Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  •                               AUSTIN.      TEXAS
    April     4, 1950
    Bon. Robert Callaway                        0pZnion Ho. v-1031
    DlstrLot AttolWy
    Borger, Texas                               Re: conourTent or oonseau-
    tire credit for jell
    time in serving out
    peounlary rh33   aa-
    sessed in two or mora
    misdemeanoP convlo-
    Dear   sirs                                     tions 0
    we refer   to     your     reoent    request   in which you
    submit the folloting          questions:
    "1 . Where D, defendant,    is convioted of two
    or moM misdemeanors at the same time, and
    the penalty assessed for each is a peounlarg
    fine, and where D is confined Ln jail in de-
    fault of paynient of fines,   is D entitled to
    $3.00 per day on each fine, or must he serve
    out the fLnes conseoutlvely?
    "2.  If D Is oomioted  on oonseautive days
    would th@ result be any different.   in view
    &f Rx Parte Herrod, 175 8.H. (2d) 571"
    We quote the following APtioles from Vemiorils
    Code of Criminal Procedure whfch em pertfnent to your
    inqutry 0
    "783.  As to Fine.  - When the defendant
    is only fined, the judgment shall be that the
    State of 9!exas reoover   of the defendant, the
    amount of such fine and all costs of the pro-
    secutiond and that the defendant,     if present
    abe committed to jail until sucmhfine and costs
    are paid; or if the defendant be not present,
    that a capias forthwith issue, commanding the
    sheriff   to arrest the defendant and commit him
    to jail until such fine and costs are pazd;
    also, that execution may Issue against the
    property of such defendant for the amount of
    such fine and costs.
    Ron. Robert Cellaway,   page 2   (v-1031)
    "785 T Discharging Judgment for Fin&. -
    When $he judgment against. a defendant Is for
    a fina and costs he shall bs discharged from
    the sY . When the amount thereof has been
    fully paid .
    "2. pyn remitted by the proper author-
    n3.   Uhe; he has remained in custody f&r
    the time required by law to satis-
    the amount thereof.
    "787.    Pay OP Jail.  - When a judgment has
    been rendered agatnst a defendant for a peoim-
    iary fine, if he is present, he shall be lmprl-
    ;o$ed in jail until discharged as provided by
    . A certified    copy of such judgment shall
    be sufrricient    to authotize such hprisoment.
    "793. Fine Discharged.   - When a defeiid-
    ant ,ls c?nvFcted of a misdemeanor and his pi@-
    ishment is assessed at a petunia
    z sf:$d;:dhe
    iS untible to pay the fine atid, COQ
    against him, he sag for such time as will~bat-
    isfy the judgment be put to work in the work-
    house, or’ on then county .farm, or ‘p,ubl%o lm-
    proveinents of the county, as @*ovided in the
    sucoeeding article;   or if there b% no such
    workhouse, farm or improvemsnts, he shell be
    imprisoned in jail for a sufficient      length of
    time to discharge the full amount of fina and
    costs adjudged against him* rating such labor
    or Imprisonment at Three (63.00) Dollars for
    each day thereof;   provided, however, that the
    defendant may pay the pecuniary fine assessed
    against hLm at any time while he is serving 8t
    work in the workhouse, or on ths coo&y farm,
    or on the public Improvements of the county,
    or while he is serving his jell sentence,       and
    in such Instances he shall be entitled       to a
    credit of Three ($3.00) Dollars foi. each day
    op fraction   of a day that he has served and
    he shall only bs required to pay the balance
    of the pecuniary fine assessed against him.”
    “797 * Discharge of Defendant, - A defend-
    ant who has remained in jail the len&th of time
    required by the judgment shall be discharged.
    me sheWrr shall return the copy of the juds-
    ment, 0~ ths aapias undef. which the defendant
    Eon. Robert Callaway,     page 3    (V-1031)
    was imprisoned,  to the proper      court,   stating
    how it was exe,cuted .”
