinion No. .JM-351
    P. 0. BOX 125d9                Titus County Attorney
    Austin. TX. 7971% 2549         P. 0. Box 862                                Re:    Whether a comissioners    court
    512,4752501                    Mt. Pleasant, Texas    75455                 may bar video cameras from a public
    Telex 91W57C1357
    meeting held under article    6252-17,
    Telecopier  51214750255
    714 Jackson. Sulle 7WJ         Dear Ur.   Taylor:
    Dallas, TX. 75202.4509
    Pou ask whethter article      6252-17. V.T.C.S..                 the Texas Open
    Meetings  Act, requires  the commissioners court of                   Titus County to
    4924 Alberta Ave.. Suite 180   allow videotaping of its meetings.
    El Paso, TX. 79905.2793
    915/533-3494                         The Open I4eetin:gs Act provides         in part:
    All  OX any part  of the proceedings    in auy
    I Texas. Suite 700
    Houston, TX. 77002-3111                     public meeting of any governmental body as defined
    71312236999                                 hereinabow   may be recorded     by any person   in
    attendance by means of a tape recorder      or any
    other means of sonic reproduction.
    806 Broadway, Suite 312
    Lubbock, TX. 79401.3479
    V.T.C.S.    art.   6252*-1~7. CZ(1).        This provision       first    appeared in the
    1973 revision of the Open Meetings Act.               Acts   1973. 63rd Leg., ch. 31,
    12(i)    at 46.     The 1967 version          of the Open Meetings Act did not
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite S         expressly    permit a,%youe to tape-record            public     meetings.      Acts   1967,
    McAllen, TX. 79501-1595
    60th Leg., ch. 271 at 597. A 1968 Attorney General Opinion considered
    whether the act required a cormPissioners court to allow its meetings
    to be broadcast        ljve over the radio and taped for later broadcast.
    200 Maln Plaza. Suite 400      Attoruey General Opinion M-180 (1968) determined that the phrase "open
    San Antonio. TX. 792052797
    to the public"       in section      l(a)   of formar article          6252-17, V.T.C.S.,
    did not require the? connissioners             court to permit the live broadcast
    of its     meetings or the taping             thereof    for    later     broadcast.     See
    An Equal OppOrtunilYl          V.T.C.S.     art.     62 5:2-17,    52(a)      (present     codification        of    quoted
    Aflirmstlvs Action Employer    language).       The cowissloners         court had authority          to mske reasonable
    rules    and regulations         for     %ts meetings       and could        prohibit    the
    broadcast or tape-recording           of Its meetings.       Attorney      General Opinion
    n-180 (1968).
    A Texas court has considered    whether a school trustee   had a
    statutory  right to tape-record  executive  session proceedings of the
    board of trustees.  In Zsmora v. Edgewood Independent School District,
    p. 1602
    Honorable      Tim R. Taylor   - Paglt 2    (JM-351)
    592 S.W.Zd 649 (Tax.   Civ. Al~p. - Beaumont 1979, writ ref’d n.r.e.).
    the court determined that thtc trustee    had no right  to tape-record
    those proceedings  over the objection  of a majority of board.members.
    The court stated as follows:                               i.
    We are of the opinion that significance            should
    be attached       to the fact. that the Legislature
    specifically     authorized   the use of tape recorders
    at public       meetings   while    it   made uo similar
    provisions     for use-at    executive    sessions   of the
    same public       body.    Lacking     any definitive     or
    helpful    interpretations    of the statute,     we Invoke
    one of      the maxims of       statutory    construction.
    (Footnote deleted).
    592 S.W.Zd at 649.      The cot,xt stated the rule             expressio      unlus est
    exclusio  alterius:    The exprEssion of a specific             llxitatiou      excludes
    all others.    It continued as follows:
    Having speclfic~illy    approved the use of the
    recording   devices   :Ln the public  meetings, the
    Legislature   necessnrily   denied the use of such
    devices in executive sessions.
    -Id.   at   650.
    Attorney General Opinion M-180 and Zamora v. Edgewood Independent
    School District    support the proposition    that the Open Meetings Act
    includes   uo implied right   to tape-record    meetings.   Any such right
    must be based on express legislative    authorization.    These authorities
    also   support  the conclusior.  that the Open Meetings       Act does not
    lmpliedly permit a member of the public to videotape public meetings.
    The 1973 addition      of scmtion 2(i)    to the act expressly      granted
    members of the public the right       to record meetings by a means of sonic
    reproduction.     The dictionary, defines “sonic” as follows:        “utilizing,
    produced by,      or relating     t13 sound waves.”      Webster’s    Third Nev
    International      Dictionary    2 173361).        (Emphasis     added).      This
    provision   does not give mevimra of the public          a right   to videotape
    meetings.     In the absence of :%specific     provision   permitting    a member
    of the public to record its meetings by videotape,           the comuissloners
    court   may prevent the videotqing      of its meetings held pursuant to the
    Open Meetings      Act.    See gt,nerally   Attorney   Generals Opinion R-188
    (1973).    The commissioners ctxrtrtmay allov its public meetings to be
    videotaped,    but the Open Hee,c:Lngs Act does not entitle      members of the
    public to videotape the meetj.n.gs over the objections       of the court.
    p. 1603
    Honorable   Tim R. Taylor      - Page! 3        (JM-351)
    jiU     M M AR Y
    Article    6252-17,  V.T.C.S..  the   Texas   Open
    Meetings Act,   does not require  the commissioners
    court of Titus County   to allow videotaping   of its
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney General   of Texas
    First Assistant     Attorney    General
    Executive Assistant      Attorney     &neral
    Special Assistant     Attorney      Gewral
    Chairman. Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Susan Garrison
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Gllpin,   Chairman
    Jon Bible
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garrison
    Tony Guillory
    Jim Moellinger
    Jennifer Riggs
    Nancy Sutton
    Sarah Woelk
    Bruce Youngblood
    p. 1604

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-351

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017