Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1977 )

  • .
    The Honorable Bob Bullock              Opinion No. H-1068
    Comptroller of Public Accounts
    L.B.J. Building                        Re: Constitutionality of
    Austin, Texas   787-74                 article 1118x, V.T.C.S.
    Dear,&.    l+lloc+:
    You have asked several questions regarding article,ll18x,
    V.T.C.S., which was recently amended by Acts 1977, 65th Legis-
    lature, -chapter 863, at 2168. The legislation authorizes
    creation of metropolitan'rapid transit'authorities and in most
    respects is identical to Acts 1973, 63ra Legislature, chapter
    141, ,at'302 which was the subject of Attorney General Opinion-
    H7119 0q73.1.        "_'
    Your first.question is: .a.-
    Is section 11B of Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat.
    Ann. art. 1118x which creates a.local
    sales and use tax void pursuant to Tex.    .
    Const. art. III 5 35 since the title
    (caption) of H.B. 657 contains no men-
    tion of.the creation of a tax?
    Article 3, section 35 of the Texas Constitution requires
    that the subject~of a bill be expressed in its title. The
    title of the legislation which forms the basis of your inquiry
    An Act relating to the creation, ad-
    i' ministration,and powers of metropoli-
    tan rapid transit authorities; amending
    Sections 1 through 17A of, and adding
    Sections 6C and 11B to, Chapter 141,
    Acts of the 63ra Legislature, Regular
    Session, 1973, as amended (Article
    1118x, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
    It is well established that article 3, section 35 does
    not require every detail of a bill to be recited in its
    caption.  It is sufficient if the general object is'expressed
    and the provisions of the bill are related or germane to the
    p. 4576
    The Honorable          Bob Bullock        - Page 2   (~-1068)
    general object expressed in the caption. xqr, Robinson v.
    H&,    507'S.W.2d 521 (Tex. 1974); ---
    State v. Spartan's Industries,
    447 S.W.2d 407
    (Te%. 1969) app eal dismissed 
    397 U.S. 590
    (1970); King v. Carlton ,Independent School Dist., 
    295 S.W.2d 408
    (Tex. 1956). Here the title gives notice that the bill
    relates to the powers of 'a 'metropolitan rapid transit authority
    which we believe is more than sufficient under the constitutional
    te\st to include powers of taxation.-
    Another question you pose is:
    :Does H.B. 657 violate Tex. Const. art. III
    ..(,   ‘.   ;   ‘.   ~.
    Article '3,,section 56 of the T&as Constitution            prohibits
    the enactment of certain local and special laws.                     -.
    This question was.discusied in great detail in Attorney
    General.Dpinion'H-119  (1973) where it was determined that the
    Act involved there was not a local or special.law.    The present
    statute is identical to'the one considered in Attorneys General
    Opinion H-119 except,that the population classification in the
    1977 statute is substantially broader than the one in the 1973
    Act.:? Accordingly, we believe Attorney General.Opinion H-119
    requires a finding that this.statute is not a prohibited
    local or special law.
    You,also~ask:                  :
    :-Does Section &.of H.B. $57 violate Tex.
    Const, art. .I.S 28, art. II S 1, art..
    III S 1 since the section reenacts Section
    -.13.of.Tex. Rev. Civ. .Stat. Ann.. art. 1118x
    which Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. H-119 (1973)
    declared unconstitutional?
    The provision you challenge here permits the authority
    to promulgate rules and-regulations and to.make violation of
    those rules and regulations punishable by fine or imprison-
    ment.   The language oE.this provision is identical to that
    found in section 13'of the statute considered in Attorney
    General Opinion H-119. The provision was found to be uncon-
    stitutional in that opinion, and since the same language
    appears in the 1977 Act.we believe it is invalid here as well.
    We.note, however, that you pose your question in terms of the
    constitutionality of section 1 of Acts 1977, 65th Legislature,
    chapter 863, at 2168 (House Bill 657) and suggest that the
    entire section .is invalid. Section 1 contains and incorporates
    quoted sections 1 through 17A of article 1118x, V.T.C.S.- The
    section includes all of the substantive provisions of the bill,
    and if it is unconstitutional, the entire bill is invalid.
    The quoted section 13, which is the portion of &he legislation
    found unconstitutional in Attorney General Opinion H-119, is.
    The Honorable   Bob Bullock.      -: Page 3   (D&1668)
    only a small part of the statute'and does not affect the     1
    basic powers and responsibilities of the authority.     The
    Legislature has specifically provided that all statutes are
    severable and.that an unconstitutional portion of a statute
