Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1983 )

  •                  .
    The Attorney General of Texas
    August     18,   1983
    Attorney General
    Honorable   Bob Glasgow                                    Opinion     No. JM-68
    Supreme         Court     Building
    P. 0. BOX 12546
    Austin.   TX. 76711. 2546                    Subcommittee    on Criminal        Matters                 Re:    Constitutionality             of
    5121475.2501                                 Texas State Senate                                         Senate Bill No. 1 relating           to
    Telex    9ux374.1367                         P. 0. Box 12068, Capitol            Station                per se definition     of lntoxica-
    Telem~ier       5121475.0266
    Austin,   Texas    78711                                   tion
    1607 Main St.. Suite 1400                    Dear Senator      Glasgow:
    Dallas.   TX. 75201.4709
    2141742.8944                                        You have inquired          about     the constitutionality          of the so-called
    per se intoxication          rule contained         in Senate Bill       No. 1, the driving
    4624 Alberta            Ave.. Suite    160
    while    intoxicated       legislation        recently     enacted     by the Sixty-eighth
    EI Paso. TX.            799052793            Legislature.        Sections      3 and 4 of that act,            amending,      respectively,
    !315/533-3464                                articles     67011-l     and 67011-5.         V.T.C.S..     contain     provisions      defining
    /h                                                “intoxicated”-to          include T’having          an alcohol      concentration       of 0.10
    percent     or more.”        We find       that    these   provisions.      which     replace    a
    ,220     Dallas     Ave..   Sulk     202
    Houston.    TX.         77002.6966
    presumption      of intoxication          derived      from a finding        of 0.10     alcohol
    7 13165OG666                                concentration      with a per se definition              based on such a determination,
    are not constitutionally            objectionable.
    806 Broadway.            Suite 312
    You have directed         our attention      to People      v. Alfaro,    192 Cal.
    Lubbock,  TX.           79401.3479
    Rptr.     178,     182  (Cal.     Ct.    App.   1983),      which    held   a comparable
    California     statute   to be unconstitutional,          declaring     it to be “fatally
    vague in its notice        provisions,      and hence unenforceable.”         However, in
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite B                      Burg v. Municipal        Court,     
    192 Cal. Rptr. 531
    (Cal.     Ct. App. 1983).     a
    McAllen.     TX. 76501-1685                 coequal     California     judicial     panel   found that       the same law “is       not
    vague and is therefore          constitutional.      valid,    and enforceable.”       Both
    California       courts   agreed     that    the applicable       standard    is the one
    200 Main Plaza. suite 400                   stated    in Connally    v. General Construction            Company, 
    269 U.S. 385
    , 391
    San Anlonio,  TX. 78205-2797                (1926):
    That the terms of a penal                  statute    creating       a
    An Equal         OpportUnitYl                            new offense          must be        sufficiently        explicit       to
    Affirmat~e         Action     Employer                   inform those who are subject                to it what conduct         on
    their      part      will     render       them    liable      to    its
    penalties         is      a   well-recognized           requirement,
    consonant       alike     with ordinary         notations      of fair
    play and the settled            rules of law.          And a statute
    which either         forbids     or requires       the doing of an
    act     in    terms       so   vague       that    men of        COIMClOTl
    intelligence        must necessarily         guess at its meaning
    p.   289
    Honorable      Bob Glasgow     - Page 2       (JM-68)
    and differ    as      to   its  application,            violates    the
    first essential       of   due process    of     law.
    The     Alfaro      court      contended          that   the       California     per       se
    intoxication       statute
    gives   notice    only that a particular        percentage      of
    alcohol     in the blood        of   a driver      is  illegal,
    without    further    explication,     notwithstanding       that
    the measured concentration          of alcohol    in the blood
    at any given        time is plainly        not a matter         of
    common understanding,         as demonstrared      by the fact
    that test results       of clinically     obtained    specimens
    must be interpreted        at trial   by an expert witness.
    Alfaro, supra, at 181
    .  In its denial  of rehearing,   No. A019583                            (Cal.
