Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1984 )

  •                                 The Attorney General of Texas
    hguet   31. 1984
    SupruIn cowl BulldIng
    HonorableGrant Joam                   Opinion No.JH-200
    P. 0. Box 12s4s
    *u*lln.T~   78711. 2546        ChairMU
    512/47$2m                      PlnatxcComittee                       Be: Whether a county may uac
    Telex 9lom741387               Texao State Senate                    county lquipmantand machinery
    1eieocplw SlzI47w266           P. 0. Box 12068.CapitolStation        to uaiotain roads In rural
    Austlu. Texan 78711                   subdivirriooa
    714Jackm.Sulle     700
    oen*s. TX. 7s2024sos           Dear SenatorJones:
    You ark whether the Burnet County comiealonera  court ray uac
    county lqulp8ent and machinery to uriatalu roads lo rural
    subdlvlaioaa. Parriculrrly.you aak the followlnSqueatlons:
    1. Utlstaction 1s necessary to authorize a
    county to maintain a roadway in a rural sub-
    Hour1on. lx. 77oQ2~111
    2.  IIIthe fIllaS of a mbdivielon pkt vhlch
    purport6 to ‘hereby dedicate the roeda. etreete.
    ao806Broadw4y.sun4312                   peeeagewl~re,end lll alleye ohown thereoa to the
    Lubbock, TX. 79401-3479                 uri of .tlwpublic forever’sufficientto authorize
    countyrdntesuuce of tho8e roadways?
    008 N. TeMh, S&e   B                You inform UI that an lajunctloawas grented in 1971 prohibiting
    l4cAnm. TX. 7sso14tlss         the comlseloaera court of Bumet Comzty from udag county equlpmeut
    and uchiaery to n&~taln private roada. Baaed 011this injunction.
    Burnet.COMty kar ccfumcd:toulntaln roada ia rural aubdlvisionr.
    qnAnlonb.TX.      78205.2707        Oa April 22, 1972, l lbdlvlaion plet waa filed purport&g to
    s12J22m101                     “herebydedicatethe reeds, ltreets,pamageueys, and a11 llleys showa
    thereou to the use of the public forever.”
    All qwlopplunlty/
    Acllon     Empbyet         l%e Tcru Cuwtitutim authorizes the leglalatureto providefor
    the conetructloarod rlntenence of public roads.      See Tex. Coast.
    art. VIII. 99; art. XI. 92; art. XVI, 924.      Underthie grent of
    authority, the lellelatureheo delegeted to coalreionerr courte the
    generel pwer to “(llay out lud latabllsh. chanSe and diacontinua
    public roada and hlghveys.” ludto “(e]xercleegeneral control over
    all roads. highva:r``,       end bridge6 la thclr countiee.” V.T.C.S.
    art. 2351(3)   and  (6).    In addition to theoe general powera.
    comle8loner~ court8 are given further and more deteflcdpovcro over
    HonorableCraat Jonas - Page i, (Jn-200)
    the coaatructlonand maintenanceof public roads by the enactmentof
    the County Road and Bridge Act. V.T.C.S.ert. 6702-l. The act glvaa
    cmssionera court* luthorii:)! to
    (1) uke    and  enforce all reasonable and
    neceaaary rule* e~vlordere for the conatructlon
    and uimteaauce    of public road6 except    ae
    prohibitedby law;
    (2) hire the labor and purchase the machinery
    end equipment needed to conattuct and uintain
    public roadr. . . ,
    V.T.C.S.art. 6702-l. i2.002(1~).
    In the exerkae of thio wthority , comlssioner~ court0 cannotgo
    beyond the powers eitherexpr~csoly grantedor aeces~arllyimpliedfrom
    the lenguegeof the grant. Canalesv. Laughlin. 214 S.U.2d 451 (Tex.
    1948). Uhlle.coasliaaionere 'kurto have broad dlecretionIn exercising
    powero expreaaly conferred on them. neverthelessthe beeis for any
    action aunt be ultimatelyfcund in the conetltutlonor atatutea. -Id.
    at 453.
