Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                 The Attorney             General        of Texas
    JIM MAllOX
    Attorney Gsnerrl
    ltr.~ Lyndon L. Olron, Jr.                     opillion   lo.    m-301
    Start Board of Ioeuranct                       Re:   Ubtthtr     tht  Ttxao Insurmct
    1110 San Jacinto   Boulevard                  Ctdt prohibit8       health      insuranct
    Austin,    Ttxat   70786                       policy proviaionr        that dircrimi-
    natt   with regard to payment for
    trtatrant     by certain          typtr   of
    714 Jackwn, SUN. 700                                                          health    care practitlontro          bastd
    DalIa& lx 7520245c4
    on (1) an txprtsr           txclusion      of
    much practitiontr8         or (2) “place
    and manntr”        rtstrictlonr         that
    4624 A1b.M    Ave.. &Jr* 160                                                  indirtctly     txclude      such practi-
    El PMo.lx. 702w2722                                                           tiontra
    Dear Mr. Olson:
    I 1rxrr. SUN. 700
    Hourton. TX. 77002-3111             Tou havt asked our opinion    regarding   vhtther  tht Statt Board of
    712l22552Ba                   fnsuranct  ehould ap:)rove the folloving    types of eickneso   and accident
    iosuranct  policy prtnrlsionr:
    606 Broadw8y. Bull. 512
    Lubboc~Tx.   72401.2479                       1. Pa:nntnt of btnefitr         . . . i8 sptcifically
    m47-5222                                  limited    to inatancco     where trtatmtn.t      is provided
    by a doctwr of rdicint.           No benefits    vi11 bt paid
    for trtatnnt      by a doctor of dentistry,          doctor of
    4306N.Tenth.Sultr B                                           doctor     of  optometry, doctor         of
    McAllm,Tx 76601~1666                      chiropractk,
    B12MB24B47                                podiatry,     doctor    in psychology,       ludlologlat.    or
    rpttch-lrquapt       pathologitt.
    260 MaInPlaza,SLdto400                        2. Btmfita      art payable     for manipulation           of
    tht l
    Ban AnIonlo. TX 722052727
    pine:.    Eovtvtr,   benefit.    will  bt paid          only
    vhen ouch treatnent     is providtd    in a hospital.
    3. Benefits   art payiblt    for unipulation               of
    tht   rpim, vhtn trtatmtnt    ir providtd    whllt            the
    inturtd’lt  undtr stntral  lntttbttla.
    4. Bcntfitt        art   oayablt   for    trtatmtnt      of
    mtntal illntsr       or prychologiul    impairment.     txctpt
    that btmfitr       payablt whtn tht inrurtd        ir an out-
    patitnt     wd trtatmtnt       is providtd    by a prycbo-
    loslot     are limirtd     to $20 ptr trtatlcnt         and 25
    trtatmtntr      per    ytar.     Thtrt it     no limit        on
    benefitr     payablt    whtn treatment    ir providtd     by a
    Hr. Lyndoo L. Olson.          Jr.    - Ptrflt 2        ml-301)
    psychiscrisr           0Oar         than        co-insurance         and
    5. Btntfirt       sre    paysbls     for wtatment           of
    chiropractic     atrv:kes,     txctpt    rhat btnefits        art
    payablt    on an out’-patient      basis   or schtdule       vhtn
    trtatmtnr     is provi’dtd by a chiroprsctor            and are
    limited    to $20 ptr wtarmtnt        and 20 trtamenta        ptr
    ytar.     Thtrs   is D,O limit        on btntfits      payablt,
    except co-inaurancre       and dtductibles,       vhtn    trtat-
    mtnt is provided      by a doctor of mtdicint.
