Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  •                         June 8, 1950
    Hon. Maxwell Welch            opinion Bo. V-1068.
    Mstriat Attorney
    5th Judloial District         Be: The legality a? ap-
    Rew Boston, Texas                 pointing a speoial
    head of the automo-
    bile divlslon ln the
    office of the Tax
    Colleator of B&e
    Dear 9ir.l                        county.
    Reference is made to your resent request aoh
    reads in part as follows:
    "The Tax Collector of Bowle County has
    ?&de applicationto the ColaPlisslonersComt
    of Bowle County, Te%as, for authorltg to api
    point a special bead of the automobile divl-
    sion of hi.8office at a ealaq of $2700.00
    per annum. 'This application was made pursuL
    ant to the authority given by Artlole 7252
    of the Revised Civil Statutes, and such ap-
    plicatiau contained all of the requlmmente
    set out in Article 3902. The County Judge
    advised the Tax Collector, upon the preeen-. '~
    tation of such appllcatlcm,that the Cornnis-
    sioners Court did not have authority to grant
    the Tax Collector perm$ssion to employ such
    special head of the a\ltomobiledivlslon, it
    being the County Judge's contention that Art-
    icle 7252 applies only to counties containing
    a population of 355,000 or more, and Inasmuch
    as Bowle County doea not have such population,
    suoh speoial head is therefore not authorized.
    This office is of the opinion that said Artf-
    cle 7252 does authorize our tax collector to
    appoint a special bead of the automobile dl-
    vision of his office.'
    Prior to 1939, Article 7252 of Vernon's-'~Civll
    Statutes providedi
    'Rach assessor and oolleotor of taxes
    nmy appoint one or mope deputies to assist
    Hon. Maxwell Welch, page 2   (V-1068)
    hia in the assessment and collectionof taxes,
    and may require such bond from the pepson so
    appointed,as he deems necessary for his in-
    demnity; and the assessor and collector of tax-
    es shall in all cases be liable and accountable
    for the proceedingsand tisconduot in office of
    his deputies; and the deputies appointed in ac-
    cordance with the p~ovislons of this Article
    shall do and perform all the duties imposed and
    required by law of assessors and collectors of
    taxes; and all act8 of such deputies done in
    confom&ty with law shall be as bIndIng and
    valid as if done by the assessor and collec-
    tor of taxes in person.*
    However, this Act was amended by House Bill 822,
    Acts 46th Leg., B.S. 193gr ch.6, p,971, by adding thereto
    the fOllowLng~
    m 0 0 0 provided, that in counties having
    a population of three hundred and fifty-five
    thousand (355,000) OP mope acooPting to the
    last preceding Federal Census, the Assessor
    and Collector of Teea mag In addition mu-
    tract ~5th speclal~deputieshating @pecrUl
    t&2miual training, skill, sind~expefienee  for
    the purpvee of assisting hia fn obteu      ln-
    for&&ion upon which to base proper valuations
    of oil and miueral bearing lands and pPoper-
    ties and intepests therein, Industrialand
    manufacturingplants, and other p??opePties
    where special technical skill and tPaining Is
    PequiPed. fin addition thereto, such Special
    assistants, cleriaal, aocotmtiug, OF steno-
    graphic, as may be necessary %o conduct the
    organizationherein provided for and to car-
    ry out the purposes of this Act may be applied
    for and appointed in like manner provided they
    shall be appointed only fop purposes consistent
    with this Act. In addition thepeto, the Asses-
    SOP and Collector of Taxes shall be aathorieed
    to apply fop the appointment of a special head
    of the autmobile dlvlsiou of his office at a
    salary not to exceed Two Thousand, Seven Huu-
    dred Dollars ($2,700) per annum. The comgen-
    satim to be paid such special deputies and
    special automobile depmtment head Shall be              -
    subject to the approval of the Comnlssioners
    Court and the County Auditop, and l.%mltations
    upon the amount of such aompensatlonelsewhere
    Hon. Maxwell Welch, page 3   (V-1068)
    provided shell not apply. The contract of em-
    ployment shall be for a definite tern, not
    extending beyond the tern of office of the
    Assessor apd Collector, and shall be made
    upon sworn application to the Conmissioners
    Court showing the necessity therefor, and
    shall be subject to approval both as to sub-
    stance and as to form by the Commissioners
    Court and by the County Auditor."
