Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1981 )

  • 1   *
    The Attorney                General of Texas
    November        24,   1981
    Attorney General
    Honorable  Dan W. Heard                                Opinion    No. NW-393
    Supreme      Court Bullding
    Criminal  District   Attorney
    P. 0. Box 12546
    A&in.     TX. 76711                       Calhoun County Courthouse                              Re:       Payment    of       COUllty
    5121475.2501                              Port Lavaca,   Texas     77979                         hospital     medical    staff     for
    Telex 9101674-1367                                                                               treatment         of       indigent
    Telecomer      512M750266                                                                        patients   at the hospital
    1607 Main St.. Suite       1400           Dear Mr. Heard:
    Dallas.   TX. 75201
    2141742-6944                                   You have     requested   our      opinion     on the following     question:
    4624   Alberta   Ave..   Suite      160
    Is it proper    for a county or a county hospital        to
    El Paso. TX.     79905                                pay doctors    on the medical      staff     of the county
    9 1 w.33.3164                                         hospital   for    treating  indigent     patients   at  the
    1220 Oallas     Ave.. Suite       202
    SCamtori    provisions  governing           county    hospitals   are   found    in V.T.C.S.
    Houslon,     TX. 77002
    7131650-0666                              article  4470, et. seq.
    General   management and control              of a county hospital        is vested      in
    606 Broadway. Suite           312         a board of managers under article                  4480. V.T.C.S.. which        provides,      in
    Lubbock.     TX. 79401
    part,  as follows:
    The board sball    also appoint      a staff   of visiting
    43W N. Tenth.      Suite      B                       physicians   who shall    serve    without   pay from the
    McAlle”.     TX. 76501
    county I and who shall      visit     and treat   hospital
    patients   at the request    either    of the managers or
    of the superintendent.
    200 Mam Plaza. Suite 400
    San Anlonw,. TX. 76205                                Said     board     shall    fix    the    salaries        of  the
    superintendent         and    all    other      officers      and
    employees     within     the limit    of the appropriation
    made therefor      by the commissioners       court.     and such
    salaries     shall    be compensation       in full       for all
    services    rendered.
    The statutory       scheme   of    article   4480  thus    contemplates    two
    potential    classes    of physicians     who may be on the medical       staff of a
    county    hospital:      physicians    who are employees     of the hospital      and
    visiting    physicians.      With regard      to the former   class,   article  4480
    makes cLe;lr that their salaries         art cull compensation     for all services
    p.    1335
    ’ I
    Ilt,nornbIe   Dnn W. Heard - Page 2                  ofw-391,                                                   .’
    rendered,     regardless       of   the    financial       status     of   the patients           receiving
    CllC services.
    In Attorney  General Opinion    O-2422 (1940),     this office      held that
    the board of managers of a county hospital           could not allow claims        of
    physicians   and surgeons   for services   rendered    to charity    patients    in a
    hospital.     This  opinion    has not been overruled        by this      office   or
    modified   by the legislature.       We believe    it   is dispositive        of your
    It has been suggested        that the Professional      Services      Procurement
    Act.    article     664-4.    V.T.C.S.,       impliedly   repeals      article       4480,
    V.T.C.S.,     and requires   that a county pay reasonable         fees~to     doctors    on
    the medical      staff.    Article     664-4.   V.T.C.S..   provides      in pertinent
    Sec.   2.      For purposes        of this     Act the term
    ‘professional         services’      shall    nean those        within
    the      scope      of      the     practice      of     accounting.
    architecture.        optometry,       medicine     or professional
    engineering       as defined       by the laws of the State of
    ‘Texas      or     those       performed      by     JnY      licensed
    architect,          optometrist,           physi~cian,       surgeon,
    certified        public         acccuntant       or     professional
    ong’ineer      in     connection        with    his     professional
    employment or practice.
    sec.        3.       No      state        agt?ncy ,         political
    subdivision,             county,         municj~pality,             district,
    authority        or publicly-owned             utility        of the State
    of Tcsas        shall      mtikc any contr:lct            for,      or cngilge
    cite     professional            services         0i.       3n~       1icensed
    physicinn,            optometrist,            surgeon,            architect,
    cerl i Tied         public         accountnnc           or         registered
    enp i lw*r,       or any group            or association              ch?r.$of,
    selt!c~tcd       u,,     the     basis       of       competitive          bids
    submitted        fur such contract             or for such services
    to be performed.             but shall       select       and award such