    Ct. App. - July 1, 1983) (not yet reported).   the court concluded                             that
    Vehicle    Code section        23152,     subdivision     (b) [the
    California       intoxication       statute],       is   constitu-
    tionally     defective       because     it   fails    to provide
    citizen-motorists           with      reasonable        means      of
    ascertaining       and avoiding       the conduct       proscribed
    by the statute.
    On the other hand,       in 
    Burg, supra, at 533
    , the court     held that the
    statute    in question    “conveys to the drinking       driver  a sufficiently
    definite    warning   of what conduct    is proscribed.”      As the dissent    in*
    Alfaro   said:
    Vehicle     Code section      23152,    subdivision      (b),
    manifestly     warns the drinking       driver     that he must
    discontinue,       or at least       temper,     his    drinking
    after    his initial     imbibition.     lest    he reach      the
    forbidden     blood   alcohol    driving     level,    and face
    arrest      and   prosecution.        Such     a    warning     is
    sufficient     by any constitutional       standard known to
    Alfaro supra, at 183
    (Elkington.      J.,   dissenting).        Hence, the central
    issue you raise        is clearly     drawn in the contrary          positions    taken by
    these       California        courts.      Before      we      further       examine     the
    constitutionality        of the new Texas definition         of intoxication,       we will
    describe     the status      of the existing     presumption      of intoxication     based
    on a test      finding     of .lO percent     alcohol    concentration        in a driving
    while intoxicated        defendant.
    It   is well    established        in Texas
    p.   290
    Honorable   Bob Glasgow     - Page 3       (JM-68)
    that the offense        of “driving     an automobile   upon a
    public    highway while intoxicated”         consists   of two
    elements;     intoxication     and driving    upon a highway
    in such condition.          Snider     v. State,    
    165 S.W.2d 904
    (Tex. Cr. App. 1942).            A criminal   or unlawful
    intent   is not an essential        element of the offense.
    Joiner v. State,        161 Tex. Cr. App. 526, 
    279 S.W.2d 333
    FX Parte Ross, 
    522 S.W.2d 214
    , 217-218  (Tex. Cr. App. 1975).   See also
    Reed v. State,  
    624 S.W.2d 708
    (Tex. App. - Houston 114th Dist.]   1981,
    no pet).  Further,  the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has held that
    [i]t     is     common knowledge              that     intoxication
    temporarily       destroys      faculties      essential      to safe
    driving,      Schiller      v.    Rice,      
    151 Tex. 116
    246 S.W.2d 607
        (1952).       and     we    cannot      in     good
    conscience      speculate       that the Legislature            failed
    to    recognize       that     which     human experience            has
    shown.        Examination          of     the     definitions         of
    “intoxication”         contained       in the new Penal~ Code
    shows      that      the    Legislature          recognized        that
    intoxication       impairs mental faculties.
    Ross, supra, at 218-219
    .        Moreover,    with    regard         to   the    existing
    presumption    of intoxication,        it is settled    that
    [s]uch    a decision    is legislative           in nature and is
    foreclosed      by    the   Legislature’s            judgment  as
    reflected    in article    67011-5.
    Slagle v. State,     
    570 S.W.2d 916
    , 919 (Tex. Grim. App. 1978).              “Whether
    a particular      blood    alcohol  level     should    carry      the weight     of   a
    presumption    Is a matter for the Legislature.”             Turpin v. State,        
    606 S.W.2d 907
    , 912 (Tex. Grim. App. 1980).            Likewise,      the Texas Court of
    Criminal   Appeals has clearly     stated    the impact of such a presumption
    by noting   “that   the jury may accept     or reject     the presumption      of fact
    even in the face        of no contrary     evidence.”       Madrid v.      State,    
    595 S.W.2d 106
    , 110 (Tex. Grim. App. - 1979).            Specifically      in the context
    of a driving    while Intoxicated    prosecution,     that court has noted:
    A statutory     presumption  permits     an inference     to be
    drawn     from   proof   of  certain      facts.       In   this
    instance     the statute    permits     the jury      to infer
    that a person is intoxicated         if it is proved that
    there was 0.10 percent       alcohol     in his blood when
    he drove a motor vehicle       on a public       highway.    The
    state    is not relieved      of the burden         of proving
    each element      of the offense      beyond      a reasonable
    p.   291
    Honorable    Bob Glasgow     - Page 4        (``-68)
    doubt.     In   order  to   take  advantage   of    the
    presumption   the state must prove each fact giving
    rise to the presumption   beyond a reasonable    doubt.
