Janu@py 11, 1951 Hon. Larry 0. 00x Hxecutlve Mreator Board for Texae Stat@ Hospitals and Spoolal Schools Austin, Texas opfalon Ho. v-1141. Rw Lqgaity 0r admlt- tlng en brbltuel clmnkardtoa State hospital under a aarltamt made by Dea~rSirs l o o wlty judge, *Recently sevmal oamnltm6nts oi babi- tual drunkard8 have been made by county udges to Stat& bospltnls ?or the Insaner dme of the oomitmentm hnve been by jury trial, aa set out in Title 92 oS Vernon88 Civil statutes. Other oomltmantrr have been for a period 9f ninety (90) aay6 a6 set out 3ii*rtlol* 319304 of VOmIc0”8 CfVil stat- The judgments 1~ each of the cam8 ad- jud&d the person to be an ‘babltual drunk- ard’ Instead 0r a Vp~roa or ua800116.mind.’ Hovevec, the j at oFaerse the person conmitteQ to a TS ate hospital. “It is our intsrpmtatfon that a per- BOLIwould have to be adjudged wntnlly ill to be ooamlttad tmdep Aptiole >lg>o-1, or vould hfive to be deckFed * pewon of ua- sound mind under Title 92. “It ie evidently the IntrzQPetatlolaof nome county Judy that the a?oramentioasd gaFgsd a lov a complitment OS an babl- 0 ‘Plume 8dviss whether 0~0not an babl- tual drunkerd can ti lsgallg cmmittsd under tha provlslo~ of eLtheP Article 31930~1 or" Title 92,. Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 2 (V-1141) With respect to the commitment to the insane asylums operated by this State of persons adjudged under the provisions of Title 92, VarnonDs Civil Statutes, Arti- cles 5554 and 5557, V.C.S., provide in part: Art. 5554. “Upcn Peturn of a verdict finding that the defendant ie of unsound mind and that It is necessary that med under restraint, judgment shall be entered adjudging the defendant to be a person of unsound mind and order- to be comltt d for restpaint and treat- ment to any &ane ar)ylum operated by the State of Texas in which them may be avail- able. room, a e .” Art. 5557. %nmedI.atelyafter any person Is adjudged a person of unsound mind, the county judge shall caumunicate 8% the supelrlntendentsof the Insane asylums within this State, and if it Is ascertained that there fs a vacancy in any of such asylums, or that the patient may be accommodated.,thereln, he shall is- sue his warrant to the sheriff or to some other suitable person dSrecting him to convey the pepson of unsound mind to the asylum deslgnated in such warpant, _I a *” (Emphasfs added throughout m) Under Article 5552, V.C.S,, before one charged with being of unsound mind can legally be committed indef- initely to a State hospital, there must be a jury ver- dict not only that he :$.sof unsound mind but that his mental condftlon is such as to render it necessary that he be placed under restPaint, Hatton v, State Board of Control,
146 Tex. 160, 204 SbW02d 390 (1947), With respect to mentally~lll persons ,ndjuclge,ed and consuLtted under the provisions of Article 3X.930-1., v.c.s*, it Is ploovlded “Section 1. (a) If information in writing and under oath be gLven to any Coun- ty Judge that any pepson in Ns county who is not chalaeed with a c~lmlnal offense. is beli&nd to-be mentallv il.& and that the welfare of himself and/or others requires that he be placed in a State hospital for the mentally ill for not exceeding ninety ,Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 3 (Q-1141) (90) days for observation and/or treatment, and such County Judge shall believe such InformatIon to be true, he shall Sorthwlth fix a day and place for the hearing ini determining af the matter, . * . and shall give notice to such person of the time and place of such war IS, upon the hear- ing of such matter, two 5) reputable physi- cians authorized by law to prnctlce medicine in the State OS Texas, neither of whom is on the staff of any Texas ‘State Hospital, and each of whom has examkned the nerson alleRed to be mentally ill withln the preceding five 5) days of said hearing, shall swear that in each of their prof'esslonal opinions such per- son is mentally 11 , is neither feebleminded, an idiot. an lmbec e. nor an eVileDtiC . and that in his opinion such ‘person- should be temporarily committed for observation and/or treatment to some .State hospital authorized by law to care for and’ treat mentally ill per- .SOllS, and IS thereupon the County Court finds m such person should Abe temporarily commit- ted to a State hospital for observation and/or treatment, he shall so state in his order of connaitment which shall be entered upon the minutes of said Court and a writ of coxmnit- ment issued thereupon commltti said person temporarily for observation nnd7 or treatment to acme State hospital authorized by law to care for and treat mentally ill persons -” It was held In Ex parte Giannatti,
189 S.W.2d 191(Tex.Civ.App. 1945) that under Article I, Section 15 of the Constitution of Texas and Artfcle .31930-l, V.C.S., a county court has general jurisdfctfon to commit persons who are mentall~lll to State hospitals for a period of not exceeding ninety days without first allowing a ury trial. See Att ‘y Gen. bps. O-4411 (1942)) v-86 (19 7). Article 4102, V.C,S., relates to the appointment of a guardian for *persons of unsound mind and habitual drunkards o” Subsections 3 and 4 of Article 4104, V.C.S., define for purposes of guardianship: (1) persons of un- sound mind as ‘Idiots, lunatics and insane persons,” and 12) habitual drunkard as “one whose mind has become so im- paired by the use of Intoxicating liquors OP drug6 that he is incapable of taking care of himself “‘It Thus, Article 4104 does not classify persons who may be habitual drunir- ards with persons defined to be of unsound mind. HOP do Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 4 (Q-1141) other legal definitions oi 'habitual drunkarda Impute mental illness or insanity. 19 Uorde and Phrases (Perm. Nlog1940) 29; 2 Bouvler's Law Dictionary (8th Ed. 1914) The lav entertainsn dfstinctlonbetween a person 'of &sound mind" and one who is an "habitual drunkard." See also Arts. 41214123, 4267 et seq., V.C.S.; Greenwood v. Purr,
251 S.W. 332(Tox.C;V.APP. 1923). We find no intendment,erpressed or implied, in the laws governing our State hospitals for the mentally Ill or in those laws governingthe commitment of persons to such ~nstltutlona,that such hospitals are to be used as sanatoriums for persons designated or adjudged as hablt- Ual drunkards. It may be that 4 the medical or other fields of sclenoe an habitual drunkard is regarded as a person who is mentally ill or oS unsound mind. But the latisherein cited authorize the commitment to our State hospitals for the mentally ill oS only those persons le- pl$y adjudged or Sound to be of unsound mind or mentally Arts. 5554 and They do not authorize the'commltment persons adjudged or Sound to be We do not menn to Infer herein that an habitual drunkard cannot be adjudged to be a person of unsound mind and Indefinitelycommlttedas n person of unsound mind to a State asylum, nor that an habitual drunkard cannot be fmnd to be n person Vho Is mentally ill and temporarily commltted,as a person adjudged mentally Ill, to a State asylum for observation or cnre for his mental illness. But it does not follow, merely because some habitual drunkards may properly be determined or adjudged to be persons of unsound mind OF persons mentally ill, that all habitual drunkards are, In legal contemplation,unsound of mind or mentally ill, A person adjudged OF found to be an habitual drunkard cannot legally be com- mitted under such finding or adjudication, temporarily OP otherniae, to the State hos- pitals and ns lums authorized to care SOP and treat meneally 111 pex!sons. APPROVED2 . Yours v&y truly, J. C. Davis Jr. PRICE WRIEL County Affairs Mviqion Attorney General Jesse P, Luton, Jr. Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1141
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017