Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

    Hon.uoodrow  curtis
    Be: The legality of real-
    ‘pzs:,o~t, La*                      ant4 or Frlo county
    aad ot a oounty line
    district voti for
    oounty school2 rustees
    and oouaty superlnten-
    Dear   Sirs                          dent in IWe County.
    Yererer to your reooat Nquert   which read6 in
    mt     ae follevso
    "The Moore IndependentSchoolT~;~lct
    has been entirely in ?PIO Count
    and it conelsted of a $W't of, 3;#
    ut not iI1
    of CommlssionersPrecinct Ho* 3, ot Frio
    count Texas, and suoh nohool distrkot has
    OOMO I8
    idated with the Yancey Independent
    SohooZ District under the Rural High School
    OoneolidationLax, The Yancey Independent
    School Matrfct is entirely in Medlna CoIIyp-
    typ and the Yancey In4ependentSchool MS-
    trict has ths management and oontrol ot the
    eoanolfslat8d dietriot ?iewfrsaVter called
    Pancey==Moo~eConsolOdo&sdSdhool DA&P%&.
    "1. Do the people who ~eaide in the
    bounds of this Yanoey=HooreConsolidated
    Sohool Mat&at9 whloh lllesin F~fo County,
    have a right to vote tar oouaty sahooltrue-
    tees in F~fo County?
    "2. As pointed out above the Yancey-
    Woo~o ConsolidatedSchool Matriot doar not
    embrace the entire bounds of Commzssfonere
    Ppeoinot HO+3, in Frfo County, Texas, there-
    fore uoufd those people who ax% residents of
    the CommissionersP~ecfect No, 3, but are not
    residents of the ConsolfdatedSohool Distpfct,
    be entitled to elect the County School TPUS-
    tee fpom the said Precfnct No. 3?
    BOA, wooaPow
    ctwtir,    pagr 2   (v-1087)
    *30 Wll the people trar tha Yenosy-
    Xooxw CeneolMated School Ddatriot ot wW.oh
    the Yanoey Idependent   School Mrrtrlot har
    the mmqge8mt and dontPo1 of the aanrroli-
    dated &trtriaD;, hare a lo@1 ri$ht to rote
    for trwtse at Large in Pa40 County?
    eCb IF%11the pea zs who rrfJlde in the
    Xanoepf4iaore Consollda Ped Sohool Wstrlot,
    and who roritle lo that portion ot Rrlo Coua-
    ty be5dq in suoh d&&riot, h&m a le al M&t
    to vote tor~the Oounty fuperlntanden f! at
    s0hoo1r in rpfo oowltyo
    We beUevs   your tixat anb thiml   questions   ape
    wweled   by Attorney OeneraP&fse
    Opinton I&PO.
    V~!S3c         We
    theretore a es with you that the peo le who rerride&A
    the 'tancoy
    -fiz037, Oonsoli&stsd Q&00X 8%StPict an& who
    awe ~erldents ot Brie Oounty ma not vote for ooaAt7
    ``1. truetees or oomty mhob T trusteer at large M'
    #P&a,oountj.A oopy of Attcmey Oenepal@a Opfnion Xbrb,
    v-59% is enolowl,    The op4~lon reets on statutorypro-
    v1wJAa bar      tor thstr bssis the pressleethat persons
    9 Is to vote tor truateerr
    we not eligi                           who do not govern
    their partioular sob001 district. Though part of the
    dlatrZot iJlQueatfOA 28 iA e$o tb.lAtf,it i0~Wd4P ths
    addair"bsatiaaet the otricialo of MsdsarOapmtg.
