Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1984 )

  • n
    The Attorney General of Texas
    JIM MAlTOX                                              De:c:ember 31. 1984
    Attorney General
    Mr. Allen Parker. Sr.                              Opinion No. JM-293
    Supreme Court BulldIng
    P. 0. BOX 12549                 Commieaioner
    Austin. TX. 79711.2549          Texas Department of ‘Labor and                     Ret Whether certain services
    512l4752501                        Standards                                       fall within the definition    of
    Tdex 9101S74.1387
    P. 0. Box 12157                                    a “personnel     service”  under
    Telecopier 512/4750299
    Austin, Texas    78711                             article  5221a-7. V.T.C.S.
    714 Jackson. Suite 700          Dear Commissioner Par’ker:
    O~llss. TX. 75202.4506
    You   have   requlrated    our     opinion   of   whether   businesses   which
    4924 Alberta Ave., Suite l(K)
    El Paso. TX. 79905-2793                     any or all of . . . [certain]     additional services.
    91Y533.34S4                                 either in conjunction   with or instead of [a pre-
    pared resume and a list     of preaddressed    mailing
    A Texas, suite 700
    labels of potential   employees].   . . .
    Houston. TX. 77092.3111
    713J2255999                     which were the sole services       provided   by the advanced fee resume
    service  dealt with   .Ln Attorney   General Opinion H-1236 (19781,     are
    within the scope of the renulatlon      of “personnel service” by article
    a06 Broadway. Suits 312
    Lubbock. TX. 794013479
    5221a-7, V.T.C:S.,  8s that term is defined In section    l(5).
    ‘Personnel   Service’ meana a person who for a fee
    or wlthou,: a fee offers    or attempts to procure
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite S
    dire&l     cz indirect1 permanent employment for an
    McAllen. TX. 79501.lSS5
    512lSS2-4547                                eo4f.r                     an employer.   (Emphasis
    200 Main Plaza, suite 400       For   the  reasons set: forth below, ve conclude that       all the types of
    San Aitonlo. TX. 792952797
    services    about vhich you have asked fall      vlthin    the ambit of the
    regulation     of personnel   employment services     contained   In article
    An Equal OppQrtunW
    Alflrmatlve Actlon E~plovw            The additional     services     about which you inquire    are as follovs:
    111 ctKK3tNction   and   implementation    of     a
    ‘marketinll plan’ vhich may include psychological
    and/or aptitude testing to assist the applicant     in
    identifying  career or industry   testing   to assist
    p. 1306
    Mr. Allen   Parker,   Sr.   - Page 1;   (JM-293)
    the applicant      in   identifying    career   or   industry
    (21 how to get interviews.    how to perform           and
    negotiate during and after interviews;
    [3]   the provis:Lon of names of specific persons
    authorized to hire and looking for applicants
    [4]  the proviliion      of information   concerning
    work conditions.    quality    of employment, advance-
    ment probabilities,   and income tax consequences;
    [5] the  granting of the right to contact   the
    service  at a late:: date for advice in connection
    with the job search; or
    [6]   direct  contact      by the service    with hiring
    employers.   . . .
    We do not believe    that the holding in Attorney General Opinion E-1236
    (1978) is dispositive    of whether the six types of services rendered by
    the businesses you have Inquired about fall within the definition     of a
    “personnel service.”
    Article   5221a-7,   the ulrrent statute governing personnel       employ-
    ment services,    and its predlxessors     -- Acts 1923, 38th Leg.,      ch. 41,
    at 75 (arts.     5208-5221);    Acts  1943, 48th Leg., ch. 67, at 86 (art.
    5221a-4);    Acts 1949, 51st L,zg., ch. 245, at 453 (art.      522la-6);     Acts
    1969. 61st Leg.,      ch. 871, at 2625 (amended art. 5221a-6);        and Acts
    1979, 66th Leg.,        ch. 263, at 570 (art.       5221a-7)  --    have been
    construed by this office         :I number of times.     See. e.g.,    Attorney
    General Opinions MU-106 (l’U9) ; H-1236 (1978);          H-629 (1975);      M-750
    (1970);    UW-471 (1958);     V-1035 (1950);   V-430 (1947);  O-7299 (1946);
    O-6879 (1945).