    T%t requirement       that jnauranct   policy  forms be approvtd  by tht
    Statt      Board of Insurance       a:# well aa tht grounds on which the board
    shall      dieapprovt    forms are !w:r forth in articlt   3.42 of tht Ineuranet
    Code.       Article   3.42(a)   provMea:
    No policy,     cortract     or certiflcatt         of lift.
    ttrm   or tndowmtnl: ineuranct,           group lift        or term
    insuranct,      indust~r:Lsl life     insurance,      accident      or
    health      insurance,         group    accident       or     health
    Insurance,         hospitalization          insuranct,         group
    hospitalization          :Lnaurance.    medical      or    surgical
    insuranct,         [or]     group     medical       or     surgical
    insursnct     . . . 1Aal1 bt dtlivtrtd.           issued or used
    In this        statt    . . . unless      tht    form of         said
    Policy 8 contract          or cerrificact       has betn filed
    vith rht Statt Beard of Insurance               and approvtd by
    said Board. . . .
    Articlt     3.42(s)     provides:
    Tht  Start   Board of Insurance      shall   forthwith
    disapprovt     any , . .      form,   or   vithdrav      sny
    prtvious   approval   thertro   if. and only if,
    (1)  It la in any rtaptct in               violation       of or
    dots     not comply esth this Code.
    (2)    IL contt,fns     provisions       which   tncourage
    misrtprtstntatior~        or art     unjust,     unfair,    in-
    tquitable.      mialtading.    dtctprivt or contrary          to
    law or to tht pu~11.1~policy of this state.
    (3)    Xc has any titlt,          htadlng    or othtr indica-
    tion     of   its   provisions           which     is  misleading.
    -(Emphasis l    ddtd) ,I
    Tou sptcifically          ask:
    1.      Dote cht :lmsurtd’s article 21.52,                 fnauranct
    Code,      frttdom  1x1 atlsct a practitioner                    negate
    p.   1360
    .   ‘_
    Hr.   Lyndon 1.      Olsom, Jr.       - Psp~ 3           (JM-301)
    provisions        such    mu        (1)      abovt     which       txclude
    aptcificd      pracritianera?
    2. Are rtsrrictiona     of the type @et out in (2)
    through  (5) lbovt      lllowablt    vhtn’no  prwieloo
    tnumtratts which p~rtrc~itiontrs     vi11 bt rtcognized
    and vhich ~111 not be?        In othtr words, vhtn not
    txcluded   by refemnct,        can a pracritiontr      bt
    txcludtd  by rtsrricrions      on tht plsct  and msnntr
    in which trtatmtnt    bt administtrtd?
    Tht     provision   of rht tneurance                Code     about     vhich     you      inquire,
    art.iclt     21.52. section   3, atckl:ta:
    Any person           vhl,     la    issutd    . . . any htalth
    insuranct        policy      . . , by any insuranct               company,
    asaociafion.          or organiaation            . . . map stltct            a
    lictnssd      doctor       of podiatric         medkint,      a lictnstd
    dtntist,       or a doctor            of chiropractic         to ptrfort
    the wdical            or surgical           strvlcea or procedures
    echtduled         in tht policy             which fall       vithin      tht
    scope     of the 1ic:enst               of that       practitioner,          a
    lictnscd         doctor        elf optometry         to    perform        the
    atrvicts      or procc!d,urta           achedultd      in rht policy
    which fall within             the tcopt of the license             of that
    doctor      of opto``rp.              an audiologist          to measurt
    hearing      . . . or 4~ speech-language                pathologlsc         to
    evaluate         speech        and     languagt     . . .      if     thoat
    etwicts         or procedures              art    schtduled        in    tht
    policy.        Tht      payrrent       or reimburstment           by the
    Insurance         cmpan:r . . .            shall     not     bt      denied
    btcause       the same were ptrformtd                   by a lictnstd
    doctor of podiatric:             medicine.      a lictnstd      doctor of
    opt--Y.            a  liwnsed         doctor     of   chiropractic,          a
    lictnaed       dtntisr.         an audiologist.          or a aptech-
    languagt       patholog,ist.            Thtrt shall        not bt         any
    clasaificatlon,            difftrentstion.          or other discri-
    mination       in the :?ayment schedule                or the paymtnt
    provisions        . . . nor in rht amount. . . .