    In Ez a e Benti     41 Tex,Drlm.   201,   53 s.u.688
    (18991,   it    ia - s, a e :
    “This is an original      proceeding in habeas
    corpus.     The applicant    alleges     the t he la
    illegally    restrained    of hla liberty     by the su-
    perintendent     of the county oonvlof ianr.          The
    facts a Feed upon show thathe           was fined in
    two nils,!iemeanor cases.     The trial     and oonvic-
    in the justice     court was In
    assessed was a
    amounting     to $57.43;
    $ich    made the total of fine and costs $107.-
    . In August following,        applicant was tried
    in the county ooUFt, a@ convicted            of a’misde-
    meanor.     The fine assessed against hl.m was $grt,
    and the costs7were $50~90, - the total being
    $100.90; and in addition,         imprisonment in the
    county jail for 24 hours was assessed againsf,
    him. These were separate cases, end the judg-
    ment lo the last aase did not refer to the ror-
    lter.   Applicant,    Ln oPder to pay the fLne and
    costs in said two asses, aggregating $208.83,
    was placqc on the county conflat           or poor farm
    0s w00d q0mg.         Re alleges,    and it is agreed,
    that he has labormd on said term 324 days; that
    he was sick, and unable to work, 25 days; and
    that he did not do any labor on said farm for
    47 days, - 45 of mme being on Sunday; that~
    396 days have elapsed since applicant has been
    on.sald convict raw.         Applicant a ontends that
    said, judgmnta     were   not oumuletive,      and  that
    he had been imprlroned dn the first            case 24
    hours, and had been hired on the county few
    a sufficient     length of time to pay off the
    fine and costs in fhe first case, and that ho
    was entitled     to hlr discharge,      lrbgatiless   of
    the SLne and costs in the subsequent case.
    “The statute iwgulating oumlative    sen-
    tenees refers only to cases in which imprison-
    ment In the penitentiary    of the oounty jail 1s
    a part of the punishment (Code Cr. Proo. art.
    8&O); and It has been held this srtlcle    refers
    as well to misdemeanors as to feloties    (Ex
    parte cox, 
    29 White & W. 84
    , 14 8. W. 396; RX
    Hon. Robert Callaway,    page 4    ,(v-1031),
    parte Betea (TexSr.App:)   40 S.Y. 269).  A
    reference  to said article will ahow that Lt
    has no reference  to the DecuUary fines, but
    to otdPuiativ& pnnibhnwnts.    In such o8aes it
    whs held, wheti the punishment we8 imprisod-
    ment, that the ‘terms of punishment, when the
    senw, defendant was convicted   in two or mom
    cases, ran oonourrent with each other.       We
    are not advised ~of any case where the same
    rule was held applicable    to pecuntalrg fines.
    In such cases the fities were independent of
    each other, and the payment of bne was not a
    satlsfaotion   of the other.” (Lmphaslr added)
    In view of the foregoing it is our opinlbn that
    where a defendant is convicted. of two or more misdemeancz%
    at the same time, and the penalty assessed is ~8 pecuniary
    fins; and the defendant Is oon.Mwd in jail in default of
    payment of asid fines, he must serve out the time conse-          -
    cutively.   The rule would be the same If the defendant Is
    convicted  of two or more misdemeanors on the same day or
    on oonseoutive   days.
    Article   774, V.C .C .P.,   provides   :
    “When the same defendant has been con-
    victed in two or more cases, and the punish-
    ment assessed in eaoh case is confinement In
    the penitentiaryor     the jail for a term of
    imprisonment,   judgment and sentence shall be
    pronounced Ln each base in the same manner as
    if there had been but one aonviction,    except
    that in ths discretion    of the couzt, the judg-
    metit in the second and subsequent oonviotions
    may either be that the punishment shall begin
    when the judgment aui sentence in the preced-
    ing conviction   has oeaaed to operate,   or that
    the punishment shall run concurrently    with the
    other case or cases, and sentence and execu-
    tion shall be accordingly.*
    It is apparent     that the above statute   is appll-
    oable only to cases where the punishment assessed        is lm-
    prisonment in the penitetitisry or jail and has        n o ap-
    lication  whatever to cases where only pecuniary      fines
    have been assessed.   Ex pa&e 
    Banks, supra
    Ron. Robert Cellaway,     page ,5   (V-1031)
    He are in eooord with your'opiniaathattlm   case
    of Rx p&pte’Rerrod is distinguishable   from this case by
    the fact th t the oonvbd there was not Only assessed
    fine but alio a jili~senteaoe.
    If a defendant is convicted    of two OP
    more misdemeanors at the same time, the
    penalty assessed is .a pectiary    fine, and
    the’defendant   is odnfined in jail in default
    of payment of such fines, he must serve out
    the time consecutively.
    only to cases
    is lmprlson-
    ment ih the penitentiary   or the j.eil,  and
    the Wale would be the same even thou& such
    mlidemeanor o onvlc tions were on a onset utive
    Yolurs very truly,
    :                                  Attorney General
    J. C. Davis, Jr.
    county Arra~rs Division
    Charles D. lsthews
    Rxec,+ive Assistant                              Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1031

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017