    In 1945. this office   c,Jnstrued article 5221a-4. which defined            an
    “employment or labor agent,” to include any person who
    offers  or attempt!; to procure or procures employ-
    ment for     employees . . .   or . . .   offers  or
    attempts   to procure   or procures   employees  for
    employers. . . . (:Emphasls added)
    section 1(3)(e),  as prohibit,ing        the payment of     fees   by an applicant
    for employment unless
    p. 1307
    Plr. Allen   Parkar,   Sr. - Page 3     (JM-293)
    the employment hat; been obtained . . . by the
    applicant.    Any fee or charges made to or paid by
    the applicant   prior to this event is contrary to
    and an attempt to circumvent the statute.       The
    payment of fees      are contingent upon obtaining
    employment . . . by the applicant.
    Attorney General Opinion O-,51)79 (1945).  This reasoning was affirmed
    in Attorney   General Opinian O-7299 (1946) which,     in holding  that
    employers could be charged fees for certain services,   found that
    the purpose of the act is to protect      prospective
    employees vho may be in severe need of employment
    from the stronger        position  of the employment
    agencies.   . . .   ‘ilowever, the agency cannot use
    this practice   [charging employers certain fees] in
    such a way that t1.e applicant is charged more than
    the legal fee.
    Similarly.  In again approving the charging of unregulated         fees to
    employers for obtaining    employees.. as opposed to the statutory     fees
    allowed by article   5221a-4 to be charged to employees for obtaining
    employment, this office  point,ed out that
    There can be no doubt that the underlying purpose
    of  the   statute  is  to protect   those   seeking
    employment from exploitation    by an employment
    agency that might be tempted to take advantage of
    the vulnerability of the employment seeker.
    Attorney     General Opinion V-430 (1947).
    In   1949 the 1egislatu::e      replaced article     5221a-4 vith both the
    Private Employment Agency Act, article            5221a-6, and the Labor Agency
    Act, article      5221a-5.    Acts 1949. Slst Leg., ch. 245. at 453 (art.
    5221a-6);    Acts   1949. Slat Leg., ch. 234. at 434 (art. 5221a-5).            The
    first    construction      of art.lcle     5221a-6,   which defined     a .private
    employment agent as anyoa~e who “offers                or attempts     to procure
    employment for        amployees    or procure[s]       or attempta     to procure
    employees for amployers. . . .‘I section l(a),            noted that
    [T]he law seek.6 to place responsibility         on the
    person or agency in actual           contact   vith    these
    persons   [prospect.lve    employees]    by requiring       a
    license  . . .     [hl   order   to    regulate]     actual
    procurement     of     and   contact     with     applicant
    employees. . . .
    p. 1308
    Mr. Allen   Psrker.   Sr. - Page h      (Jib293)
    Attorney General Opinion V-la35 (1950).       Thereafter.  this office   had
    occasion  to reiterate   its previous holdings regarding the nature       and
    scope of the regulation      of Ilrlvate employment businesses   by article
    5221a-6 in Attorney    General Opinion WU-471 (1958) as folloWs:
    The authority  for private employment agents              or
    agencies  to charge fees     for their  services             Is
    provided  in Secticsn 8 of Article     5221a-6.              It
    reads as follovs:
    ‘Sec.   8.    Private     Employment Agents or
    Agencies as defined by this Act and who are
    engaged in tha! business          of attempting      to
    ``;tetrmptl;yment        for employees or procures
    to    procure     employees    for
    employers      in    skilled,     professional,      or
    clerical     positions      may charge,     with the
    written consent of the applicant,          a fee, not
    to exceed forty per cents (40%) of the first
    month’s sala&whlch            may be collected    from
    the applicant     c~nly after employment has been
    obtained    and accepted       by the applicant.’
    (emphasis addeirthroughout         this opinion)
    The statute is free from ambiguities.    The only
    fee which a llcenrled employment agent or agency is
    authorized to charge and collect   from a job appli-
    cant is 40% of t,h.e first   month’s salary as set
    forth in Sectiou 0 above.