    The prtstnr        list      of practi,:lloners      in arricle     21.52 is the result        of
    stvtrsl      amendmtnra to the original                   article    enacted in 1977.          In
    ltgislativs       etamitttt       htsrirlSs , tht bills       which tddtd praccieioners        co
    lrticlt      21.52 vert          frtqutntly      rtftrrtd      to as “fretdom       of choice”
    bills.      Th+ purport vat tc permit                 rhe insurtd.      not tht insurtr,        to
    stltct      tht kind of practiriwer                   rhat would perform         tht   strvicte
    covtred     in tht insuranct           pc~ficp.     Stt, t.g.. Ttatimony on Stnare Bill
    No. 96, StriateEconomic ‘D,evelopment Ccmnitttt,                          66th Ltg.,      public
    htarlng,      rtcordtd        Jan. 29, 1979. svailablt            in Ltgialativt      Refertnct
    Id., llouat Cmittee
                  on Health Services,        rtcorded    Ptb. 21.
    1979; Tesxony              on Roust      Bill   No. 860. Stnatt CoPaittett on Euman
    Hr. Lyndot     L. Olson,      Jr.   - Pa(Ie 4      (Jn-301)
    Rtsourcts,   66th    L.tg..         public   hearing,          recordtd       Apr.     25,    1979,
    available  in Legislative           Reference Library.
    Wt concludt          that artic1.e. 21.52 txprtsaly               prohibits      an insurer
    from ~acriminating              sgainst      an inaurtd,        vith    rtgard     to paywnt        or
    rtimburatmant,          based on tht L’ppt of pracritiontr                 rht insurtd       aeltcta
    to provide         mtdieal       cars.      Iht     prohibition       againer      discrimination
    txtenda      to the em-vices           of six kinds of health              cart practi~ionera:
    podiatrlstsr         dtntiats,      chiropractors,        optomtrriats.         sudlologiate       and
    speech-languegt          parhologista.          Tht   prohibition      against     discrimination
    applies     vlrh      resptcr     ro tho:;e eervicta          (1) covtrtd by rht reltvannt
    insurance        policy     and (2) within           the acopt of rho affecttd               practl-
    tiontr’s       license     or certlfica~ion.            Policy     provisions      which exclude,
    restricr      or limit      payment or reimbursement             for such strvices vhtn they
    are provided by any of the specified                    practitioners.        and do not provide
    the same exclusion,            restriction        or limirsrion       on those services         vhtn
    they are provided          by a doeto!, of medicint,            art unlavful.
    We believt  the first  an81 fifth  policy    provisions      about which you
    inquire   must   be disapproved     becautt     they     expressly     discriminate
    against  ont or more of tht preictitiontra      identified     in articlt     21.52.
    Article    21.35A of rhe Te:Kaa Insurance     Code is similar      to article
    21.52 and relevant         to the fourth policy      provision     about which you
    inquire.      Article   21.35A prohibits  discrimination      against   a person who
    elects    ro obtain    treatment  from a licensed     psychologist    rather rban a
    doctor     of medicine.      In a group insurance      policy    or group hospital
    plan, as follove:
    Any person who la cwtrtd         by a policy     . . . of
    group insurance       or of a group hospital      plan . . .
    and vhoee policy        . . . provides     for strvicts       or
    partial     or total    rleimbursemtnt   for services      that
    art within      the sc.ampe of pracrict       of a lictnetd
    psychologist.      is mtitltd     to obtain thtae strvicea
    or    rtceive     rtiml~nraamant     for    these    services
    regardless     of whtdrtr the services         are performed
    by a lictnstd        doc:t.or of mtdicint     or a lictnaed
    The fourth    policy   proMsion    about vhich    you inquire        expressly
    differentiates      bttveen    the amount of     rtimburatmtnt       availablt      for
    scrvicts of a psychologist        a,nd the amount of rtimbursemtnr          available
    for    eervicts of a pcrychlotriar.           Sptcial    limirations        apply     to
    reimbursement     for psychologl:sts    that do not apply to psychistrlste.
