The Attorney Generd of Texas Harch 24, 1983 JIM MATTOX Attorney General Eonorablc M. 6. Wells opinion No. Jn-20 Supreme Court Building County Atrorncy P. 0. BOX 12546 Aurtin. TX. 76711.2546 Anderson County Courthouse Re: ApprOVAl of subdivision 5121475~2501 F. 0. Box 707 PlAtA Telex 9101674.1367 PAlAAtine. TeXAA 75801 Tdecopier 5121475.0266 DAar Mr. WallA: 1607 win 3.. suite tarn Dallas. TX. 75201.4706 You hAVe asked About the Authority Of the City Of Palestine. in 2141742~6344 incorporated home rule city, t0 approve or diAApprOVe subdivision maps And plats for land located beyond the CiCy limits. 4624 Alberta Ave.. Suite 160 El Paso. TX. 799052793 Both Articles 974A. V.T.C.S.. And 6626, V.T.C.S.. provide thst ,~5352464 maps And plsts of subdivisions located within five miles of the corporate limits of an incorporated city muAt be approved by city Authoritiee in order to be filed or recorded. This would end the 1~20 Dallas Ave.. Suits 202 matter were it not for Articles 970A. V.T.C.S.. And 6626~, V.T.C.S.. HO~J~O~. TX. 770026986 713l65M666 which, it has been Argued. conflict with those first mentioned. In our opinion, the statutes in question do not conflict, And the city of Palestine has not only the Authority. but the duty, to Approve or 806 Broadway. Suite 312 disApprOVe ~11 maps and plats of subdivisions of land located within Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479 five miles of its corporate boundries. 606,747.5236 Article 97oA. the first of Lhe Acts said to conflict. is rhe 4306 N. Tenth. Suile S Municipal Annexation Act. Among other things, it establishes A one McAllen. TX. 76501.1665 mile AonA of “extraterritorial jurisdiction” Around cities the size of 51216624547 Palestine.
Id. S3.A.(2). InAddition to protecting the zoned territory fromannexAtion by ocher cities, the stAtwe sllows A city 200 thin PIaza. Suite 400 to extend by ordinance the Applicstion of its rules And regulations San Anlonio. TX. 702W2797 governing plAtS And the subdivision of land “to ~11 the Area under its 512/225.4191 extraterritorial jurisdiction.” From this, some have concluded thet the Authority of the city of Palestine to. approve or disapprove An Equal OppOrlunilyl subdivision plats is limited to A distance of one mile beyond its Affirmative Action EmPlOW boundries. The relAtionship of articles 97OA. 974A. And 6626 is discussed in Pohl. Estsblishing And Altering the Character of TeXAS Subdivisions, 27 Baylor LAW Review, 629 (1975). The history of the legislation is unclear. Originally, cities of A certain sire were given Approval Authority under Srcicle 974S over maps and plats of subdivisions within S five mile radius of their corporate boundaries. In 1944, p. 90 RonorAble Ii. C. Wells - RAge 2 (JH-20) however, the TeXAA Supreme Court held that An amendment to Article 6626 (giving counties map And ~1st Approval Authority) repealed the Article 974A “extrAterritoriAl” plAt-ApprOVAl jurisdiction Of municipalities. See TrAvalter v. Schaefer. 179 S.W.Zd 765 (Tex. 1944). A later coUTt held thAt counties could not impose substantive requirements under article 6626 aa A condition for county ApprOVAl of subdivision maps or pl~ta. See Commisaionera’ Court v. Frank Jester Development CompAny. 199 S.Wx 1004 (Tex. Civ. App. - Dallas 1947, writ ref’d n.r.e.). In this state of Affairs. neither cities nor counties could regulate the mapping And pletting of subdivisiona outside city limits. Cf. City of Corpus Christ1 v. Gouger,
236 S.W.2d 870(Tex. Civ. App. -San Antonio 1951. writ ref’d) (amendment to article 974a in 1949 did not lmpliedly repeal Authority given to commissioners’ court by Article 6626). In 1951 the legislature passed two statutes dealing with the matter. The first passed. Article 2372k. V.T.C.S.. gave larger counties the power to promulgate certain requirements to be met by persona subdividing land situated “outside the boundaries of Any incorporated town or city,” And it SxprSSSly rApAAlAd Conflicting 1Al.W. Later. during the aAme session of the legislature, Article 6626 -- AppliCAblA to large And amsll counties Alike -, WAS Amended. As ? Amended, Article 6626 returned to cities the Authority and duty to approve or disapprove maps And plats of subdivisions located within five miles of city limits “AS provided in Article 974A.” Attorney General Daniel concluded in Attorney General Opinion V-1401 (1952) that the later Article 6626 Amendment repesled the conflicting provisions of Article 2372k. And thst cities. not counties, had the power to approve or disapprove maps And plats within the five mile zone. Implicit in the conclusion of Attorney General DAnis was the further conclusion that by incorporating the reference to Article 974A. the Amendment to Article 6626 conferred upon cities the same Authority within the five mile zone that they had exercised prior to the supreme court’s 1944 TrAvAlter decision. That authority included the power to withhold Approval of plats and maps of aubdivisiona not conforming to the general plans of the city. V.T.C.S.. art. 974a, 14. Subsequently. in 1957. Article 6626a. V.T.C.S.. was enacted giving smaller counties the same mep And plat ‘Approval powers article 2372k had previously given larger counties “without the corporate limits of any city,” but its repealer clause specified that nothing therein should “repeal. nullify, alter or change the rights of Home Rule Charter cities to’regulate. zone. And restrict subdivlaions within a five (5) mile radius of their corporate limita.” Acts 1957, 55th Leg., ch. 436. $5. at 1302. 