I . . The Attome)’ General of Texas December 20, 1984 M MAllOX I Attorney General ``feme cewl BUllOlng Ronorable Mergeret Moore Opinion No. JH-281 P. 0. Box 12548 Travis County Attoruc!)~ ‘.rrtin. TX. 7.9711. 2540 P. 0. Box 1740 Re: When a county msy charge the W75-2501 Austin, Tex*s 7876’~ optional $5.00 vehicle reglstra- **1*x QlolS71-1367 tion fee Telecopier51214754l2S6 Dear Ms. Moore: , A Jackson.Sulle 700 DalIal. lx. 75202-4x4 article 6675a-9a. V.T.C.S., with You have asked 11s to construe -4r742-Ss44 regard to the time 111:which the optional county vehicle registration fee may be imposed an license plate renewals. The statutory language 4s24 Albem ha.. Suite ISO about which you IoquLre reads as follow: -’ Paso. TX. 799052793 y53534s4 (b) A county may impose a fee under this section onl:y to take effect beginning January 1 of rexae. sui1a700 a year ending In a ‘5’ or a ‘0’. (Emphasis added). >usIo”. TX. 77002.3111 7lY223-58m Section 3 of the same act, Rouse Bill No. 965. whose first section added article 6675a-9a. provides that * Sroedw*y. Suit9 312 Lubbwk. TX. 79401-3479 A fee imposed by s county under Section Sw747.5238 9a . . . applies to a registration period that begins on or after the date the fee takes effect. (Emphasis added). 009 N. Tenth. Suite B MeAllen.TX. 7s5o1-lw5 r2t2J32a47 Acts 1983, 68th Leg., ch. 022. st 4710. Essentially. you ask vhen it is eppropriate for a county to begin charging the extra $5.00 fee. We conclude that e eaunty Vhose comissloners court has adopted the IQ) Maln flua. Suite 400 optional county vehicle registretion fee in compliance vith article an Antonio. TX. 782052797 6675e-9a may begin ctlarging such fee only on January 1. 1985 and only ra22Ylsl with regard to veh:lc:les which. under the established administrative construction, becow! eligible for registration renewal on that date or thereafter. The uncertainty which has led to your Inquiry appears to have been engendered because article 6675a-9a has been imbedded in a statutory scheme of gear-round vehicle registration. which replaced a system that for fility years contained a uniform annual registration running from April :I to March 31. Art. 6675a-1 et seq. You have sugge~sted that either. the extra $5.00 fee should be assessed only on all registration renewals purchased on or after January 1. 1985. or gonorablr Nargsret Noore - Pagtr 2 (rn-281) thst the extra $5.00 fee sh#xJld be assessed on all registrations expiring on or after Dscembc’r 31, 1984, even if the renewal is purchased during the tvu months prior to January 1. 1985. Hovever, the well-•etablfshed rule of Lw that statutes vhfch fix fess are to be strictly construed against allowing a fee by implication militntes agslnst your suggested couclur~ion. Moore v. Sheppard, 192 S.W.Zd 559 (Tex. 1946); UcLennan County v, BOggsSb.