    Thus. ve btlitvt      the fourth policy prwision      you identifp.muat        also bt
    disapproved    whtn it appears in a policy         or plan aubjtct        to articlt
    Wt also concludt  that 1:he plain   language   of articles      21.52 and
    21.35A prohibits   nor only rhost fores which expressly       statt    thst the
    amount or txistence of rtinl~uraamtnt   shall   vary according      to the type
    p. 1362
    Mr. Lyndon L. Oleoe,         Jr.   - ?sp       9   (JM-301)
    of prtctitiontr      providing    the atrvict,    as in tht first.     fourth and
    f lfth policy    prwlsions    you quott,   but also  those forma  vhkh    havt tht
    same or similar      discriminatory    tfftct , such as tht stcond and third
    policyprovisions       quottd.
    To dtrtrmint titthtr       c.ht   policy  diseriminatta      against     ctrtain
    typts of pracritiontra,      the “place or manntr” restric.tions           about which
    you inquirt     must bt svaluatc!d     in light   of tht naturt     of rhe btneflta
    co which     thty   apply.    Tht   ,xtcond and third       prwision@       atstt that
    btntfits    art payable for sanipulation           of tht apint.        Bovevtr , tht
    stcond provision      limita   tht btnefits     to msnipulation       performed     in a
    hospital    and tht third pros Lsion limits         tht bentflts     to msnipulation
    ptrfomtd     vhilt tht insurtd is undtr gentral         antscheaia.
    l4snipulation      of tht splat         la a etrvict        cctmonly        provided    by
    chiropractors         and la virhin         tht scope     of rhtir       llctnats.        Chiro-
    practors’      lictnsts    do not. however , ptrmit          thtm to administer          general
    anesthesia       or admit ps~itnrs         to hospitals.        Thus, the tffect          of the
    quottd     rtstrictions      ia a crkgorical          txclusion     of tbt       only type of
    practitiontr        comonly    associa~ttd with tht trtatmtnt           purporttdly       within
    tht scopt       of the insuranct       polic7    cwtragt.        Since chiropractors          art
    aaong tht prsctiriontrs            idantifitd     in lrriclt      21.52,     such prwiaions
    subvert     the statute     and art nonenforceablt.
    Our conclusion       is   besta   on tht       plain   langusgt   of tht statute    sad
    ltgislativt    intent.
    Tht plain    language        of ,rrticlts    21.52 and 21.35A dots noLot limit
    the prohibition     against        discriminarlon      to any particular    method or
    means of discrimination.            011 tht contrary,    lrticlt 21.52,  for~txamplt.
    aprtssly         statts     rhtr thtrt      shall    not bt (Iany classification,
    difftrcnciarion.          or other dL:6crlmina~iou     . . . in the amount or manner
    of payment      or   rtimbursemtnt.       .   . .”
    To Slot tfftct          to legislativt     intent , a statuLt should be givtn a
    “practical         and rtaaonablt         constrnction      rathtr       than    a literal     or
    thwarting       cons)truction.”       Sta Dtnvt~r-Albuqutrqut         Motor Transport,       Inc.
    v. SraLt. 586 S.Y.Zd 73g;‘%O (Ttx. Civ. App, - Amarillo                                1979, no
    ‘vrit)d           casts    cittd    rhtr~rlo.    Articlts     21.52 and 21.3SA prohibit
    discrimination         or dlffaren``iation      bastd upon tht typt           of practitiontr
    prwiding         tht ttrvict      if !:ht practiriontr         is among thost sptcifLtd.
    To accomplish tht object o!! rht legislation                 , such discrimination          must
    bt prohibittd          not only when it la ght rtsult             of txprtssly discrimina-
    gory     restrictions         bug s1a.o ubtn is          rtsults        from discririnatory
    rtstricCions        disguiatd      aa n~sn-discriminsgory        rtstrictions     limitatlona
    on tht plact or umotr             in rgich tht strviet        is prwidtd.
    Ntithtr     lrticlt   21.W~ no r lrtielt         21.52 apptars      inttndtd      to
    slttr   tht basic    naturt of tht btneflts      ptovidtd     in an insurancs     policy
    txctpt to tht txttnt ntcc:rstry to prohibit                discrimination      baatd on
    categorical    distinctions    b’cltvten ctrtain    typts of practitiontrs.           The
    Ttxas Suprtme Court has btld that tht Qtatt Board of Insurance                        msy
    p.   1363
    nr.   Lyndoa I, Olron,         Jr,   - ?rsr    6     ml-301)
    consider   fectorr other     thr!l  those   which     spperr   vithin      the   “four
    corners  of the POLICY” in dwiding        vhcthcr     to approve a policy        form.
