Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  • September 11, 1950 Hon. Clyde Fillmore Opinion NO. v-110!& District Attorney Wichita County R0: Payment of fees and mll- Wichita Falls, Texas cage to arresting officers I' when the defendant waives examining trial, the Jus- tice of the Peace sets ;z;dtya the Grand Jury . Dear Mr. Fillmore: Your request for an opinion reads In part as follows: “1s arresting officer ditiea to arresting fee and mileage of one charged by oomplaint in Justice Court and who, upon arrest, appears before Jus~lcr of the Peace waives examiningtrial Justice of the Peat: sets his bona and the defendant Is Indicted at folkwing session of grand j~ry?~ This office has ruled in previous opinions that officers are entitled to their statutory fees for services actually performed even though the defendant waives his right to an examlnlngtrial. (Letter opinion to Hon. Homer C. DeWolfe, State Representative,dated Feb. 27 1931; latter opinion to Hon. Homer L. Pharr District J&e, Lubbock, Texas, dated Nov. 23, 1929; let{er opinion to Hon. Gee. H. Shop ard, Comptroller of Public Accounts, dated,Sept. 9, 1932.p however, your request presents a question as to whether arresting officers are entitled to collect and re- talrifees and commissionsand als~oa question as to ths source and method of payment thereof. In this connection it is noted that Wichita County has a population of more than 20,000 Inhabitants,and the Justices of the Peace are compensated on a fee basis. Your attention is invitedto the following constitutionalprovision and statutes relat- ing to the payment of fees and commissions. - . Hon. Clyde Fillmore - Page 2 (V-1105) Section 61.of Article XVI of the'Constitutfonof Texas provides: "All district officers in the State of Texas and all county officers in countfes having a population of twenty thousand (20,- 000) or more, according to the tben last Poe- ceding Federal Census, shall be compensated on a salarybasis. In all counties in this State, the CommissionersCourts shall be au- thorized t6 determinewhether precinct offi- cers shall be compensated on a fee basis or on a salary basis with the exception that It shall be mandacory upon the Commissioners Court, to compensateall constables,deputy constablesand precinct law enforcementoffi- cers on a salary basis beginning January 1, 1949; aa in counties having a po ulatlon of less than twenty thousand (20 000P according to the then last preceding Federal'Census the CommissionersCourts shall also have che authority to determine whether county officers shall be compensatedon a fee basis or on a salary basis, with the exception that it shall be mandatory upon the CommissionersCourts to compensateall sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, coun- ty law enforcementofficers Including sheriffs who also perform the duties of assessor and collector of taxes, and their deputies, on a salary basis beginning January 1, 1949. "All fees earned by district, county and precinct officers shall be paid Into the coun- ty treasury where earned for the account of the proper fund, provided that fees Incurred by the State, county and any municipalityor In case where a pauper's oath Is filed, shall be paid into the county treasury when collectedand pro- vldedthat where any officer is compensated wholly on a fee basis such fees may be retained by such officer or paid Into the treasury of the county as the CommlsslonersCourt may direct. All Notaries Public, county surveyors and public ireighersshall continue to be compensatedon a fee basis." Section 1 of Article 39120, V.C.S., provides In part: Hon. Clyde Fillmore, Page 3 (V-1105) "No district officer shall be paid by the State of Texas any fees or commission for any service performed by him; nor shall the State or any county pay to any county officer in any county containinga population of twenty thousand (20 000) inhabitantsor more according to the iast preceding Federal Census any fee or commission for any service by him performed as such officer; + . .n Section 17(b) of Article 39120, V.C.S., provides In part: "In counties wherein the county officers named in this Act are compensatedon the basis of an annual salary, the State of Texas shall not be chargad with and shall not pay any fee or commission to any precinct officerfor any services by him performed but said officer shall be paid by the co&y out of the Offlcers~ Salary Fund such fees and commissionsas would otherwise be paid him by the State for such ser- vices." We have previously held that the State is prohib- ited from paying fees to county and precinct officers In counties having a population of twenty thousand Inhabitants or more according to the last preceding Federal Census (Art. 39120, Sec. 1, V.C.S.)$ and precinct officers In tiountles where all the county o ficers are compensatedon a salar :;$$,(A&,: 39120, Sec. 17, V.C.S.). Atty. Gen. Op. V-72: 8 You are therefore advised that the State is prohib- ited &om paying fees or colmnisslons to any arresting offi- cer (county or precinct) In Wichita County. We now turn to the.qnestlonof the county's lla- billty for the payment of fees to county officers in the in- stant case. You will observe that the above quoted provisions of Section 1 of Article 3912s not only prohibit the State from paying fees to the county officers In your county but also pro- hibit the county from paying fees to such officers. As to Wichita County*s liability for the payment of fees to precinct officers we direct your attention to the prg;;lons of Section 3 0) Article 39120, V.C.S., which pro- Hon. Clyde Fillmore, Page 4 (V-1105) “In all cases where the Commlssioners~ Court shall have determlned that county of- ficers or precinct officers in such county shall be compensatedfor their services by the payment of an annual salary neither the State of Texas nor any oour&y shall be charged with or pay to any of the officers so compensated,any fee or commission for the performance of any or all of the duties of their offices but such officers shall re- ceive said salary in lieu of all other fees, commissionsor compensationwhich they would otherwise be authorized to retain. . . .I( Section 61 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas makes It mandatory that your constables,deputy constables,and other precinct law enforcementofficers be compensatedon a salary basis. However, the Commls- sloners’ Court, In the exercise of.Its discretionunder the authority of this constitutionalprovision, has deter- mined that the Justices of the Peace of your county shall be compensatedon a fee basis. Therefore, the prohibition against the payment of fess and commissionsby the county under Section 3 of Article 39126 is not applicable in the instant situation. This section of Article 3912s would prohibit the county from paying fees to the precinct ar- rastlng officers only where &J, precinct officers are com- pensated on an annual salary basis. Therefore, the con- stables deputy constables,and other precinct law enforce- ment of#lcers are entitled to collect from the county out of the O,fflcers*Salary Fund such fees and commissions *as would otherwise be paid him by the State for such services,W but such fees and commissionscannot be retained by them. They must be depositedwith the County Treasury to the cred- it of the proper county fund as provided in the ConstJtutlon. A fslony defendant1s waiver of examining trial doss not preclude collection of law?ul fees by arresting officer, but in counties of 20,000 population or more where precinct offl- oers other than constablesand deputy consta- bles are compensated on a fee basis the State Is prohibited from paying fees or commissions . ..- - Hon. Clyde FllImors, Page 5 (V-1105) to county or precinct arresting officers. The county is not llable for the payment of fees and commisslons~to .GQQ& arresting officers. Constables, deputy constables,and other pry- cinct law enforcement officers may collect fees and commissionsfrom county, but must return same to county treasury. APPROVED: Yours very truly, J. C. Davis Jr. PRICE DENIAL County Affak Division Attorney Go /J--L ed Everett Rutchinson. Executive Assistant Charles D. Mathews First Assistant Assistant LT:wb

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1105

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017