- TheXonorableTmHanna opinicmNo. H-756 CriminalDistrictAttorney JeffersonCounty Fe: col.rtcosts~ohcanbe P. 0. Box 2553 collededatthe time a suit ma-t, !mias 77704 or instnment is filed for serviceby constablesor sheriffs. l%eEIo~ableHankAnderson Bunty At-=%' WichikaCbunty WichitaFalls, '&xas 76301 (1) Are sheriffsentitledto fees under article 3933a,V.T.C.S.,formsucxessfulatt6qtsto ca@et+service of process? (2) May County and DistrictClerks assess and collectservicefees at the timeof filingof suits or hsats which requireservice? (3) May ComtyandDistrict Clerks collecta depositat the time of filingin order to secure servicefees? p. 3196 IheExmrsblelbnIianna lheBmorableHankAndersm- page 2 W-756) l%s HonorableJce Rzsweber Prior to its 1975 mt, article3933a,V.T.C.S.,authorized fees when servics"is perfonmzdor attenptedand return is made." (imphasisadded). lkwever,article3933a presentlyauthorizessuch fees &YwfEn service"is parfomrd and returnmade." Acts 1975, 64th Leg., ch. 480, p. 1297. Inouropinion, theclear iqortof the1975ankxKbnt to article3933a is that sheriffsmay no longer collecta fee for service of prccessorsmsother instrwnttiess such serviceis successfully performed. hxmdingly, we anmer the first questionin the negative. Thesecond~questi~arewfietheraCounty.orDistrictClerkmay wllect fees for serviceat the tim of filing andwhether sewrity for such feesmaybe requird atthattims. Sinceasheriffismtentitledtoafeeforserviceofpr0cessor ~meotherinstrunentunlesssuchsenriceissuccessful,~beli~it clearthat~feesmayIkotbetaxedascosts~tilthesenriceis anpleted. Thus, aComtyor DistrictCl&has 1~)autbrity to cqllect aswurtcc6ts a fee forserviceofpmcesspriorto theactual service and retwm of pmcess. - See Rule 17, T.R.C.P. While ths clerkmaymtwllecta fee for serviceofpmcessbefore senriceismade,thequesticnofrequiringsecurityatthetimethe petitionis filed for eventualpaymentof that fee is governedby Rule 142, T.R.C.P.,whichprovides: 'Ibeclerkmayreqdre frantheplaintiffsecurity NJ attorn& or othr officerof the court shall be suretyinanyoause~inthewurt,except underspecialleaveofwurt. (misadded). IIIaddition,Rule146 provides: Inlieuofalxxdforwsts,thepartyre&red togive the sammydepositwiththeclerkof wurtorthejusticeofthepeacesuchs~asthe wurtorjusticefrantimetot.hsmay&signate as sufficienttopaythe accruedwsts. p. 3197 lhe Howrable Ttm Hanna IheI33mrableRankAndersw- page 3 (H-756) TheHorxxableJoe Resdxr See also FUle 145, regardingaffidavitsof inabilityto pay costs. -- Oxpare Rule 143, concerningotter wsts. In interpretingFade 142, AttornqyGeneralOpinionS-42 (1953)indicated: Ittillthusbsseenthattheanmtyor districtclerk shall file the petitionin every casewhenitispresentedtohbn,butheisnot ~toissueanyprucessthereonwithout securityforwstsinsaidcause,ordessa sunofnrxeyis depositedwith the clerk sufficient tosecuretbsestirnatedwsts,orunlessthsplaintiff shall file a paupersaffidavitin lieu of the bond or deposit. l?ui, at the timsapetitionis filed,aclerkmayrefuse to issue processprior to the receiptof securityfor costs orzmaffidavitof inabilitytopaywsts. Acwrdi@y,ws answer ttE-qlleStiOllh theneyativeandthe thirdinths affirmative.While a clerkn~ynot assess fees forserviceas wstspriorti the succWSful.Psturnthereof, he may requiresecurityor an affidavitof inabilityto pay wsts prior to issuingany processfor service. SUMMARY Under article3933a,a sheriffis not mtitledtia fee for an nsuccessfulattenpt tOserVeprocesS. Acountyor DistrictClerkxraynot assess fees for serviceas costs prior to the successful pE%fozmanceofselxice. Atthetheapetition is filed,a clerkrnayrequiresecurityfor such fees or an affidavitof hability tipsy a&s prior to issuingany process. p. 3198 lheE%nmrable~Ranna The Bmrable Hank Anderson- page 4 (H-756) l%eEkmorableJoeFk?.sweber opinion cumlittee j* p. 3199
Document Info
Docket Number: H-756
Judges: John Hill
Filed Date: 7/2/1975
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017