    Aptfale 2676, VA oSap   p~orEdas   in pt%Pt:
    *?be genePa IMRageAeAtand Oc&Pof Of
    the publfa P~ee sohoole and hQh mhools iA
    sOrabcounty, unless othemriss OVided by
    law shall be vest& in five (5Y county sohool
    trustees elected SPom the co&V, ore of'wbsrhom
    rLbcrl1bs elae%da f’xwu the rrountt at large by
    &be qgurlitisd BotwB ot the 001#1 aA&aaA-
    m&Ma%ed fodepewbn% sohool dlstrfcts        of %ho
    ootmty, and one Prom eaoh Oopmfss~oAersnPm-
    &Wt by thA qWtbfff@3dVs)tePp(IoS eMC!h
    r&au*Pro Frw$.nat# 0 F 0
    In view of the above quoted 6tatate ft la our
    apinzoa that the pesidents of ComW~sloae~b~  ?Pe8fo8t so.
    3 ot *lo QauAty who do no% Paside fn %he Yanosy-MoosPe
    QaprolMated Sahool Dfet~fct aridwho a~peotheerpofsequal&-
    Itie4voters, may vote fop a ooun%y sohoal trus%ee from
    Freaaot $80~3as well as lop %hs oouBty %FW%W    a% Uqe
    toP rwli 0ouAty 0
    Hon. WooaPolfcuPtis,       page 3   (V-1087)
    Seotlon 1 of Article VI or the Constitutiorr of
    ~BXIUI ~0ria68 that certain ola~itbs 0r ``PBWS ~0 da-
    qwll tp 0a to rots in Tens.    Section 2 of this Article
    ~mi&JS        in pad8
    lBve~   y sub ect to nona of the
    foregoing disgualifica t ions, who rhnl.1 hate
    srttainea the age of twenty-cm3years and who
    shall be a citizen of the United States and
    who shall have resided in this State ane year
    nest preceding an sleetion ozd tba lart sfr
    3"1~hm vithln the dietriot or oomtf In which
    race3 0ff0rs t0 00t0, shui b doe-a
    l quap"
    isted eleotor:  . 0 I)
    Artioler   2954 and 2955 of Vernon’s Civil    Stat-
    utes   oontain sidlar     p~orisi0w~
    %la Ooalrsionsrs  c rt or e*ePy ooun-
    ty Eavlag thme thoqsaad         soholastic
    pOpU.Utfon or 8oaw aa          he p``osdirrg
    roholaotie aenmaa shall at a oenoxel Blea-
    tiaP    pr0vfaO r0& ihe elrotfon 0r a county
    rlnttient to eerve ror a ten or four
    ``y``rs     who a&l1 ba a perscm of @due%-
    tictam t&aiments, good ao~al chmaete~,
    ana exeoutfve abflf%y, and who shall be pro-
    rfa0a by the CcrJllfsrrfonaPs court vfth an or-
    floe in the cowkhouse, and wl%h neceesa~y
    office fuPnituPe ala fixtuPef3~He shall be
    the holder of a teachePQs       f’frst, gmde CEIP-
    tfficate   OPteachoPus pemsanent ceptfffeate,
    In evspy couuty that shall attain three thou-
    sand (39000) scholastLapopulation OPSIOP~,
    the Coxm5.ssfone~s  Court shall appoint such
    stipopintsndent  who sha$P perform the duties
    of such office until the electfon and quali-
    ffcatfon of his successor. In all oountfes
    now OFhereafter hav%ng the offloe of Cow&y
    Superintendentwhere the schola8ticpopula-
    tion according to the last scholasticten-
    SW 4s less than thpee thousaad (3,000) but
    aore than two thousand (2,000] the office of
    County Supetrfntendent  shall contfnue unless
    and until a rssjopityof the qualified p~opec-
    t    tax paying voters of sa%d county, voting
    al an eliee%ion held to de%ePlaine whethee said
    Ron. woodPov curtis, page 4   (v-1087)
    offloe   shall be abolished, shall vote to abol,-
    ish aaid office, whiah election shall be OP-
    dered by the CommissfonersCourt upon petition
    therefor as hereinafter 8 eclfied. PLLOVfded,
    hovevep, that If a majoriey of said voters