    Except in circumatancea not pertinenthere, comtisdoners    courts
    are not conetitutionally01: statutorilyauthorized to construct or
    ulntain prlvete roada. Purthermore.case lav expresslyprohibit6the
    use of "county kbor.     utexals or equipment for other than public
    uae.m Godley v. Duval Ceunl~!.   361 S.W.Zd 629. 630 (Tax. Civ. App. -
    San Antonio 1962. mo writ). Since ao besiclfor the construction     or
    maintenanceof,priveteroada fs found.inthe conetltutlonor atetuteo.
    the ctiedonero     court mey not exerclae Mach power.  .
    . Nowever.     cdeioeere      ceurte lre   expreaaly  authorized  by the
    County-Road     and Bridge Act:to constxwct   end uhtein    public roaddr in
    their countleo. The       Tuam Iklpreme Court set out the bemlc principlea
    for determiningvben       a road becomes a public road, lteting:
    All roado,vhl& have been laid out a nd   latabllshed
    by authority'of r:he camni~eioners'courte lre
    $ubllc roada . . , . A road not           orl@nally
    .eotabli&edunder the statutemey become public by
    long-continuedURIC end ldoptioe la euch by the
    county comlulon~wa vith the laoent of the owner
    et     by preecript4an.    A road may al80 become
    public.    in the   aenee that the public have the
    right   to u#e it. by dedication.
    p. 880
    NonorablcCrent Jonas - Page 3           (JH-200)
    v. Wade. 17 S.U. 520. 521 (Tex. 1891). These principlea
    have been  carried forward into modern case law, and a-hat
    Beelcelly.there are thr,eeway. a road may become public ouch
    that a county till have luthority to uintein it. Firat. e road can
    be latabllahedlb lnltloaa a public road upon a comlaoioners court's
    ouu motim. Doughty 'I.DePec,,152 S.U.2d 404. 409 (Tex. Clv. APP. -
    Amarillo 1941. writ ref'd v.<~.m.).or in rerpouse to an epplicatiou
    thcreforby the requisite  number of freeholderrunder the provleions
    o f lrticle 6702-l - l procedure which requlrea coudemation and
    avardlngof damage*.V.T.C.S.art. 6702-l. 812.003and 2.004. Second,
    a public road may be estebll``hedby premrlptloo. In thla eituatlon.
    It ia oecesseryto #how that an "uninterruptedu8er of the wey hes
    been made by the ~public. uutler au adverse claim of right. for the
    ltdutoty period of Ualtr,tion." Ladle.' Benevolent Society of
    Beaumontv. UagnolicCmete`` Co.. 288 S.U. 812. 815 (Tat. Corn'''APP.
    1926. judgrt adopted). PinaiK l road uy become a public road by
    dedication.a setting epert by the fee owner for public use. and
    acceptance. See Hellbron v., St. Louis SouthwesternRailway Co. of
    Texas, 113 S.W.10. 612 (Tex: Clv. App. 1908).
    Thus. In ansver to your f'lrst,
    question.we concludethat e county
    lo authoricedto maintain raalweya in rural lbdlvloiono if the roads
    were eetabli~hedeb inltlo em public road8 by the coaisaiouers court,
    by prescription.or by dedlumlon end lcceptance by the county.
    You lleo ask whether the filing o f l subdivisionplat which
    purporta  to   "dedlcate~the reeds. ,etreets. paaaagevaym and all
    alleya ; . . to% the ~u#e Of the public forever" la aufflclent to
    luthorlxe~c o untyuintauxicc o f th o r r o a dtm y aTo.effect l proper
    dedlutkss-of .~knd.to public-or, -the owner umt uke l offer of
    'dedlcatlon, uh$@;m8< be qwpted.     There are tvo kinda of dedlutloo
    - statutory.andcomon-hv.
    A statutory de&atiom     la 'one ude lo conformity vith     the
    provlaloasof the mtatuteacoaprioingTexas lubdlvioloncontrol. The
    reylatory lchac dependsupnl the recordetloaof a developer'sup or
    plat. Article 6626e. V.T.C.8.. providea that no plat of lny
    mbdivlalon llull be filed rmleoe it           lo luthorimd by the
    coul~olonera  amrt . After approvel.the plet lo filed In the office
    of the county clerk of the county in vhlcb the land liea. Art. 6626a.
