Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                        The Attorney             General            of Texas
    JIM MATTOX                                                  July 1, 1985
    Attorney General
    Supreme   Coun     Building           Eouorable   Lloyd Cr,l~w                             Opinion No.   JM-329
    P. 0. Box 12548                       cheirQlan
    A”,llrl. TX. 78711.2546               Committee on Labor and Employment                    Re: Authority of a city to
    5121475.2501                             Relations                                         establish  prevailing   wage
    Telex 9101674.1367
    ~e,scopier   51214750266
    Texas Rouse of Repmaentativea                        rates under article   5159a,
    P. 0. Box 2910                                       V.T.C.S.
    Austin, Texas   78X9
    714 Jackson. Suits 700
    Da~hr. TX. 75202-4506
    Dear Representative     Criss:
    You have inquired about the propriety    of the procedures    being
    u)24 Albd,,~     Ave.. Suit0   160   used by the city elf Rouston to determine the prevailing  wage rates to
    E, paso. TX.     793052793           be paid to workem engaged in the construction      of public vorka for
    9lY533-3464                          that city.  You state that
    1001 Texas. Suite 700
    obvioual.g , the establishment     of 5 prevailing    wage
    “ous.,o~, TX. 77002-3111                          rate for building      construction     by the city     of
    7l312235886                                       P.ouston will dramatically    effect   the livelihood   of
    many voxking people in the Earris County area.
    906 Broadway. Suite 312
    It i~r my understanding thst the city of Eouston
    ,.ubWck.   TX. 79401.3479
    806i747-52%                                       city corn~cil intends to adopt an alleged wage rate
    study recently      completed by 5n independent con-
    tractor   ‘to the city   in the very near future.    The
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite B
    basis   I’or the findings     and conclu5iona    of this
    McAllen. TX. 78501~1685
    alleged    atudy~ is a veighted    average rather than
    determixlng a general prevailing      wage rate.
    200 Main Plaza. Suite 400                            My concern relates    to the methods used ‘by the
    San An,on,o. TX. 782052797
    city’s   agent to establish    such a prevailing   wage
    rate vhen tested by the una.mbiguoua proscriptions
    and    a~:atutox-y directives     of  article    5159a.
    An Equal OppOftunilYl                           V.T.C.S.
    Affirmalive Aclion EmPbYer
    The pertinent    parts   of article    5159s read as follova:
    Section    1. Not leas than the general      pre-
    vailing    rate of per diem wages for vork of a
    aimilax character    in the locality    in which the
    work is performed      . . . shall   be paid to al1
    laborel s, workmen and mechanics employed by or on
    behalf of the State of Texas, or by or on behalf
    of anJ’ county , city      and county,    city, town.
    p.   1507
    llonorable   Lloyd Crlar          - Paat. 2   (RI-329)
    district  or other political      subdivision               of the
    Stste.  engaged  III the    construction      of             public
    works . . . .
    Sec. 2.   The public body awarding any coutract
    for public work . . . or otherwise undertaking any
    public   work,   ahat:, ascertain the general   pre-
    vailing  rate of per diem wages in the locality   in
    vhich the vork is to be performed for each craft
    or type of vorkmm or mechanic needed to execute
    the contract.   . . .
    .   .   .   .
    Sec.4.     . . . .  The term ‘general   prevailing
    rate of per diem wages’ shall be the rate deter-
    mined upon as such rate         by the public      body
    avardlng the contract,      or authorizing   the work,
    whose decision    ia the matter shall be final.       It
    is mandatory thrt      the public    body state     such
    prevailing   wage as a sum certain,     in dollars   and
    cents.     Nothing 111 this Act, however,      ahhall be
    construed to prohibit    the payment to, any laborer,
    workman or mechanic employed on any public work as
    aforesaid   of more ,than the said general prevailing
    rate of wages.
    One of the primary purposes            of    the   statute   is to
    protect  workmen, laborers.    and mechanics  from
    being required, if they accept employment, to work
    for leas than the prevailing  wages paid . . . for
    the same class at.d character of work.