    voting at said election hereinaboveprovided
    for, vote to abolish said offioe said elec-
    tion shall not become effeotive until the
    expiration of the tern of offioe SOP which
    the County Superintendenthas been elected
    or appointed0 And In all other counties hav-
    Lng less than three thousand (3,000) soholas-
    tie populationwhenever mope than twenty-five
    (25) per cent of the qualified voters of said
    county as shown by the vote for Qovernor at
    the ppeaeding General Election shell petition
    the CommissionersCourt therefor, said Cowt
    shall order an election for said county to de-
    termine whether OP not the office of County
    Superintendentshall.be created la 6aZd oountyi
    and, if 8 ma ority of the qWiUfied
    taxpaying    vo iQPB voting at said elecri:riiill
    vote for the creation of the off&m of County
    SupePiatendentin said oountg, the oommission-
    0~s Court, at its next regular term aftep the
    ho1        of said eleation, shall oreate the of-
    fice3 o County Superintend%ntPand name a Coun-
    ty Superintendentwho shall qualify under this
    Obapter, and hold such offfae until the next
    Qeneml Eleoticxi,0 0 0*
    147   'fox,   70, 
    212 S.W.2d 625
    “The PI@ to vo%e is so fundamental in
    our form of government that it should be as
    sealouSly safeguardedas ape ow natural
    Pightx 0 It has been said that slaws abpldg-
    ix>he natuPs right of the cftiten should
    be res&afned by rigorous oonstructiions   vfth-
    in their narrowest lfmits,V It Is sufficienti,
    hovevep, that we apply here the leas extreme
    and well establishedyule of oonstPuotionthat
    statu%es ~egulatfng %he pi&t to oo+zeshould
    be Ives (B pbepal  fniterwwtation  fm favor of
    thee      r%ght.
    It is observed that Article 2688 does not except
    my   of the residenntso$ the county from its p~ovislons In
    .   .
    HOD.woodro~      cwif5, page 5 P-lo671
    the ilrstWUW8VhQPQan QlQOtiQIIfOP LLOOuIIt W@WI&iQW
    Qt Is authori5Qde On the oontrary, we be I i6QQ ft 4m-
    : Qt&lka$QStfaat all Of the tiQe$dQatQOf thhe COWt Who aTO
    &?4QMfiOQ  qWlifiQd VOtQPS lsao VOtQ $0 &IQ QbOt 4:OS) tor
    the CorPgeySchool S~erInten&nt.      %aerefore  it is our
    OpiM&n thpt the resldente OS tibo ijount g, do PWidO %a
    the ``06y-llOCWQCOaSOlidQtQdS&00% Ma riot aab who are
    OthQPVI6QqWu?iQd VOtQPU8~6 %Qal&y QmtiQa t0 VOeQ
    ~CIPthe S~QPintQndQnt Of Pub&i0 $ OhoOiBOf QOQhCO&U&y,
    Art.  2688, V&&t poass v,_Praf,Rl,, m-.
    'Ehs Pesidents of PPQcinQt Ho. 3 of Frio
    CotId who do not re?Jido ia thQ ~t3~OQjr~OOl'Q
    ConeoI MdBtl School DitstzWt, and v&o UQ
    OthQrl&36 qaUilIfIQd voters, gleyVat@ far 8
    OOWty Soho tlWQtQ6 $COSiI    &Q0ihOt 83. MD
    ,ve&l a8 rap the countf rohoet trwter    ai
    large for such county. A& 4676, V~7.8~
    -6 PQ8idmt~ of Frio COUntywho PQQfdQ
    la the YanoQy-H(oOP6 COheOlidatQd Bohool Z&Q-
    *riot and who ax-8 othervise quaiiriea VOtQPE
    mQ lQ@ly entitled to Vote SOP the Super-
    intendent or Publio Sohools of suoh oouatt.
    Artc.2688 V.OaS. J
    212   h,2d   62
    8, CI DaVlS,Jr.
    County Affair8 DIvIelon
    OhWor 9, Nethews
    Asoimtaat                             Asslatiat

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1087

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017