    Easdon v.    State.   
    552 S.W.2d 153
    ,        155 (Tex.   Grim.   App.   1977).
    Your inquiry       raises    the issue      of whether the conversion           from a
    presumption        of    intoxication        derived      from     .lO    percent     alcohol
    concentration       to a per se definition           of intoxication        based on such a
    finding    affects     the validity      of the regulatory        scheme.      In describing
    a virtually         identical      statutory      change,     one     court    has   recently
    Under the prior DWI statute         . . . the amount of
    alcohol     in    a person’s      blood     created     certain
    presumptions       as to whether     or not a person         was
    under    the influence      of   intoxicants.        Under the
    present        statutory       scheme,        however,        the
    presumptions       have been abolished.          Instead,     the
    statute    sets out alternate       methods of comitting
    the crime of driving         while    under the influence.
    The statute      does not presume,       it defines.       Thus,
    driving    with a 0.1 percent        BAC is one method of
    committing      the crime of driving        while    under the
    influence.       (Emphasis added).
    State V. France,   
    639 P.2d 1320
    ,            1323 (Wash. 1982).    As in prior  Texas
    cases   regarding  driving    while          intoxicated,   courts  in other   states
    dealing   with par se intoxication            laws have noted that
    Ii] t    is    well     enough     known    to    require  no
    elaboration      that driving    while under the influence
    of liquor      is so hazardous        that it    involves the
    public    interest    and welfare,      and consequently,   is
    a proper      subject    for   regulation    and control   by
    law . . . .
    Greaves v. State,       
    528 P.2d 805
    ,            807 (Utah 1974).    See also        Roberts V.
    329 So. 2d 296
    , 297 (Fla.             1976).  More specifically,          one court
    has noted that
    there    is an abundance         of scientific      support    to
    indicate     that with a BAC level        of 0.1 percent,     all
    persons      are   signif icant ly      affected.      At    that
    level,    all persons     will    have lost     one quarter. of
    their    normal driving        ability,     some persons    will
    have lost       as much as one half           of eheir    normal
    driving    ability    and a few people will        not be able
    to even sit up in the driver’s               seat . . . . “the
    p.     292
    Honorable   Bob Glasgow     - Page 5      (JH-68)
    amount of alcoholic           beverages    necessary     to produce
    a blood alcohol         level    of 0.1% is considerable          and
    is believed       by most people          to represent       abusive
    end excessive       acute consumption         of alcohol     . . . .
    most people        who drink        alcoholic      beverages     will
    recognize     that the consumption           of more than 8 to 9
    “drinks”     (that is, a half pint of whiskey.                or one
    and one-half        six    packs     of beer,      or a quart       of
    natural    vine)     in two or three hours will              produce
    subjective         effects         and      impaired       physical
    performance.          Yet,      it    is   the    consumption       of
    approximately         this     amount of       beverage     that    is
    required    to produce a blood alcohol              of 0.1% in the
    average adult .‘I
    France, supra, at 1322
    .      Just as under existing  Texas law,             likewise   it
    has been held     in another     state that a per se prohibition
    represents    a legislative      determination     ‘that    such
    quantity    of alcohol     has sufficient     adverse    effect
    upon any person        to make his      driving    a definite
    hazard to himself       and others.       We cannot say that
    this determination       is unfounded or contrary        to the
    facts;    a number of studies          and many statistics
    have recently      been published       by experts     in this
    field   which support that conclusion.