    Key Western LIti   Ins~rence   Co.. v. State   Board of ‘kurance,          3SdS.U.Zd
    39,                                        the Strte Bosrd of fneursnce           msy
    consider   fsctorr   deemed ne:Icrrsry     to determine       the    dlscriminat6+
    purpose or sffect of sny glv~ku policy       provision.
    Tou have slso directed    our attention                to srtlcle      3.70-2(B)    of the
    Insurance   Code, vhich provide!,:
    Ro pollc9       of clc:cident end sickaert             insursnce
    shell    make benefi~:s contingekt             upon treatment        or
    lx smina tio n    by a ,particular          practitioner        or by
    particular       practitioners         of     the    healing      arts
    hereinafter      designated     unless     such policy       contains
    A    provision        desigrmting        the     practitioner         or
    practitioners         vhcl will       be     recognized       by    the
    insurer     and thors vho vi11 not be recognized                      by
    the Insurer.         . . .     In designating           the practl-
    tioners     vho vi11 md will          not be recognized,          such
    provision      shall    USC the following           tams:      Doctor
    of Medicine,          Doctor     of Osteopathy,           Doctor      of
    Dentistry,       Docto:r of         Chiropractic,         Doctor      of
    Optometry,       Doctor     of Podiatry.         Audiologist,       and
    Speech-language        Pathologist    .
    Another vereion       of thil, amended article       passed by the legislature
    in s separate        bill  at the 13ame session        as the sbove-quoted      version              ,
    includes     psychologists     end excludes      sudiologists     and speech-language
    psthologists      from the list     of prsctitloners.
    klthsr     version    of srticls     3.70-2(B)     should be rud       to conflict
    with    article    21.52.     Art1c:l.e 3.70-2(B)       nsithsr   luthorizes      nor pro-
    hibits     sny discrimination       b8etveen practitioners.           Artlcls    3.70-2(B)
    merely prescribes         the fonut      for sxcluding       practitionera      when such
    sxclusious      are not prohibitc,d     elsewhere     in the Insurance      Code.
    Zveo     if lrticle     3.704(B)      end srticle       21.52 were ambiguous           or
    potentially       contradictory,         hovever,     vsrious       rules     of ststutoty
    COMtNCtiOU       support the fcregoins          interpretetlon.        Statutes     should be
    conrtrued     in harmony vlth        other ststutes       unless    A cootrary      intention
    ir clearly      manifest.        Tree18 v. Walker,          26 S.Y.Zd 627, 630 (Tex.
    1930).     Kven when the ll.il            language of one ensctment          conflicts     vith
    th8t of 8nother.           they &NJld be read together                and hormmised,           if
    reasonably      posribls.       Dsl:las    Rallvay    b Tsrrlnsl       Co. v. Strickland
    transportetion       Co., 225%.2d            901. 905 (Tax. Cir. App. - Amarillo
    1949. no vrit). This proqositlon               is especially       true vlth     respect      to
    statuteswhich, as hers, dssl with the same genersl subject.                            and are
    therefore     conridered      to be .Ln ari msteris.            see Texas Stats Board of
    Pharucy v. Kittman, 550 S,.Il.26      *w     104, 106 Tex.xv.           App. - Tyler 1977.
    no nit);       2A C. Sanda, Sutherlsad           Statutory     Construction,       651.02,     et
    453-55 (rev.         4th   ad.   1986’
    : .           Hr. IFdon L. Olroa, Jr. - ?a&@7 (JM-301)
    .   .                                                                                                      ,
    Our construction of lrt!Lcls 3.70-2(B) is sleo mpported by the
    Nle     that, by reoson of the disparity        lo b&rgsinlng     poritions     betveen
    ineuronce     covponiss    lod purcl~mere of insurance,         St&Cute8    regullting
    the re~t1onohips         of lneurers    cud insuredr     ore interpreted       strictly
    against     the insurance     covpouies    end liberally      in favor of insured
    pereone.      2A C. Sands,     su rs, 15S.04,    et 716; 3 id..       170.05. At 308
    (4th    ld. 1974).      This N-F a fwors     upholding     the polic9     smbodlsd      lo
    article    21.52 of giving      the insured    freedom to choose lmng verious
    hinds of practitioners.