    Article 3902 V.C.S., is the general statute
    authorlalngthe appoin&uent of deputies, assistants and
    clerks by county and precinct officers, including the tax
    assessor and collectorand providing the salaries  to be
    In Tidewater Oil Co. v. Bean, 
    148 S.W.2d 184
        (Tex.Civ.App.1941) overruled on other pouuds in Tlde-
    water Oil Co. v. B&n, 
    138 Tex. 479
    160 S.W.2d 23m
    it Is stated%
    "The pertinent rule applied In con-
    struing provisos is stated in 39 T.J., p.
    193, sec.102, as follows:
    *%nePally a proviso is construedin
    connectionwith the article or section of
    which it forms a part, and is to be given
    effect, If reasonably possible, acaording
    to the clear meaning of the language used.
    "'Ordinarilya proviso is lImited to the
    clause which next precedes it and to which it
    is attached. So where there are successive
    provisos. the aualiffinnt&m@ ,ofthe last
    will be uuderstood as refmrlnu to the one
    next precedingrV" (-Mais    added)
    See also French v. WcQuistiou, 
    105 Tex. 299
    , 147 S.U.867
    It is observed that the amendment to Article
    7252 provides fop the appointment of special deputies
    having special technical training, by the tax assessor
    and oollectop in counties having a population of 355i-
    000 or more, to assist him in obtainiuginf+ormat$om upon
    which to base proper tax valuations. It also provides
    "In addition thereto such special assistants, clerical,
    accounting or stenographicas may be necessarrgto con-
    duct the organlsatlouherein provided fox?and to carry
    Hon. Raxwell Welch, page 4   (V-1068)
    out the puvposes of this Act" may be appointed; It fur-
    ther provides "In addition thereto* meaning in addition
    to those special assistants or deputies, the tax asses-
    sor and oolleator in such counties authorized to appoint
    speaial deputies or aSSlsta&s, "shall be authoriaed to
    apply for the appointment of a special head of the auto-
    mobile dlvlsion of his office at a salary not to exceed
    Two Thousand, Seven Hundred Dollars ($2700) per annum.*
    This provision too~relates or refers to couuties only
    havLng a populatiou of 355,000 or more.
    Therefore it I.8our opiniou that the provision
    in Article 7252, V.C.S., authorieingthe appointaent of
    a special head for the automobile division of the tax
    assessorts offficeat a salary not to excreed$2700.00 per
    anutm is riotapplicable to Bowle County.
    Ye believe we are supported in our coucluslon
    by the faot that if this provision had been applicable
    to Botie County at the time of its enactment, the spe-
    cial head of the automobile division in the tax assessor-
    collectors' office would be authorlxed to draw a salary
    of $2700.00 per anuum, while the chief deputy in the
    same offlce could have been paid only $2100.00. We do
    not believe that such was the leglslatlveinteat.
    Ftbher, in Attorney Gener%l% OpimLionXo, O-
    1175, dated August 12, 1939, subsequentto~the effective
    date of the 1939 vuuendmentto Article 7252, it is stated8
    "You are further respectfullyadvised
    that it is the oplniou of this department
    that the Tax Assessor-Collectorof Xueces
    County, Texas, nay apply to the Cosmisslox-
    ers* Court for authority to appoint deputies,
    stating the nmaber he desires to appoint, the
    positions to be filled, and the amount to be
    paid each, which shall be presented in his
    sworu appllcatlonto said Comilsslonerst Court,
    as.outlined in Article 3902, Revised Civil
    Statutes of Teras. The salary of the first
    assistant or chief deputy shall not exceed
    $2,100.00 per annua and the salary of other
    deputies olerks OF assistants shall not ex-
    ceed $l,$OO.OO, in your couuty, under Sec-
    tion 3 of Article 3902, Revised Civil Stat-
    utes of Texas.
    "You are further respectfullyadvised
    that It is the opinion of this department
    Hon. Raxwell Welch, page 5   (V-1068)
    that the maximum salary a legal deputy Tax
    Assessor-Collector,other than the first
    assistant or chief deputy, may receive in
    aZleyear is $1,800.00. There Is no proti-
    sion made in the statutes for lovertimepay
    or salary.t'
    The Comlssioners* Court of Bowie Coun-
    ty is not authorized to employ a special head
    of the autcaoblle division in the tax asses-
    sor and colleatortsoffice at a salary of
    $2700.00 per~annum under the provisions of
    Article 7252, V.C.S., such Article being ap-
    plloable only in counties of 355,000 or more
    Tours very truly,
    J. C. Davis, Jr.                   Attorney Oeneral
    County Affairs Division
    Joe R. Oreenhlll
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1068

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017