    Coxe v. State,       
    281 A.2d 606
    , 607 (Del.        1971).    Moreover,     just   as in
    the existing       Texas DWI cases,     other  state   courts    considering      per se
    intoxication      laws similar     to Texas’ new statute      have held that there
    are two elements to the offense          -- the requisite     alcohol   concentration
    and concurrent        operation   of a motor vehicle.        
    E, supra, at 607
    Greaves, supra, at 807-808
    In addition     to the elemental      similarities,       courts have found that
    the     legislative      determination      that     intoxication       is    definitively
    established       by a finding   of . 10 percent      alcohol    concentration      does not
    improperly       alter the state’s     burden any more than the presumption               did:
    The breath     sample must be analyzed,     the machine
    must be proved       to be in proper     working     order
    beyond    a reasonable     doubt  by  the    State,     the
    officer    who gives   the test must be certified       and
    must be proved       to be competent   at trial.        The
    ampules must be proved beyond a reasonable           doubt
    at trial     to have been properly     tested    and the
    State always has the burden of proving          beyond     a
    reasonable    doubt to the jury that the 0.1 percent
    reading    was a correct    one.  The defense     has the
    p.   293
    Honorable     Bob Glasgow              - Page 6 (m-68)
    same opportunity         to attack     that reading       as they
    always have had under the prior             presumptions.       The
    defense      is     entitled     to     an      expert     witness
    instruction      . . . .     Additional      expert    testimony,
    while available       to the defendant,         is not the only
    method      of     impeaching       the      reading      on    the
    breathalyxer.        The State's     expert    testimony    may be
    controverted      by the defendant       testifying     about the
    number of drinks         he consumed and the effects              of
    the alcohol      upon him, he may call         lay witnesses      to
    testify     as to those       same factors,         he may argue
    that the machine must be in error                 because   of the
    slight    effect     the alcohol      had upon him.          It is
    simply not the case that the giving                 of the breath
    sample proves the crime.
    France, supra, at 1326-1327
    We conclude    that   the Alfaro      decision,     which vent  against the
    weight    of existing    authority     throughout      the nation,  misapplied the
    vagueness     test.   As both      the Burg court,        at 533,  and the Alfaro
    dissent,    at 183, recognized:
    "[T]he     Constitution        does not require            impossible
    standards";      and all      that is required           is that the
    language "conveys         sufficiently        definite     warning as
    to the proscribed          conduct when measured by common
    understanding        and practices          . . . .       That there
    may be marginal        cases in which it is difficult                 to
    determine      the     side     of     the     line     on which        a
    particular      fact    situation       falls     is no sufficient
    reason     to hold       the language           too    ambiguous      to
    define    a criminal      offense."        (Citations      omitted).
    Roth V. United States.                  
    354 U.S. 476
    . 491-492   (1957).  Thus, we believe
    that Texas courts will                  confirm the analysis  in the Alfaro dissent:
    with       near     universality         it       has      been
    authoritatively       declared     that    a drinking       driver
    who has ingested          so much alcohol,          as to have
    developed     a blood alcohol      content   of 0.10 percent,
    has,   for    the public's      and his     ovn safety,        been
    rendered unfit      for further     driving     . . . . BY any
    test of reason and experience           he has, and knows he
    has, imbibed a large quantity           of alcohol      before    he
    Aches      the proscribed      0.10 percent       blood alcohol
    .   .    .    .
    p.   294
    Honorable     Bob Glasgow     - Page 7         (JM-68)
    Under these      criteria,   a drinking     driver    is
    patently   warned by the statute       that his drinking
    must stop,    before     he has ingested    the forbidden
    Alfaro, supra, at 183
    (Elkington,           J.,     dissenting).
    The per se definition     of              intoxication     in Senate
    Bill No. 1 is constitutional.
    JIM      MATTOX
    Attorney  General   of   Texas
    First Assistant       Attorney       General
    Executive Assistant         Attorney     General
    Prepared     by Colin     Carl
    Assistant     Attorney     General
    Rick Gilpin.   Acting       Chairman
    Jon Bible
    David Brooks
    Colin Carl
    Jim Moellinges
    Nancy Sutton
    p.         295