    Ye find no iodlcstios            DE lsgislotive       intent     vhich    justifies     e
    Coutrory     ioterpretatiov.         k’th   article      21.52 And article           3.70-2(B)
    vers    emended in 1983.          Artim:le 21.52.. section         3 VAS amended to odd
    audiologists       And rpeech-lsn~;uoge        pathologists        (vithout     the express
    “acope     of license”        requirement      included      for    the other        specified
    practitioners).        Acts 1983, ‘58th Leg.,          ch. 380, at 2065.           As port of
    the SAM      bill,    orticls     3.70-2(B)     vas also mended           to odd “mdiolo-
    gists”    md “speech longuoge pathologiets.”                 A second bill,        vhlch also
    emended lrticle        3.70-2(B),     ws passed later          during the SAIDC 8eesion.
    This second bill        added “Doctor of Psychology”            to 3.70-2(B)      but did not
    Include “eudiologieta”          or “qmech lmguegs          pothologimte.”         Senate Bill
    Ro. 255, 68th Leg.,          ch. b92, At 2887.          Both blllr     vsrs   signsd by the
    The omeodmeot of botb article               21.52.     eection    3 And srtlcle            \
    3.70-2(B)     in the some session         reinforcer      the reoeons      for cooetNing
    the statutes       to give     vemlug      and effect        to both.       See ?Jere    v.
    137 S.W.2d 7
    , 13 (‘iex. 1940) (two statute.               relxng      to saxe
    eubject and mended ot some sersioo                should be reed together);           2A C.
    Bonds, n,           151.03, At &Iii’. The principle             that St8tUtCA      i0 pAti
    meter l    lr
    hould be construed       together     is l reststemsnt       of the preeump-
    tioo Agaioet    the ivplied     repel1 of etotutes.          See Fortinberry     v. Store
    283 S.U. 146, 149 (Ten. 1926);2A                  C. Sender e,
    iti+-zs.                The ldditkmr       to the list       of prsctltlonere      mede in
    both articles       during the sme lsgislstive              lseelon plain19 indicates
    that the legislrturs        did avc contemplate           eo9 conflict      or intend on
    implied   repeal of either      Article.
    Article      21.52,     eectiou      3.    of     the    Texse
    Insurance      Code lwohibitr        discriviustios         by    an
    insurer   8g AinSt lII iaeured      vith    rsssrd to pepeot
    of beoefite       bsea# on the lneursd’e            electlon      to
    ebtsin    the    lervicee of l podlotriet.               dsotiet.
    chiropractor,      optmetrist,      sudiologlst       or epcech-
    laoguoge      pathologist      rrther     than a’ doctor          of
    medic ine o r luoe o th e r kind of health          core prscti-
    tiooer.     The prohIbition.       Applies    if the sarvicse
    obteioed    lre within     the ecops of esrvicee           covered
    p. 1365
    Ur. L9ndoe 1. Olson,         Jr. - ?rSs 6          m-3w               I 1
    : I
    ! .
    b9 the    polic9     end within       the scope of the prscti-
    tioner’e      liceoee      or certificstion.         The prohlbi-
    tfou extends        to those ineuronce        polic9    provisions
    vhich    sxpreeel9       discrinlnetc      sgoinet    oue or more
    of tbo spsclfied           types of prscgitionsre,         eo us11
    as to those provirkme.             including    piece sod unnsr
    reetrictions,         vhitib hsvs       the lsms or a elmilar
    discriminstory         purpose or effect.
    JIM        WATTOX
    Attorney    General of Texas
    First AesietAnt        Attorney    Grnsrsl
    Executive AsSiStAnt         Attorney    General
    Ch~irmao, Opinion        Cmittee
    Prep&red    by lfarienne     Wood&Id
    AseistAnt    Attorney      General
    Celia Carl
    Paul Rich
    p.   1366

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-301

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017