Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  •              "I'~XEATTOWNEY             GENERAL
    Augart18, 1950.
    Bon. A. 0.  Huellrs             oQanion Ho. v-loag.
    Oounty Attorney
    $"6:  c;w&                      Rer The author%tJ of the
    9                              coplrpisetonerr ’ oourt
    to cash Ooverrrasnt
    bond whoa1 fund In-
    oestaents befor. sa-
    turlty an6 Ire&avert
    &ggpg;           &$g
    a lower Interest   rate.
    --   ..
    Hoa. A. 0. llu8ller,     PIge 2    (v-lm9)
    settlera.    Said lands, ana the p00esas
    theroof,   vhea 80la, shall. b8 held by eaid
    oouaties alonr 88 a trwt for tha braat
    of public   sahoolr th8reia;  sala proowdl   to
    be lntwtrd    la bonds of thb Uaitad 8trt.r;
    the Stats of Zuu8, or oouaticu in 88id
    State, or la such othrs 88cur;tiea,and un-
    der suoh restrlotione a8 my be p88awlb~d
    lawj and the oouatles        oh11 be rerpoari-
    7 e for all iavrstmeatb;
    b                                 the iatemrt  Wwo-
    o``~$uldo~m~e~mnn~            gxoopt the pirroipal
    Artiole    2624, V.O.S.,    pmvlbers
    %8ch oounty may 8811 or alepose of the
    land8 gmnted to It for eduoatlon81 porpo808
    la such a8nner a8 may be p8ovlQod by the oomt-
    mlrsioners court of such aowty,        and th8 pro-
    oordr OS any ruoh sale 8h8U be invortad in
    babde of the United States       UI Sbrtie of Vu-
    a8, the beads 0r the oouldes        0r th8 statr,
    rDdth8 laQ.p8naent or oomon8ohoolal8-
    tplete,     road preoinot,  dmimge,    irrigrtion,
    n8vi ation and lrvso dirtrIot lo tU Ilkto,
    and &he bond8 of Incorporate& citira an6
    towne, and held by suoh oounty alone a8 a
    trust    for the benefit   of ublla free school8
    therein,     only the interee e thereon to be
    used and expended 8rW811y.Y
    By virtue  OS the foregoing   constitutional  and
    statutmt   provirionr   latorort  p8id oa lavestments of
    moneys belonging to ihe per*anent school fund of a ooun-
    ty ia doposltrd In the available eohool fund OP the coun-
    ty rather than the prrm8n8nt 8ohool fund.       Furthermom,
    roneye belonging to the paruarat      rahool fund oanaot be
    upeaaod or used by the aountyo
    Under the fads   submittrd,  the Ccmlaeloners~
    Cowt would roll   Unit84 Stat08 Oovrraaeat  bonds belong-
    iag to the permanent school fund of the oountp at a die-
    count, thereby diminishing the permanent achool fund. It
    L8 our      on that 8wh a proo@durs would br io vlol~-
    tioa 0r  lot1on 6 or Artio1, VII of the Con8tittltion or
    Tax08 *
    If,   on tar other hand, thr gov8mamrat      bonds IA
    quor~lm    era sold    at not   1888 than par,.ths   Coam%881oa8xw~
    lion. A. 0. Mueller,   Page 3   (V-1089)
    Court would have authority under Article  2824 to invest
    the prooeede in bonds OS Independent eohool dlstrlcte.
    Slnoe Section 6 of Article VII of the Constitu-
    tlon of Texas makes the Comlasloners ( Oourts trustees     of
    a permanent school fund of a county for the benefit   of
    public  8ohoo18, It was held in            Y v. Blackburq,
    100 Tex. 51
    , 93 Sew. 419 (1906                 I i       I
    Court could not reduce the lnt                  x?f~L
    ISeVOn per oellt to thr80 per curt.
    In view of the foregoing,      it ie our opinion
    that lt Is within the dlaoretlon        of the Comi,esionersl
    Oourt to aetsmninb     In vhat securlt;ies    it ~111 Invest
    aoaeys be1      ing to the permanent sohool fund of the
    county.   If“e; he facts should show, however, (tonslder-
    lng the interest    rate and maturity date of the bonds)
    that the Commlaeioners I Court abused its discretion          In
    Investing the moneya belong         to the permwmnt echo01
    fund of the county and did no   “& &llVBSttlrfs ~Monegfor the
    benefit  of the permanent school fund of the county and
    the county available     school fund, it 18 our opinion that
    the CQllPaisslonerst Court ‘8 order would not be valid.
    You also ask if the Commissioners t Court would
    have the authority   to sell United States Government bond8
    at a discount and purohase the Llano Independent School
    DietriOtS’ bond8 if the Llano Independent School Dietriot
    would gay the amount of the dlaaount neoessary to obtain
    the nomy on the government bonds.       In answer to this
    qu8stion,   we 0811 your attention  to the provirrions of
    Artiak    2786 whloh would prohibit  the Ll.ano Independent
    8choel Metriot from pagan& the dltaaount, einoe Artlols
    2786 pm&ibltr    the who01 dietrlat    f~oi selling  its bond8
    at 1088 thaa par.
    The Cimmirebone;re t Court aannot eel1
    Uaftod  States Oovsment bonds beloqjkng
    to ma   prmenent  rohool runa of the oouat
    at a diraouat.   T*x.benst., Art.VII, Sea.z .
    It 18 within tke d&6@‘etlon of the Oom*
    8i88i      8’ Oort to deoi40 in what aee l-
    ti88 9”  T hstred
    au         by Arti,sle  28~4, V.C.S. 7 it
    ma’$v~oaeym         bsWn&l~ ta the permanent
    e The U~8e~oll*lra’    00~4 hold8
    c      .
    Hon. A. Q. Mueller,         page 4   (V-1089)
    moneys belonging to the permanent who01
    fund in trust for public schools,  and can-
    not abuse this diBcretion.   Delta Coun
    100 Tex. 51
    93 S.W. 419
    APPROVED1                                   Yours very truly,
    J. C. Davie,        Jr.                        PRICE DANIEL
    County Affairs        Division              Attorney General
    Sverstt Hutchlason
    Executive Assistant                                        a>,   , /-?Z?
    Char108 D. Mathews                               John Reevee
    FirBt   ABslst~at                                  Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1089

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017