137 S.W. 346(Tex. 1911). Tour second suggested anrlyels , that the optloual fee is meant to apply to all regfstratlons exl,!iring on or after December 31. 1984. Is based on the tvo mouth time period during which you believe a renewal may be purchased prior to its expirstion. Section 5 of article 6675a-3e provides that: license plates may tme purchased during the month preceding the datl? on which the registration expires. Article 6675a-4(a) provides t’kat: Each registration ye.ar . . . shall . . . expire on the last day of ,:he last calendar month in a registration period. As an orfgifd matter. we might conclude that the “month” referred to in article 6675a-3s. section !i , was only the calendar month, 55 Tex. Jur. 2d Time 13 (1964). pramding the close of business on the last day of thzery month ia vhf,ch the registration expired. However. we agree with you that chew is sufficient ambiguity that it is reasouable to reach the concl.u.sion that the time period during vhich a renaval may be purchased is the -two months preceding the date on vhich the registration expires. Indeed, that is the conclusiou arrived at by the Texas Department of Highvays, es demonstrated. by the testimony of gr. Robert Townsly. Director of Motor Vehicle DQr:Lsion of the Texas Ugbway Department. at a hearing before the Rouse Transportation Cocmittee wherein he indicated that renewal notices would be sent out in the “month preceding the month in vhict. the registration is due.” Bill Analysis to House Bill No. 1924. (84th Leg., Legislative Reference Library (1975). Llkavise, the curwut manual issued to county tax assessor- collectors by the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transporta- tion refers to a tvo-month registration renewal period - the month in which t’,w current registration expire5 and the month immc:d.lately preceding the expiration month. p. 121r3 Uonotablo Narpret Moor. - Pallo 3 (JW281) State of Texas Lava and Saguiations Relating to the gcgistration of Vehiclea Sec. 3.(b) II (1982). See also &, 23s et seq. Mile the interpretation* of statutea ude by lgcociea charged vith their administration are not con``ls1~1~0~ they should be given substantiel weight. ?!x Parte Roloff. 310 S.Y.Zd 913 (tes. 1974). Nevertheleaa. -pi-t d mtqgp&ub -lanw~r:ufira. w. LM -&+ul ~mllbx % vitiatea the plain meaning of’ the vordr “take effect” in section (b) of article 667Sa-9a. Article 10. V.T.C.S.. requires that uorde routinely be given their “ortllnary signification.” See Jones v. Del Anderson and Aasociateo, 539 S.U.Zd 346 (fex. 1976).Webeter’r New ColJegiate Dictionary define11 the term “tahe effect” as “to become operative.” Therefore, the optional fee mey be chrrged only on and after January 1. 1985. your first suggested analyale of the timing of the implementation of the optiooal fee accept8 this conclusion. but results in a strained lppllcation of your construc:r,ion of the phrase “registration period” in article 6675a-4 to section 1 in House Bill No. 965, n Therein “regirtration period* appears to aean the rpan of tims of not more than twelve months for vhich a regintratioa is valid. Its usage in that provlsien seems to be the product of the fact that the Texas Department of Highways YE,I authorized to establish different registration years for different claeslfications of vehicles end to prorate annual registration f,css on a monthly basia. If the phrase “registration period” means the same thing in article 6675a-4 aa in section 3 of llouse Bill No. 965. it produces the follcuing lnomalous results: (1) for the firat web registration “period” to begin on or after January 1, 1985. the two month period for the reneuel of registretions expired on Del:emher 31, 1984; end (2) the tvo month period for the reneual of registratloaa for the next such registration “period” extends from Decembw 1, 1964. to January 31. 1985. and thus reneuals of registraclonr exl~%ring on January 31 would not be rubject to the extra $5.00 fee if Dnrchased before January l.but vould be subject to that fee if purcha,ccd after December 31. Ye think ic uoreasonablc to attribute an intent to create such absurd results to the l~gisleture. especially when a simple, strolghtfonard explanation of the plain meaning of the lna c twnt (sections 1 and 3 of House B,L:LlNo. 965) is readily apparent. If the phrase “registration period” .Ln section 3 is taken to mean the period for reneual of registrations, then all tegistmtlone which are to expire on February 28, 1965, would be subject to the extra $5.00 fee during the entire period of t:heir eligibility for renewal (January 1 through February 26). Such an lnterpretatlon causes no lnomelous results snd is soundly groundSed in the princlplc that the leginlaturc kncv the established administrative construction of rrticle 667Sa-3e. section 5. p. 1244 Wmorablo Uaryret lIooro - PawI 4 (Jb281) A eo unc u hyich ohl e do p td tha opt-1 $5.00 vehicle re8iatrathw fea uy be8in cbaqin8 it oely on Jau~ry 1, 19885,end only for the reneud of relistratiooo which expire oo Iebnury 28. 1985. JIM MATTOX Attorney General of Texas TOI4GRN6N pirrt Aoaiatant Attoraey Genewl DAVID 1. RIGHARDS Executive Assistant Attorney General PlQ( GILpIN t3drman. Opinion ColiCtee Prepared by Colin Carl Asaiatant Attonwy General APpPsOvm: OPINIONCGIDIITTEE Rick Gilpin, Glmirun Colin Gal Suaan Garrison Tony Guillory JimHoelliqer Jennifot RIGGS Nancy Sutton
Document Info
Docket Number: JM-281
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1984
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017