    contracts       and enenge such scrviccs                 on the basis of
    demonstrated         competence       and qualifications               for the
    type of professional               services      to be performed              and
    at     fair      and      reasonable         prices,          as     long      as
    professional           fees    are     consistent          with       and not
    higher       than the .published              recommended           practices
    and fees        of the various             applicnble           professional
    associations            and    do     not      exreed          the     maximum
    provided       by any state         lav.
    llonornhle    I)~IIIW. Ilr:ard - PnRc I               (Mu-‘I’)3 t
    Contracts      entered       into   in vi``latio,n     oi  this            statute      arc    void     as
    contrary     to public      policy.    V.T.C.S.    art.   hb4-4,           54.
    In our opinion,       the put-pose of this statute  was to ensure    that
    competitive     bidding   statutes   would wt be applied  to the employment of
    persons    in the enumerated       professions.  The emergency  clause  ciearly
    expresses    this intent:
    Sec.    a.     The fact          that     tile selection          of
    certified            public        acco”ntants.              architects,
    physicians.              optometrists.                surgeons           and
    professional         engineers      on the basis of the lowest
    bid places        a premium on incompetence                  and is the
    most likely        procedure      for -selecting         the least able
    or qualified         and the most incompetent               practitioner
    for the performance             of services         vi,tally    affecting
    the health,         welfare     and safety         of the public         and
    that,      in spite        of    repeated       expressions         of   the
    legislature         excepting       such professional             services
    from statutes           providing        for    competitive        bidding
    procedures,        some public        officers      continue      to apply
    competitive        bidding     procedures        to the selection          of
    such professional            personnel,        cr‘eaten an emergency
    of the greatest            public      importance        to the health.
    safety      and welfare       of the people            of Texas and an
    imperative        public      necessity         requiring       that     the
    Consritutional          Rule that bills             be read on three
    several       days in each House bc suspended.                    and such
    Rule is hereby suspended,                 and this Act shnil            take
    eii-,tct     from ;~nd after         its    pnssngc.       and it is so
    Acts 1971, h.‘nd I.ef.,      ch. 38, $8, at 72.       The c:;;erRt’ncy c Lnusc nay be
    considered      in ascertaining     the  legi~slativc     intent     .ZXpr~SSed in a
    statute.       Houston  Belt Terminai   & Ry. Co. v. Clark,            143 S.W.Zd 373
    (Tex.    1940).
    Article     htG+-4. V.T.C.S..          did not impliedly              repeal     every     statute
    authorizing        the    appointment         of    a physician            to a pclblic           service
    position      carrying       little      or no compensation.                  See.     e.g.,      ?ledical
    Practices       Act,     552.05,       2.06,      Acts       1981,     1st      C.S.,       ch.     1,    §l
    (qualifications         nnd compensation              of     members of          Board       of   tledicnl
    I:.xamiuers).      Section      3 of article       bh4-4,       V.T.C.S..      clearly      states     that
    professional        Fees must not “exceed              the maximum provided               by any state
    law.”     Article     44RO, V.T.C.S.,          pl-ov:ides that visiting            physicians        shall
    scrvc    withalt      p%~y irom the county.              ‘l‘tlnl~, the provisions             of article
    664-4,     V.T.C.S.,       2nd article          i4t40, v.1‘.c:.s.,          m;,” hr cvnstrued             in
    harwny .        hrtirlc     664-4,      V.T.C.S.,         prcvtwts        puhiic      officials        from
    cnRag:i ng tt,t: :,t.ltnl        professional         SL~TV   ic.vs aw crmkp<‘ti tive           hids     and
    Honorable    Dan V. Heard - Page 0            (MU-393)
    restricts      their     discretion   in   setting           compensation     by    requiring
    reasonable     fees.     It has no bearing     where         the legislature     has enacted
    a statute      setting     or denying   compensation            for physicians     and other
    We conclude       that    the board of managers of a county hospital                may
    not   pay physicians       for    treating indigent patients at the hospital.
    Article   4480.       V.T.C.S.,          prevents     a county
    from paying    doctors       on the         medical   staff   of the
    county hospital     for     treating         indigent   patients   at
    the hospital.
    Attorney   General   of   Texas
    First Assistant Attorney           General
    Executive Assistant         Attorney   General
    Prepared    by Susan L. Garrison
    Assistant    Attorney General
    SUSJll II. Cnrrison,       Chairman
    Jon I!ible
    Rick Cilpin
    J im Moe 11 inger
    firuse Youngblood
    p.   133x

Document Info

Docket Number: MW-393

Judges: Mark White

Filed Date: 7/2/1981

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017