    . . . .
    Clearly  the intent of the Legislature     was to
    authorize private   employment agencies to charge a
    placement fee not to exceed forty (40) per centum
    of the applicant’s   first month’s salary.   No other
    fee of any sort :ls authorized    by the statute and
    under no conditions    can the authorized fee or any
    other fee,    be charged prior    to the applicant’s
    obtaining and acce%pting employment.
    In the instant case the ‘search fee’ is charged
    the applicant prior to his obtaining and accepting
    employment and, in fact,   the only purpose for the
    fee is to assist him in securing employment. That
    the parent organization  is an out of state concern
    makes no differenc:e.   The whole mode of operation
    p. 1309
    Mr. Allen    Parker,   Sr. - Page !i   (Jh-293)
    is designed to accomplish exactly what the statute
    intended to prevea t , that is, the charging of any
    fee   prior  to   the   applicant’s    obtaining  and
    accepting eaployment and the charging of a greater
    fee than that at.thorired      by Section    8 of the
    The opinion of this office      Is that the charging
    of a ’search        f ue’  prior  to    the   applicant’s
    obtaining and accepting employment vould amount to
    a registration     fee and would be in violation          of
    Article   5221a-6,     Vernon’s Clvll    Statutes,   which
    prohibits    a fee to be collected         by a private
    employment     agency     prior  to    the    applicant’s
    obtalnlng and acce,p ting employment.
    Thus, when article     5221a-6 was amended in 1969, it had been the
    consistent    construction  of this office      that the purpose of the subject
    regulatory      scheme was     to     protect     prospective      employees    from
    overreaching by private employment agencies and that a key element of
    that scheme was the unamhtguous prohibition               of such agencies      from
    charging or collecting      any fee whatsoever prior to the obtaining              of
    employment by or for applicants.              At that time the words “either
    directly    or Indirectly”    were added to the deflnltion           of a private
    employment agency as set out in section             l(e)   to modify and broaden
    such an agency’s legally      dofining purpose “to procure employment for
    employees. . . .” V.T.C.S. art. 5221a-7. 11(S).               Also, the limitation
    on the authority of such an agency to charge any fee to an applicant
    for employment, previously      found in section       11 of article    5221a-4 and
    then in section       8 of article      5221a-6 as originally         enacted,   was
    reformulated     in section   13(a)(l)    of the amended article         5221a-6 to
    prohibit   the imposition of
    any fees for     the registration    of applicants    for
    employment or     any fee of applicants      except for
    furnishing of    empl~oymentobtained directly    through
    the efforts of    suC!n agency;   (Emphasis added).
    * . . .
    Acts  1969. 61st Leg.. -t,            at 2630 (art.    5221a-6. 113(a)(l)).While
    neither     the words “either      directly   or indirectly”     added to section
    l(e).    nor the restatement        of the longstanding       limitation    on fees
    charged to employees have been the subject of any specific                analysis,
    this    office   reaffirmed    the holdings      of Attorney     General Opinions
    O-7299 (1946)       and V-430       (1947)  that    the basic     purpose    of  the
    predecessor     statute,    article     52218-4.   was to protect        vulnerable
    employment seekers        from exploitation        by overreaching       employment
    p. 1310
    Mr. Allen   Parker,   Sr. - Page CI (JM-293)
    agencies.      Attoroey General Opinion M-750     (1970).     In 1971,     article
    5221a-6.    section 13(a)(l).  wi,s amended to prohibit
    any fees for the registration   of applicants     for
    employment or any other fee of applicants     except
    for the furnishing; of employment referrals    which
    result   in   the   applicant  obtaining    employ-
    ment. . . . (Emph.~3is added).
    Acts 1971, 62nd Leg.,         ch. 772,    at 2424.    In 1975 this    office
    reiterated   Attorney     Genera:; Opinion M-750’s     reaffirmation of the
    underlying purpose of the sta,te’s regulation      of the private employment
    agency business.      Attorney Gmeral Opinion H-629 (1975).
