Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1984 )

  • I           ’
    The Attorney General of Texas
    Octcber    12.   1984
    Pctorney General                                                                                         /
    supr*mabull BUlldinQ                   Honorable Tin Curry                                     Opinion       No.   JM-208
    o.eox1254a                           Criminal District  Al:l:orney
    rtin. TX. 79711. 2549                Tarrant County Court:houac                              Re:     Authority     of a county
    5121475.2501                           Forth Worth, Texas      76196                           purchasing      agent   to revrite
    Telex 91om7c13S7                                                                               or refuse       to advertise     bid
    lecopiar 5lY47542S9
    apecificatlona        epproved     by
    the commissioners       court
    714 Jackson. Suite 700
    11lao.TX. 75202.4508                 Dear tlr.   Curry:
    You have reqwrted            our     opinion      as to whether.       under articles
    24 AIbe,ta Ave.. Suite 160       1659b and 2368a, V.:r..C.S., and the note to article                   1580, V.T.C.S..     the
    Paso. TX. m-2793                Tarrant County purchasing            agent la authorized          .to rewrite     or, in the
    Qls33.34S4                         alternative,       ia authorized       to refuse       to advertise     bid specificationa
    approved       by the c````isaloners court               but which.     In the purchasing
    I.    Texas. Suilc 700             agent’s      judgment.      are so narrovly          vritten    as to deny competitive
    Houston. TX. 77002-3111            bidding.         Addressins     only      the    statutory      construction       issue,   we
    - ‘Y22359m                         conclude that the plr:chasing            agent is not authorized          either   to rewrite
    or refuse       to advertL:;e   such bid specifications.
    905 Broadwy. Suite 312
    rbbock. TX. 79401.3479
    The county acts only through its commissioners                     court in making a
    W747.5239                        contract.    Article  2.3688, V.T.C.S.. is the general                  competitive bidding
    statute.    Section 2(.1) provides:
    y)9 N. Tenlh. Suite 8
    sac.    I!., (a)      No county,        acting     through      its
    ic*,,.n. TX. 7S.501.19SS
    3 tma?-4!547
    Cormiaaioncra         Court,    sod no city        in this       atate
    shell    hereafter      make any contract          calling     for or
    requiring      an expenditure       or payment In an amount
    90 *(*in Ptua. Suite 409                   exceedlag      five thousand dollars          ($S.WO.DO) out of
    aan Anlonio. TX. 792052797
    any fund or funds              of any city          or county         or
    subdlvisiDp        of any county creating          or imposing an
    obligation      or liability      of any nature        or character
    rn Equal OpportuniIvl                       upon such          county    or an9 aubdivlaloo             of     such
    Afflrmatlr* Action Employer                 county,       or      upon    such     city.       without       first
    submitting        such proposed      contract      to competitive
    Although    the utatutea         do not expressly        specify     .vhich offlcer     or
    entity    is authorized       to set bid specificationa.            this office       has stated
    that, under articles          1659 and 2368a. V.T.C.S..
    p.   940
    .   .
    gonorable   Tim Cum9     - Page 2       m4w
    the Commiaaioner’s      Court ir given     broad discre-
    tionary  powers ult,k rerpecr      to establlahlng      and
    getting  apccificat:he      for meteriala    end l uppliee
    to be purchased     by the county.   . . .
    Attorney   General    Opinion  O-6606 (1945);    see also Attorney          General
    Opinion W-1121      (1961).   No changer ln the statutes         since    the 1945
    opinion   have altered    the corr~lssionera  court’s   authority      to contract
    for the county.     to submit p,ropoaed contracta     to competitive      bidding,
    and inferentially     to set apec::.ficatioaa for such bids.
    Chapter 9, Acts of the Forty-sixth      Legislature,    as amended, vhich
    is codified   as a note to article     1580. V.T.C.S.,     makes it the duty of
    the purchasing   agent to make roll purchases     for the county of supplies,
    materials,   and equipment exctrpt purchases    which are required     by law to
    be made by competitive    bid.     Sec. l(b).    It grants    no reaponaibil1ty
    to a purchasing   agent for purchases     which must be made by competitive
    Article     1659b. V.T.C.S. I is a statute      applying only to Tarrant