1303. In 1961. the legislature -, further specified that the 1957 enactment had not limited the requirement of prior approvsl of plats by cities. Acts 1961. 57th Leg.. ch. 449, 12. At 1022. 1023. -See Attorney General Opinion H-1057 (1977). p. 91 HonorAble Ii. G. Wells - Page 3 (JM-20) Token together, we think these provisions show A legislative intent that Article 6626 invest ~11 cities with power to regulate subdiviaiona within A five mile zone. And thAt counties hAVe limited regulstory powers over other aubdivisiona in the county under Articles 2372k And 6626~. V.T.C.S. See Attorney General Opinion H-904 (19761. But see Attorney General Opinions 1313-1438 (1962). C-459 (1965). This WAS the atste of the law in 1963 when Article 97OA. V.T,C.S.. the Municipal Annexation Act. WAA enacted. The MunicipAl Annexation Act is only incidentally concerned with the ApprOVAl Of plAtA and m3pA. It establishes, primarily for annexation PUrpOAeA, A protected OnA mile “extrAtArritoriAl jurisdiction” zone for cities of PAlestine’s population bracket. Incidentally the act Allows such cities to exteud the ApplicAtion of particulsr ordinances establishing rules And regulations governing plats And aubdivisiona of land to the Area. And to enforce them by .injunctive relief. On the other hand, Article 6626 requires cities to eXeKCiSe plat Approval Authority within A five mile eone, And, through the incorporation of Article 974A. section 4 of article 6626 makes it the duty of city officiAla to Approve plans (After public hearing). plats or replata that conform to the general plan of the city And meet the general rules And regulations promulgeted by the city for subdivisions. WA duo not believe the “one mile” provision of the Municipal Annexation Act mutt be read to repeal the “five mile” provisions of Articles 974A And 6626. Although each statute addresses the extraterritorial powers of A city with respect to plats And aubdiviaions, they do it in WAYS that are not inconsistent. There is no repugnancy between the concept (1) that cities have the power to require aubdivisionA within five miles of the city to conform to general plans and generel rules and ragulAtiona regarding plats And maps before Approving subdivision plats and (2) that cities have the Additional power to enforce by injunction perticular ordinances respecting subdivisiona only within one mile of the city limits. If two statutory provisions can bc reasonably construed so that both may stand, neither will be held to repeal the other. See 53 Tex. Jur. 2d, Statutes 1104. st 153. Moreover, the 1963enActment specified that it did not repeal the ACt codified 86 article 974a, V.T.C.S., AS last amended or any other law or part of lsw upon the subject of which the provisions of this Act relate unless they Are expressly inconsistent and then only to the extent of such inconsistency. Acts 1963, 58th Leg.. ch. 160, Art. III, At 447. 454. In our opinion, the enactment of Article 970A did not repeal Any provision of either articles 974A or 6626, nor Affect their operation. p. 92 , Honorable M. G. Wells - PAge 4 (JM-20) Consequently, we Advise you that unless the AppropriAtA municipA1 Authority of the city of Palestine has Approved A Aubdiviaion Mp or plat for land located within five milea of lte city limits (but not within five .milea of a lerger city), the county clerk is without Authority to file it. V.T.C.S. Art. 6626. WC Also Advise that COUnty Approval is unneceasery for the maps And plAt6 of subdivisions A0 situated. and thAt the Authority given counties by Articles 2372k And 6626~ to regulate construction And widthr of rightA-Of-wAy And streets Applies only to subdivisions located more than five miles from the city’s boundries. See Attorney General Opinions H-904 (1976); V-1401 (1952). Cf. Attorney General Opinions H-1146 (1978); H-1057 (1977). Attorney G%?eral Opinions C-459 (1965); WW-1438 (1962) (disapproved to the extent of conflict herewith). SUMMARY The county clerk of Anderson County is not Authorized to file A mep or plat of A subdiviaioa of land located within five miles of the city of Palestine unless it has been Approved by the Appropriate city AuthOKity. County AppKOVAl is unnecessary. Very truly you LJ~ & I& JIM NATTOX Attorney General of TAXAS TOM GREEN First AASiStAnt Attorney General DAVID R. RI&RDS Executive Assistant Attorney General Prepared by Bruce Youngblood Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Susan L. GAKKiSOn, Chairman Jon Bible Rick Gilpin George Gray Jim Moellinger Bruce Youngblood
Document Info
Docket Number: JM-20
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1983
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017