    As you indicated,   Attorney General Opinion E-1236 (1978) seems to
    suggest a limitation    on the previously      adopted scope of the statutory
    regulation.    Even that opinion, however, recognized the breadth of the
    operative   word “procure” in the definition         of a “private    employment
    agency” when It cited Miller v. Eldrid e, 
    286 S.W. 999
    (Tex. Civ. App.
    - Amarillo     1926. writ       -4ein,
    dilm  d).                 the word “procure”       is
    understood   as Webster defit,ed it:       “‘
    to    bring   about;  to  effect;   to
    cause’.   . . .” 
    Id. at 1000.
          Hence,   someone   “procures”   a thing   when
    he is instrument~in      bring:tng it about.       When this verb is i modified
    by the word “indirectly”     th#%re can be no doubt of the broad scope of
    the coverage   of the statute.
    The word ‘indi~:r!ctly’    is defined by Webster as
    ‘not resulting     di:rectly  from an act or cause but
    more or less rem’telv        connected with or nrowinn
    out of it.’     This definition    has received    a&rovai
    in Amicable Life Ins. Co. v. O’Reilly.            Tex. Civ.
    97 S.W.2d 24
    (: 247, writ of error dismissed:
    ‘il~ndirectll   means not direct       . . . circuitous,
    oblique;    as, an Indirect     road; not leading to an
    aim or result by the plainest         cause or method or
    by obvious      means, but obliquely        or by remote
    means; roundabout; not resulting         directly   fc
    act or ~eause, but nore or less remotely connected
    with or growing oc; of it. . . .’
    Maryland Casualty    Co. v.   Sctarlsck.
    --        31 P. Supp. 931 (S.D. Tex.     1939).
    The word ‘indirectly’    was before   the Dallas
    Court of Civil Appeals in Fanners’ State Bank v.
    267 S.W. 996
    .      Citing that definition,
    the    Supreme Cour~t of    Nebraska   in   State   v.
    118 Neb. 419
    . 225, N.W. 51, 52, said:
    mIndirectly”    signifies  the doing by an obscure
    p. 1311
    Mr. Allen   Parker,    Sr. - Page '7 (JM-293)
    circuitous   method something which is prohibited
    from being done directly,   and includes all methods
    of doing the thlr,g prohibited     except the direct
    one.    Farmers' State Bank v. Mincher (Tex. Civ.
    267 S.W. 996
    .'   (Emphasis in original),
    Amicable Life Insurance Co. v. O'Reilly,     
    97 S.W.2d 24
    6 (Tex. WV. App.
    - Beaumont 1936, writ dinpd).          Hence, the addition     of the words
    "either   directly   or indirectly,, in the 1969 revision    of the subject
    statutory    regulatory   schem: served to reinforce      the then quarter
    century old construction     of the purpose of the act.
    Whether any one of the specific   services    about which you inquire,
    either separately or in conjunction with other services,        would bring a
    business which offered it 01: them within the ambit of article        5221a-7
    is a fact question and depelvis on the application       of the standard set
    out in the statute's     definition   of a "personnel       service,,  to the
    specific   facts  of any particular      situation.      Any business    which
    purports to attempt, even indirectly,      to bring about the eventuality
    of employment for a prospect,lve employee is covered by article       5221a-7
    and may not charge any fos except as a 'result             of  the applicant
    obtaining employment.
    Whether     businesses     which      provide     various
    additional    servic,,s beyond merely a prepaid resume
    and a list       of preaddressed        mailing    labels    of
    potential    amploye~zs come within the scope of the
    regulation     of personnel      employment services         by
    article   5221a-7. ,,,T.C.S..     is a fact question.        If
    such services     conotitute   offering    or attempting to
    be    an instrumeatal        cause    in    bringing      about
    employment for prospective         employees, even if the
    procurement      of    :such employment         is   remotely
    connected with suc'h services,         they are covered by
    article    5221a-7, 'I..T.C.S.
    Attorney   General of Texas
    First Assistant      Attorney   General
    p. 1312
    Mr. Allen   Parker,   Sr. - Page 8    (JM-293)
    Executive Assistant Attorney      General
    Chairman, Opinion     Committee
    Prepared by Colin Carl
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Gilpin,  Chairman
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garrison
    p. 1313

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-293

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1984

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017