    Southern Prison Co. v. Renuels. 110 S.W.Zd 606, 609 (Tex. Civ. App. -
    Auarlllo  1937. writ diam’d~,    This conclusion   “aa quoted 55 authori-
    tative by the Texas Supreme Court in Texas Righvay Cosmiaaion v. El
    Paso Building and Conatrwtion      Co., 234 S.W.Zd 857 (1941).     and has
    been recently   reaffirmed  cl a case vhich reiterated     that a primary
    objective  of the statute rre.5 “to protect   the workman from working at
    rates below the prevailing;     wages in the locality.”      Cullipher- v.
    Weatherby-Godbe Construction    Company Inc.,   
    570 S.W.2d 161
    . 164 (Tex.
    Civ. App. - Texarkana 1978, writ dism’d).
    The genesis of the Texas Prevailing   Wage Statute,   like that of
    the federal Davis-Bacon Act, 46 Stat. 1494 (codified    as amended at 40
    U.S.C. 55276a to 276a-5 (13132)). upon which it was modeled, is clearly
    stated in the act’s “emergancy clause” as follows:
    Sec. 7. The fact           that   there 15 uo adequate lav
    protecting  laborers.          workmen    and mechanics engaged
    p. 1508
    ..       ’
    Ronorabla   Lloyd Criaa - Paga 3           (J&329)
    in doing and perfomiug           vork   on public vorka in
    Texas and ita         political     aubdivlalona.     and the
    further     fact   that     many  contrqctora     are   taking
    advantage of the present           iaduatrisl   and ccoaomic
    condition     to beat d,wn vages to a lavel far belov
    that    required    co mslntain a laborer.         vorkman or
    mechanic      in reasonable       circumstances,      and the
    further     fact   that this condltloa        has created      a
    social   problem dewnding         the immediate attention
    of the legislative        department of our State, create
    an emergency       and an imperative          public   neces-
    sity.   . . .
    Acts 1933, 43rd Leg., ch. 65, 07, at 93.             While the Texas lav did not
    set out a methodology        for t!x determination        of the prevailing      vage
    rates for the respective        trades,   this office    very early held that It
    vas the duty of the appropriate              governing body ‘to      ascertain     the
    general    prevailing    vage rates”       for   the respective     trades     in the
    locality    in question.     Atto,rney   General Opinion O-2059 (1944).           This
    opinion    simply restated      thd straightforward       statutory    directive    to
    establish     what   is “the    gexral      prevailing   rate” of pay for each
    particular     craft and trade.       The essence of this statutory       mandate 1s
    simply that the governmental entity            determine for its locality        what
    actual wage rate is predominant for each craft.
    Article    5159a requires   a governmental body to pay “the general
    prevalllng    rate of per diem Tdages.” but it does not define          the term.
    Although section      4 delegates    that determination     to “the public body
    awarding the contract ,” the statute clearly          requires   that, in making
    the   determination,      a methodology     be adopted       vhich   demonstrates
    compliance with the “prevailing        wage” standard.    Your question Implies
    that “prevailing       Wage” and “veighted     average” constitute      different
    standards.      Assuming this ~1s correct,      if a city adopts a “veighted
    average” standard,      in cont’rast    to a “‘prevailing    vage” standard,      it
    has. in our view, failed      to c,omply vith the statute.
    A city is requl,red by article             5159a. V.T.C.S..
    to pay “the   gene,:al prevailing            rate of per diem
    wages” in avarding a contract                for public   works
    JIH     MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    ‘,.    1509
    Hooorable       Lloyd   Criss      -   Page 4     (Jn-329)
    TO?l GREEN
    First  Assistant        Attorney        Ceruxal
    Executive Assistant             Attorney     General
    Special Assistant            Attorney      General
    Chairman. Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Colin           J. Carl 6
    Rick Gilpln
    Assistant       Attorneys      General
    Rick Gilpin,   Chairman
    Colin Carl
    Robert Gray
    Jim noellinger
    Jennifer Riggs
    Sarah       Woelk
    p. 1510

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-329

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017