    County     because     of its   pop~;llation  bracket.      The statute     imposes
    specific     duties on the county purchasing      agent once specifications      for
    bidding    have been set.     It provides,   in part,   that:
    Where the total       expenditure     for any such purchase
    or    an9    such     cwtract      shall     exceed      $1.000.
    advertisements       for-- bids   for    such    supplies     and
    meterial,     according     to purchasing      specifications
    giving    in detail    what la needed,      shall be made by
    the purchasing      agent
    __. . . .      (Emphasis   added).
    Additional      duties    of the purchasing      agent under this statute        include
    filing    all bids received,         pwvlding   copies of 811 bids received       by the
    coaaaiasioners      court and, whenever that ‘court finds all bids unaatia-
    factory,     rejecting      the bids and readvertiaing.        
    Id. This office
    stated    that where the county auditor          performs thexited        functions      of
    the ~purchsalng        process     conferred   by article    1659. V.T.C.S.,       duties
    virtually       identical      to th<>re imposed      on the purchasing       agent      by
    article      1659b. the comtniasjonera         court,    not the auditor,      sets    bid
    specifications.           Attorney     General   Opinion    WI?-1121 (1961).       citing
    Attorney     General Opinion O-6606 (1945).
    We believe     that,    since    the purchasing  agent  has no power to aet
    bid    apecificat1ona.        by tis,lication       he has no power      to    rewrite
    specifications       set    by the coaauisaioners       court.    You also     inquire
    whether      the purchasing          agent  may refuse     to advertise     such    bid
    Honorable    Tim Curry     - Pago 3      (JH-208)
    Section      2(a)    of article     2368a requires     that a county     submit
    certain      contracts     to compet lcive bidding.       Section  2(b)  of  that   act
    requirea        the     ldvertiaemen t      of   such   bidding.     Article      1569b
    specifically       provides      that :iu Tarrant County advertiaemcnts      for bids
    for certain       contracts     “shall  ‘>e made by the purchasing   agent.”
    Section 2(d) of article           2368a provides       that a contract        made by a
    county without       complying with the statutory              requirements       of that act
    la void and unenforceable          at4 that the performance             of such a contract
    may be enjoined       by any citizen        of the county who~paya property               taxes.
    However, we do not believe            r:hat the provisions         of either     statute     give
    the     purchasing      agent    dia~:retionaay         authority       to judge         whether
    specifications       approved    by the commissiqnera             court meet competitive
    bidding     standards     or discretion        to refuse      to advertise        for bids on
    such apecificationa.            We wrlclude        that   the duty of the purchasing
    agent     to advertise        the a``;~ilability        of bid       specifications         la a
    ministerial       duty    which    la     statutorily       explicit      and involves          no
    exercise     of judgment or discretion.
    Since you do not ask about the coaatitutionslity            of the statute
    vhich     appliea~ only    to Ta::!:ant Couoty     because    of its     population
    bracket,     we do not address      the issue   of vhether     it la ‘a local       or
    special     law in violation    cmf article   III,    section    56 of the Texas
    Constitution.       See Oakle v. Kent, 181 S.W.Zd 919. 923. 924 (Tex. Clv.
    APP.    -   Eaatland
    -4-m 194 ,            ; Attorney     General    Opiniona    R-393
    (1974); A-8 (1973).
    The Tarrant        County purchasing         agent    la not
    authorized      to rev~r-lte bid specifications          approved
    by the commiaaion~!::a court even if the purchaaiug
    agent believes        the bid   apeclfications         deny com-
    petitive     bidding.      The purchasing       agent may not
    refuse       to     advertise     for       bids       on     such
    JIM        HATTOX
    Attorney    General of Texas
    First Assistant       Attorney     Gewral
    p. 942
    lhorabh     Tim Curry   - Page 4   (JM-208)
    IDcecutive Aesiotent Attorney      General
    Preperrd    by Nancy Sutton
    Aeeietent    Attoroey General
    Rick Cilpin,   Chairmen
    David Brook.
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garrison
    Jim Moellinger
    Nancy Sutton
    Bruce Youogblood

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-208

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1984

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017