- The Attorney General of Texas Ikcenlbcr 1, 1980 MARK WHITE Attorney General Honorable Robert Bernstein, M.D., Opinion No. lrlw-283 F.A.C.P. Commissioner of Health Re: Whether a public employee’s Texas Department of Health home telephone number and dete 1100 West 49th Street of birth are open under the Open Austin, Texas 78756 Records Act Dear Dr. Bernstein: You have requested our decision regarding whether a public employee’s home telephone number and date of birth are available to the public under the Open Records Act, article 6252-17a, V.T.C.S. Section 3(a)(2) of the act exempts from disclosure “information in personnel files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly un- warranted invasion of personal privacy.” In Open Records Decision No. 169 (1977), this office held that, absent special circumstances: the overwhelming weight of authority holds that there is normally no legally recognizable privacy interest in one’s borne address. Furthermore, the “special circumstances” necessary: to bring home address [information] within the section 3(a)(2) exception from disclosure must be more than a &sire for privacy or a generalized fear of harassment or retribution. Prior to lhe issutlnce of Open Records Decision No. 169, the City Public Service Uoard of the city of San Antonio and the Police Department of the city of El Paso had asked their employees whether they wished to assert a privacy interest in their home address, end if so, what facts or circumstances would justify withholding the informalion. Of 1400 responses submiltcd, this off&*, found only five indivihals: who lvtvc botll lukun effective uction 110 restrict public access to their telephone numbers] and have nlso demonstrated lruly cxceptionul circumstances ‘such as, for instance, an imminent threat of physical p. 905 rlcnorable Robert Ikrnstcin - Page Two (MW-263) danger us opposed to 4 gcncralized and speculative fenr of harrassmcnt or retribution. In accordance with this standard, we believe that an employee is entitled to withhold his home telephone number only if he can first demonstrate that he has taken steps to restrict public access. to the number, including but not limited to maintaining the number as unlisted. In addition, the employee must also demonstrate exceptional circumstances such as an imminent threat of physical danger. Open Records Decision No. 169 (1977). As wns noted in Open Records D>cision No. 169, the determination of these questions must be made on 4 case-by-case basis, and the agency should make the initial determination. The agency should submit for our consideration cnly those clnims which it determines may legitimately fall within the exception. As to the date of birth of 4 public employee, we have found no decision which has held such information to be confidential. On the contrary, this office has on three occasions said that information in licensing files, including date of birth, is subject to disclceure. See Open Records Decision Nos. 215 (1978); 157 (1977); Attorney General Opinion H-2421974). It is therefore our decision that the date of birth of a public employee is not excepted from disclceure under the Open Records Act. SUMMARY A public employee’s date of birth is not excepted from disclosure. A public employee’s home telephone number may be excepted only upon a showing of exceptional circumstances. Very truly yours, Attorney General of Texas JOHN W. FAINTER, JR. First Assistant Attorney General RICHARD E. GRAY HI Executive Assistant Attorney General Prepared by Rick Gilpin Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPlNlON COMMlT’l’EI~ Susan L. Garrison, Acting Chairman Jon Bible Ric* Gilpin Eva Loutzcnhiscr p. 906
Document Info
Docket Number: MW-283
Judges: Mark White
Filed Date: 7/2/1980
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017