    12.   The edwloners     court,la authoricedto vitbhold plat lpproval
    If a mzbmlttedplet doea nolcmeet the rmqulreaantoof the act. Art.
    6626e. 94.   But. if the cam&aoionera court doem not dloapprove the
    plat or doea not refuse to rwthorlre the filing of mch l plet in the
    county elerk'e office vh~a deciding whether a plat “meet0 the
    rcquiremente   ae   eet   forth     it1 this  Act,”    the comierionem    court  in
    effect approvea the plet          end authoriree    its   film whether   it  etemps
    .   e*,
    NonoreblcGrant Jonee - Page 4   (Jll-200)
    approved end luthorlaed” ou the plat or vhether it stamps “not
    dleepprovedand not unauthorlxed”thereon. Attorney GeneralOpinion
    Vu-1438 (1962).
    If the 8ubdlvldercomplieswith the provleioueof article6626a.
    em authoriced.fllirtS by the ctieelonere court become8 l “mere
    ~iulsterial duty, the perfc~tmanceof which may be compelled by
    mNdaN8.”   Coliedonere Caret 0. Frank Jester DevelopmentCo., 199
    S.W.Zd 1004, 1007 (Ten.Civ. r$p. - Dallee 1947.writ ref’d n.r.e.1.
    &WXI-~W    dedication8are of two claoeea- crpreaaand i=pllad.
    Ladlea’ Danevolent Society ,:I Beaumont v. llagoollaCemetery Co.,
    maupra, at -814. In both. It ie neceeeary that         there be en
    appropriationof the had by the ovner to public use. ln the one cane,
    by come esprea8 manlfestetlorof hio purpoee to devote the land to
    public use; In the othr,.by eiomeact or course of conductfrom which
    the law would imply +uch an kltent. 
    Id. LonS-contlnueduae by
    public la mfflclmt to imply ,Bdedicaa     by the ovner.Id. et 1007. 
    lcuptame may he implied,for Inetance. from the cG&y’o feilure to
    aeeeee ~for taee  io. comecr::ion with   “1eyinS Sea and water mains.
    .gredislfor 8treete.”City of Waco v. Fenter,
    m.     et 63S. or uhere’.ecounty~makee repair8 upon *thestreet. or
    : pIat it on.officialmap8. d1lder.v.     City of Branbam~3 S.U. 309. 311
    (TN. 18871. An wxe8tmce-bv         al80 be irmlled fra lona-tlnued
    public we-of the p&p&.       /Ibert v. Gulf, C. 6 S.P. IteilGayCo.. 21
    4.U. 779,:78o~(Tes. civ. *pp. - 1893, no writ).
    BNM.,  .in l euer to your .eecond que8tion. the filinS of e
    8ubdlvieion plat alone ie lneufflcient to luthorlae e county to
    malntein road8 in rural 8ubd.ivlelooa,8lnce the dedication18 a mere
    offer. M88lonera’      Court-v. Frank Jester DevelopmentCo., e.
    et 1007.
    in Buraet County,vbich prohibit8the
    We note that the injuacc::lon
    me of county equipment for,mdatenaoce of Private roada. doe8 not
    llter the county’8authorityto maintain public roads.
    p. 882
    .   I
    HonorableGrant Jones - Page 18      (JH-200)
    A ccm~lssioncrscourt may we county equipment
    and   uchincry to maintain roade in rural
    eubdivleiono if th, roads were cetabliehed ab
    lnitio ee public row16 by the coaaieaionerecourt.
    by prcecriptlon,or by dedicationand acceptance.
    AttorneyGeneral of Texas
    Firat Assistant   AttorneyGenersl
    Preparedby Rick Cllpln
    Assietant AttorneyGeneral
    Rick Gilpin.Chairmen       ,
    David Brooks
    Colln Carl
    SUM0 Gmrison
    Jim Woellinger
    Nancy Sutton

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-200

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1984

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017