De&ember 14, 1950 Hon. Claude Isbell Executive Secretary Board of Regents Texas State TeachersColleges Austin, Texas Oplnlon~No.V-1133. Re: Issyance of Revenue Bonds under Article 2654c-1, V.C.S. Dear Sir: In your recent letter you state that the Board of Regents of the Texas State Teachers Colleges desires to Issue certain bonds in behalf of one of the colleges for the purpose of constructinga classroom building and a boys' dormitory on the campus of the college, these bonds to be issued under the provisions of Article 2654c-1, V.C.S. (Acts 47th Leg., R.S., 1941, ch. 560, p. 908) and secured by a pledge of the building use fee authorized by such statute and a pledge of the net revenues to be de- rived from the operation of the boys' dormitory. Section 7 of the statute provides that govern- ing boards of the colleges "shall not be permitted to con- tract bonded Indebtednessunderthe terms of this Act In excess of eighty (80) per cent of the amount which can be amortized wlEh ihi rknues from -7L-- said bulldln use fee estimated at the time of thexhorlza Ion of such rev- enue bonds." (Emphasis added.) You state that the contemplatedbonds could not be amortized by eighty (80) per cent of the building use fee, but that such bonds can easily be financed by such fee and pledged net revenues of the~dormltory,If the llm- ltatlon Imposed by Section 7 would not prevent the issuance thereof. Therefore, you wish to know whether the llmlta- tlon contained In Section 7 Is applicablewhere net rev- enues from the operation of the dormitory are pledged In addition to a pledge of the building use fee. . -. Hon. Claude Isbell - Page 2 (v-1133) Article 2654c-1 authorizesthe Issuance of reve- nue bonds by the State Institutionsof higher learning named therein for the purpose of constructingand equlp- .plngbulldings and power plants, the,pavlrigot'streets, the purchase of land, and for'such..othercapital lmprove- ments as may be needed from'tlme"tot'lme;.:In~:qrderto pay the Interest on and principal of.s.uch'bondgj.~the gov- .ernlngboards of the Institutionsareauthorized to charge students a building use fee of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) per semester. i+ Moreover, In Section 6 of the statute it Is pro- .vlded: .', ” . To assure the prompt payment of the pr&lpal and Interest of sald‘bdnds .iuch Board Is authorized to pledge aII or anyrpor- tlon of the proceeds of the bulldlng ,usefee : authorized In Section 1 of,thls'Act,',anpsaid bonds may be addltlonaIly'secured~.bya,pIedge ‘_’ . of the net revenues from-bulldlngs~and',facl~,l- ties to be constructed; acqulred,".or1,mproved with the proceeds of such bonds and from other buildings or facilities heretoforeor her,iafter constructed or acquired." Therefore, under the statute'cleariy'thegovern- 'lng board ~hasthe authority to pledge not only,the building use fee but also the net revenues of the buildings to be constructed. Section 7 of the statute~provldekln part as fol- .lows: "The governing Boards of the aforesaid lnstl-. tutlons shall not be permitted to contract. bonded Indebtedness under the terms of this Act In excess of eighty (80) per cent of t,he amount which can be amortlzed.wlththe reve- : nu'esfrom said building use fee:estlmatedat the time of the authorizationof such revenue. bonds. - . .'I The quoted language of Section 7, standing alone, Is clear and unambiguous, and would appear to prohibit the Issuance of any bonds "under the terms of this Act" unless -thebonds could be paid with not more than 8% of the bulld- lng use fee estimated at the time that the bonds are issued, regardless of whether net revenues of.the Improvementsare Hon. Claude Isbell - Page 3 (V-1133) pledged also. Standing alone, the provlslons of Section 7 would be "so expllclt that lt ~111 admlt of no construc- tion." City of Houston v. Allred,
123 Tex. 334, 350,
71 S.W.2d 251, 259 (1934)D However, It 1s a fundamentalrule of statutory construction that the entfre statute must be considered In arriving at the Intent of the Legislature. It Is our opln- lon that the Legislature Intended no such construction to be placed on the provlslons of Section 7. Sectl~cn6 of the statute provldes that, when the revenue bonds are secured solely by the bulldlng use fee, the overnlzigbod shall flx the amount of the fee (within the f5.00 maximum5 sufflclent to meet the bond requirements and set up a reasonable reserve In the Interest and sinking fund. Section 6 also provides: I(D 0 . When such bonds are secured In whole or In part by a pledge of the net Gve- zfrorn bulldlngs or facllltles,lt shall be the duty of such governing body to fix rentals and charges for the buildings and fa- cllltles whose net revenues are thus pledged, at rates sufficient to pay the maintenance and operatlon expense of such buildings and facllltles and to pro&ace net revenues which, to ether wlth the bulldln use fee authorized kofloi??hdwm besufflclent to pay the interest and irlnclpal of such bonds as they accrue and mature." (Emphasisadded.) The statute in Sectlon 6 speaks of lssulng bonds secured ln whole by the net revenues pledged therefor. If Section 'ET;oere glven a literal lnterpretatlon,this pro- vlslon would be meaningless. In other words, If,bonds were payable solely from net revenues, as Is provided In Set-, tlon 6, then they could never be issued because of the 8% building use fee provlslon of Section 7. It 1s our oplnlon that, construfng the act as a whole, the Legislature intended that Section 7 should be literally followed only when the revenue bonds are secured solely by the bulldlng use fee. It 1s also our opinion that the Leglslature establishedan 8% safety rule ln an effort to preclude the posslbllity of lnssfflclentfunds to meet the bond requlrementa, Hon. Claude Isbell - Page 4 (V-1133) You are advised that It Is the opinion of this office that, if the requirements of the bonds can be met with not more than 80$ of the revenues of the building use fee and pledged net revenues estimated at the time of the authorizationof the bonds, the provisions of Sec- tion 7 will be satisfied. SUMMARY Revenue bonds secured by a bulldlng use fee and net revenues from building faclli- ties may pe Issued on behalf of the State ln- stltutlons of higher learning under Article 2654``1, V.C.S., If the requirements of the bonds can be met with not more than 80$ of the revenues of the building use fee and pledged net revenues estimated at the time of the authorizationof the bonds, provided the proceedings are otherwise proper. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIEL Attorney General Everett Hutchlnson Executive Assistant BY``*)~&-~L/ Charles D. Mathews Georg W. Sp ks First Asilstant Assistant GWS:em
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1133
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1950
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017