    will not affect theremainder   qf.the Act. _ V.T.C.S..art. lla.
    Here, it is our opinion the quoted section 13 of section 1
    of the Act is invalid, butits   invalidity-does not affect any
    of the remainder of-the Act or the basic powers or responsi-
    gilities of-*the rapid transit authority.
    YOU ask:
    -Does the creation of the local sales and,,
    use-tax for the purpose of funding metro-.
    politan rapid transitauthorities   violate
    'Tex. Const. art.:VIII S 3 %ince.it is a ..:
    1tax for reveiure.purposes.iinlike:the
    .'emission taxiwhich-Tex .Att'y Gen. Op.. -.
    -No. ET119 (1973) found to beregulatory     .
    in,:nature? '
    Article    8, section a3 of the Texas;Con&t&ion     provi&s:.~'
    Taxes-shall be.levied and.collected:by
    .general laws+and for publitzpurposes only.
    . ..                               :
    The issue~presented in Attorney GeneralDpinion   H-119 was
    whether the emissions.tax suffered the same constitutional
    defect under article 8, section 3 of the Texas Constitution
    as aid the *wheel tax" in County of Harris v. Shepperd, 
    291 S.W.2d 721
    (Tex.,l956)r The Supreme Court found that-tax to ~:
    be unconstitutional sincethe Act was a local law and the'fee
    aufhorized:by the statute was a tax:rather than a regulatory
    device.   If.either the statute had been a general law or the
    fee had.been a regulatory measure, the requirements of article
    8, section.3 would have been satisfied. .Although either find-
    ing would have,been sufficient to save the statute, neither
    finding.was:possible in County of Harris'v.,Shepperd.    In
    Attorney General Opinionpgs                              Were
    made.   Since we have determined that article 1118x is a general
    law, it is irrelevant that the sales and use tax is.a revenue
    rather than a regulatory measure.
    We note that the.zjistinction between revenue .measures and
    regulatory measures..has been important in.the context of con-
    stitutional provisions.relating to ad valorem taxes, Atkins V.
    State Highway Dep't, 201 S-W. 226 (Tex. Civ. App; -- Austin
    i918, no writ), but since your question involves a sales tax
    rather than a property tax we need not consider those provisions.
    p. 4578
    _.   i
    .   .
    The Honorable Bob.Bullock.' .:..iPage 4 '(H'&lO68j
    You.also ask:: ..'
    *Does .the".Legi'slature.havethe' constitu-:..
    tional'authority to create 'a metropolitan
    rapid transitauthority    with taxing power
    .s.inc&:,sucha%r.eation is not*specifically
    constitutionally authorized'as are other
    special .districts such as hospital~dis-
    tricts Tex. Const: art: IX 9,>9, navigation        "
    districts Tex. Const. art. XVI 9 59, and
    road districts Tex. Const; a~rt. III 9 52?.,      ..
    ~;'. :;,
    The Supreme Court of Texas has &ecifically        rejected
    arguments that.only.those'bodies .politic.authorised:in the
    constitution.maybe     created:.Davis   'v. City,..of.
    Lubbock, 326.
    S.W.2d 699 (Tex...l959)::-TexasTurnpike Authority vI Shepperd,
    279 S.W.2d 302
    (Tex.L:1955),. Unlike.the federal constitution,
    the state constitution.is a 'limitation rather .than.a:.grantof
    power. An act of.the.Legislature-is valid unless a'.specific
    provision of the constitution prohibits it:"Shepperd        v. San
    Jacinto Junior College Dist., 
    363 S.W.2d 742
    (Tex. 1962). In
    San Jacinto Junior College District;~theSupreme.Court         said:
    It'follows that.if.there be no limita-
    tion found in-the Constitution, the legis-
    lature would be fully empowered to create
    ..;orauthorize the creation of ;~ ;~ -*districts
    : and:authorize.them to levy .an ad:valorem
    ' ,tax;       .:             ._
    Id. .at-*743;-'ThecoGrt:uitimately'deciaed the.case
    on a'dif-9
    ferentground   since it'.foundindependent.constitutional.author-
    ity.for the~'creation of: junior college districtswith    the power
    to levyian -ad valorem tax. -'However,~the arguments presented as
    potentially limiting.the Legislature'spower.all      related to
    ad valorentaxation    and are not relevant hereywhere a salesand
    use tax is.involved. :Tex; Const. 'art. 8, S 17;'American Transfer
    and Storage.Co,. v.' Bullock; ,525 S.W.2d.918 .(Te~.:Civ::App. .&-
    Austin 1975,.writ ref:'.d);> ~.
    .. .~
    S%IJ M &A D Y "
    Article 1.118x, V.T.C.S., as amended by
    Acts.1977, 65th Legislature, chapfer.863,
    at 2168 is constitutional with the ex-
    ception of:section 13 which permits the
    rapid transit authority to establish
    penalties for violation of itsrules'anh
    p. 4579    :
    The'H&&&ie    Bob Bull&     - Page S   (H-1068)
    Very truly yours;
    Attorney General of Texas
    p. 4580

Document Info

Docket Number: H-1068

Judges: John Hill

Filed Date: 7/2/1977

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017